Researcher says tea party voters fear change


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
Hating Hatters
The study, called "Cultures of the Tea Party," also claims voters who felt favorably toward the tea party movement valued deference to authority and libertarianism
But tea party supporters were twice as likely as others to favor constitutional amendments, including a ban on flag burning and an overhaul of the 14th Amendment, which states that people born in the United States are citizens.

"The (tea party) supporters' inconsistent views of the Constitution suggests that their nostalgic embrace of the document is animated more by a network of cultural associations than a thorough commitment to the original text," the report states.

Researcher says tea party voters fear change - Houston Chronicle
Now, that is interesting.... because I have yet to meet any legitimate researcher who would make such a ridiculous claim. By that, I mean that researchers - at least legitimate researchers do not claim their research does anything more than 'suggest' a result.
Ahhhh, this pretty much explains this bullshit.

The findings are based on a telephone poll of nearly 4,500 registered voters in North Carolina and Tennessee conducted last year. The researchers also conducted 10 interviews and kept track of any signs and costumes at a tea party rally in North Carolina. Andrew Perrin, a sociology professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, was the main author of the study.

Andrew Perrin:

I am a cultural and political sociologist. Broadly speaking, I study and teach democratic citizenship in the United States. I focus on the cultural and social underpinnings of democracy: what do people need to know, be, and do to make democracy work? My current research is on public opinion, letters to the editor, and democratic citizenship.

Absolutely no possible bias in his research. No sir. Nope. None. Not at all.

The views of the teapee supporters here reflect his polling results.

No, actually, they do not. But any researcher - no matter who it is, no matter what they are studying - who claims that their results do anything more than to 'suggest' an outcome is not a legitimate researcher. I know lots and lots of academic researchers - literally hundreds - and I have yet to meet one who would make such a fucking ridiculous claim... particularly if his research was as thin as one fucking study of nearly 4,500 people and 10 fucking interviews. WTF does 'nearly' mean? He can't even give an accurate number? :lol:

Use some common sense, Ravi. It's bullshit. Anyone with a Ph.D - at least any one with an ounce of integrity - would tell you the same thing.
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right you have tea party members around you. Like when someone says my best friend is black and starts talking racist shit.
Are you claiming the teapee supporters posting here don't really support the teapees?


are you claiming you have tea party supporters in your area? :cuckoo:
No doubt I do. But I was talking about those posting here.

Are you this stupid in real life?

Now, shut your trap unless you can do anything but whine.

Tea Party doesn't like change?
What do you call it then, when they want to change the way Washington is being run?
We should get a researcher to do a study on how so many idiots can fall for. HOPE AND CHANGE.

Now that one would be interesting..:lol::lol:
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It would behoove the left to learn about research before posting the 'results' of bogus 'research'. Then, it would not be so damned easy to demonstrate the total ridiculousness of their 'research'.

A laughable 'study', undertaken by a mere Ph.D, with absolutely no legitimate value.... but, because it suits their agenda.... they accept it without question.

So, I have to ask.... why do the left hate science?
Gosh...far right wing uber conservatives not liking change. Who published this study, the Department of No Shit Sherlock?

Are you daft? They have tried change! Balanced budget, limited spending.

Boom... you just crashed and burned.
Gosh...far right wing uber conservatives not liking change. Who published this study, the Department of No Shit Sherlock?

Are you daft? They have tried change! Balanced budget, limited spending.

Boom... you just crashed and burned.

She crashed and burned the minute she accepted this 'research' without even bothering to check where it came from, what the 'study' involved, and why the 'researcher' did not use the word 'suggest' and chose to claim that the result was valid.

The left fall for this bullshit so often that one, again, has to ask.... why do the left hate science?
Tea Party doesn't like change?
What do you call it then, when they want to change the way Washington is being run?

That has little to do with change and everything to do with just not liking the guy who is in the Oval Office.

Wanting to return to the policies that got us here in the first place is hardly change.

Are conservatives resistant to change? Do ursine mammals evacuate in sylvan environments?
Tea Party doesn't like change?
What do you call it then, when they want to change the way Washington is being run?

That has little to do with change and everything to do with just not liking the guy who is in the Oval Office.

Wanting to return to the policies that got us here in the first place is hardly change.

Are conservatives resistant to change? Do ursine mammals evacuate in sylvan environments?

Why do you accept a study - which I have proven to be bullshit - as legitimate?
Tea Party doesn't like change?
What do you call it then, when they want to change the way Washington is being run?

That has little to do with change and everything to do with just not liking the guy who is in the Oval Office.

Wanting to return to the policies that got us here in the first place is hardly change.

Are conservatives resistant to change? Do ursine mammals evacuate in sylvan environments?

Why do you accept a study - which I have proven to be bullshit - as legitimate?

Trying to police the debris field?
That has little to do with change and everything to do with just not liking the guy who is in the Oval Office.

Wanting to return to the policies that got us here in the first place is hardly change.

Are conservatives resistant to change? Do ursine mammals evacuate in sylvan environments?

Why do you accept a study - which I have proven to be bullshit - as legitimate?

Trying to police the debris field?

No, I'm hoping that some people will learn to question the fucking source before they accept bullshit as fact.

Questioning research, and investigating sources, is a good think. It demonstrates critical thinking instead of blind acceptance. I wish more people - left and right - would undertake such examination. Sometimes, I feel quite lonely. :lol:

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