Rescue? Note The Ambassador's Pants Are On Backwards And His Belt Is Unbuckled


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
[If you're looking for an investment hedge post a possible Obama re election, consider some prayer rug manufacturers, because with an imcompetent like this in charge of America for another four more, Sharia Law and the Worldwide Islamic Caliphate are distinct possibilities. If Obama's lead in the polls reflects reality, most Americans be dumber than Janet Napolitano who blurted out, while the underwear bomber remained sitting on the plane in his still smokin' skivvies 'The system worked!" N-o-o-o, Ms Sh!t For Brains, the system did not work! The bomber's bomb did not work, otherwise all the planes occupants would have been lying in bits and pieces on the ground along the planes approach path amidst the plane's debris.]

"After the latest Libya shoe dropped — the letter of House Oversight Committee Chairman Darryl Issa to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton — I felt a need to summarize events for low-information voters, starting with myself. There are so many different pieces floating around, most of which have been written about in detail, but no soup-to-nuts summary that I know of, and we’re losing the forest view among the trees. So, in roughly chronological order:

1. As terrorist/militia activity in Benghazi becomes more bold — with at least 13 security deterioration episodes documented, including several attacks on the US Consulate itself — the local mission, over a span of months, repeatedly begs the Obama Administration for better security. Requests denied.

2. In early September, US intelligence community gets specific warnings that Al Qaida and affiliates are planning attacks on US overseas missions, to coincide with the 9/11 anniversary. Nothing is done, and nothing communicated to the US missions in Libya, despite well-known al Qaeda/terrorist presence in Benghazi.

3. Mr. Obama skips his daily national security intelligence briefings during early September, right up through 9/11. There’s a campaign to win, you know. Priorities.

4. Al Qaeda-linked terrorists, using heavy military weapons, assaults the US Consulate in Benghazi; the ambassador flees to a safe house; the terrorists know where the safe house is, go there and murder him (and — unreported in the US MSM — “abuse” the Ambassador, in the local media’s quaint phrase, either before or after his death).

5. The Obama administration finds out within hours that it was an al Qaeda attack.

6. Armed with the information that the US has been attacked by an enemy declared to be at war with us, Mr. Obama immediately swings into action. He issues a statement deploring the deaths and jets off to a fundraiser in Las Vegas. He also skips the intelligence briefing the following morning. After all, he already knows the US was attacked and the ambassador murdered in a terrorist assault. No point in exploring the obvious.

7. Nevertheless, for two weeks the Obama administration insists the murders were an overly exuberant protest over an obscure Internet clip, and the ambassador died of smoke inhalation after being separated from his group in a fire. They hold this line even as it becomes increasingly obvious this was a preplanned attack, and the ambassador met a much harsher fate.

8. Questioned early on over these obvious lies, the State Department says it will have no further comment because the matter is under criminal investigation, and they don’t want to interfere with a criminal investigation

9. A criminal investigation of what now even the Obama administration admits was a terrorist attack? In Libya? Is there no such thing as an act of war to these people? But I digress.

10. When they’re finally exposed as flat-out lying to such an extent even the MSM can’t ignore it, the Obama administration retreats, insisting its initial lies were mistakes based on bad intelligence briefings and blaming the CIA.

11. The relentless, resourceful G-Men get on the case: The FBI holds a press conference, then flies its people to Tripoli. They do not go to Benghazi, i.e., they don’t go to the “crime” scene or interview any of the witnesses to the “crime.”

12. The third line of retreat position is the State Department claim that Ambassador Stevens wasn’t worried about security. How were they to know that there was a problem if the Ambassador did not?

13. CNN does some actual reporting, finds the ambassador’s diary, and lo and behold, he was very, very concerned about security. Congressman Issa separately finds out about the numerous prior requests to beef up security.

14. The Obama administration goes all in, or rather all out, and pulls all US personnel from Benghazi. So much for even the fig leaf “criminal investigation.” But State still refuses to answer questions.

Note the one thing that ties all these points together? In none of them does the Obama Administration betray a hint of concern for United States security. Draw your own conclusions.

Mr. Karo adds this footnote: “If you want independent indications of the ‘abuse’ in point 4, I refer you to this Power Line post. Note the Ambassador’s pants are on backwards, and his belt is unbuckled. I can still come up with no valid rescue scenario that would cause this. But if avoiding international outrage were your goal, or you had a minimal concern for the decency of the man’s body as you hauled it away, a hasty re-dress job would be the ticket.”

Libya for dummies | Power Line
based on the thread title, i was prepared for this to be a bullshit thread.

However, looking at the pictures referenced in the linked piece, the thread title is accurate. If the pictures of men with cell phones dragging the ambassadors body were trying to rescue him, as many libtards here have claimed, then WHY were his pants on backwards? WHY does one person have their cell phone in the deceased ambassadors face, snapping a picture (he certainly wasn't offering the ambassador a way to call for help)?
No wonder they're attempting to stonewall. Both the commander in chief and sect. of state are up to their eyeballs in their ever-failing attempt to cover up the truth.

And Hillary only warned us to worry about his 3am phone call.
based on the thread title, i was prepared for this to be a bullshit thread.

However, looking at the pictures referenced in the linked piece, the thread title is accurate. If the pictures of men with cell phones dragging the ambassadors body were trying to rescue him, as many libtards here have claimed, then WHY were his pants on backwards? WHY does one person have their cell phone in the deceased ambassadors face, snapping a picture (he certainly wasn't offering the ambassador a way to call for help)?

I neither like nor trust this b@st@rd. He has proven himself to be duplicitous and deceitful to the extreme over the last fourty four months. Why would I bullshit about his latest criminal act of ommission?
Oh, the desperation of the idiot fringe...

Why didn't you nominate a better candidate?

Don't blame Obama, you screwed your own pooch.

And stop with the pathetic conspiracy theories. Issa is a tool.
Oh, the desperation of the idiot fringe...

Why didn't you nominate a better candidate?

Don't blame Obama, you screwed your own pooch.

And stop with the pathetic conspiracy theories. Issa is a tool.

So, you're fine with the admin doing absolutely nothing about a terror plot, leaving our citizens undefended which ultimately lead to the death of four Americans, then lying about it for eight days, blaming it on some stupid movie, then having to backhandedly admit that, oops, ok it was a terrorist attack, but it still was because of a movie that we will now run infomercials denouncing the movie?

Wow, just wow.
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Oh, the desperation of the idiot fringe...

Why didn't you nominate a better candidate?

Don't blame Obama, you screwed your own pooch.

And stop with the pathetic conspiracy theories. Issa is a tool.

Just four little "Bumps in the road." "Nothing to see here! Move along now!"
Oh, the desperation of the idiot fringe...

Why didn't you nominate a better candidate?

Don't blame Obama, you screwed your own pooch.

And stop with the pathetic conspiracy theories. Issa is a tool.

Just out of curiosity, why do YOU think the ambassadors pants were on backwards?
Where is Stevens' autopsy? Where are the statements from State Dept. personnel present during the attack?
Oh, the desperation of the idiot fringe...

Why didn't you nominate a better candidate?

Don't blame Obama, you screwed your own pooch.

And stop with the pathetic conspiracy theories. Issa is a tool.

Just out of curiosity, why do YOU think the ambassadors pants were on backwards?

I brought up the point about the belt buckle in a thread about 2 weeks ago and liberals melted away like ice on a July afternoon.
Oh, the desperation of the idiot fringe...

Why didn't you nominate a better candidate?

Don't blame Obama, you screwed your own pooch.

And stop with the pathetic conspiracy theories. Issa is a tool.

Just out of curiosity, why do YOU think the ambassadors pants were on backwards?

I brought up the point about the belt buckle in a thread about 2 weeks ago and liberals melted away like ice on a July afternoon.

This is still out there on the net. Not sure if it's true or not.

LIBYA MASSACRE: US Ambassador Raped Before Murdered

Nice administration we have covering everything up.
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Oh, the desperation of the idiot fringe...

Why didn't you nominate a better candidate?

Don't blame Obama, you screwed your own pooch.

And stop with the pathetic conspiracy theories. Issa is a tool. all of this is just fine and dandy with you...because WE didn't have a good enough candidate to beat Obama??

It's NOT Obama's fault for all of this, because we didn't have someone good enough to beat him??

It's not a conspiracy idiot....It was neglegence and stupity
Oh, the desperation of the idiot fringe...

Why didn't you nominate a better candidate?

Don't blame Obama, you screwed your own pooch.

And stop with the pathetic conspiracy theories. Issa is a tool.

Just out of curiosity, why do YOU think the ambassadors pants were on backwards?

I brought up the point about the belt buckle in a thread about 2 weeks ago and liberals melted away like ice on a July afternoon.

This is still out there on the net. Not sure if it's true or not.

LIBYA MASSACRE: US Ambassador Raped Before Murdered

Nice administration we have covering everything up.

It's worse than that.. There are several Christian news sources who have stated that he was tortured for several hours..


U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens not only was tortured (suffocated), killed, and had his body dragged through the streets of Benghazi, Libya, the mainstream media in the Muslim Middle-East are saying his murderers raped him before killing him.

You’ll recall that Libyan “Arab Spring” rebels had done the same to Moammar Gaddafi, anal-raping him with a stick.

Sources state the following specifics:

….”the U.S. ambassador to Libya was raped sexually before killing by gunmen who stormed the embassy building in Benghazi last night to protest against the film is offensive to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)”.

The sources said that “Ambassador was killed and representation of his body in a manner similar to what happened with Gaddafi, such as murder.”

Via Google Translation of…

We know that Gaddafi was raped, sexually assaulted, genitals mutilated and removed, prior to, during and following his death. Apparently, Ambassador Christopher Stevens suffered the same fate during the 6 hours his body was missing.
Just out of curiosity, why do YOU think the ambassadors pants were on backwards?

I brought up the point about the belt buckle in a thread about 2 weeks ago and liberals melted away like ice on a July afternoon.

This is still out there on the net. Not sure if it's true or not.

LIBYA MASSACRE: US Ambassador Raped Before Murdered

Nice administration we have covering everything up.

Either the administration is unaware that this kind of rumor is circulating (unlikely) or they can't repudiate it. Seems to me, that if they could say definitively that Stevens wasn't molested or abused, they'd RUSH to the cameras to do that. The longer these questions are unanswered, the more credence they develop. It's been three weeks. Certainly enough time has passed to do an autopsy and to get statements from the survivors.

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