Repulican no more...

Republicans are really out of touch with reality. I mean people are in favor of gay marriage and Wisconsin voted an openly gay woman as their State's senator. Republicans really have no shot at a national election if they keep getting their talking points from Rush and Hannity. You have to change. Young people overwhelming don't like your policies. You have to change and move forward or be left behind.

Jesus - talk about out of touch!!! Hello pot, this JFK_USA the kettle speaking.

California, the most radical left-wing liberal state in the union voted DOWN gay marriage in the 2010 mid-term elections.

Clearly your hung up on homosexual shit (you haven't brought up anything else), so it's very likely you are flaming gay. And if that's the case, you're far too fucking biased in your view to see the forest for the trees.

Not to be all negative and shit, but, my fellow freaks here in California just approved a fucking tax increase (approving prop 30) and solidified the unions' stranglehold over government (defeating prop 32). The whole gay fuckingmarriage thing is a non-issue to me--especially when my state government is poised for collapse and fucking assholes here don't have the brains to reign them in. I guess it's off topic. Fuck it.

One word: Bullet-fucking-train.

Nuff said.

<munch munch munch>

That's just me, enjoying the popcorn, at the sight of Republicans turning on each other like rabid wolves.

Purge those moderates from TheParty! Purge them all! You will be the mostest morally pure conservative party evah! Just one that can't win an election. But at least you'll have your moral purity to comfort you.
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A very sad commentary from a very sad individual. You just said what the Obama team lived for 8 years now: "THE ENDS JUSTIFY THE MEANS". If you have to act like a massive fuck'n asshole to be president (like Obama has), then let them have the White House. There is nothing more important than being able to go home at the end of the day, look yourself in the mirror, and be able to say you did it with the highest integrity and with the right intentions.

If you think having the right policies, doing your homework, and preparing for debates is "out dated" and you'd rather see the GOP run off to MTV like Obama and act like a fuck'n jerk, spreading lie after lie after lie to win, then as a die-hard conservative, let me be the first to say: DON'T LET THE DOOR HIT YOU IN THE ASS ON THE WAY OUT. Go be an independent - I know I won't miss you.

Dear R: Actually, I think you can have your cake and eat it, too. You can have the best stance on Constitutional grounds, and promote this message through popular media. You can bake the best cake, and have the best icing on top, without compromising either one.

I hope you will encourage your fellow independent Conservatives and Republicans to keep working together, no matter what angle they take or associations they work with. You can diversify the expression of your core values, WITHOUT compromising or diluting them.

Obama was saying the world needs America to be strong.
Well the Democrats and liberals need the Republicans and conservatives to be strong.

Bring the Independents and Republicans to stand together on Constitutional grounds, and we can all check the nonsense going on with the Democrat partisan politics. We are going to have to unite to do this, all Constitutionalists including all parties and independents.

Don't let Democrat tactics divide you as they have their own constituents. They divide the Blacks, they divide the Latinos, and try to exploit the weaker side. Don't fall for this trap.
The GOP has shown there is room for a broad range to unite under the Constitution
(where the Democrats substitute Party influence in place of the Constitution). If you can keep from alienating the broader range of participation and support, you will strengthen relationships both inside and outside, and help America to do the same instead of dividing.

Please help and support each other, don't make the same self-destructive mistakes of the Democrat leadership that we are all going to pay for if we don't team up and fix it together!
I am changing my status to independent. While I consider myself conservative, the Republican party seems clueless blowing 2 elections over 8 years and learning nothing about the make up of our country, and the changing electorate. Romney did well with the white vote. He didn't do well with blacks, latinos, and single woman. He didn't just lose, he got beat. Pundits for Romney have said the people that voted for Obama want giveaways. Some may, but that is short sited and wrong. Republicans have a problem with immigration and abortion. We can't turn back the clock so move on with a clear message, or keep losing and scratching your head. You don't have to be educated:D, or understand what's going on:confused: to vote, and your motivation to vote can be...anything. It's time to realize that. I think Reps have a better plan and would do a better job leading our country, so what, our election is a popularity contest. Reps are so busy working and planning they don't have time for American Idol, or Survivor. The election has become a political reality show, and it's clear you didn't get that memo. The election is a street fight, it's not a debate, so if your not comfortable on the street it's gonna be hard to win. Pundits for the right complained the Pres did talk shows and not news interviews. Times have changed, media changed. Reps ran a good old fashion campaign, and got the results for that effort. Presidential Elections are political Super Bowls, and even if you didn't watch a game all year, you could show up at a party and root for a team. Good luck.
I've been a Republican all my married life to a Republican man who spent his entire career serving his family, his church, his community, and his professional organization. Our life doesn't center around politics, it centers around service to others, as best we can. Many of our friends through the years have been dedicated community folks too, from all walks of life and both political parties. My husband's best friend was a Democrat, and they never once voted the same way in 40 years. But they were dedicated professionals in their career interested in delivering their product, electricity at the lowest rate possible to the citizens of the state while having the least amount of down time imaginable. Neither, however would think of telling the other how to vote or how to think. But they were professional friends, the best kind who each sought to make sure the other have the best time and got the best guidance in their professional organization. And they were there for each other no matter what.

I also know US Senators and US Representatives who would never put upon anyone else a misspent dollar tax-wise. They're Republicans who vote right of the tea party candidates. They're dedicated citizens who put their constituents first and take their office as a public responsibility. They're nothing like your withering description, and I'm sorry you may not know their caliber of people personally or professionally.

I know one Representative who put his entire personal fortune on the line this political season to match donors with his life's savings to assure people conservatism would be the object of the election. He may have saved other representatives from losing their seats in hot races. I hope he never sees your miserable, ungrateful post.

But I do hope you get all this sorted out in your narrow mind, a scary place imho.

Thank God for people like you, honest, generous, hard working. I am worried about the church. I think it's a mistake to push for political solutions for abortion. Might work locally, nationally, not gonna fly. It would be "narrow minded" not to realize that single woman don't want it. So where are we at now, forcing churches to provide coverage for abortion? What about the Superior Court?
There are alternatives to stopping abortion, speak to the mother, raise awareness, support organizations that do that. We needed this win, now we will lose ground that will be hard to recover.
<munch munch munch>

That's just me, enjoying the popcorn, at the sight of Republicans turning on each other like rabid wolves.

Purge those moderates from TheParty! Purge them all! You will be the mostest morally pure conservative party evah! Just one that can't win an election. But at least you'll have your moral purity to comfort you.

Political parties evolve all the time. Not really a bad thing. If a party is viable it will survive. My problem is what drives the parties, both main parties, these days. Neither side gets to claim the higher ground. We have the country we have because of both damn parties.
Sorry, but you don't have a somewhat restrictive immigration policy, there is no point to citizenship, paying taxes or following the law.

I have no problem with that. Craft a policy that Hispanic can support and sell it. Don't avoid the question. I don't think Hispanics want open boarders, a big part of our immigration problem is water under the bridge. If you want to continue to go forward with a policy that you think is right, but no one will support, then your opponent's policy rules. Unfortunately so will all the rest of his policies, and picks for the Supreme Court.
I am changing my status to independent. While I consider myself conservative, the Republican party seems clueless blowing 2 elections over 8 years and learning nothing about the make up of our country, and the changing electorate. Romney did well with the white vote. He didn't do well with blacks, latinos, and single woman. He didn't just lose, he got beat. Pundits for Romney have said the people that voted for Obama want giveaways. Some may, but that is short sited and wrong. Republicans have a problem with immigration and abortion. We can't turn back the clock so move on with a clear message, or keep losing and scratching your head. You don't have to be educated:D, or understand what's going on:confused: to vote, and your motivation to vote can be...anything. It's time to realize that. I think Reps have a better plan and would do a better job leading our country, so what, our election is a popularity contest. Reps are so busy working and planning they don't have time for American Idol, or Survivor. The election has become a political reality show, and it's clear you didn't get that memo. The election is a street fight, it's not a debate, so if your not comfortable on the street it's gonna be hard to win. Pundits for the right complained the Pres did talk shows and not news interviews. Times have changed, media changed. Reps ran a good old fashion campaign, and got the results for that effort. Presidential Elections are political Super Bowls, and even if you didn't watch a game all year, you could show up at a party and root for a team. Good luck.

A very sad commentary from a very sad individual. You just said what the Obama team lived for 8 years now: "THE ENDS JUSTIFY THE MEANS". If you have to act like a massive fuck'n asshole to be president (like Obama has), then let them have the White House. There is nothing more important than being able to go home at the end of the day, look yourself in the mirror, and be able to say you did it with the highest integrity and with the right intentions.

If you think having the right policies, doing your homework, and preparing for debates is "out dated" and you'd rather see the GOP run off to MTV like Obama and act like a fuck'n jerk, spreading lie after lie after lie to win, then as a die-hard conservative, let me be the first to say: DON'T LET THE DOOR HIT YOU IN THE ASS ON THE WAY OUT. Go be an independent - I know I won't miss you.

First of all, thank you for reading my post. I don't think I said, and I don't believe, the ends justify the means. I respect integrity, the right intentions, doing your homework, and preparing for debates. I am not saying we have to lie to win. Yes, MTV, American Chopper, Saturday Night Live, because most Americans don't follow politics all the time. There is no more silent majority. There is a political machine. What is out dated is a platform that excludes 47% off the bat, and the attitude that we don't need anyone that doesn't live up to our standards. I believe the things Romney wanted to do would have helped the 47%, but I don't know if the GOP can adapt to the national landscape to make that happen. American culture has changed, population, internet, how we get our news, reality shows. It doesn't mean you have to give up your convictions, but your not going to get all the political remedies you want. If it's all or nothing, it's going to be nothing. What is sad is watching the choices we have no control over, and the ones we are forced to make the next four years.
No offense wings but instead of whining about the system and changing your political affiliation in a snit why not consider joining the tea party and actively try to get the best conservative candidates while working within the system? Too extreme or too lazy?

Ah yes, the tea party. I hope to God they get big again right before the next election.

Their constituency is very
No offense wings but instead of whining about the system and changing your political affiliation in a snit why not consider joining the tea party and actively try to get the best conservative candidates while working within the system? Too extreme or too lazy?

I am not offended, and I don't think I was whining, more like spouting off. I like the tea party, I think you guys are true blue, brave Americans. My problem is a platform with dead weight, we are dying on the wrong hill. Apparently we think we can alienate and look down on people, and still have them vote for us. Maybe it's 75%, maybe 50%, or 25% of this party, I don't know, but if we are the protectors of the constitution, we need to figure this out yesterday.
Quick question...............if it was the 47 percent who would vote for Obama no matter what, how did President Obama (yeah.......I know that pisses you off) manage to get another 3 to 4 percent of the vote to get the win?

By telling them they're racists if they don't vote for him and make them feel like voting for him was some sort of reparation which would sooth their guilty conscience.

Yeah, you've certainly got a lot of gall to be giving sermons about someone shelling out a couple of billion to buy off I'm sure you don't want to talk about the couple or so billion the likes of Warren Buffet and multitude of Hollywood elite who support Oblamer used to buy off their percentage...huh?

I guess Mittens didn't really have their support, eh?
You're right. That percentage of Republicans (RINOs actually) which voted for Oblamer, didn't give Mitt support. That's why they voted for Oblamer. (rolling eyes)


Do you have a name for those of us who did not vote for Obama for certain reasons and for Mitt for other reasons?

I disliked both men as leaders so not vote for either. I have no party and was never an R so I am not a RINO.

I didn't say you are a RINO. I said, "That percentage of Republicans (RINOs actually) which voted for Oblamer, didn't give Mitt support." If you're a Republican which voted for Oblamer? Then, in my mind, you're a RINO.

Further, I'd have to know more about someone who didn't vote for Obama for certain reasons and for Mitt for other reasons before I'd have a name for them. But, the fact of the matter is, my philosophy says either you're a Republican or, you're a Democrat. If your political ideologies (or principles) tend to lean even one percent more toward the left than the right? You're a liberal/Democrat. If your political ideologies (or principles) tend to lean even one percent more toward the right than the left? You're a conservative/Republican. It doesn't have to be so complicated as to have 100 or more different stupid political names which try to strictly define someone's political ideology. Soon, I suspect, we're going to have strings of political names combined together to define someone. Such as, Independent, Green, Socialist Worker, Tea Party, Severely Conservative Party or, something like that. It doesn't need to be this complicated. Even though I don't particularly like to admit it, there are SOME principles championed by the left of which I'm in favor of or, at least, somewhat in favor of. But, the majority of my principles run in conjunction with the right so, I consider myself a Republican. I don't need to parse all my principles down and give each one an individual name in order to try and define myself to others.
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No offense wings but instead of whining about the system and changing your political affiliation in a snit why not consider joining the tea party and actively try to get the best conservative candidates while working within the system? Too extreme or too lazy?

Ah yes, the tea party. I hope to God they get big again right before the next election.

Their constituency is very

You're right - it's extremely inclusive. Anybody who adheres to the U.S. Constitution is 100% welcomed and approved by the Tea Party.

Meanwhile, the Dumbocrats are full of KKK members (including their politicians like Byrd from West Virginia), women HATING maniacs like the OWS rapists and Anthony Weiner who looks at women as sexual objects to send pictures of his penis to while being married and humiliating his wife, Bill Clinton who looks at women as sexual objects to stick cigars in while being married and humiliating his wife, John F. Kennedy who stuck his dick in anything breathing while being married and humiliating his wife, and lets not forget their extraordinary hate for anyone wealthy (other than themselves of course). So basically, as long as you are not black, not a woman, and successful, you are welcomed by the dumbocrats. Yeah, real "inclusive" bunch.
No offense wings but instead of whining about the system and changing your political affiliation in a snit why not consider joining the tea party and actively try to get the best conservative candidates while working within the system? Too extreme or too lazy?

I am not offended, and I don't think I was whining, more like spouting off. I like the tea party, I think you guys are true blue, brave Americans. My problem is a platform with dead weight, we are dying on the wrong hill. Apparently we think we can alienate and look down on people, and still have them vote for us. Maybe it's 75%, maybe 50%, or 25% of this party, I don't know, but if we are the protectors of the constitution, we need to figure this out yesterday.

Help me out here - name ONE conservative (Tea Party, Republican, Libertarian, or otherwise) who has "looked down on people"? Seriously, give me one REAL situation where that happened.

Give me a link to a news story where that occurred. Minorities who are conservatives have done nothing but rave about how well they were treated, respected, and included in Tea Party rallies. And that is a FACT!
What is out dated is a platform that excludes 47% off the bat

The Republican platform is:

1.) Constitutional government
2.) Low Taxes
3.) Minimal government intrusiveness into an American citizens life
4.) Maximum freedom
5.) Strong National Defense to ensure 1-4

How does that exclude anyone, much less "exclude 47% off the bat"? Seriously - how?!?! Furthermore, if that does make anyone feel "excluded", I can truly say this from the bottom of my heart: FUCK 'EM!!!!!

I mean it. Fuck 'Em. These 5 items are the principles which I stand for, and I will not bend on them for anybody. I refuse to surrender constitutional government (it's already happened, but not because I compromised on it or surrendered it). I refuse to accept wealth redistribution/punishment through high taxes. I refuse to accept government telling me what's best for me, my children, etc. I refuse to surrender my constitutional freedom. And I refuse to accept a weak defense which ends with American's dead (which dumbocrat policy has lead to time and time again).

You're freaking out with a knee-jerk reaction because the worst president in world history got re-elected. You're panicked because you realize he did it by BUYING votes. He gave people free healthcare, he's promised students free loans, he's given people "Obama phones", and he's promised a whole lot more. The fact that someone would sell their freedoms (not to mention their soul) for a fuck'n cell phone tells you just what kind of ghetto trash is supporting this failure.

Here's the bottom line... Do I think there is a solution to defeat the dumbocrat party which is making promises it can't keep, and will collapse our entire nation by handing out free stuff in exchange for votes/power? NOPE. Not at all. No amount of changes, appearances on MTV, etc. is going to change that. The dumbocrats have created exactly what they worked so hard to create over the last 100 years - a group of ignorant ghetto trash beholden to them for their every need. There is NOTHING you can do to change that, compete with it, or beat it. So you might as well stand tall, be part of the minority educated who understands the Constitution, has integrity, is not willing to sell their vote for a cell phone, and is not willing to sell a cell phone for a vote, and just enjoy watching the entire thing implode on the head of these ignorant dumbocrats. Greece, Italy, Spain, Cuba, the former U.S.S.R. - they've ALL done EXACTLY what Barack Obama has done. And all of them have either collapsed or are in the middle of collapsing, complete with riots, mass murders, death, etc.

The only thing you have control over is your integrity - don't sell it because you're panicked. Load up (food, water, energy, weapons, ammo, etc.), watch it collapse (with great amusement), and because you were prepared and more educated that "Obama Phone" ghetto bitch, you'll be left to rebuild it the way our founders built it. As Thomas Jefferson famously stated: "The Tree of Liberty must be watered from time to time with the blood of tyrants". The dumbocrats are tyrants who have wiped their ass with the constitution for 100 years. They've brought us right to the point where Greece, Italy, Spain, etc. are and the blood is about to start spilling.
I am changing my status to independent. While I consider myself conservative, the Republican party seems clueless blowing 2 elections over 8 years and learning nothing about the make up of our country, and the changing electorate. Romney did well with the white vote. He didn't do well with blacks, latinos, and single woman. He didn't just lose, he got beat. Pundits for Romney have said the people that voted for Obama want giveaways. Some may, but that is short sited and wrong. Republicans have a problem with immigration and abortion. We can't turn back the clock so move on with a clear message, or keep losing and scratching your head. You don't have to be educated:D, or understand what's going on:confused: to vote, and your motivation to vote can be...anything. It's time to realize that. I think Reps have a better plan and would do a better job leading our country, so what, our election is a popularity contest. Reps are so busy working and planning they don't have time for American Idol, or Survivor. The election has become a political reality show, and it's clear you didn't get that memo. The election is a street fight, it's not a debate, so if your not comfortable on the street it's gonna be hard to win. Pundits for the right complained the Pres did talk shows and not news interviews. Times have changed, media changed. Reps ran a good old fashion campaign, and got the results for that effort. Presidential Elections are political Super Bowls, and even if you didn't watch a game all year, you could show up at a party and root for a team. Good luck.

Has nothing to do with Republicans allegedly learning nothing about the make up of our country, and the changing electorate. Has to do with a left-wing media who gets to make crap up about what it is Republicans know about the make-up of the country and changing electorate. With the left-wing media so prevalent in this country, it's impossible to get a message across without contextual distortion and manipulation by the media. If today were like days of old, where federal candidates stood on street corners directly in front of the people in multitudes of cities and counties, it would be much easier to express a message without some third party making crap up and distorting that message. Until something is done about the left-wing media that infests this nation, they get to MAKE UP what it is Republicans know about the make-up of the country and the changing electorate and there pretty much isn't squat Republicans can do about it. Because, if the left-wing media tells you it's MUST be true.

And the way? Seems Romney's summation was spot on. "There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what." ... "There are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe that government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you name it." This was proven yesterday.

I am changing my status to independent. While I consider myself conservative, the Republican party seems clueless blowing 2 elections over 8 years and learning nothing about the make up of our country, and the changing electorate. Romney did well with the white vote. He didn't do well with blacks, latinos, and single woman. He didn't just lose, he got beat. Pundits for Romney have said the people that voted for Obama want giveaways. Some may, but that is short sited and wrong. Republicans have a problem with immigration and abortion. We can't turn back the clock so move on with a clear message, or keep losing and scratching your head. You don't have to be educated:D, or understand what's going on:confused: to vote, and your motivation to vote can be...anything. It's time to realize that. I think Reps have a better plan and would do a better job leading our country, so what, our election is a popularity contest. Reps are so busy working and planning they don't have time for American Idol, or Survivor. The election has become a political reality show, and it's clear you didn't get that memo. The election is a street fight, it's not a debate, so if your not comfortable on the street it's gonna be hard to win. Pundits for the right complained the Pres did talk shows and not news interviews. Times have changed, media changed. Reps ran a good old fashion campaign, and got the results for that effort. Presidential Elections are political Super Bowls, and even if you didn't watch a game all year, you could show up at a party and root for a team. Good luck.
I've been a Republican all my married life to a Republican man who spent his entire career serving his family, his church, his community, and his professional organization. Our life doesn't center around politics, it centers around service to others, as best we can. Many of our friends through the years have been dedicated community folks too, from all walks of life and both political parties. My husband's best friend was a Democrat, and they never once voted the same way in 40 years. But they were dedicated professionals in their career interested in delivering their product, electricity at the lowest rate possible to the citizens of the state while having the least amount of down time imaginable. Neither, however would think of telling the other how to vote or how to think. But they were professional friends, the best kind who each sought to make sure the other have the best time and got the best guidance in their professional organization. And they were there for each other no matter what.

I also know US Senators and US Representatives who would never put upon anyone else a misspent dollar tax-wise. They're Republicans who vote right of the tea party candidates. They're dedicated citizens who put their constituents first and take their office as a public responsibility. They're nothing like your withering description, and I'm sorry you may not know their caliber of people personally or professionally.

I know one Representative who put his entire personal fortune on the line this political season to match donors with his life's savings to assure people conservatism would be the object of the election. He may have saved other representatives from losing their seats in hot races. I hope he never sees your miserable, ungrateful post.

But I do hope you get all this sorted out in your narrow mind, a scary place imho.

I am changing my status to independent. While I consider myself conservative, the Republican party seems clueless blowing 2 elections over 8 years and learning nothing about the make up of our country, and the changing electorate. Romney did well with the white vote. He didn't do well with blacks, latinos, and single woman. He didn't just lose, he got beat. Pundits for Romney have said the people that voted for Obama want giveaways. Some may, but that is short sited and wrong. Republicans have a problem with immigration and abortion. We can't turn back the clock so move on with a clear message, or keep losing and scratching your head. You don't have to be educated:D, or understand what's going on:confused: to vote, and your motivation to vote can be...anything. It's time to realize that. I think Reps have a better plan and would do a better job leading our country, so what, our election is a popularity contest. Reps are so busy working and planning they don't have time for American Idol, or Survivor. The election has become a political reality show, and it's clear you didn't get that memo. The election is a street fight, it's not a debate, so if your not comfortable on the street it's gonna be hard to win. Pundits for the right complained the Pres did talk shows and not news interviews. Times have changed, media changed. Reps ran a good old fashion campaign, and got the results for that effort. Presidential Elections are political Super Bowls, and even if you didn't watch a game all year, you could show up at a party and root for a team. Good luck.

Don't let the door hit you on your fat ass fuckstick.

Republicans are really out of touch with reality. I mean people are in favor of gay marriage and Wisconsin voted an openly gay woman as their State's senator. Republicans really have no shot at a national election if they keep getting their talking points from Rush and Hannity. You have to change. Young people overwhelming don't like your policies. You have to change and move forward or be left behind.

Jesus - talk about out of touch!!! Hello pot, this JFK_USA the kettle speaking.

California, the most radical left-wing liberal state in the union voted DOWN gay marriage in the 2010 mid-term elections.

Clearly your hung up on homosexual shit (you haven't brought up anything else), so it's very likely you are flaming gay. And if that's the case, you're far too fucking biased in your view to see the forest for the trees.

Not to be all negative and shit, but, my fellow freaks here in California just approved a fucking tax increase (approving prop 30) and solidified the unions' stranglehold over government (defeating prop 32). The whole gay fuckingmarriage thing is a non-issue to me--especially when my state government is poised for collapse and fucking assholes here don't have the brains to reign them in. I guess it's off topic. Fuck it.

One word: Bullet-fucking-train.

Nuff said.


What is out dated is a platform that excludes 47% off the bat

The Republican platform is:

1.) Constitutional government
2.) Low Taxes
3.) Minimal government intrusiveness into an American citizens life
4.) Maximum freedom
5.) Strong National Defense to ensure 1-4

How does that exclude anyone, much less "exclude 47% off the bat"? Seriously - how?!?! Furthermore, if that does make anyone feel "excluded", I can truly say this from the bottom of my heart: FUCK 'EM!!!!!

I mean it. Fuck 'Em. These 5 items are the principles which I stand for, and I will not bend on them for anybody. I refuse to surrender constitutional government (it's already happened, but not because I compromised on it or surrendered it). I refuse to accept wealth redistribution/punishment through high taxes. I refuse to accept government telling me what's best for me, my children, etc. I refuse to surrender my constitutional freedom. And I refuse to accept a weak defense which ends with American's dead (which dumbocrat policy has lead to time and time again).

You're freaking out with a knee-jerk reaction because the worst president in world history got re-elected. You're panicked because you realize he did it by BUYING votes. He gave people free healthcare, he's promised students free loans, he's given people "Obama phones", and he's promised a whole lot more. The fact that someone would sell their freedoms (not to mention their soul) for a fuck'n cell phone tells you just what kind of ghetto trash is supporting this failure.

Here's the bottom line... Do I think there is a solution to defeat the dumbocrat party which is making promises it can't keep, and will collapse our entire nation by handing out free stuff in exchange for votes/power? NOPE. Not at all. No amount of changes, appearances on MTV, etc. is going to change that. The dumbocrats have created exactly what they worked so hard to create over the last 100 years - a group of ignorant ghetto trash beholden to them for their every need. There is NOTHING you can do to change that, compete with it, or beat it. So you might as well stand tall, be part of the minority educated who understands the Constitution, has integrity, is not willing to sell their vote for a cell phone, and is not willing to sell a cell phone for a vote, and just enjoy watching the entire thing implode on the head of these ignorant dumbocrats. Greece, Italy, Spain, Cuba, the former U.S.S.R. - they've ALL done EXACTLY what Barack Obama has done. And all of them have either collapsed or are in the middle of collapsing, complete with riots, mass murders, death, etc.

The only thing you have control over is your integrity - don't sell it because you're panicked. Load up (food, water, energy, weapons, ammo, etc.), watch it collapse (with great amusement), and because you were prepared and more educated that "Obama Phone" ghetto bitch, you'll be left to rebuild it the way our founders built it. As Thomas Jefferson famously stated: "The Tree of Liberty must be watered from time to time with the blood of tyrants". The dumbocrats are tyrants who have wiped their ass with the constitution for 100 years. They've brought us right to the point where Greece, Italy, Spain, etc. are and the blood is about to start spilling.

I was referring to this from another post,

And the way? Seems Romney's summation was spot on. "There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what." ... "There are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe that government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you name it." This was proven yesterday.

I like the platform, but you have to answer the question of abortion and immigration. You can't undo 100 years of #$%! in one election. I guess your not worried about winning elections though.

Your right, things are a mess, a second civil war didn't occur to me though. I learned a lot today, thanks
What I am reading here are two republican narratives.

One narrative suggests that racist and gender based social issues are losing issues for the GOP.

Another narrative suggests that the GOP ought to dig in its heels and get even more radical about those issues.

What we appear to be looking at is the tension between the old line blue blood Republicans and the Neocon/TEA PARTIERS types.

The bluebloods have the power in the RNC, but the tea party types represent the a huge base that the GOP must depend on.

There doesn't seem to be much room for compromise between these two camps.

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