Repubs: Party Of "NO!"; Confirmed!!

Mr. Shaman

Senior Member
May 4, 2010

"Yesterday, ThinkProgress caught up with RedState founder Erick Erickson and asked his thoughts on the “Party of No” moniker. Erickson took the GOP to task for clouding the issue. He advised them to “stop lying” about being the “Party of No” because “everyone knows you are.”


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The Dems are the real "Party of No":

No Jobs.
No Economic Recovery.
No Debt Reduction.
No Budget.

Which is leading to:
No Prospects for November.

"Yesterday, ThinkProgress caught up with RedState founder Erick Erickson and asked his thoughts on the “Party of No” moniker. Erickson took the GOP to task for clouding the issue. He advised them to “stop lying” about being the “Party of No” because “everyone knows you are.”



Indeed we are the party of no.......................its 2010 s0n. YES to everything and anything is why liberal politicians are going to get sh!tcanned this fall.

Thanks for highlighting it here though..................

Your girl give you a ride on that dinosaur bike yet s0n???
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I've never understood why some people think the party in power has any expectation that the minority party is going to bow and scrape and just go along to get along. There's a reason they're called the opposition party.
With the election of obama America has no leader, but a community organizer, who has never had a job, nor does he have any morals
Thank you libtards for your help :clap2:
Sometimes the only right thing to say is NO!!!!! NO MORE SPENDING, NO MORE EXPANDING GOV, NO FUCKING MORE!!!!!!!

To hell with the Tea Party I am starting my own party. the NO PARTY! NO MORE NO MORE NO MORE YOU GOD DAMN DC WHORES NO MORE!
Better the party of "no we won't do that", than the party of "spend another generation into debt".







No thank you.

When was the last time a Republican balanced a budget?

What was the deficit spending of the last 3 Republican Presidents?

Isn't tax and spend better than spend and spend?
With the election of obama America has no leader, but a community organizer, who has never had a job, nor does he have any morals
Thank you libtards for your help :clap2:


Obama wins more spending cuts than Bush

"President Obama notched substantial successes in spending cuts last year, winning 60 percent of his proposed cuts and managing to get Congress to ax several programs that had bedeviled President George W. Bush for years.

The administration says Congress accepted at least $6.9 billion of the $11.3 billion in discretionary spending cuts Mr. Obama proposed for the current fiscal year. An analysis by The Washington Times found that Mr. Obama was victorious in getting Congress to slash 24 programs and achieved some level of success in reducing nine other programs.

Among the president's victories are canceling the multibillion-dollar F-22 Raptor program, ending the LORAN-C radio-based ship navigation system and culling a series of low-dollar education grants. In each of those cases, Mr. Obama succeeded in eliminating programs that Mr. Bush repeatedly failed to end.
Better the party of "no we won't do that", than the party of "spend another generation into debt".







No thank you.

When was the last time a Republican balanced a budget?

What was the deficit spending of the last 3 Republican Presidents?

Isn't tax and spend better than spend and spend?

Neither is going to save us from our Looming Massive Debt Crisis.
With the election of obama America has no leader, but a community organizer, who has never had a job, nor does he have any morals
Thank you libtards for your help :clap2:


Obama wins more spending cuts than Bush

"President Obama notched substantial successes in spending cuts last year, winning 60 percent of his proposed cuts and managing to get Congress to ax several programs that had bedeviled President George W. Bush for years.

The administration says Congress accepted at least $6.9 billion of the $11.3 billion in discretionary spending cuts Mr. Obama proposed for the current fiscal year. An analysis by The Washington Times found that Mr. Obama was victorious in getting Congress to slash 24 programs and achieved some level of success in reducing nine other programs.

Among the president's victories are canceling the multibillion-dollar F-22 Raptor program, ending the LORAN-C radio-based ship navigation system and culling a series of low-dollar education grants. In each of those cases, Mr. Obama succeeded in eliminating programs that Mr. Bush repeatedly failed to end.

lol So he made some cuts, His over all Budget was 20% higher than the highest ever before him, and his Next one was 20% higher than the first. Cuts mean shit if you increase spending 2 times as fast, and your tax policy actually leads to restricted Business activity and Falling Revenues.
No more spending, this isn't the old Republican party I'm backing here, at least not the last 30 years or so. But it is time to stop the madness of spending. I don't care who or what party does it, but it has to end.

And tax and spend is no better than any other spending. Enough is enough.
Better the party of "no we won't do that", than the party of "spend another generation into debt".







No thank you.

When was the last time a Republican balanced a budget?

What was the deficit spending of the last 3 Republican Presidents?

Isn't tax and spend better than spend and spend?

Wow.... tax and spend beats spend and spend. BRILLIANT!
Better the party of "no we won't do that", than the party of "spend another generation into debt".







No thank you.

When was the last time a Republican balanced a budget?

What was the deficit spending of the last 3 Republican Presidents?

Isn't tax and spend better than spend and spend?

Neither is going to save us from our Looming Massive Debt Crisis.

....Especially if you're gonna rely on REPUBLICANS to do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Having said that, I don’t think we have to lay out a complete agenda, from top to bottom, because then we would have the national mainstream media jumping on every point trying to make that a campaign issue."

Better the party of "no we won't do that", than the party of "spend another generation into debt".







No thank you.

When was the last time a Republican balanced a budget?

What was the deficit spending of the last 3 Republican Presidents?

Isn't tax and spend better than spend and spend?

Do not confuse Conservatives with Republicans, when we are finishe with the liberals and taking out the trash in the government those Republicans who are RINO'S will be removed in short time.

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