Republicns Offer Empty Promises On Middle Class Job Creation!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Republicans' strategy for creating needed "middle" class jobs is lowering taxes and less government regulation. Assuming the Federal Government could find the money for such tax cuts, the truth is such cuts won't create the needed number of good middle class jobs, the Republicans argument here defies logic, reality and common sense. As often stated two-thirds of new job creation is from small businesses and lowering these businesses taxes obviously will help them create jobs, but the thing that these Republicans don't want to underscore or dwell on are that a lot of these small business created jobs are not good paying jobs that can sustain a family in a middle class standard of living. A lot of small businesses are like restaurants, little retail establishments, home businesses and the like and the wages they pay their workers aren't middle class wages - this is a critical aspect of this whole issue that the American people must remember. Moreover, lowering taxes on big business and the wealthy doesn't necessarily mean creation of significant levels of middle class job creation. Board of Directors and management of big businesses time and again have demonstrated that their guiding principle is increasing their corporation's stock value and increasing their corporation's income which often means taking increased income from tax cuts or improvements in the economy, etc. and using that money to buy other businesses which unfortunately often results in the cutting of middle class jobs and these guiding principles often move big businesses to out-source and off-shore jobs with the intention of increasing income. Tax cuts to the wealthy often result in them increasing their wealth in hedge funds, private equity funds and other Wall Street investments not necessarily causing significant middle class job creation. The answer to rebuilding the American Middle Class is for America to get back to manufacturing big ticket consumer products on par with the way we once did. American politicians should have as their guiding principles that for big-ticket consumer products that Americans buy for their home America will have industries that are heavily involved in manufacturing these products!, nothing short of this goal will be tolerated. The retail sale prices of big-screen TVs, refrigerators, dish washers, ovens, clothes washers, clothes dryers, water heaters, heaters, air conditioners, etc. are all such that they are high enough to pay American laborers a middle class wage to manufacture these items and American politicians are extreme failures if they don't find a way to create such strong manufacturing industries in America!

A perfect example of what an extreme disgrace Republican politicians are on this issue of "rebuilding manufacturing in America" can be seen by an examination of the Senate bill "S 3816" just voted on this past September 28, 2010. This Senate bill was about creating incentives for U.S. businesses to move overseas jobs to America and creating deterrents to U.S. business against them moving U.S. jobs off-shore, a good common sense bill. On September 28, this bill came up for a vote to move the bill forward for debate and amendment and the motion failed with a vote of 53 to 45 (60 yea votes were needed for the motion to prevail); not one Republican voted for the motion, forty Republicans voted against the motion on a bill which should have passed into law with unanimous support. This vote is very telling and it is a giant red flag that the American people do not want to return the Republican Party to power in Washington, returning Republicans to power in Washington means great suffering on ordinary working Americans and American middle class families and the extinguishment of hope for these Americans of a better standard of living. It is outrageous conduct on these Republicans part not to support passage of this legislation. This legislation has three parts all good. First, it would save U.S. employers who brought jobs from overseas to the U.S. from paying the 6.2% Social Security taxes U.S. employers pay for their employees for two years on these new U.S. workers thus acting as an incentive for relocating jobs back in the U.S. (in actuality a better idea is to give a five year exemption and allow a two year depreciation on any capital expenditure U.S. employers incur in making such relocations). Secondly, it would disallow U.S. employers from deducting against their income expenses associated with offshoring U.S. jobs unless it related to an expense connected with retraining displaced U.S. workers, this disallowance would stop these U.S. employers from reducing their taxable income and thus their taxes with off-shoring expenses, it is a no brainer move for U.S. politicians doing the will of the American people to work to stop this offshoring of U.S. jobs. Thirdly, it would classify as taxable income, that is income subject to U.S. taxes, income from off shore operations of U.S. businesses where these U.S. businesses import foreign made goods from that off shore operation into the U.S. for sale in the U.S.; this takes away the incentive U.S. manufacturers have in off-shoring manufacturing (again, this is a no brainer the American people don't want U.S. manufacturers off shoring U.S. jobs to save a few bucks on products sold in the U.S. what the hell are the Republicans doing here!). If this third initiative in the bill was subject to a poll of U.S. voters, the results would likely show that the vast majority of Americans would support enactment of such an initiative, the vote wouldn't even be close! Something is profoundly wrong with the Republican Party if they don't see this as a good piece of legislation, in any event it is a good litmus test for the American People to determine if a U.S. politician deserves to be put in national office and obviously the grades are in, the Republicans fail!
I still have a tough time believing any decent manufacturing will sprout up. World wide slave labor is at big corporation's disposal.
Hey now cutting taxes and deregulation has got to work some time.
Just have faith and keep trying it over and over.

You forget Government ceasing spending us into slavery to pay off the debt they've racked up. Odd you would forget this aspect, isn't it?

Don't worry... that little tid bit is going to be all too present to ignore here shortly. Politicians on both sides are starting to concede it's rearing it's ugly head. These liberals here that like to ignore it, will only look like ignorant fools in the very near future.
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Hey now cutting taxes and deregulation has got to work some time.
Just have faith and keep trying it over and over.

You forget Government ceasing spending us into slavery to pay off the debt they've racked up. Odd you would forget this aspect, isn't it?

Don't worry... that little tid bit is going to be all too present to ignore here shortly. Politicians on both sides are starting to concede it's rearing it's ugly head. These liberals here that like to ignore it, will only look like ignorant fools in the very near future.

Of course they ignore it. It's because I'll bet many of them are active participants in it...and on the dole...or are just plain stupid and lazy.
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Republicans' strategy for creating needed "middle" class jobs is lowering taxes and less government regulation. Assuming the Federal Government could find the money for such tax cuts, the truth is such cuts won't create the needed number of good middle class jobs, the Republicans argument here defies logic, reality and common sense. As often stated two-thirds of new job creation is from small businesses and lowering these businesses taxes obviously will help them create jobs, but the thing that these Republicans don't want to underscore or dwell on are that a lot of these small business created jobs are not good paying jobs that can sustain a family in a middle class standard of living. A lot of small businesses are like restaurants, little retail establishments, home businesses and the like and the wages they pay their workers aren't middle class wages - this is a critical aspect of this whole issue that the American people must remember. Moreover, lowering taxes on big business and the wealthy doesn't necessarily mean creation of significant levels of middle class job creation. Board of Directors and management of big businesses time and again have demonstrated that their guiding principle is increasing their corporation's stock value and increasing their corporation's income which often means taking increased income from tax cuts or improvements in the economy, etc. and using that money to buy other businesses which unfortunately often results in the cutting of middle class jobs and these guiding principles often move big businesses to out-source and off-shore jobs with the intention of increasing income. Tax cuts to the wealthy often result in them increasing their wealth in hedge funds, private equity funds and other Wall Street investments not necessarily causing significant middle class job creation. The answer to rebuilding the American Middle Class is for America to get back to manufacturing big ticket consumer products on par with the way we once did. American politicians should have as their guiding principles that for big-ticket consumer products that Americans buy for their home America will have industries that are heavily involved in manufacturing these products!, nothing short of this goal will be tolerated. The retail sale prices of big-screen TVs, refrigerators, dish washers, ovens, clothes washers, clothes dryers, water heaters, heaters, air conditioners, etc. are all such that they are high enough to pay American laborers a middle class wage to manufacture these items and American politicians are extreme failures if they don't find a way to create such strong manufacturing industries in America!

A perfect example of what an extreme disgrace Republican politicians are on this issue of "rebuilding manufacturing in America" can be seen by an examination of the Senate bill "S 3816" just voted on this past September 28, 2010. This Senate bill was about creating incentives for U.S. businesses to move overseas jobs to America and creating deterrents to U.S. business against them moving U.S. jobs off-shore, a good common sense bill. On September 28, this bill came up for a vote to move the bill forward for debate and amendment and the motion failed with a vote of 53 to 45 (60 yea votes were needed for the motion to prevail); not one Republican voted for the motion, forty Republicans voted against the motion on a bill which should have passed into law with unanimous support. This vote is very telling and it is a giant red flag that the American people do not want to return the Republican Party to power in Washington, returning Republicans to power in Washington means great suffering on ordinary working Americans and American middle class families and the extinguishment of hope for these Americans of a better standard of living. It is outrageous conduct on these Republicans part not to support passage of this legislation. This legislation has three parts all good. First, it would save U.S. employers who brought jobs from overseas to the U.S. from paying the 6.2% Social Security taxes U.S. employers pay for their employees for two years on these new U.S. workers thus acting as an incentive for relocating jobs back in the U.S. (in actuality a better idea is to give a five year exemption and allow a two year depreciation on any capital expenditure U.S. employers incur in making such relocations). Secondly, it would disallow U.S. employers from deducting against their income expenses associated with offshoring U.S. jobs unless it related to an expense connected with retraining displaced U.S. workers, this disallowance would stop these U.S. employers from reducing their taxable income and thus their taxes with off-shoring expenses, it is a no brainer move for U.S. politicians doing the will of the American people to work to stop this offshoring of U.S. jobs. Thirdly, it would classify as taxable income, that is income subject to U.S. taxes, income from off shore operations of U.S. businesses where these U.S. businesses import foreign made goods from that off shore operation into the U.S. for sale in the U.S.; this takes away the incentive U.S. manufacturers have in off-shoring manufacturing (again, this is a no brainer the American people don't want U.S. manufacturers off shoring U.S. jobs to save a few bucks on products sold in the U.S. what the hell are the Republicans doing here!). If this third initiative in the bill was subject to a poll of U.S. voters, the results would likely show that the vast majority of Americans would support enactment of such an initiative, the vote wouldn't even be close! Something is profoundly wrong with the Republican Party if they don't see this as a good piece of legislation, in any event it is a good litmus test for the American People to determine if a U.S. politician deserves to be put in national office and obviously the grades are in, the Republicans fail!

Their so called empty promies has more substance than what obama and the democrats have done in Almost 4 years.
Republicans' strategy for creating needed "middle" class jobs is lowering taxes and less government regulation. Assuming the Federal Government could find the money for such tax cuts, the truth is such cuts won't create the needed number of good middle class jobs, the Republicans argument here defies logic, reality and common sense. As often stated two-thirds of new job creation is from small businesses and lowering these businesses taxes obviously will help them create jobs, but the thing that these Republicans don't want to underscore or dwell on are that a lot of these small business created jobs are not good paying jobs that can sustain a family in a middle class standard of living. A lot of small businesses are like restaurants, little retail establishments, home businesses and the like and the wages they pay their workers aren't middle class wages - this is a critical aspect of this whole issue that the American people must remember. Moreover, lowering taxes on big business and the wealthy doesn't necessarily mean creation of significant levels of middle class job creation. Board of Directors and management of big businesses time and again have demonstrated that their guiding principle is increasing their corporation's stock value and increasing their corporation's income which often means taking increased income from tax cuts or improvements in the economy, etc. and using that money to buy other businesses which unfortunately often results in the cutting of middle class jobs and these guiding principles often move big businesses to out-source and off-shore jobs with the intention of increasing income. Tax cuts to the wealthy often result in them increasing their wealth in hedge funds, private equity funds and other Wall Street investments not necessarily causing significant middle class job creation. The answer to rebuilding the American Middle Class is for America to get back to manufacturing big ticket consumer products on par with the way we once did. American politicians should have as their guiding principles that for big-ticket consumer products that Americans buy for their home America will have industries that are heavily involved in manufacturing these products!, nothing short of this goal will be tolerated. The retail sale prices of big-screen TVs, refrigerators, dish washers, ovens, clothes washers, clothes dryers, water heaters, heaters, air conditioners, etc. are all such that they are high enough to pay American laborers a middle class wage to manufacture these items and American politicians are extreme failures if they don't find a way to create such strong manufacturing industries in America!

A perfect example of what an extreme disgrace Republican politicians are on this issue of "rebuilding manufacturing in America" can be seen by an examination of the Senate bill "S 3816" just voted on this past September 28, 2010. This Senate bill was about creating incentives for U.S. businesses to move overseas jobs to America and creating deterrents to U.S. business against them moving U.S. jobs off-shore, a good common sense bill. On September 28, this bill came up for a vote to move the bill forward for debate and amendment and the motion failed with a vote of 53 to 45 (60 yea votes were needed for the motion to prevail); not one Republican voted for the motion, forty Republicans voted against the motion on a bill which should have passed into law with unanimous support. This vote is very telling and it is a giant red flag that the American people do not want to return the Republican Party to power in Washington, returning Republicans to power in Washington means great suffering on ordinary working Americans and American middle class families and the extinguishment of hope for these Americans of a better standard of living. It is outrageous conduct on these Republicans part not to support passage of this legislation. This legislation has three parts all good. First, it would save U.S. employers who brought jobs from overseas to the U.S. from paying the 6.2% Social Security taxes U.S. employers pay for their employees for two years on these new U.S. workers thus acting as an incentive for relocating jobs back in the U.S. (in actuality a better idea is to give a five year exemption and allow a two year depreciation on any capital expenditure U.S. employers incur in making such relocations). Secondly, it would disallow U.S. employers from deducting against their income expenses associated with offshoring U.S. jobs unless it related to an expense connected with retraining displaced U.S. workers, this disallowance would stop these U.S. employers from reducing their taxable income and thus their taxes with off-shoring expenses, it is a no brainer move for U.S. politicians doing the will of the American people to work to stop this offshoring of U.S. jobs. Thirdly, it would classify as taxable income, that is income subject to U.S. taxes, income from off shore operations of U.S. businesses where these U.S. businesses import foreign made goods from that off shore operation into the U.S. for sale in the U.S.; this takes away the incentive U.S. manufacturers have in off-shoring manufacturing (again, this is a no brainer the American people don't want U.S. manufacturers off shoring U.S. jobs to save a few bucks on products sold in the U.S. what the hell are the Republicans doing here!). If this third initiative in the bill was subject to a poll of U.S. voters, the results would likely show that the vast majority of Americans would support enactment of such an initiative, the vote wouldn't even be close! Something is profoundly wrong with the Republican Party if they don't see this as a good piece of legislation, in any event it is a good litmus test for the American People to determine if a U.S. politician deserves to be put in national office and obviously the grades are in, the Republicans fail!

Their so called empty promies has more substance than what obama and the democrats have done in Almost 4 years.

:cuckoo: if you actually believe what you spew.
Republicans' strategy for creating needed "middle" class jobs is lowering taxes and less government regulation. Assuming the Federal Government could find the money for such tax cuts, the truth is such cuts won't create the needed number of good middle class jobs, the Republicans argument here defies logic, reality and common sense. As often stated two-thirds of new job creation is from small businesses and lowering these businesses taxes obviously will help them create jobs, but the thing that these Republicans don't want to underscore or dwell on are that a lot of these small business created jobs are not good paying jobs that can sustain a family in a middle class standard of living. A lot of small businesses are like restaurants, little retail establishments, home businesses and the like and the wages they pay their workers aren't middle class wages - this is a critical aspect of this whole issue that the American people must remember. Moreover, lowering taxes on big business and the wealthy doesn't necessarily mean creation of significant levels of middle class job creation. Board of Directors and management of big businesses time and again have demonstrated that their guiding principle is increasing their corporation's stock value and increasing their corporation's income which often means taking increased income from tax cuts or improvements in the economy, etc. and using that money to buy other businesses which unfortunately often results in the cutting of middle class jobs and these guiding principles often move big businesses to out-source and off-shore jobs with the intention of increasing income. Tax cuts to the wealthy often result in them increasing their wealth in hedge funds, private equity funds and other Wall Street investments not necessarily causing significant middle class job creation. The answer to rebuilding the American Middle Class is for America to get back to manufacturing big ticket consumer products on par with the way we once did. American politicians should have as their guiding principles that for big-ticket consumer products that Americans buy for their home America will have industries that are heavily involved in manufacturing these products!, nothing short of this goal will be tolerated. The retail sale prices of big-screen TVs, refrigerators, dish washers, ovens, clothes washers, clothes dryers, water heaters, heaters, air conditioners, etc. are all such that they are high enough to pay American laborers a middle class wage to manufacture these items and American politicians are extreme failures if they don't find a way to create such strong manufacturing industries in America!

A perfect example of what an extreme disgrace Republican politicians are on this issue of "rebuilding manufacturing in America" can be seen by an examination of the Senate bill "S 3816" just voted on this past September 28, 2010. This Senate bill was about creating incentives for U.S. businesses to move overseas jobs to America and creating deterrents to U.S. business against them moving U.S. jobs off-shore, a good common sense bill. On September 28, this bill came up for a vote to move the bill forward for debate and amendment and the motion failed with a vote of 53 to 45 (60 yea votes were needed for the motion to prevail); not one Republican voted for the motion, forty Republicans voted against the motion on a bill which should have passed into law with unanimous support. This vote is very telling and it is a giant red flag that the American people do not want to return the Republican Party to power in Washington, returning Republicans to power in Washington means great suffering on ordinary working Americans and American middle class families and the extinguishment of hope for these Americans of a better standard of living. It is outrageous conduct on these Republicans part not to support passage of this legislation. This legislation has three parts all good. First, it would save U.S. employers who brought jobs from overseas to the U.S. from paying the 6.2% Social Security taxes U.S. employers pay for their employees for two years on these new U.S. workers thus acting as an incentive for relocating jobs back in the U.S. (in actuality a better idea is to give a five year exemption and allow a two year depreciation on any capital expenditure U.S. employers incur in making such relocations). Secondly, it would disallow U.S. employers from deducting against their income expenses associated with offshoring U.S. jobs unless it related to an expense connected with retraining displaced U.S. workers, this disallowance would stop these U.S. employers from reducing their taxable income and thus their taxes with off-shoring expenses, it is a no brainer move for U.S. politicians doing the will of the American people to work to stop this offshoring of U.S. jobs. Thirdly, it would classify as taxable income, that is income subject to U.S. taxes, income from off shore operations of U.S. businesses where these U.S. businesses import foreign made goods from that off shore operation into the U.S. for sale in the U.S.; this takes away the incentive U.S. manufacturers have in off-shoring manufacturing (again, this is a no brainer the American people don't want U.S. manufacturers off shoring U.S. jobs to save a few bucks on products sold in the U.S. what the hell are the Republicans doing here!). If this third initiative in the bill was subject to a poll of U.S. voters, the results would likely show that the vast majority of Americans would support enactment of such an initiative, the vote wouldn't even be close! Something is profoundly wrong with the Republican Party if they don't see this as a good piece of legislation, in any event it is a good litmus test for the American People to determine if a U.S. politician deserves to be put in national office and obviously the grades are in, the Republicans fail!

Their so called empty promies has more substance than what obama and the democrats have done in Almost 4 years.

:cuckoo: if you actually believe what you spew.

Why is it when I reply to you you never reply back?

Of course I believe what I say. obama and the democrats have proven what I said to be correct.
Any conservatives asserting that deficits actually matter need to go back and listen to yer boy Cheney.
There won't be any job creation until, at a minimum, Obamacare is repealed for the most part, and the threat of all Obama's new taxes and regulation have passed.

Agree 100%. Why would a company hire people when they have no clue have much their taxes are going to go up or how much regulation Obama is going to put on them.
Republicans' strategy for creating needed "middle" class jobs is lowering taxes and less government regulation. Assuming the Federal Government could find the money for such tax cuts, the truth is such cuts won't create the needed number of good middle class jobs, the Republicans argument here defies logic, reality and common sense. As often stated two-thirds of new job creation is from small businesses and lowering these businesses taxes obviously will help them create jobs, but the thing that these Republicans don't want to underscore or dwell on are that a lot of these small business created jobs are not good paying jobs that can sustain a family in a middle class standard of living. A lot of small businesses are like restaurants, little retail establishments, home businesses and the like and the wages they pay their workers aren't middle class wages - this is a critical aspect of this whole issue that the American people must remember. Moreover, lowering taxes on big business and the wealthy doesn't necessarily mean creation of significant levels of middle class job creation. Board of Directors and management of big businesses time and again have demonstrated that their guiding principle is increasing their corporation's stock value and increasing their corporation's income which often means taking increased income from tax cuts or improvements in the economy, etc. and using that money to buy other businesses which unfortunately often results in the cutting of middle class jobs and these guiding principles often move big businesses to out-source and off-shore jobs with the intention of increasing income. Tax cuts to the wealthy often result in them increasing their wealth in hedge funds, private equity funds and other Wall Street investments not necessarily causing significant middle class job creation. The answer to rebuilding the American Middle Class is for America to get back to manufacturing big ticket consumer products on par with the way we once did. American politicians should have as their guiding principles that for big-ticket consumer products that Americans buy for their home America will have industries that are heavily involved in manufacturing these products!, nothing short of this goal will be tolerated. The retail sale prices of big-screen TVs, refrigerators, dish washers, ovens, clothes washers, clothes dryers, water heaters, heaters, air conditioners, etc. are all such that they are high enough to pay American laborers a middle class wage to manufacture these items and American politicians are extreme failures if they don't find a way to create such strong manufacturing industries in America!

A perfect example of what an extreme disgrace Republican politicians are on this issue of "rebuilding manufacturing in America" can be seen by an examination of the Senate bill "S 3816" just voted on this past September 28, 2010. This Senate bill was about creating incentives for U.S. businesses to move overseas jobs to America and creating deterrents to U.S. business against them moving U.S. jobs off-shore, a good common sense bill. On September 28, this bill came up for a vote to move the bill forward for debate and amendment and the motion failed with a vote of 53 to 45 (60 yea votes were needed for the motion to prevail); not one Republican voted for the motion, forty Republicans voted against the motion on a bill which should have passed into law with unanimous support. This vote is very telling and it is a giant red flag that the American people do not want to return the Republican Party to power in Washington, returning Republicans to power in Washington means great suffering on ordinary working Americans and American middle class families and the extinguishment of hope for these Americans of a better standard of living. It is outrageous conduct on these Republicans part not to support passage of this legislation. This legislation has three parts all good. First, it would save U.S. employers who brought jobs from overseas to the U.S. from paying the 6.2% Social Security taxes U.S. employers pay for their employees for two years on these new U.S. workers thus acting as an incentive for relocating jobs back in the U.S. (in actuality a better idea is to give a five year exemption and allow a two year depreciation on any capital expenditure U.S. employers incur in making such relocations). Secondly, it would disallow U.S. employers from deducting against their income expenses associated with offshoring U.S. jobs unless it related to an expense connected with retraining displaced U.S. workers, this disallowance would stop these U.S. employers from reducing their taxable income and thus their taxes with off-shoring expenses, it is a no brainer move for U.S. politicians doing the will of the American people to work to stop this offshoring of U.S. jobs. Thirdly, it would classify as taxable income, that is income subject to U.S. taxes, income from off shore operations of U.S. businesses where these U.S. businesses import foreign made goods from that off shore operation into the U.S. for sale in the U.S.; this takes away the incentive U.S. manufacturers have in off-shoring manufacturing (again, this is a no brainer the American people don't want U.S. manufacturers off shoring U.S. jobs to save a few bucks on products sold in the U.S. what the hell are the Republicans doing here!). If this third initiative in the bill was subject to a poll of U.S. voters, the results would likely show that the vast majority of Americans would support enactment of such an initiative, the vote wouldn't even be close! Something is profoundly wrong with the Republican Party if they don't see this as a good piece of legislation, in any event it is a good litmus test for the American People to determine if a U.S. politician deserves to be put in national office and obviously the grades are in, the Republicans fail!

Their so called empty promies has more substance than what obama and the democrats have done in Almost 4 years.

The Democrats in the past couple of decades or so to be sure...many of their rank and file I really think are ignorant to the fact that they've been taken over by Radical Progressives...and that would include Obama.

The bunch Obama has surrounded himself with [Czars, et., al ] have NEVER held a job in the private sector. They're ALL academics...And that includes Obama himself.
Empty promises? Like "If you let me print and spend $1 trillion unemployment won't go over 8%"?
Hey now cutting taxes and deregulation has got to work some time.
Just have faith and keep trying it over and over.

You forget Government ceasing spending us into slavery to pay off the debt they've racked up. Odd you would forget this aspect, isn't it?

Don't worry... that little tid bit is going to be all too present to ignore here shortly. Politicians on both sides are starting to concede it's rearing it's ugly head. These liberals here that like to ignore it, will only look like ignorant fools in the very near future.

Umm I was concerend and speaking up about the debt since Reagan what? tripled it?.
when Reagan took office I think our total debt was about 750 billion.
Unlike some that wait till a dem gets in to start whining.
Blah blah blah blah bla on tax cuts.

REGARDLESS of their tax rate, businesses WILL HIRE people, WHEN they need them....

THAT is how it WORKS....and has ALWAYS worked.

If a business sees the opportunity to expand and capture more of the market share, in their own growth, they will expand....and usually, NOT A DAY SOONER, than that....not if they are smart businessmen/women.

the LACK OF REGULATION (like on fannie and freddie, and AIG etc) or the lack of the enforcement of regulations existing, IS WHAT CAUSED the mess we are in...

less regulation with the banks, is suicidal for us.

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