Republicans Will Pay For This In Spades

canada building fence to keep millions of americans out in case trump becomes president
What is it NOW that Republicans are going to pay for?

Oh... yeah... Bbbboooooooooooooooooooosssshhhhh !!!!!! ... how silly of the rest of us...
YEAH Lets forget the moron ever gave us iraq the ME chaos our great economy and now idiots want another repub in our WH ??? a death wish
Within a few years of the Nixon catastrophe, the Pubs elected Reagan.

Within a few years of the Jimmah Abduhl Carter disaster, the Dems elected Clinton...

The electorate has an extremely short memory...

Mostly because the electorate knows that party platforms are largely bullshit and that they are merely opposite sides of the same sick coin...

Damned if we do... damned if we don't...

People have had eight years of the Failed Messiah - the Magic Negro - and his Rule by Imperial Decree, and his runaway LibTard agenda...

They want something done to stop it...

And, if that means giving the Other Guys another turn at-bat, then, oh well, what-the-phukk...

Batter up...

Got it now?

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