Republicans: Why are you all upset that Obama isn't in NJ/NY/Storm area?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
I've heard this from many, and just now on Hannity's TV show: The anger about Obama doing a "photo op" and then leaving the storm area.

WHY are they upset? We all hear them proclaim that Americans dont need the governments help, that we can all do it on our own.

Well....if we dont need the Feds, then why does Obama need to be there??????
Fair enough. So....GOP'ers, applaud Obama for leavng, and staying away from where the Fed is not needed.
I dont care...BUT we do like to mock liberals who bitched about where is Obama?????? ;)
He never needed to go there in the first place, other than for his own political gain.

It's not Obama that's missing from that picture, it's help and relief and rescue and resources.

He failed the East Coast, he failed Benghazi, and he's failed us all for the past 3-1/2 years.
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Ah I see. Good point. Bush caught hell when in reality the local govt of New Orleans dropped that ball.
He never needed to go there in the first place, other than for his own political gain.

It's not Obama that's missing from that picture, it's help and relief and rescue and resources.

He failed the East Coast, he failed Benghazi, and he's failed us fall or the past 3-1/2 years.

He failed? If he did anything.......he showed we the people that YES YOU NEED GOVERNMENT. You CANNOT always do it alone, and we need govt to have preprared supplies, trained men and plans for disasters, wars, crimes, fires, etc, etc.
I've heard this from many, and just now on Hannity's TV show: The anger about Obama doing a "photo op" and then leaving the storm area.

WHY are they upset? We all hear them proclaim that Americans dont need the governments help, that we can all do it on our own.

Well....if we dont need the Feds, then why does Obama need to be there??????

Well....Obama has done the talking about how great his team is, but he doesn't seem to be doing the walking. Tens of thousands of Americans are homeless, hungry, thirsty, and cold, and can't even get gas for their cars.

He has been playing at being President for over three years now, and it is long past time for him to actually do the job of being President.

Where are all those Air Force transports hauling generators in to New York to open up the service stations and provide gas? Where are all those Army choppers hauling in nets full of food, water, and warm clothing? Meanwhile back at Air Force One, Obama is warm, well fed, and attending political rallies.

But, I will bet dollars to doughnuts that he feels their pain.
He never needed to go there in the first place, other than for his own political gain.

It's not Obama that's missing from that picture, it's help and relief and rescue and resources.

He failed the East Coast, he failed Benghazi, and he's failed us fall or the past 3-1/2 years.

He failed? If he did anything.......he showed we the people that YES YOU NEED GOVERNMENT. You CANNOT always do it alone, and we need govt to have preprared supplies, trained men and plans for disasters, wars, crimes, fires, etc, etc.

Oh. Like Bush with Katrina. I get it now.
Actually I am thrilled he's out of the way.

Libs will never admit it but the effort to take to surround an "on the ground" moment is huge, I actually admire the Presidents people for handling the hurricane this way.

But you won't hear jaclk shit for anyone praising Bush fpr dping the same thing.

Get back to me douche bag when the Red Cross stops getting their coffers filled with cash and maybe hit the ground running.

People are dumpster diving for food.

You know the basics the Romney was going to truck in. Food . Not cash for pay raises for the
CEO's of the Red Cross.

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