Republicans used to be a partner in governing

I see you would rather plunge head long into European socialism. Maybe if we do it really fast it will work better? Not.
Sometimes helping is to not participate in unhealthy behavior and trying to point out what behavior might be a little more healty. Our government is, at present, unhealthy.

I wish that's what the Republicans were doing.

Why must it always be "the Repiblicans" or The Democrats" are doing this or that. Speak up and let the politicians know what you are discuoraged about. They might listen. "The People" ahould be able to voice themselves enough to influence our Representatives and Senators. Is is not nearly as difficult to communicate with them as it used to be. Talk to these politicians after they get elected and quit putting the blame on something or someone else. .(Use the links in my signature,it is easy)

Speak up in these threads about what you belive instead of wasting time with blame and accusations. If you think you don't know enough to make a difference, educate yourself. You are on the internet or you would not be reading this. The internet has enough information for you to get educated in anything you choose

Yeah I'll just go and write a letter to my Congressman and Senators. I just love getting those form letters in response.
I wish that's what the Republicans were doing.

Why must it always be "the Repiblicans" or The Democrats" are doing this or that. Speak up and let the politicians know what you are discuoraged about. They might listen. "The People" ahould be able to voice themselves enough to influence our Representatives and Senators. Is is not nearly as difficult to communicate with them as it used to be. Talk to these politicians after they get elected and quit putting the blame on something or someone else. .(Use the links in my signature,it is easy)

Speak up in these threads about what you belive instead of wasting time with blame and accusations. If you think you don't know enough to make a difference, educate yourself. You are on the internet or you would not be reading this. The internet has enough information for you to get educated in anything you choose

Yeah I'll just go and write a letter to my Congressman and Senators. I just love getting those form letters in response.

Then don't. But quit complaing about what someone else is doing if you will not do for youself.
Why must it always be "the Repiblicans" or The Democrats" are doing this or that. Speak up and let the politicians know what you are discuoraged about. They might listen. "The People" ahould be able to voice themselves enough to influence our Representatives and Senators. Is is not nearly as difficult to communicate with them as it used to be. Talk to these politicians after they get elected and quit putting the blame on something or someone else. .(Use the links in my signature,it is easy)

Speak up in these threads about what you belive instead of wasting time with blame and accusations. If you think you don't know enough to make a difference, educate yourself. You are on the internet or you would not be reading this. The internet has enough information for you to get educated in anything you choose

Yeah I'll just go and write a letter to my Congressman and Senators. I just love getting those form letters in response.

Then don't. But quit complaing about what someone else is doing if you will not do for youself.

I'm sorry, I'm not a Congressman or a Senator. I don't get to go to Washington and decide to vote against increasing the size of government. Unfortunately I've got to put up with my useless "representatives." It has nothing to do with complaining about something I won't do, it's complaining about that which I can't do anything about. The Republicans are no better than the Democrats, and they're only marginally better right now because they're out of power. Once they take over the Democrats will likely be marginally better once again.
Yeah I'll just go and write a letter to my Congressman and Senators. I just love getting those form letters in response.

Then don't. But quit complain about what someone else is doing if you will not do for yourself.

I'm sorry, I'm not a Congressman or a Senator. I don't get to go to Washington and decide to vote against increasing the size of government. Unfortunately I've got to put up with my useless "representatives." It has nothing to do with complaining about something I won't do, it's complaining about that which I can't do anything about. The Republicans are no better than the Democrats, and they're only marginally better right now because they're out of power. Once they take over the Democrats will likely be marginally better once again.

I message myself to my Senators regularly. Especially the one that is not of my preferred party. I advise them on what I want them to do. We sent them there to represent us. I am not willing to just let them do anything they want, now that they are there. I will let them know when I am pleased or displeased. You would be surprised how good it feels even if they don't seem to listen. At least they know what the "folks back home" are thinking.
Then don't. But quit complain about what someone else is doing if you will not do for yourself.

I'm sorry, I'm not a Congressman or a Senator. I don't get to go to Washington and decide to vote against increasing the size of government. Unfortunately I've got to put up with my useless "representatives." It has nothing to do with complaining about something I won't do, it's complaining about that which I can't do anything about. The Republicans are no better than the Democrats, and they're only marginally better right now because they're out of power. Once they take over the Democrats will likely be marginally better once again.

I message myself to my Senators regularly. Especially the one that is not of my preferred party. I advise them on what I want them to do. We sent them there to represent us. I am not willing to just let them do anything they want, now that they are there. I will let them know when I am pleased or displeased. You would be surprised how good it feels even if they don't seem to listen. At least they know what the "folks back home" are thinking.

That's nice. I personally don't get a warm fuzzy feeling when writing to the criminals that purport to represent me. Even less so when I receive the form letter written by some junior staffer who just copied and pasted my name into the salutation.
I'm sorry, I'm not a Congressman or a Senator. I don't get to go to Washington and decide to vote against increasing the size of government. Unfortunately I've got to put up with my useless "representatives." It has nothing to do with complaining about something I won't do, it's complaining about that which I can't do anything about. The Republicans are no better than the Democrats, and they're only marginally better right now because they're out of power. Once they take over the Democrats will likely be marginally better once again.

I message myself to my Senators regularly. Especially the one that is not of my preferred party. I advise them on what I want them to do. We sent them there to represent us. I am not willing to just let them do anything they want, now that they are there. I will let them know when I am pleased or displeased. You would be surprised how good it feels even if they don't seem to listen. At least they know what the "folks back home" are thinking.

That's nice. I personally don't get a warm fuzzy feeling when writing to the criminals that purport to represent me. Even less so when I receive the form letter written by some junior staffer who just copied and pasted my name into the salutation.

OK, I concede, Maybe I don't want you to write to your politicians. What would one expect from someone who says in their signature that the Constitution of The United States is "unfit to exist".

Go about your chaotic way and have a good day, if you so desire. If not have a bad day. It is your choice.
I message myself to my Senators regularly. Especially the one that is not of my preferred party. I advise them on what I want them to do. We sent them there to represent us. I am not willing to just let them do anything they want, now that they are there. I will let them know when I am pleased or displeased. You would be surprised how good it feels even if they don't seem to listen. At least they know what the "folks back home" are thinking.

That's nice. I personally don't get a warm fuzzy feeling when writing to the criminals that purport to represent me. Even less so when I receive the form letter written by some junior staffer who just copied and pasted my name into the salutation.

OK, I concede, Maybe I don't want you to write to your politicians. What would one expect from someone who says in their signature that the Constitution of The United States is "unfit to exist".

Go about your chaotic way and have a good day, if you so desire. If not have a bad day. It is your choice.

It's obvious you don't understand the quote in my signature, especially since you focused on the very last part of it.

If you care to discuss it.
Welcome MC.

They claim government doesn't work and then get elected and prove it.

Thanks Truth. Good to find another decent political forum. They are harder to come by these days.

Per your comment above the Teapublican Party these days: their hypocrisy is incredible. They really have brainwashed those who are too lazy to think for themselves, and who would rather Faux News and Rush think for them. As you so aptly state, "They claim government doesn't work and then get elected and prove it". I used to be a proud registered Republican in the 1980s and early 90s, but after Newt and his Contract on America, I found myself left of a center that was in flux after 1994. As an Independent non-party affiliate, I have been able to see the big picture and become more objective with my views. I held out hope for the GOP by voting for what I thought would be a compassionate Conservative in the Whitehouse, only to become more and more ostracized from the GOP with my moderate views. It is posts like from CaliGirl that continue to reinforce why I must remain independent in thought, and avoid the trappings of Political Party Sheep Herding.

Keep up the good fight, my fellow American, and remember that the Silent Majority has yet to awaken to the disaster the GOP has brought upon America in recent years:evil:

Are you kidding? It's the GOP that's responsible for the "disaster"? Any non biased view of what led to this past recession would know that both parties share responsibility...that both parties' actions have led us to where we are. Keep up the good fight? What's been good about it? The Democrats are fully as rigid in their ideology as the Republicans. The fact is...our government is broken. It needs to be fixed. Blaming one side for the problem IS the problem.
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In recent polls, an overwhelming 68% of the American public wanted a compromise on the debt ceiling. Break down those numbers by party, however, and a different picture emerges. 81% of Democrats want a compromise compared to only 53% of Republicans. Even more strikingly, 53% of the Tea Party oppose a settlement compared to 42% who favor it. The Tea Party, in opposition to the majority of the country, the majority of the Republican electorate and the weight of professional opinion, takes the my-way-or-the-high-way approach. What is going on?

The short answer is that the Republican leadership, in general, and the Tea Party, in particular, is designed to be a party of extremists. That is, the modern Republican party is built on its appeal to those most likely to see the world in black and white. Giving power to the true believers of any stripe is dangerous, and the this makes visible a decades long process that increases the risk that the country will become ungovernable.
That's nice. I personally don't get a warm fuzzy feeling when writing to the criminals that purport to represent me. Even less so when I receive the form letter written by some junior staffer who just copied and pasted my name into the salutation.

OK, I concede, Maybe I don't want you to write to your politicians. What would one expect from someone who says in their signature that the Constitution of The United States is "unfit to exist".

Go about your chaotic way and have a good day, if you so desire. If not have a bad day. It is your choice.

It's obvious you don't understand the quote in my signature, especially since you focused on the very last part of it.

If you care to discuss it.

Thank you for the invite but I choose not to debate with someone bases things on assumptions and has developed a defeatest attitude. Lets just scrap the whole idea of government as we know it and become anarchists is what I get from your comments.
In recent polls, an overwhelming 68% of the American public wanted a compromise on the debt ceiling. Break down those numbers by party, however, and a different picture emerges. 81% of Democrats want a compromise compared to only 53% of Republicans. Even more strikingly, 53% of the Tea Party oppose a settlement compared to 42% who favor it. The Tea Party, in opposition to the majority of the country, the majority of the Republican electorate and the weight of professional opinion, takes the my-way-or-the-high-way approach. What is going on?

The short answer is that the Republican leadership, in general, and the Tea Party, in particular, is designed to be a party of extremists. That is, the modern Republican party is built on its appeal to those most likely to see the world in black and white. Giving power to the true believers of any stripe is dangerous, and the this makes visible a decades long process that increases the risk that the country will become ungovernable.

You calling yourself a "moderate" is a joke. The Tea Party aren't "extremists"...they are concerned Americans who think we've lost our way. What is extreme about wanting our government to live within it's means? I'm amused by your claim that the "modern Republican party" is only populated by those who see the world in black and white. If you think the only ideologues reside on the right then you are either incredibly myopic or selective in your view.

I happen to be a Republican who is fiscally conservative. I'm also an atheist. I also have no problem with same sex marriage. I also have no problem with gun controls on assault weapons. I also am pro-choice. So don't lecture me on how I belong to a party that only see's black and white. That's the VIEW of someone who only sees in black and white.
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And then the folks discovered something called the ruling political class after continually sending judges with solid conservative credentials to DC and of finding them, shortly after their arrivals in DC, going native and suddenly ruling with the Libs and the ACLU in over 90 per cent of their decisions.
The folks decided it was time to stop sending these chameleons to DC and to start electing people who were going to vote for what the people wanted and not the people of San Francisco, Provincetown, New York City, or Miami either.
Whats the difference between Senator Gaylord Nelson (D-Fl) and the Senator from Nevada portrayed so well in the Godfather sequels? The people simply got tired of that type of pol.
In recent polls, an overwhelming 68% of the American public wanted a compromise on the debt ceiling. Break down those numbers by party, however, and a different picture emerges. 81% of Democrats want a compromise compared to only 53% of Republicans. Even more strikingly, 53% of the Tea Party oppose a settlement compared to 42% who favor it. The Tea Party, in opposition to the majority of the country, the majority of the Republican electorate and the weight of professional opinion, takes the my-way-or-the-high-way approach. What is going on?

The short answer is that the Republican leadership, in general, and the Tea Party, in particular, is designed to be a party of extremists. That is, the modern Republican party is built on its appeal to those most likely to see the world in black and white. Giving power to the true believers of any stripe is dangerous, and the this makes visible a decades long process that increases the risk that the country will become ungovernable.

As for your rant about who wanted compromise on the debt ceiling? When you say 81% of Democrats wanted compromise what you're actually saying is that 81% of Democrats wanted increased taxes to be part of the compromise. Now with even Barack Obama's former Chief economic adviser Christina Romer admitting that now would be a bad time to increase taxes WHY WOULD ANY RATIONAL PERSON WANT THEM RAISED?

I'll give you a hint...

The same people that DIDN'T raise them when they controlled the House, Senate and the Oval Office because they KNEW it would kill any economic recovery, turned around and called for tax increases NOW when they KNEW that Republicans in the House wouldn't let that happen. That whole debate? It was bullshit. It was politics. It was posturing.

We got our credit rating downgraded because S&P's was calling for 4 trillion in deficit reduction and we gave them less than half of that and none of the reductions were specific. The truth is we wouldn't have even gotten THAT small reduction if Barack Obama had gotten his way. He was asking for a "clean" raise of the debt ceiling with no obligation to makes cuts. It was those "extreme" Tea Party people that held the politician's feet to the fire and forced them to make the cuts they did. But instead of seeing the Tea Party as a positive force moving our politicians to make the hard choices that they've refused to make for've chosen to attack them.
In recent polls, an overwhelming 68% of the American public wanted a compromise on the debt ceiling. Break down those numbers by party, however, and a different picture emerges. 81% of Democrats want a compromise compared to only 53% of Republicans. Even more strikingly, 53% of the Tea Party oppose a settlement compared to 42% who favor it. The Tea Party, in opposition to the majority of the country, the majority of the Republican electorate and the weight of professional opinion, takes the my-way-or-the-high-way approach. What is going on?

The short answer is that the Republican leadership, in general, and the Tea Party, in particular, is designed to be a party of extremists. That is, the modern Republican party is built on its appeal to those most likely to see the world in black and white. Giving power to the true believers of any stripe is dangerous, and the this makes visible a decades long process that increases the risk that the country will become ungovernable.

There are times when compromise is not a good choice. When the stakes are too high and the results are too dangerous, compromise is not the answer.

In the past three years our country has been running headlong into a pit of spending and enlarged debt. it is time to turn the country around. You can not turn around if you keep heading in the same direction.
Hopefully that debate was a turning point. If not we will have another head to head meeting and hopefully in the mean time we will not go much further in the direction of unfettered spending.

Those not getting what they wanted in the debt debate are acting like the wife of a man who has cut up the credit cards because he cannot or is not willing to pay the debt she has incurred.

Now the Democrats are wondering where they can get more money to spend. They may find that they have to tighten their belts and change their behaviors. I hope those who see entitlements as a danger to our future will continue to fight their promotion. Entitlements include subsidies, Earned income credit, federal employee union wages, teachers union wages, the health care bill, and so on and so on.

Our government should: Protect our borders from intrusion, maintain am infrastructure to promote productivity, and offer a basic set of guidelines for citizens to follow to prevent anarchy. Anything beyond that should be considered outside the scope of federal government.
OK, I concede, Maybe I don't want you to write to your politicians. What would one expect from someone who says in their signature that the Constitution of The United States is "unfit to exist".

Go about your chaotic way and have a good day, if you so desire. If not have a bad day. It is your choice.

It's obvious you don't understand the quote in my signature, especially since you focused on the very last part of it.

If you care to discuss it.

Thank you for the invite but I choose not to debate with someone bases things on assumptions and has developed a defeatest attitude. Lets just scrap the whole idea of government as we know it and become anarchists is what I get from your comments.

Pointing out the inherent problems of the system doesn't make one an anarchist. Nor do I have a defeatist attitude, I just don't think petitioning the criminals who are part of the problem is the key to solving the problem.

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