Republicans unlikely to win the Senate


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
Republicans, who are modest favorites to take over the House from Democrats, still have a chance to do the same in the United States Senate. But their odds have dropped significantly: from a 26 percent chance last week to 15 percent today, according to the FiveThirtyEight forecasting model.

The main reason for the decline is the outcome of Tuesday’s Republican primary in Delaware, in which the insurgent candidate, Christine O’Donnell, defeated Michael N. Castle. Two recent polls, including one completed after the primary, show her trailing her Democratic opponent, Chris Coons, by margins of 11 percent and 16 percent.

Although Ms. O’Donnell and Mr. Coons remain relatively unknown to some Delaware voters, and a comeback by Ms. O’Donnell is not impossible, the forecasting model gives it only a 6 percent likelihood of happening — and has established Mr. Coons, therefore, as a 94 percent favorite. Had Republican voters selected Mr. Castle instead, the numbers would be exactly the opposite: Mr. Castle would be the 94 percent favorite to win the seat, leaving Mr. Coons with just a 6 percent chance of an upset.

After Delaware, G.O.P. Senate Takeover Appears Much Less Likely -
Do the people of Delaware really want Coons? Do they know who he is? Maybe you should find out before you start projecting him the winner of anything.

Or is that just too stupid an idea for some people?
At this stage of the game, the official lines from both sides are desperately playing the lowered expectations game.

In the home stretch, I never believe any future predictions in a close race.
Do the people of Delaware really want Coons? Do they know who he is? Maybe you should find out before you start projecting him the winner of anything.

Or is that just too stupid an idea for some people?

Don’t celebrate yet, Mr. Coons Slavens Says

Wasnt she behind like 25 points and now is down only 11? Are people in DE really stupid? I know they elected Biden, but this is different.
I wouldn't count O'Donnell out just yet. Nor would I count out the GOP taking control of Congress. This year is shaping up to be a landslide of major proportions.
Leave it to the lib moonbats at the NY Slimes to tell republicans who they should be electing. :rolleyes:

DumbDumb, the article was in no way telling RepubliCON$ who to vote for. Simply predicting what THEIR choice of WHO they voted for to represent them would likely mean as far as their chances of winning the Senate seat.

Relax clown.
I think House going Republican but Senate staying Dem may be a good thing. It'll force Obama and the Dems to prove they can work with Republicans but of course we know that'll be a massive failure. That will assure a huge Republican takeover of the senate in 2012.
Leave it to the lib moonbats at the NY Slimes to tell republicans who they should be electing. :rolleyes:

DumbDumb, the article was in no way telling RepubliCON$ who to vote for. Simply predicting what THEIR choice of WHO they voted for to represent them would likely mean as far as their chances of winning the Senate seat.

Relax clown.

We've been hearing leftloons like the stooges at the NY Slimes tell republicans who is and isn't "viable" as republican candidates for no less than a decade, yet their "loser" candidates have a nasty habit of winning (see: Rubio) while their "winners" seem to always get drubbed (see: Juan McLouse).

Maybe they and Gomers like you should stick to waving the pom-poms for your own train wreck of a party and let the republigoobers run theirs.
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Winning the House is what I want (Gridlock, Baby! Gridlock!)

Never expected the Senate would change hands... Having it close, as it appears might be the case, is also good for my desired gridlock... Besides, the R's would need to overcome the squishy Maine duo to truly control the Senate...

Tossing out some RINOs this year is just pure icing on the cake!...:lol:
Friggin' sweet!
Do forecasting models really mean anything in a volitile political year. Forecasting models are built on past results and this election figures to be one that does not fit into the staistical models. A certain percentage of the electorate will vote straight ticket anyway no matter who is on the ticket. They go in a do their civic duty without any though who the candidates are, just if thery are democrat or republican. Those who care about the candidates will be better informed,

It is too early to say whether the repubs will gain control of both the Senate and the House but it is looking like they will still do it. My forecast!
Republicans, who are modest favorites to take over the House from Democrats, still have a chance to do the same in the United States Senate. But their odds have dropped significantly: from a 26 percent chance last week to 15 percent today, according to the FiveThirtyEight forecasting model.

The main reason for the decline is the outcome of Tuesday’s Republican primary in Delaware, in which the insurgent candidate, Christine O’Donnell, defeated Michael N. Castle. Two recent polls, including one completed after the primary, show her trailing her Democratic opponent, Chris Coons, by margins of 11 percent and 16 percent.

Although Ms. O’Donnell and Mr. Coons remain relatively unknown to some Delaware voters, and a comeback by Ms. O’Donnell is not impossible, the forecasting model gives it only a 6 percent likelihood of happening — and has established Mr. Coons, therefore, as a 94 percent favorite. Had Republican voters selected Mr. Castle instead, the numbers would be exactly the opposite: Mr. Castle would be the 94 percent favorite to win the seat, leaving Mr. Coons with just a 6 percent chance of an upset.

After Delaware, G.O.P. Senate Takeover Appears Much Less Likely -

The voter turn-out in DE for a primary was historic. Christine O'Donnel received over 1 MILLION dollars in donations in 2 short days. In fact--the web-site crashed at 350K right after the announcement that she had won this race.

Her poll numbers are coming UP quickly. They stated that she couldn't win the primary either--and she gained 17 points just in the last couple of weeks against Castle.

I wouldn't count her out on this one--I believe she is going to win this race. Especially after the news that Harry Reid referred to her democrat opponent as his favorite PET--:lol::lol:

As far as Republicans taking the Senate--Dick Morris--Bill Clinton's former advisor is 90% certain that the Senate is up for grabs also. He believes Republicans are going to take it.
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And do we have any idea what's going to happen after the government shutdown when Democrats fail to pass a budget?
Republicans, who are modest favorites to take over the House from Democrats, still have a chance to do the same in the United States Senate. But their odds have dropped significantly: from a 26 percent chance last week to 15 percent today, according to the FiveThirtyEight forecasting model.

The main reason for the decline is the outcome of Tuesday’s Republican primary in Delaware, in which the insurgent candidate, Christine O’Donnell, defeated Michael N. Castle. Two recent polls, including one completed after the primary, show her trailing her Democratic opponent, Chris Coons, by margins of 11 percent and 16 percent.

Although Ms. O’Donnell and Mr. Coons remain relatively unknown to some Delaware voters, and a comeback by Ms. O’Donnell is not impossible, the forecasting model gives it only a 6 percent likelihood of happening — and has established Mr. Coons, therefore, as a 94 percent favorite. Had Republican voters selected Mr. Castle instead, the numbers would be exactly the opposite: Mr. Castle would be the 94 percent favorite to win the seat, leaving Mr. Coons with just a 6 percent chance of an upset.

After Delaware, G.O.P. Senate Takeover Appears Much Less Likely -

As usual, you are stupid. Don't you have some Lego's to play with and leave the adults alone? Feel free to to invite your ilk to play Lego's with you. They and you are inundating my board with lies.
Republicans, who are modest favorites to take over the House from Democrats, still have a chance to do the same in the United States Senate. But their odds have dropped significantly: from a 26 percent chance last week to 15 percent today, according to the FiveThirtyEight forecasting model.

The main reason for the decline is the outcome of Tuesday’s Republican primary in Delaware, in which the insurgent candidate, Christine O’Donnell, defeated Michael N. Castle. Two recent polls, including one completed after the primary, show her trailing her Democratic opponent, Chris Coons, by margins of 11 percent and 16 percent.

Although Ms. O’Donnell and Mr. Coons remain relatively unknown to some Delaware voters, and a comeback by Ms. O’Donnell is not impossible, the forecasting model gives it only a 6 percent likelihood of happening — and has established Mr. Coons, therefore, as a 94 percent favorite. Had Republican voters selected Mr. Castle instead, the numbers would be exactly the opposite: Mr. Castle would be the 94 percent favorite to win the seat, leaving Mr. Coons with just a 6 percent chance of an upset.

After Delaware, G.O.P. Senate Takeover Appears Much Less Likely -

As usual, you are stupid. Don't you have some Lego's to play with and leave the adults alone? Feel free to to invite your ilk to play Lego's with you. They and you are inundating my board with lies.

Kinda like when the Japanese attcked Pearl Harbor in 1942?
Republicans, who are modest favorites to take over the House from Democrats, still have a chance to do the same in the United States Senate. But their odds have dropped significantly: from a 26 percent chance last week to 15 percent today, according to the FiveThirtyEight forecasting model.

The main reason for the decline is the outcome of Tuesday’s Republican primary in Delaware, in which the insurgent candidate, Christine O’Donnell, defeated Michael N. Castle. Two recent polls, including one completed after the primary, show her trailing her Democratic opponent, Chris Coons, by margins of 11 percent and 16 percent.

Although Ms. O’Donnell and Mr. Coons remain relatively unknown to some Delaware voters, and a comeback by Ms. O’Donnell is not impossible, the forecasting model gives it only a 6 percent likelihood of happening — and has established Mr. Coons, therefore, as a 94 percent favorite. Had Republican voters selected Mr. Castle instead, the numbers would be exactly the opposite: Mr. Castle would be the 94 percent favorite to win the seat, leaving Mr. Coons with just a 6 percent chance of an upset.

After Delaware, G.O.P. Senate Takeover Appears Much Less Likely -

The voter turn-out in DE for a primary was historic. Christine O'Donnel received over 1 MILLION dollars in donations in 2 short days. In fact--the web-site crashed at 350K right after the announcement that she had won this race.

Her poll numbers are coming UP quickly. They stated that she couldn't win the primary either--and she gained 17 points just in the last couple of weeks against Castle.

I wouldn't count her out on this one--I believe she is going to win this race. Especially after the news that Harry Reid referred to her democrat opponent as his favorite PET--:lol::lol:

As far as Republicans taking the Senate--Dick Morris--Bill Clinton's former advisor is 90% certain that the Senate is up for grabs also. He believes Republicans are going to take it.

Dick Morris: Senate Control within Republicans' Grasp

I had read that.

Coombs seems to be a self described Marxist.

Wonder how the good voters in Del will decide between him and O'Donnell who seems to be a righty, way righty??

Glad I don't live in Del as I detest the way right of the Reps and the way left of the Dems.

Should be a way interesting race.

May the best extremist win. LOL
Republicans, who are modest favorites to take over the House from Democrats, still have a chance to do the same in the United States Senate. But their odds have dropped significantly: from a 26 percent chance last week to 15 percent today, according to the FiveThirtyEight forecasting model.

The main reason for the decline is the outcome of Tuesday’s Republican primary in Delaware, in which the insurgent candidate, Christine O’Donnell, defeated Michael N. Castle. Two recent polls, including one completed after the primary, show her trailing her Democratic opponent, Chris Coons, by margins of 11 percent and 16 percent.

Although Ms. O’Donnell and Mr. Coons remain relatively unknown to some Delaware voters, and a comeback by Ms. O’Donnell is not impossible, the forecasting model gives it only a 6 percent likelihood of happening — and has established Mr. Coons, therefore, as a 94 percent favorite. Had Republican voters selected Mr. Castle instead, the numbers would be exactly the opposite: Mr. Castle would be the 94 percent favorite to win the seat, leaving Mr. Coons with just a 6 percent chance of an upset.

After Delaware, G.O.P. Senate Takeover Appears Much Less Likely -

As usual, you are stupid. Don't you have some Lego's to play with and leave the adults alone? Feel free to to invite your ilk to play Lego's with you. They and you are inundating my board with lies.

Kinda like when the Japanese attcked Pearl Harbor in 1942?

I thought it was the Germans
As usual, you are stupid. Don't you have some Lego's to play with and leave the adults alone? Feel free to to invite your ilk to play Lego's with you. They and you are inundating my board with lies.

Kinda like when the Japanese attcked Pearl Harbor in 1942?

I thought it was the Germans

Don't interrupt. He's on a roll.

Or just another Gunny tirade. I wonder how much time he spends cleaning spit off of his computer screen?

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