Republicans: the blame goes on.....

Your opinion takes no account of the 50+% of people who stayed home in 2012....Therefore, the sample group from which you base your opinion is incomplete, at best, if not completely worthless.
To the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood the sample is always wrong!

If they don't agree with a survey of the general population it's because it's not registered voters.
If they don't agree with a survey of registered voters it's because it's not likely voters.
If they don't agree with a survey of likely voters it's because it samples too many Democrats.
If you sampled all Republicans they'd say it wasn't CON$ervoFascist Republicans.
If they don't agree with a survey of CON$ervoFascist Republicans it's because it's not a sample of the general population.
The Right has a Catch 22 for everything.
I know that liberals are once again excited because Barry managed to get himself reelected but the underlying fact still remains that the entitlement society which progressives have so desperately desired can't be sustained without massive tax increases on both the wealthy AND the middle class. We're "paying" for them now by borrowing trillions. At some point we will no longer be able to do so. When we reach that point the "entitlement class" will be in the streets rioting just like Greece.

The GOP needs to continue to advocate fiscal sanity. Liberals are standing in quicksand. There is absolutely ZERO reason to go and stand next to them.
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The hierarchy of the GOP is being challenged by those demanding change, no longer is the central party the voice of the conservative movement, that without a firm grasp of the purse strings they will be replaced. Two new factions, fiscal conservatism, and contitutionalist's have emerged from the tea party movement that are aware that kicking the can down the road is irresponsible and damaging to individual freedoms and prosperity. The fact that what is the mainstream central progressive compassionate conservative wing of the party is grasping to retain control which without a message makes an easy target for both the progressive movement of the opposition and the new fiscal and constitutional movement from within. What is not discussed is that any attempt to form working relationships between the left and right is dependent upon the central party retaining control. One only has to look at the period between 1969 Nixon and 1979 Reagan to see the transformation the party will under go over the next several years and negative role GH and GW had in its demise to fully understand what is taking place. The grand old days of totally focusing on international affairs at the expense of domestic policy has left the grand old party very exposed.

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