Republicans really aren't smart enough to understand capitalism


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
They like to think they understand it, but they really don't.

Think about the consequences of leaving the free market unregulated and letting the high powered corporate lobbyists make all the rules. This is what's resulted and these are all FACTS:

1) A shockingly huge wealth disparity between the mega rich and the middle class and poor has grown over the course of a few decades. Wages for the poor are way behind on the rise of inflation despite productivity soaring in most sectors. Most income gains have gone to the top earners in this country for the last few decades.

2) Wall Street corruption directly resulted in the Great Recession of 2008.

3) Corporate crime largely goes unpunished, and when it is punished, the results are petty fines.

4) Our for-profit healthcare system has resulted in many basic, critical healthcare services being unavailable to the poor and in some cases the middle class. Prescription drug prices, specifically, in this country are astronomically high in comparison to other countries providing the exact same drugs. If you dumbasses actually think our healthcare system was even remotely affordable prior to ACA then you might as well relinquish your voting rights because you aren't smart enough for the right.

5) Cutting taxes for corporations and top earners does NOTHING to stimulate the overall economy. Why? Because it's easier to keep the money they save rather than invest it. They are already wealthier than ever before. There is no incentive for them to invest in a stronger labor force.

Now am I suggesting we get rid of capitalism? Absolutely not. I just want a system that guarantees more capital to the poor and shrinking middle class. The basics of the free market system are what helped make this country a super power. It's just gone awry over the last couple of decades.

Here's a bonus task: name ANY republican economic policy that has benefited the middle class. Go ahead. I'll wait.
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I am too sthmart enough to get capitalism.

T = capital

t = not a capital

They like to think they understand it, but they really don't.

Think about the consequences of leaving the free market unregulated and letting the high powered corporate lobbyists make all the rules. This is what's resulted and these are all FACTS:

1) A shockingly huge wealth disparity between the mega rich and the middle class and poor has grown over the course of a few decades. Wages for the poor are way behind on the rise of inflation despite productivity soaring in most sectors. Most income gains have gone to the top earners in this country for the last few decades.
In actual capitalism, which is not what we have currently, the people who become wealthy do so through hard work, and those who fail do so because of their own ineptitude. It's a system in which everyone is equal as people, nobody is assisted by government, and everyone keeps what they earn. Unlike Socialism, in which failure is rewarded with money stolen from those who earned it.

2) Wall Street corruption directly resulted in the Great Recession of 2008.
You're mistaking what we have for capitalism. What we have is a Fascistic Corporatist State, a result of a government that is far too powerful selling its power to lobbyists, which results in the corruption we see, which happens to be what is REALLY responsible for the recession. Spoiler; Making the government more powerful does not solve the problem of government corruption. Without the government, businesses would be at the mercy of their consumers, without the government there to bail them out.
3) Corporate crime largely goes unpunished, and when it is punished, the results are petty fines.
Corporate Crime is a result of the government preventing businesses from being at the mercy of their consumers.
4) Our for-profit healthcare system has resulted in many basic, critical healthcare services being unavailable to the poor and in some cases the middle class. Prescription drug prices, specifically, in this country are astronomically high in comparison to other countries providing the exact same drugs. If you dumbasses actually think our healthcare system was even remotely affordable prior to ACA then you might as well relinquish your voting rights because you aren't smart enough for the right.
Our healthcare system is not capitalist, regulations prevented providers from competing with each other, which in turn prevents the system from being optimal. Prescription drug prices today are also a result of the government preventing businesses from competing. Drugs use to cost pocket change, but the government created patents, which raised prices drastically.

The ACA cost premiums to rise sharply. My family used to pay 50$ for all twelve of us. They now pay 150$ for six of us, and our family is considered below middle class.

5) Cutting taxes for corporations and top earners does NOTHING to stimulate the overall economy. Why? Because it's easier to keep the money they save rather than invest it. They are already wealthier than ever before. There is no incentive for them to invest in a stronger labor force.
That's completely false. Lower taxes help smaller businesses expand, which creates more jobs, and causes the economy to improve. Big businesses that the government hasn't already forced into a monopoly with their regulations also risk losing ground and money to their competition if they don't expand, meaning money IS incentive enough, regardless of how much they have. It has been proven numerous times that the economy improves with lower taxes.
Now am I suggesting we get rid of capitalism? Absolutely not. I just want a system that guarantees more capital to the poor and shrinking middle class. The basics of the free market system are what helped make this country a super power. It's just gone awry over the last couple of decades.

Here's a bonus task: name ANY republican economic policy that has benefited the middle class. Go ahead. I'll wait.
What has gone wrong is the government expanding as time goes on. This is not capitalism, it's fascistic corporatism. Competition has been strangled out by government regulations, diminishing consumer choices. Making the government the only monopoly through Social Control takes that problem even further. As a matter of fact, more government is not the solution to too much government.

You are right about one thing, though. Republicans don't understand Capitalism. Neither do Democrats, Socialists, Liberals, or anyone else that believes America is capitalist.
They like to think they understand it, but they really don't.

Think about the consequences of leaving the free market unregulated and letting the high powered corporate lobbyists make all the rules. This is what's resulted and these are all FACTS:

1) A shockingly huge wealth disparity between the mega rich and the middle class and poor has grown over the course of a few decades. Wages for the poor are way behind on the rise of inflation despite productivity soaring in most sectors. Most income gains have gone to the top earners in this country for the last few decades.

2) Wall Street corruption directly resulted in the Great Recession of 2008.

3) Corporate crime largely goes unpunished, and when it is punished, the results are petty fines.

4) Our for-profit healthcare system has resulted in many basic, critical healthcare services being unavailable to the poor and in some cases the middle class. Prescription drug prices, specifically, in this country are astronomically high in comparison to other countries providing the exact same drugs. If you dumbasses actually think our healthcare system was even remotely affordable prior to ACA then you might as well relinquish your voting rights because you aren't smart enough for the right.

5) Cutting taxes for corporations and top earners does NOTHING to stimulate the overall economy. Why? Because it's easier to keep the money they save rather than invest it. They are already wealthier than ever before. There is no incentive for them to invest in a stronger labor force.

Now am I suggesting we get rid of capitalism? Absolutely not. I just want a system that guarantees more capital to the poor and shrinking middle class. The basics of the free market system are what helped make this country a super power. It's just gone awry over the last couple of decades.

Here's a bonus task: name ANY republican economic policy that has benefited the middle class. Go ahead. I'll wait.

Can you pull eleven marbles out of a bag that only contains ten? Of course not...but that is what the Federal Reserve Bank (owned by international bankers) wants us to do and someone is always left standing in this financial game of musical chairs where the "money" to pay usury for a fiat currency loan extended from thin air doesn't exist.......

There is so much that you have no clue about and I doubt that you have the capacity to understand this debt slavery system where our sweat equity moves their fiat currency while they use it to buy up hard assets with what amounts to "Monopoly money" that isn't backed by anything that has an intrinsic value......
They like to think they understand it, but they really don't.

Think about the consequences of leaving the free market unregulated and letting the high powered corporate lobbyists make all the rules. This is what's resulted and these are all FACTS:

1) A shockingly huge wealth disparity between the mega rich and the middle class and poor has grown over the course of a few decades. Wages for the poor are way behind on the rise of inflation despite productivity soaring in most sectors. Most income gains have gone to the top earners in this country for the last few decades.
In actual capitalism, which is not what we have currently, the people who become wealthy do so through hard work, and those who fail do so because of their own ineptitude. It's a system in which everyone is equal as people, nobody is assisted by government, and everyone keeps what they earn. Unlike Socialism, in which failure is rewarded with money stolen from those who earned it.

2) Wall Street corruption directly resulted in the Great Recession of 2008.
You're mistaking what we have for capitalism. What we have is a Fascistic Corporatist State, a result of a government that is far too powerful selling its power to lobbyists, which results in the corruption we see, which happens to be what is REALLY responsible for the recession. Spoiler; Making the government more powerful does not solve the problem of government corruption. Without the government, businesses would be at the mercy of their consumers, without the government there to bail them out.
3) Corporate crime largely goes unpunished, and when it is punished, the results are petty fines.
Corporate Crime is a result of the government preventing businesses from being at the mercy of their consumers.
4) Our for-profit healthcare system has resulted in many basic, critical healthcare services being unavailable to the poor and in some cases the middle class. Prescription drug prices, specifically, in this country are astronomically high in comparison to other countries providing the exact same drugs. If you dumbasses actually think our healthcare system was even remotely affordable prior to ACA then you might as well relinquish your voting rights because you aren't smart enough for the right.
Our healthcare system is not capitalist, regulations prevented providers from competing with each other, which in turn prevents the system from being optimal. Prescription drug prices today are also a result of the government preventing businesses from competing. Drugs use to cost pocket change, but the government created patents, which raised prices drastically.

The ACA cost premiums to rise sharply. My family used to pay 50$ for all twelve of us. They now pay 150$ for six of us, and our family is considered below middle class.

5) Cutting taxes for corporations and top earners does NOTHING to stimulate the overall economy. Why? Because it's easier to keep the money they save rather than invest it. They are already wealthier than ever before. There is no incentive for them to invest in a stronger labor force.
That's completely false. Lower taxes help smaller businesses expand, which creates more jobs, and causes the economy to improve. Big businesses that the government hasn't already forced into a monopoly with their regulations also risk losing ground and money to their competition if they don't expand, meaning money IS incentive enough, regardless of how much they have. It has been proven numerous times that the economy improves with lower taxes.
Now am I suggesting we get rid of capitalism? Absolutely not. I just want a system that guarantees more capital to the poor and shrinking middle class. The basics of the free market system are what helped make this country a super power. It's just gone awry over the last couple of decades.

Here's a bonus task: name ANY republican economic policy that has benefited the middle class. Go ahead. I'll wait.
What has gone wrong is the government expanding as time goes on. This is not capitalism, it's fascistic corporatism. Competition has been strangled out by government regulations, diminishing consumer choices. Making the government the only monopoly through Social Control takes that problem even further. As a matter of fact, more government is not the solution to too much government.

You are right about one thing, though. Republicans don't understand Capitalism. Neither do Democrats, Socialists, Liberals, or anyone else that believes America is capitalist.
1) This idea that hard work will allow any American to prevail used to be true, but it isn't anymore. A can-do attitude has become less and less effective as a means to get ahead.

2) ACA failed to control rising healthcare costs, but many of the rises in costs would have happened anyway. That's the nature of the for-profit system.

3) Look, just because it sounds like it makes sense to say the less regulation the better, it doesn't mean this idea is the reason why poverty exists and why the middle class continues to disintegrate. It's because of the rising power of the 1% who make all the rules. If you look at BLS statistics, the number one reason businesses fail is NOT because of government red tape - its because of a lack of demand for the product.

4) Yes, lower taxes help small businesses but that isn't my point. I'm saying that cutting taxes on mega corporations and the wealthy does not grow the overall economy.
One mid summer day, two leftarded Antifa types set out to do an experiment to show how much more they know about Capitalism than Conservatives do.
They wanted to make money and they thought they could do so by selling watermelons.
They borrowed a small truck and they journeyed out to a large farm.
With money from a cash advance from their fast food employers, the leftardz purchased a huge number of the watermelons for 12 dollars a dozen and they loaded as many as they could into their borrowed truck.
The leftarded racists in denial then brought the watermelons to the most chocolate neighborhood they could find in New York City and they sold every single melon for one dollar apiece on the street.
At the end of a very long day, they googled a profit margin calculator on their government subsidized 'smart' phones and gasped as they realized - they had not made ANY profit.
The simple minded leftardz just could not understand why they couldn't make ANY money after working so hard and treating their customers so "fairly."
Undaunted, the leftardz decided to repeat the experiment several times over the following weeks. . . each time with the very same outcome.
Finally, while the two leftardz were on break at their fast food job, one of the leftardz looked at up at the other and said " Yo dude man I think I got it "
" We need to borrow a bigger truck!"
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They like to think they understand it, but they really don't.

Think about the consequences of leaving the free market unregulated and letting the high powered corporate lobbyists make all the rules. This is what's resulted and these are all FACTS:

1) A shockingly huge wealth disparity between the mega rich and the middle class and poor has grown over the course of a few decades. Wages for the poor are way behind on the rise of inflation despite productivity soaring in most sectors. Most income gains have gone to the top earners in this country for the last few decades.
In actual capitalism, which is not what we have currently, the people who become wealthy do so through hard work, and those who fail do so because of their own ineptitude. It's a system in which everyone is equal as people, nobody is assisted by government, and everyone keeps what they earn. Unlike Socialism, in which failure is rewarded with money stolen from those who earned it.

2) Wall Street corruption directly resulted in the Great Recession of 2008.
You're mistaking what we have for capitalism. What we have is a Fascistic Corporatist State, a result of a government that is far too powerful selling its power to lobbyists, which results in the corruption we see, which happens to be what is REALLY responsible for the recession. Spoiler; Making the government more powerful does not solve the problem of government corruption. Without the government, businesses would be at the mercy of their consumers, without the government there to bail them out.
3) Corporate crime largely goes unpunished, and when it is punished, the results are petty fines.
Corporate Crime is a result of the government preventing businesses from being at the mercy of their consumers.
4) Our for-profit healthcare system has resulted in many basic, critical healthcare services being unavailable to the poor and in some cases the middle class. Prescription drug prices, specifically, in this country are astronomically high in comparison to other countries providing the exact same drugs. If you dumbasses actually think our healthcare system was even remotely affordable prior to ACA then you might as well relinquish your voting rights because you aren't smart enough for the right.
Our healthcare system is not capitalist, regulations prevented providers from competing with each other, which in turn prevents the system from being optimal. Prescription drug prices today are also a result of the government preventing businesses from competing. Drugs use to cost pocket change, but the government created patents, which raised prices drastically.

The ACA cost premiums to rise sharply. My family used to pay 50$ for all twelve of us. They now pay 150$ for six of us, and our family is considered below middle class.

5) Cutting taxes for corporations and top earners does NOTHING to stimulate the overall economy. Why? Because it's easier to keep the money they save rather than invest it. They are already wealthier than ever before. There is no incentive for them to invest in a stronger labor force.
That's completely false. Lower taxes help smaller businesses expand, which creates more jobs, and causes the economy to improve. Big businesses that the government hasn't already forced into a monopoly with their regulations also risk losing ground and money to their competition if they don't expand, meaning money IS incentive enough, regardless of how much they have. It has been proven numerous times that the economy improves with lower taxes.
Now am I suggesting we get rid of capitalism? Absolutely not. I just want a system that guarantees more capital to the poor and shrinking middle class. The basics of the free market system are what helped make this country a super power. It's just gone awry over the last couple of decades.

Here's a bonus task: name ANY republican economic policy that has benefited the middle class. Go ahead. I'll wait.
What has gone wrong is the government expanding as time goes on. This is not capitalism, it's fascistic corporatism. Competition has been strangled out by government regulations, diminishing consumer choices. Making the government the only monopoly through Social Control takes that problem even further. As a matter of fact, more government is not the solution to too much government.

You are right about one thing, though. Republicans don't understand Capitalism. Neither do Democrats, Socialists, Liberals, or anyone else that believes America is capitalist.
1) This idea that hard work will allow any American to prevail used to be true, but it isn't anymore. A can-do attitude has become less and less effective as a means to get ahead.

2) ACA failed to control rising healthcare costs, but many of the rises in costs would have happened anyway. That's the nature of the for-profit system.

3) Look, just because it sounds like it makes sense to say the less regulation the better, it doesn't mean this idea is the reason why poverty exists and why the middle class continues to disintegrate. It's because of the rising power of the 1% who make all the rules. If you look at BLS statistics, the number one reason businesses fail is NOT because of government red tape - its because of a lack of demand for the product.

4) Yes, lower taxes help small businesses but that isn't my point. I'm saying that cutting taxes on mega corporations and the wealthy does not grow the overall economy.
1: You can thank big government for that. Preventing competition and through regulation includes competitive wages. Though, hard work still does prevail, even in a Fascistic Corporatist State like this one, even if it's not nearly as effective as in Capitalism. Not that arguing against it here helps your case for Socialism, as hard work would just result in paying higher tax rates, so that the money can be stolen by the government and given to failures.

2: ACA didn't fail to control rising rising healthcare costs, it caused them to rise faster. No, a for profit system where competition is allowed results in lower prices, because if they're not lower, the consumers will look elsewhere. That's the nature of capitalism.

3: It doesn't just sound like it makes sense, it DOES make sense. Regulations prevent competition, patents included among them. The introduction of patents is exactly why the cost of prescription drugs increase from pocket change to an arm and a leg.

Funny you should mention that, since the "1%" lobbies the bloated government to make the aforementioned rules for them. Actually, government red tape is a cause for businesses failing, and in fact, a cause for fewer businesses existing. The government makes it more and more difficult to start a small business. Even if your statement were true, it wouldn't change that more government isn't a solution.

4: Even if a tax cut for "the wealthy" existed, or had ever been implemented, it would still grow the economy. Any tax cuts do A level of good for the economy.
One mid summer day, two leftarded Antifa types set out to do an experiment to show how much more they know about Capitalism than Conservatives do.
They wanted to make money and they thought they could do so by selling watermelons.
They borrowed a small truck and they journeyed out to a large farm.
With money from a cash advance from their fast food employers, the leftardz purchased a huge number of the watermelons for 12 dollars a dozen and they loaded as many as they could into their borrowed truck.
The leftarded racists in denial then brought the watermelons to the most chocolate neighborhood they could find in New York City and they sold every single melon for one dollar apiece on the street.
At the end of a very long day, they googled a profit margin calculator on their government subsidized 'smart' phones and gasped as they realized - they had not made ANY profit.
The simple minded leftardz just could not understand why they couldn't make ANY money after working so hard and treating their customers so "fairly."
Undaunted, the leftardz decided to repeat the experiment several times over the following weeks. . . each time with the very same outcome.
Finally, while the two leftardz were on break at their fast food job, one of the leftardz looked at up at the other and said " Yo dude man I think I got it "
" We need to borrow a bigger truck!"
I think I read a quarter of that before realizing how useless it was.
Now am I suggesting we get rid of capitalism? Absolutely not. I just want a system that guarantees more capital to the poor and shrinking middle class. The basics of the free market system are what helped make this country a super power. It's just gone awry over the last couple of decades.
You want endless class warfare? Cause that is what you will get. Using government as a bludgeon is no way to promote a healthy society. And you're currently losing that war BTW, biggly.

Honestly I don't believe democratic socialists have a clue about capitalism either.
Free market capitalism has as much chance of success as communism, which is to say none. That's because unfettered capitalism always reduces wages, raises prices, and transfers all wealth to the top. It's also prone to periods of expansion and contraction (recessions), where the most poorest and vulnerable citizens are left with no jobs and no social safety net to sustain themselves.

The only way unfettered capitalism can be implemented is to destroy the leadership of the left wing so there is no one to lead the inevitable protests against the hardships it imposes on the poor and working classes.

What does work is a mixed economy combining well regulated capitalism with a strong social safety net, and a healthy and vibrant middle and working class.

The US had that for the middle part of the last century but Reagan destroyed that balance when he changed the tax codes in the 1980's. Now the system is rigged against the working and middle class which has seen their steady progress eroded in favour of the elites. Wages have stagnated as profits and productivity have soared. The working class had savings in 1980. Now they have debt and require social assistance to keep food on the table.

Income for the elites has tripled during this time frame, even as the working class has lost ground. Tax cuts which favour the wealthy and large corporations will do nothing to change this. What good is more productivity if the masses can't afford to buy your products?

Supply side economics don't work unless people can afford to buy. Supply and demand works. It's a balance which has been lost.

Corporations have been awash in cash for years, but they simply increased dividends, not production. They don't need tax cuts to create more jobs, they need sales. In order for consumers to buy, they need increased income. This isn't rocket science people. It's common sense.

American conservatives keep clinging to ideas that don't work, like your health care system, instead of looking at what does work in successful economies. Segregation was another American idea which didn't work and yet the South clung to that until integration was forced on them.

Instead of embracing the idea of universal single payer health care which provides better care for everyone at a fraction of what Americans pay, you cling to a system that provides excellent care for a few, and no care for many. A system which makes people choose between life and bankruptcy.

No one ever said consetvatives were the smart.
They like to think they understand it, but they really don't.

Think about the consequences of leaving the free market unregulated and letting the high powered corporate lobbyists make all the rules. This is what's resulted and these are all FACTS:

1) A shockingly huge wealth disparity between the mega rich and the middle class and poor has grown over the course of a few decades. Wages for the poor are way behind on the rise of inflation despite productivity soaring in most sectors. Most income gains have gone to the top earners in this country for the last few decades.

2) Wall Street corruption directly resulted in the Great Recession of 2008.

3) Corporate crime largely goes unpunished, and when it is punished, the results are petty fines.

4) Our for-profit healthcare system has resulted in many basic, critical healthcare services being unavailable to the poor and in some cases the middle class. Prescription drug prices, specifically, in this country are astronomically high in comparison to other countries providing the exact same drugs. If you dumbasses actually think our healthcare system was even remotely affordable prior to ACA then you might as well relinquish your voting rights because you aren't smart enough for the right.

5) Cutting taxes for corporations and top earners does NOTHING to stimulate the overall economy. Why? Because it's easier to keep the money they save rather than invest it. They are already wealthier than ever before. There is no incentive for them to invest in a stronger labor force.

Now am I suggesting we get rid of capitalism? Absolutely not. I just want a system that guarantees more capital to the poor and shrinking middle class. The basics of the free market system are what helped make this country a super power. It's just gone awry over the last couple of decades.

Here's a bonus task: name ANY republican economic policy that has benefited the middle class. Go ahead. I'll wait.
Democrats think the public is as stupid and powerless as they are. Incapable apparently of holding businesses accountable for their actions.
THAT is capitalism. What you are advocating is government intrusion.

Why do I need a carb menu on my candy bar or soda? I know it's bad for me without the government forcing the nonsense on the packaging.
Why do I need to post OSHA hazard regulations on my jobs trailers? We all know the hazards of the products we work with daily.
Why do I need a label on a box of marbles saying it's a choking hazard? Common sense anyone?

I don't need the baby sitter you seem to think you need. You might enjoy paying all those additional government fees on everything but i sure as fuck dont.
And by the way I've been in business for nearly thirty years serving both the general public & commercial industry.
YOU are the clueless fool
You make ap
They like to think they understand it, but they really don't.

Think about the consequences of leaving the free market unregulated and letting the high powered corporate lobbyists make all the rules. This is what's resulted and these are all FACTS:

1) A shockingly huge wealth disparity between the mega rich and the middle class and poor has grown over the course of a few decades. Wages for the poor are way behind on the rise of inflation despite productivity soaring in most sectors. Most income gains have gone to the top earners in this country for the last few decades.
In actual capitalism, which is not what we have currently, the people who become wealthy do so through hard work, and those who fail do so because of their own ineptitude. It's a system in which everyone is equal as people, nobody is assisted by government, and everyone keeps what they earn. Unlike Socialism, in which failure is rewarded with money stolen from those who earned it.

2) Wall Street corruption directly resulted in the Great Recession of 2008.
You're mistaking what we have for capitalism. What we have is a Fascistic Corporatist State, a result of a government that is far too powerful selling its power to lobbyists, which results in the corruption we see, which happens to be what is REALLY responsible for the recession. Spoiler; Making the government more powerful does not solve the problem of government corruption. Without the government, businesses would be at the mercy of their consumers, without the government there to bail them out.
3) Corporate crime largely goes unpunished, and when it is punished, the results are petty fines.
Corporate Crime is a result of the government preventing businesses from being at the mercy of their consumers.
4) Our for-profit healthcare system has resulted in many basic, critical healthcare services being unavailable to the poor and in some cases the middle class. Prescription drug prices, specifically, in this country are astronomically high in comparison to other countries providing the exact same drugs. If you dumbasses actually think our healthcare system was even remotely affordable prior to ACA then you might as well relinquish your voting rights because you aren't smart enough for the right.
Our healthcare system is not capitalist, regulations prevented providers from competing with each other, which in turn prevents the system from being optimal. Prescription drug prices today are also a result of the government preventing businesses from competing. Drugs use to cost pocket change, but the government created patents, which raised prices drastically.

The ACA cost premiums to rise sharply. My family used to pay 50$ for all twelve of us. They now pay 150$ for six of us, and our family is considered below middle class.

5) Cutting taxes for corporations and top earners does NOTHING to stimulate the overall economy. Why? Because it's easier to keep the money they save rather than invest it. They are already wealthier than ever before. There is no incentive for them to invest in a stronger labor force.
That's completely false. Lower taxes help smaller businesses expand, which creates more jobs, and causes the economy to improve. Big businesses that the government hasn't already forced into a monopoly with their regulations also risk losing ground and money to their competition if they don't expand, meaning money IS incentive enough, regardless of how much they have. It has been proven numerous times that the economy improves with lower taxes.
Now am I suggesting we get rid of capitalism? Absolutely not. I just want a system that guarantees more capital to the poor and shrinking middle class. The basics of the free market system are what helped make this country a super power. It's just gone awry over the last couple of decades.

Here's a bonus task: name ANY republican economic policy that has benefited the middle class. Go ahead. I'll wait.
What has gone wrong is the government expanding as time goes on. This is not capitalism, it's fascistic corporatism. Competition has been strangled out by government regulations, diminishing consumer choices. Making the government the only monopoly through Social Control takes that problem even further. As a matter of fact, more government is not the solution to too much government.

You are right about one thing, though. Republicans don't understand Capitalism. Neither do Democrats, Socialists, Liberals, or anyone else that believes America is capitalist.
You make a point that I can never get across to people on the left and that's the fact that the control exerted by big money would be impossible without govt collusion. It just seems to go against their core belief that govt is the answer to everything.
They like to think they understand it, but they really don't. That's right. Only a liberal understands shit.

Think about the consequences of leaving the free market unregulated and letting the high powered corporate lobbyists make all the rules. This is what's resulted and these are all FACTS: This is where we pretend corp. are unregulated, and where there's a short-coming it's the Republican's fault.

1) A shockingly huge wealth disparity between the mega rich and the middle class and poor has grown over the course of a few decades. Wages for the poor are way behind on the rise of inflation despite productivity soaring in most sectors. Most income gains have gone to the top earners in this country for the last few decades. You're out of context. That and you lack the critical thought to understand WHY wages are down. It has NOTHING to do with Republicans. Meanwhile, dollars to donuts you want open borders and high taxes for free stuff, which are major contributors to low wages.

2) Wall Street corruption directly resulted in the Great Recession of 2008. Is this where we don't hold the government and consumer accountable? Yeah, it's the Republican's fault.

3) Corporate crime largely goes unpunished, and when it is punished, the results are petty fines. Republican's fault?

4) Our for-profit healthcare system has resulted in many basic, critical healthcare services being unavailable to the poor and in some cases the middle class. Prescription drug prices, specifically, in this country are astronomically high in comparison to other countries providing the exact same drugs. If you dumbasses actually think our healthcare system was even remotely affordable prior to ACA then you might as well relinquish your voting rights because you aren't smart enough for the right. Irrational behavior. Safe to say your healthcare is free?

5) Cutting taxes for corporations and top earners does NOTHING to stimulate the overall economy. Why? Because it's easier to keep the money they save rather than invest it. They are already wealthier than ever before. There is no incentive for them to invest in a stronger labor force. Makes perfect sense. Let's tax them so there's no incentive to do business and invest. Or induce them to invest elsewhere, you know, off-shoring. This way your free healthcare is garbage, and we can no longer compete in a global market.

Now am I suggesting we get rid of capitalism? Absolutely not. I just want a system that guarantees more capital to the poor and shrinking middle class. The middle class is shrinking primarily because of liberal policies. Look at California for a PERFECT example. On one hand you claim to approve of capitalism, while in the same breath declare the desire for socialism.

The basics of the free market system are what helped make this country a super power. It's just gone awry over the last couple of decades. Liberal policies, technology and liberal policies. That's critical thought.

Here's a bonus task: name ANY republican economic policy that has benefited the middle class. Go ahead. I'll wait. That's easy, Reaganomics. Currently, Republican immigration policies the left is trying to prevent.
I agree that Republicans largely do not understand free markets, but not for the same reasons.

What I don't understand is why people believe that regulation does anything but protect and provide additional advantages to those with more money, power, and influence. It is a sad display of naivety.
One mid summer day, two leftarded Antifa types set out to do an experiment to show how much more they know about Capitalism than Conservatives do.
They wanted to make money and they thought they could do so by selling watermelons.
They borrowed a small truck and they journeyed out to a large farm.
With money from a cash advance from their fast food employers, the leftardz purchased a huge number of the watermelons for 12 dollars a dozen and they loaded as many as they could into their borrowed truck.
The leftarded racists in denial then brought the watermelons to the most chocolate neighborhood they could find in New York City and they sold every single melon for one dollar apiece on the street.
At the end of a very long day, they googled a profit margin calculator on their government subsidized 'smart' phones and gasped as they realized - they had not made ANY profit.
The simple minded leftardz just could not understand why they couldn't make ANY money after working so hard and treating their customers so "fairly."
Undaunted, the leftardz decided to repeat the experiment several times over the following weeks. . . each time with the very same outcome.
Finally, while the two leftardz were on break at their fast food job, one of the leftardz looked at up at the other and said " Yo dude man I think I got it "
" We need to borrow a bigger truck!"
I think I read a quarter of that before realizing how useless it was.

Thanks for providing some more insight on why leftardz suck so bad at Capitalism.

You have attention span and the same simple thought process of a gnat.
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I agree that Republicans largely do not understand free markets, but not for the same reasons.

What I don't understand is why people believe that regulation does anything but protect and provide additional advantages to those with more money, power, and influence. It is a sad display of naivety.

Highly unusual how liberals declare they know something about free-markets while Republicans don't, yet liberals believe it's the conservatives who are wealthy because of free markets. It's like saying a NFL QB doesn't understand football, but the arm-chair QB does.
Uh huh, but y'all Communist/Progressive Democrats do. Boy, way too much Democrat Fake News shite for this OP. :cuckoo:

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