Republicans publically denounce earmarks!!


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Aug 27, 2010

Looks like it is business as usual for Republicans. LOL!

WASHINGTON — Senate Republicans' ban on earmarks — money included in a bill by a lawmaker to benefit a home-state project or interest — was short-lived.

Only three days after GOP senators and senators-elect renounced earmarks, Arizona Sen. Jon Kyl, the No. 2 Senate Republican, got himself a whopping $200 million to settle an Arizona Indian tribe's water rights claim against the government.

Kyl slipped the measure into a larger bill sought by President Barack Obama and passed by the Senate on Friday to settle claims by black farmers and American Indians against the federal government. Kyl's office insists the measure is not an earmark, and the House didn't deem it one when it considered a version earlier this year.

But it meets the know-it-when-you-see-it test, critics say. Under Senate rules, an earmark is a spending item inserted "primarily at the request of a senator" that goes "to an entity, or (is) targeted to a specific state."

Republicans' ban on earmarks was short-lived - Politics - Capitol Hill -
anyone who believes ANYTHING either side says is an idiot.....unfortunately there are a lot of idiots in this Country....
Three threads, one topic. One has to ask.... are the drooling left incapable of using the search function?

And.... if you were smart enough... you'd have checked the facts as well as the search function.... because you're about to get your ass handed to you.
Republicans publically denounce earmarks!!

As if their base even knows what those are. All they know is that it is something they aren't supposed to like.
At least the SOME Republicans are trying to denounce earmarks.

More than you say about the Democrats, they don't denounce them because they feel they are ENTITLED TO THEM.
At least the SOME Republicans are trying to denounce earmarks.

More than you say about the Democrats, they don't denounce them because they feel they are ENTITLED TO THEM.

Why yes indeed, they are entitled until the congress changes the way it does business. Question is, why would congress change the way they do business?
At least the SOME Republicans are trying to denounce earmarks.

More than you say about the Democrats, they don't denounce them because they feel they are ENTITLED TO THEM.

Why yes indeed, they are entitled until the congress changes the way it does business. Question is, why would congress change the way they do business?

it changes according to the Management at the time...
What makes you think that?

You haven't been here long enough sport.

Yeah, he will have to be here longer and see the one liners you are famous for here, that make the word TROLL stick out like sore thumb. LMAO!!:lol::lol:

you know should have been here only a few months and i have seen your name a few times followed by the word Troll.......but least i havent seen anyone here associate you with a rectum yet, like Dean has been more times than i can remember.....
At least the SOME Republicans are trying to denounce earmarks.

More than you say about the Democrats, they don't denounce them because they feel they are ENTITLED TO THEM.

Why yes indeed, they are entitled until the congress changes the way it does business. Question is, why would congress change the way they do business?

it changes according to the Management at the time...

Exactly, but management isn't going to give up a good thing. Imagine a congress without riders on bills. They would become inefficient and the bills would back up and the nation would get nothing completed. Like now, 1-1000 earmarks clear the floor on one vote with one bill. There have only been a few riders that were bad, like naming an airport after Reagan, but outside of that, the nation should be proud.
You haven't been here long enough sport.

Yeah, he will have to be here longer and see the one liners you are famous for here, that make the word TROLL stick out like sore thumb. LMAO!!:lol::lol:

you know should have been here only a few months and i have seen your name a few times followed by the word Troll.......but least i havent seen anyone here associate you with a rectum yet, like Dean has been more times than i can remember.....

Yes indeed, I should talk, but I am not a low life like the T is, and spend every post bad mouthing people and attempting to turn people away from other posters. This is nothing new for T, because he was pulling this crap on another website BB.

I leave people alone and keep my comments to myself until someone directly attacks, and then I attack them back. That doesn't make me a troll, but is makes the T look like someone who is insecure and unable to compete against me in a debatable fashion, so he attempts to run me off with other posters help. Unfortunately for T, the other posters are on to his bag of low life tricks.:eusa_angel:

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