Republicans Praise Obama's Economic Stimulus Package

What money they had has run out which is why Obama keeps asking for more. 13 trillion in debt and a 3 trillion dollar deficit. Bush's worst deficit was 500 billion.

Good job. Thank you Mr. President.

Watta load of crap. Bush kept two wars on "Supplemental Emergency Spending". Those two wars cost more then everything Obama has put TARP.

Substantiation please.

You can't be serious. Everyone knows that. How do you think Bush was able to keep the cost of both wars OUT of his budgets?

OMG, You don't know either. What is wrong with you people?

Bush spent money on two wars AND he gave a 2.4 trillion dollar tax cut AND he passed a 3 trillion dollar drug bill

and Obama spent more? On what? Obama's was the first honest budget in 9 years.

You people can't possibly not know that. You have to be lying. No one could possibly be that ignorant. No one. It just can't be.
I love it. A net loss of over 4 million jobs and you want to label it a success.

Bush only lost 2 after 9/11. On his worst day he never had a net loss of 4 million. And all those idiots can say is " could have been much worse". Now Harry Reid claims He's the SOB that saved the world from a world wide Depression. lol

Keep talking spongelips it feels good.

Only two? Plus Bush and the Republicans set up policies including subsidies and tax breaks for companies to move jobs and entire companies to China. At the end of Bush's second term, the country was losing 750,000 jobs a MONTH.

Currently, the Republican organization, the US Chamber of commerce is working with the Chinese. They scheduled seminars on how to outsource US jobs to China. How do you explain that? The Chamber of Commerce has given a few hundred thousand to two Democrats and 75 million to Republicans. How do you explain that?


And here's your invite:

bchinab.jpg was all a Republican conspiracy. HARDLY.

And I'm not gonna believe any site that has the word Progress in it.

What is the major cause of job loss in any state? Answer: High taxes.

What is the first expense that any company will cut? Answer: Wages.

This is a fact in the business world. The factor that controls profit is your overhead and the easiest expense to cut back is wages. If possible the next option is move wherever taxes are the lowest.

Democraps raised the minimum wage during the Bush years which triggered a snow-ball of massive job losses. Now the threat of higher taxes is not only forcing business to move but also preventing expansion. As we speak nobody knows what their taxes will be. This uncertainty alone is cause the loss of millions of jobs. The Recession has been over for 16 months yet jobs aren't coming back in great enough numbers and won't as long as Obama and his cabal of elitist Mao-lovers leave office. To think that an Administration that feels that Profits are Evil would ever help businesses in this country. You must be fucken high to think so.

Obama says we're on the right track. He's insane...unless he wants the economy to collapse. Then everything is going according to plan.

We are paying the lowest taxes in 50 years.

In the 50's, CEO's were making 30 times the salary of the average worker. Now they make 400 times the average worker. They aren't growing companies like they used to. They are squeezing money out of them.

One way? Wages. Minimum wage in Chine, depending on the province is 88 to 142 dollars a month. Regardless of the taxes, no company will pass that up. Especially if the government is giving them tax breaks and subsidies to move to China. All it costs is money pouring into Republican candidates.

So tell me, do Republican candidates and leaders work for their base? And who is their base? I think it's foreign companies.

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