Republicans Praise Obama's Economic Stimulus Package


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
Well sorta. If anyone still doubts that corporate owned mainstream media is conservative, even the coffin nails of Halloween election politics cannot keep the story of republican use of the stimulus buried. The mummy has been released and she sings the stimulus worked, and America is starting back to work. Now if we could only get conservatives to support America by buying American, supporting fair wages, and yes, I'll say it, shopping. Darn, things would look much better. (But don't expect MSM to admit outsourcing's impact on jobs, we know who they are and who owns them.)

"Sen. Christopher S. Bond regularly railed against President Obama's economic stimulus plan as irresponsible spending that would drive up the national debt. But behind the scenes, the Missouri Republican quietly sought more than $50 million from a federal agency for two projects in his state.

Mr. Bond was not alone. More than a dozen Republican lawmakers, while denouncing the stimulus to the media and their constituents, privately sent letters to just one of the federal government's many agencies seeking stimulus money for home-state pork projects."(1)

"Today marks the one year anniversary of President Obama signing into law the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, better known as the stimulus. As the economy continued to crater after President Bush left office, Obama’s stimulus sought to provide tax cuts for 95% of working Americans, funds to buoy cash-strapped state governments, new construction and infrastructure projects, and other programs to create jobs, retrain workers, and promote economic activity throughout the country. In December, the Congressional Budget Office reported that the stimulus had successfully created up to 1.6 million jobs, and today, a report shows the Recovery Act will ultimately create 2.5 million jobs. Even the conservative American Enterprise Institute found that the stimulus had boosted the U.S. economy by 4 percent."

Dems To Celebrate Stimulus Anniversary By Slamming GOP Hypocrisy On Bragging About The Cash They Opposed | TPMDC

ThinkProgress REPORT: After Voting To Kill Recovery, 110 GOP Lawmakers Tout Its Success, Ask For More Money

(1) Stimulus foes see value in seeking cash - Washington Times

Another story you won't hear in conservative Mainstream media.
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whatta load of crap

'Crap' like so much of life can be all the viewer is programmed to see.

"Not only does there seem to be widespread social fragmentation and disillusionment with democracy in the United States, but the possibility of reversing this sense of alienation appears to many of us to be already lost. Any democratic president who wants to institute the desperately needed reforms in health, welfare and the environment faces one of two options. He can stick by his reform program and suffer a loss of public confidence through orchestrated campaigns to publicly portray him as 'too liberal' and ineffectual (the Carter image) or too indecisive or sexually indiscreet (the Clinton image). Alternatively, a reforming democratic president can move further to the Right, forget his promises and become part of the propaganda campaign. Given the history of democratic propaganda in the United States, some of us doubt that another Roosevelt or New Deal is possible. The political system is now so attuned to business interests that this kind of reformer could no longer institute the substantial health, welfare, education, environmental and employment reforms the country needs." Andrew Lohrey "Taking the Risk Out of Democracy"
a report shows the Recovery Act will ultimately create 2.5 million jobs. Even the conservative American Enterprise Institute found that the stimulus had boosted the U.S. economy by 4 percent."

All that for only 787 Billion dollars eh. Wow what a great deal.

Sure the acknowledge it had some impact, but NOBODY but the most extreme partisan hack is under the illusion it lived up to what we were promised, or that it was cost effecting.

200,000 Dollars a job, and many of these "Jobs" are just temporary construction jobs, not lasting positions.

quite the stretch you are making here lol.
a report shows the Recovery Act will ultimately create 2.5 million jobs. Even the conservative American Enterprise Institute found that the stimulus had boosted the U.S. economy by 4 percent."

All that for only 787 Billion dollars eh. Wow what a great deal.

Sure the acknowledge it had some impact, but NOBODY but the most extreme partisan hack is under the illusion it lived up to what we were promised, or that it was cost effecting.

200,000 Dollars a job, and many of these "Jobs" are just temporary construction jobs, not lasting positions.

quite the stretch you are making here lol.

This is why explaining to your kind is so difficult. You are simply incapable of understanding what those Republican senators actually wrote.

For instance, putting Broad Band in Republican Centerfold Scott Brown's district will certainly only cause a few jobs in construction for a limited time. But what happens after that infrastructure is complete?

They now have the ability for companies to compete over the Internet. This has shown to result in thousands of long term jobs, resulting in revenue, which results in taxes, which pays for the government spending which benefits the Country as a whole. Sure, there are a very few Republicans, such as Centerfold Scott Brown who can see the big picture, but unfortunately, most of the party is made up of your kind, people who have a small understanding and a limited vision. Too bad. Because it's people like yourself who will suffer the most.
a report shows the Recovery Act will ultimately create 2.5 million jobs. Even the conservative American Enterprise Institute found that the stimulus had boosted the U.S. economy by 4 percent."

All that for only 787 Billion dollars eh. Wow what a great deal.

Sure the acknowledge it had some impact, but NOBODY but the most extreme partisan hack is under the illusion it lived up to what we were promised, or that it was cost effecting.

200,000 Dollars a job, and many of these "Jobs" are just temporary construction jobs, not lasting positions.

quite the stretch you are making here lol.

And don't forget trains which will connect cities making job creation easier. Or bridges connecting cities, which, of course, will also create jobs.

Infrastructure, that's where it's at baby.
a report shows the Recovery Act will ultimately create 2.5 million jobs. Even the conservative American Enterprise Institute found that the stimulus had boosted the U.S. economy by 4 percent."

All that for only 787 Billion dollars eh. Wow what a great deal.

Sure the acknowledge it had some impact, but NOBODY but the most extreme partisan hack is under the illusion it lived up to what we were promised, or that it was cost effecting.

200,000 Dollars a job, and many of these "Jobs" are just temporary construction jobs, not lasting positions.

quite the stretch you are making here lol.

This is why explaining to your kind is so difficult. You are simply incapable of understanding what those Republican senators actually wrote.

For instance, putting Broad Band in Republican Centerfold Scott Brown's district will certainly only cause a few jobs in construction for a limited time. But what happens after that infrastructure is complete?

They now have the ability for companies to compete over the Internet. This has shown to result in thousands of long term jobs, resulting in revenue, which results in taxes, which pays for the government spending which benefits the Country as a whole. Sure, there are a very few Republicans, such as Centerfold Scott Brown who can see the big picture, but unfortunately, most of the party is made up of your kind, people who have a small understanding and a limited vision. Too bad. Because it's people like yourself who will suffer the most.

I love it. A net loss of over 4 million jobs and you want to label it a success.

Bush only lost 2 after 9/11. On his worst day he never had a net loss of 4 million. And all those idiots can say is " could have been much worse". Now Harry Reid claims He's the SOB that saved the world from a world wide Depression. lol

Keep talking spongelips it feels good.
a report shows the Recovery Act will ultimately create 2.5 million jobs. Even the conservative American Enterprise Institute found that the stimulus had boosted the U.S. economy by 4 percent."

All that for only 787 Billion dollars eh. Wow what a great deal.

Sure the acknowledge it had some impact, but NOBODY but the most extreme partisan hack is under the illusion it lived up to what we were promised, or that it was cost effecting.

200,000 Dollars a job, and many of these "Jobs" are just temporary construction jobs, not lasting positions.

quite the stretch you are making here lol.

And don't forget trains which will connect cities making job creation easier. Or bridges connecting cities, which, of course, will also create jobs.

Infrastructure, that's where it's at baby.

What money they had has run out which is why Obama keeps asking for more. 13 trillion in debt and a 3 trillion dollar deficit. Bush's worst deficit was 500 billion.

Good job. Thank you Mr. President.
All that for only 787 Billion dollars eh. Wow what a great deal.

Sure the acknowledge it had some impact, but NOBODY but the most extreme partisan hack is under the illusion it lived up to what we were promised, or that it was cost effecting.

200,000 Dollars a job, and many of these "Jobs" are just temporary construction jobs, not lasting positions.

quite the stretch you are making here lol.

This is why explaining to your kind is so difficult. You are simply incapable of understanding what those Republican senators actually wrote.

For instance, putting Broad Band in Republican Centerfold Scott Brown's district will certainly only cause a few jobs in construction for a limited time. But what happens after that infrastructure is complete?

They now have the ability for companies to compete over the Internet. This has shown to result in thousands of long term jobs, resulting in revenue, which results in taxes, which pays for the government spending which benefits the Country as a whole. Sure, there are a very few Republicans, such as Centerfold Scott Brown who can see the big picture, but unfortunately, most of the party is made up of your kind, people who have a small understanding and a limited vision. Too bad. Because it's people like yourself who will suffer the most.

I love it. A net loss of over 4 million jobs and you want to label it a success.

Bush only lost 2 after 9/11. On his worst day he never had a net loss of 4 million. And all those idiots can say is " could have been much worse". Now Harry Reid claims He's the SOB that saved the world from a world wide Depression. lol

Keep talking spongelips it feels good.

Only two? Plus Bush and the Republicans set up policies including subsidies and tax breaks for companies to move jobs and entire companies to China. At the end of Bush's second term, the country was losing 750,000 jobs a MONTH.

Currently, the Republican organization, the US Chamber of commerce is working with the Chinese. They scheduled seminars on how to outsource US jobs to China. How do you explain that? The Chamber of Commerce has given a few hundred thousand to two Democrats and 75 million to Republicans. How do you explain that?


And here's your invite:

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All that for only 787 Billion dollars eh. Wow what a great deal.

Sure the acknowledge it had some impact, but NOBODY but the most extreme partisan hack is under the illusion it lived up to what we were promised, or that it was cost effecting.

200,000 Dollars a job, and many of these "Jobs" are just temporary construction jobs, not lasting positions.

quite the stretch you are making here lol.

And don't forget trains which will connect cities making job creation easier. Or bridges connecting cities, which, of course, will also create jobs.

Infrastructure, that's where it's at baby.

What money they had has run out which is why Obama keeps asking for more. 13 trillion in debt and a 3 trillion dollar deficit. Bush's worst deficit was 500 billion.

Good job. Thank you Mr. President.

Watta load of crap. Bush kept two wars on "Supplemental Emergency Spending". Those two wars cost more then everything Obama has put TARP.
a report shows the Recovery Act will ultimately create 2.5 million jobs. Even the conservative American Enterprise Institute found that the stimulus had boosted the U.S. economy by 4 percent."

All that for only 787 Billion dollars eh. Wow what a great deal.

Sure the acknowledge it had some impact, but NOBODY but the most extreme partisan hack is under the illusion it lived up to what we were promised, or that it was cost effecting.

200,000 Dollars a job, and many of these "Jobs" are just temporary construction jobs, not lasting positions.

quite the stretch you are making here lol.

And don't forget trains which will connect cities making job creation easier. Or bridges connecting cities, which, of course, will also create jobs.

Infrastructure, that's where it's at baby.

To bad there ain't no "at"....the stimulus has shot it's wad.:rolleyes:
And don't forget trains which will connect cities making job creation easier. Or bridges connecting cities, which, of course, will also create jobs.

Infrastructure, that's where it's at baby.

What money they had has run out which is why Obama keeps asking for more. 13 trillion in debt and a 3 trillion dollar deficit. Bush's worst deficit was 500 billion.

Good job. Thank you Mr. President.

Watta load of crap. Bush kept two wars on "Supplemental Emergency Spending". Those two wars cost more then everything Obama has put TARP.

Substantiation please.
What money they had has run out which is why Obama keeps asking for more. 13 trillion in debt and a 3 trillion dollar deficit. Bush's worst deficit was 500 billion.

Good job. Thank you Mr. President.

Watta load of crap. Bush kept two wars on "Supplemental Emergency Spending". Those two wars cost more then everything Obama has put TARP.

Substantiation please.

I put up Carly's speech for ya..and an article..when you dissed me about Tandem. Not a peep back.

Google works for everyone. But heck..2 freakin wars?? And that's not even including the new Pharma gift, homeland security and missile defense.
The wars were spread over 10 years.

In two years, Obama blew more in new spending than what the wars cost in 10 years.

No he didn't. Just the cost we know is higher then anything the Obama administration put up. I am sure there is lots of "secret spook stuff" that's going to take decades to get a proper audit on.

Ducats to doughnuts..they were shipping US dollars on pallets in cargo planes to Iraq.

On pallets!
Watta load of crap. Bush kept two wars on "Supplemental Emergency Spending". Those two wars cost more then everything Obama has put TARP.

Substantiation please.

I put up Carly's speech for ya..and an article..when you dissed me about Tandem. Not a peep back.

I didn't see carlys speech......the tandem thing means in the end little, do your research of HP in the years, 95-2005 (and 2008) and you will have your answer. what they, she did, what their product line was and how it ended up...their revenue, etc.

I usually grant that a person has at least some measure of knowledge of the subject/topic in which they delve into there, I was wrng, thats why i didn't bother coming back on you.....I frankly don't care if you don't know you're wrong because the verbiage expended in attempting to educate you would be a waste, your previous comments/answers on the topic made that plain, you're starting at ground zero and I don't care to take the time.

Google works for everyone. But heck..2 freakin wars?? And that's not even including the new Pharma gift, homeland security and missile defense.

yes it does, BUT, you made the claim, you can either say screw it and move on or back it up....and you have now expanded your reach there, pharma, homeland sec.? ( oh and missile def.? that cost was piddling compared to many many more things he spent on).......see, thats why I don't bother here, you're not honest.
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This is why explaining to your kind is so difficult. You are simply incapable of understanding what those Republican senators actually wrote.

For instance, putting Broad Band in Republican Centerfold Scott Brown's district will certainly only cause a few jobs in construction for a limited time. But what happens after that infrastructure is complete?

They now have the ability for companies to compete over the Internet. This has shown to result in thousands of long term jobs, resulting in revenue, which results in taxes, which pays for the government spending which benefits the Country as a whole. Sure, there are a very few Republicans, such as Centerfold Scott Brown who can see the big picture, but unfortunately, most of the party is made up of your kind, people who have a small understanding and a limited vision. Too bad. Because it's people like yourself who will suffer the most.

I love it. A net loss of over 4 million jobs and you want to label it a success.

Bush only lost 2 after 9/11. On his worst day he never had a net loss of 4 million. And all those idiots can say is " could have been much worse". Now Harry Reid claims He's the SOB that saved the world from a world wide Depression. lol

Keep talking spongelips it feels good.

Only two? Plus Bush and the Republicans set up policies including subsidies and tax breaks for companies to move jobs and entire companies to China. At the end of Bush's second term, the country was losing 750,000 jobs a MONTH.

Currently, the Republican organization, the US Chamber of commerce is working with the Chinese. They scheduled seminars on how to outsource US jobs to China. How do you explain that? The Chamber of Commerce has given a few hundred thousand to two Democrats and 75 million to Republicans. How do you explain that?


And here's your invite:

bchinab.jpg was all a Republican conspiracy. HARDLY.

And I'm not gonna believe any site that has the word Progress in it.

What is the major cause of job loss in any state? Answer: High taxes.

What is the first expense that any company will cut? Answer: Wages.

This is a fact in the business world. The factor that controls profit is your overhead and the easiest expense to cut back is wages. If possible the next option is move wherever taxes are the lowest.

Democraps raised the minimum wage during the Bush years which triggered a snow-ball of massive job losses. Now the threat of higher taxes is not only forcing business to move but also preventing expansion. As we speak nobody knows what their taxes will be. This uncertainty alone is cause the loss of millions of jobs. The Recession has been over for 16 months yet jobs aren't coming back in great enough numbers and won't as long as Obama and his cabal of elitist Mao-lovers leave office. To think that an Administration that feels that Profits are Evil would ever help businesses in this country. You must be fucken high to think so.

Obama says we're on the right track. He's insane...unless he wants the economy to collapse. Then everything is going according to plan.

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