YOUR daddy


Gold Member
Apr 4, 2009
The 5-4 Supreme Court ruling in the Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission allows corporations, which are now 'people' the same rights as individuals in their ability to spend freely on political advertising, even if those advertisements explicitly advocate the election or defeat of a federal candidate.

Meet a 'person'...Citgo Petroleum Corporation (or Citgo)
A United States-incorporated, Venezuela-owned refiner and marketer of gasoline, lubricants, petrochemicals, and other petroleum products.

CITGO Timeline - The 1990s
CITGO Becomes Wholly Owned by PDVSA

PDVSA - Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA [pronounced Peh-deh-VEH-sah]) [Petroleums of Venezuela] is the Venezuelan state-owned petroleum company. YOUR daddy...he's all YOURS now!

"This advertisement paid for by Citgo".

Once again, you arrogantly fail to give the average Joe the credit for being as clever as you think you are.

The politically savvy know enough about who owns Citgo that 7-Eleven's gasoline sales were harmed by that knowledge. What makes you think that they won't see through such a mythical ad?
Citigo is the Kennedy Clan's sugar daddy. Everybody has known this for a long time and was advised not to shop at Citigo so as not to give support to Hugo Chavez and the Kennedy's..and the last I recall the Kennedy's are all DEMOCRATS.
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"This advertisement paid for by Citgo".

Once again, you arrogantly fail to give the average Joe the credit for being as clever as you think you are.

The politically savvy know enough about who owns Citgo that 7-Eleven's gasoline sales were harmed by that knowledge. What makes you think that they won't see through such a mythical ad?

Do the 'politically savvy' 'average joe' you give so much credit to know all the multinational corporations, all the ownership ties and all those owner's political agenda? It's the right that always warns about Democrats and liberals being 'naive' to foreign enemies that want to destroy America...

WHO is naive now DUD...e?

BTW, today's bikes are 100 times better...on that 750-4 you better check the swing arm bearing for play, replace the pogo stick rear shocks with Koni's and put on a set of tires that won't send you head first into a guard rail when you lay into a corner...
correct me if i'm wrong, but this ruling did not "now" establish corps as persons, this has already been established, this merely elevated their rights to include free speech....

and the previous rulings appear to be based on added words by a clerk, not an actual ruling, however, so many other decisions have cited it, it is muddled to say the least, so the court here did not add anything new to the personhood issue, except to extend 1st amend rights
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correct me if i'm wrong, but this ruling did not "now" establish corps as persons, this has already been established, this merely elevated their rights to include free speech....

Further the ruling simply puts as back to where we were in 2003 and before.
correct me if i'm wrong, but this ruling did not "now" establish corps as persons, this has already been established, this merely elevated their rights to include free speech....

Further the ruling simply puts as back to where we were in 2003 and before.

The congress has announce they will try to 'correct' this by passing a constitutional law in the near future.

The question we should ALL be asking is why our so-called leaders passed a law, once again, that did not stand up to the test of the constitution.
"This advertisement paid for by Citgo".

Once again, you arrogantly fail to give the average Joe the credit for being as clever as you think you are.

The politically savvy know enough about who owns Citgo that 7-Eleven's gasoline sales were harmed by that knowledge. What makes you think that they won't see through such a mythical ad?

Do the 'politically savvy' 'average joe' you give so much credit to know all the multinational corporations, all the ownership ties and all those owner's political agenda? It's the right that always warns about Democrats and liberals being 'naive' to foreign enemies that want to destroy America...

WHO is naive now DUD...e?

BTW, today's bikes are 100 times better...on that 750-4 you better check the swing arm bearing for play, replace the pogo stick rear shocks with Koni's and put on a set of tires that won't send you head first into a guard rail when you lay into a corner...
Whatever, man.

The depths of your pessimism and hubris are truly astounding.
"This advertisement paid for by Citgo".

Once again, you arrogantly fail to give the average Joe the credit for being as clever as you think you are.

The politically savvy know enough about who owns Citgo that 7-Eleven's gasoline sales were harmed by that knowledge. What makes you think that they won't see through such a mythical ad?

There is a big difference in realizing that "This advertisement is paid for by Citgo" and "This candidate is paid for by Citgo"
correct me if i'm wrong, but this ruling did not "now" establish corps as persons, this has already been established, this merely elevated their rights to include free speech....

Further the ruling simply puts as back to where we were in 2003 and before.

The congress has announce they will try to 'correct' this by passing a constitutional law in the near future.

The question we should ALL be asking is why our so-called leaders passed a law, once again, that did not stand up to the test of the constitution.
They should ask it, but they won't.
I am all for full disclosure. Anytime Citgo pays for a candidates commerical, there should of course be a disclaimer "This ad paid for the by the government of Venezuela. "

And I think during the Cokely thing back two weeks ago, "This ad paid for from funds donated by Searle and the SEIU" would have been helpful too.

But as folks have noted, all this is public knowledge.

it will be fund when the TV commercials show each others big donor lists.
There is a big difference in realizing that "This advertisement is paid for by Citgo" and "This candidate is paid for by Citgo"
That's the stupidest thing I've read all week...And that's counting mascale.

Oh Yea????

Your stupider! How you like that?

<Aren't useless flame posts fun?>
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You fools are ruled by Corporations. That's why you don't have a Universal National Health Care System. Pathetic as it is but you provide every Iraqi with free medical yet deny your own citizens the same right. How pathetic and really stupid you are.
You fools are ruled by Corporations. That's why you don't have a Universal National Health Care System. Pathetic as it is but you provide every Iraqi with free medical yet deny your own citizens the same right. How pathetic and really stupid you are.

Mikey Moore is that you?:lol:
Before McCain Feingold passed evil Foreign Corporations were manipulating all of our elections.

...oh wait, no they weren't. :cuckoo:
Which is ironic because Chavez is a buddy of Obama.

I f anything the ruling gives the Chinese cover to resume their support of Democratic Party candidates, who can then sell them covert secrets about our military capabilities.

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