Republicans in danger of losing the House in 2014

The GOP has bigger problems that that. They need to worry about both the Dems and the TP. Wow! They have problems on every corner...

Who do you think is their biggest threat...The Dems or the Baggers?
When Obama and his radicals want to change things in this nation big time, and I mean in a fundamental radical way in which was the claim, well they are praised as doing right and good in all of this by their followers or supposed new followers who stand to profit from them, but when the Tea Party and GOP want to counter so much craziness and radicalness in which the dems are attempting to pull off, then they are played as being the radicals and crazies in this nation instead. Perfect positioning is what it has been for the dems, but why has the other team put themselves in such an idiotic position in which has allowed the dem team to play them like this ?

Now this is what has the GOP scratching their heads about themselves in all of this. It's the same situation that caused Bill Clinton to come in and take the Presidency, where as the GOP has a way of thinking in which doesn't include many, and for that they are paying again and again for that problem in which is a part of their social problem or disconnect in which they have along those lines. The GOP's idea is let us make this nation great, and we will take care of those around us, but we will do it with very limited access offered until others earn their way in, but the dems say no let us help build the nation having total access in doing so with you, and then we can direct our wealth to where we want it to be directed, instead of it being controlled for us by another group instead. The problem is where will the wealth be directed if the dems get to much of it, and that is known and has been shown to be a problem, and this is why the fight is so big on control, who has it and/or who keeps the control mostly. Just listen to this thread and/or government vs. the private sectors and that is where it is known about what goes on daily in all of this.

Obama's no radical by a long shot. Every first world country has national health care but USA. We don't have it because of republicans.
Ok, so how did we make it in this nation for 200 years then (or) up until Obama came onto the scene ? Yes we have had to make improvements to the system over the years, and we always did, but what Obama is doing is radical in his approach and improvements (or) maybe even they want still yet the destruction of one system in order to usher in another. The question is why is he and his subjects doing these things without the majorities approval of them? Did anyone in a majority within this nation ask him to ? Why did he have to place the threats into the change, otherwise instead of working across the isle in order to tweak the bill so that it would be widely accepted by all, and this instead of shoving it down peoples throats by way of the threat of fines as in a punishment for non-participation ? Yes we needed to change the health care problem we were experiencing, but what's wrong with people creating smaller bills that address each change as is needed, and then have them pass in order to tweak the system to make it even better than it was ? I don't think anyone was against fighting fraud and abuse, nor would they want to fight against the people on the rates needing to be lowered, so why this one sided albatross known as the ACA, when there isn't anything affordable at all about it, especially for the working class who needed it most to be affordable in this nation for them while they tote the bulk of load in this nation ? As it stands it seems that the working class are going to end up as usual footing the bill for the rich and the poor. What a travesty it all is.
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Omg I hope the Reps lose, and lose big. Dems in control on all all fronts would be a dream come true.

Reps would either split the party between going full blown out in the open Progressive or lean hard libertarian as that faction of the party is the only part not damaged goods.

Dems would destroy themselves by dragging the economy through the mud, trying to blame Republicans that have no power and start more wars than anyone ever imagined they would.

Libertarians would grow, but not fast enough. Just enough to make some friends before the inevitable collapse.

I support 100% Dem rule. Please make it happen haha.

And I don't. Is there no middle ground in your world? We don't need, or want, a single party government. We WANT the Republicans to man up and take their motherfucking party back.
Huffington plays to the radical left wing base and offers talking points to low information progressives. It's nothing new.

look their media for left or right whatever suits your boat. They don,t effect elections really. Its who has the most money on either side that really affects. Money talks in politics and who has the bigger backers on either side.

Right now the GOP is having money troubles. The big donors are refusing to hand over any more until the Tea Party stops rocking the boat and Wall St doesn't like political instability so corporate America is looking to fund primary challengers to the Tea Party members.

Meanwhile, the Koch brothers are finding that money can't buy everything. Not while the American people are still part of the process.

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