Republicans in charge: 911 can wait.. Now START can wait....


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Aug 27, 2010
Well people voted for the imbeciles to take charge, so lets take a look at their priorities.

1.Should Russia turn your family into crispy critters with their nuclear arsenal?:eusa_hand:

You and your loved one do not matter, there are more pressing work for congress. So what is more important than frying your families ass like a 911 pretzel??

2.Spending your money!!!:cuckoo:
3.The Bush Tax Cuts!!!:cuckoo:

Did Limbaugh :eusa_liar: , Beck :eusa_liar: , Coulter :eusa_liar: , O'Reilly :eusa_liar: , Hannity :eusa_liar: , any of these assholes even bother to tell you this???

A top Republican in the Senate denied on Sunday he was obstructing ratification of a new nuclear arms deal with Russia, saying Congress had bigger issues to work on before its Christmas recess.

He said the treaty was not a high priority for Congress, which returns this week after taking its Thanksgiving holiday break. More pressing priorities, he said, were a spending bill to allow the government to keep running and deciding whether to extend the Bush tax cuts, due to expire at the end of December.

Top Republican denies blocking START treaty | Reuters

The hearing yesterday was the sixth hearing Kerry has held. Only two Republican Senators bothered to show up — Senator Richard Lugar (who supports START) and Corker. None of the other Republican Senators on the committee showed up to question George W. Bush and George H.W. Bush’s National Security Advisers, Stephen Hadley and Brent Scowcroft. The hearing was over so fast that it lasted little more than an hour.

This treaty needs to ratified as quickly as possible, since there currently is no legal basis for the continued verification and monitoring measures needed to watch over Russia’s nuclear arsenal. We are losing information on the Russian nuclear arsenal and this gradual erosion of intelligence, will result in an erosion in trust, which would result in a destabilizing nuclear situation.

Wonk Room Corker Bucks GOP START Talking Point, Thanks Kerry For Holding So Many Hearings
People continually vote for imbeciles to take charge. We've done it for decades. Next time will be no different.
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12 Flaws of New START Arms Control Treaty | The Heritage Foundation

...The 12 Flaws and Their Remedies

New START has at least 12 specific flaws that could seriously harm the security of the U.S. and its allies. Some are internal to the treaty itself. Others are external to the text of the treaty, but would still create or exacerbate security problems. The Senate has every reason to seek remedies to these 12 flaws. For some flaws, more than one remedy is suggested, and the multiple remedies may not be mutually exclusive.

Flaw #1: New START fails to speak to the issue of protecting and defending the U.S. and its allies against strategic attack...
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12 Flaws of New START Arms Control Treaty | The Heritage Foundation

...The 12 Flaws and Their Remedies

New START has at least 12 specific flaws that could seriously harm the security of the U.S. and its allies. Some are internal to the treaty itself. Others are external to the text of the treaty, but would still create or exacerbate security problems. The Senate has every reason to seek remedies to these 12 flaws. For some flaws, more than one remedy is suggested, and the multiple remedies may not be mutually exclusive.

Flaw #1: New START fails to speak to the issue of protecting and defending the U.S. and its allies against strategic attack...

Thar you go Annie. 12 immediate issues that could melt down your family into crispy critters, and Retards think spending your money and tax cuts are more important.
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12 Flaws of New START Arms Control Treaty | The Heritage Foundation

...The 12 Flaws and Their Remedies

New START has at least 12 specific flaws that could seriously harm the security of the U.S. and its allies. Some are internal to the treaty itself. Others are external to the text of the treaty, but would still create or exacerbate security problems. The Senate has every reason to seek remedies to these 12 flaws. For some flaws, more than one remedy is suggested, and the multiple remedies may not be mutually exclusive.

Flaw #1: New START fails to speak to the issue of protecting and defending the U.S. and its allies against strategic attack...

Thar you go Annie. 12 immediate issues that could melt down your family into crispy critters, and Retards think spending your money and tax cuts are more important.

I remember you and your ilk decrying SDI as useless as "the Russians will never nuke us".

Now that Obammywansalami is in charge you somehow are worried?

I personally have no problem in a treaty....I just don't trust Obammywansalami's ability to negotiate in our best interests. He's a child stuck in a Utopian wonderland full of hypotheticals and theoreticals. We need somebody who's a bit more rooted in reality.
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12 Flaws of New START Arms Control Treaty | The Heritage Foundation

...The 12 Flaws and Their Remedies

New START has at least 12 specific flaws that could seriously harm the security of the U.S. and its allies. Some are internal to the treaty itself. Others are external to the text of the treaty, but would still create or exacerbate security problems. The Senate has every reason to seek remedies to these 12 flaws. For some flaws, more than one remedy is suggested, and the multiple remedies may not be mutually exclusive.

Flaw #1: New START fails to speak to the issue of protecting and defending the U.S. and its allies against strategic attack...

Thar you go Annie. 12 immediate issues that could melt down your family into crispy critters, and Retards think spending your money and tax cuts are more important.

You know you don't fool anyone.

What you are saying, is you are angry Republicans ARE focused on cutting spending extending the Bush tax cuts, instead of getting distracted.

And liberals are ALWAYS TALKING LIKE we are all going to die if the lastest "treaty" with the Soviets/Russians isn't signed.

Well we have signed more of those stupid things than I can count on one hand, AND THE RUSSIANS ALWAYS VIOLATE THEM.

We are the only ones that obey the stupid things and they always weaken US.

It's always Democrats and "moderate Republicans" (aka Rinos) like Ford that were all hot to sign treaties with Russia.

Reagan knew they were a joke and would walk away from the table.

And THE LIBERALS WOULD WHINE AND WRING THEIR HANDS. Oh!!!!! Reagan is going to get us into a war. Oh nuclear war is just a count down a way.

The liberal media had movie after movie about what this country would look like after a nuclear war. We had "Threads." And we had "The Day After." (I think that was it's name).

DIDN'T HAPPEN. Instead, Reagan stayed firm and the Soviet Union fell.

Now, HERE WE GO AGAIN. Another liberal president wants to sign a treaty with Russia, WHICH THEY WILL NEVER OBEY, but it's PEACE IN OUR TIME if it's signed.

But if it isn't, we are all heading for war. Boooooooooooo! :eek:

Never changes. You libs always think the answer is the next stupid treaty.

Did Neville Chamberlain never teach you liberals anything?????

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Yea you're right,it's another "Crisis." Man i'm so sick of this Administration claiming everything is a "Crisis." This Treaty doesn't need to be rammed through. It can wait till all members of Congress fully read & comprehend it. I know that seems strange to the Democrats but Congress really should fully read & comprehend Legislation & Treaties before voting on them. What's the rush? This is not something a Lame Duck Congress should be deciding either. The People have spoken. They want change. They should just wait till January to vote on this. No Rubber Stamping. Remember that one Democrats? This is no "Crisis."

Thar you go Annie. 12 immediate issues that could melt down your family into crispy critters, and Retards think spending your money and tax cuts are more important.

You know you don't fool anyone.

What you are saying, is you are angry Republicans ARE focused on cutting spending extending the Bush tax cuts, instead of getting distracted.

And liberals are ALWAYS TALKING LIKE we are all going to die if the lastest "treaty" with the Soviets/Russians isn't signed.

Well we have signed more of those stupid things than I can count on one hand, AND THE RUSSIANS ALWAYS VIOLATE THEM.

We are the only ones that obey the stupid things and they always weaken US.

It's always Democrats and "moderate Republicans" (aka Rinos) like Ford that were all hot to sign treaties with Russia.

Reagan knew they were a joke and would walk away from the table.

And THE LIBERALS WOULD WHINE AND WRING THEIR HANDS. Oh!!!!! Reagan is going to get us into a war. Oh nuclear war is just a count down a way.

The liberal media had movie after movie about what this country would look like after a nuclear war. We had "Threads." And we had "The Day After." (I think that was it's name).

DIDN'T HAPPEN. Instead, Reagan stayed firm and the Soviet Union fell.

Now, HERE WE GO AGAIN. Another liberal president wants to sign a treaty with Russia, WHICH THEY WILL NEVER OBEY, but it's PEACE IN OUR TIME if it's signed.

But if it isn't, we are all heading for war. Boooooooooooo! :eek:

Never changes. You libs always think the answer is the next stupid treaty.

Did Neville Chamberlain never teach you liberals anything?????


You are talking like the congressional fools who thought saving Americans from 911 wasn't important enough to prevent. Everyday without a treaty is a day the Russiians can avoid inspections of the nuclear arms programs, a real Christmas treat for them and a death bed for you. Like 911, you can perish knowing it was your retards who sent you to an early grave. I wonder if there will be video tapes of people raining down from the sky after the explosion, like 911.

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To the best of my knowledge, there has never been an instance of a lame duck Congress approving and passing any negotiated treaty. What's happening with START is by no means unusual. Both it's failure to get passed and it's use as a political bludgeon to make folks look bad.
Still doesn't make this Treaty a "Crisis." I think most people are sick of this President and Democrats calling everything a "Crisis." There is no need to ram this thing through. The World will not suddenly explode if it's not rammed through. It can wait till January when the real Congress takes over. This Lame Duck Congress is done. No one cares what they think anymore. No Rubber Stamping. You Democrats of all people should support the Republicans on that.
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Still doesn't make this Treaty a "Crisis." I think most people are sick of this President and Democrats calling everything a "Crisis." There is no need to ram this thing through. The World will not suddenly explode if it's not rammed through. It can wait till January when the real Congress takes over. This Lame Duck Congress is done. No one cares what they think anymore. No Rubber Stamping. You Democrats of all people should support the Republicans on that.

This is how the Statists operate. Create crisis, create unrest and you help create need for central, authoritarian figures. Read Chomsky, read Allinsky. They have told us how they plan on doing this.
Everything this bunch does is a crisis... EVERYTHING. Healthcare.. CRISIS. Wall Street.. CRISIS. START.. CRISIS. Reform.. CRISIS. Spending... CRISIS!!

It's the model.
So another 911 is going to happen immediately if this Treaty isn't rammed through? Man sometimes even i'm surprised at how dumb Dumocrats can be. This is no damn "Crisis." So quit all the hysterical fear mongering. The Lame Duckers gotta go. No one cares what they think anymore. See ya in January.
Thar you go Annie. 12 immediate issues that could melt down your family into crispy critters, and Retards think spending your money and tax cuts are more important.

You know you don't fool anyone.

What you are saying, is you are angry Republicans ARE focused on cutting spending extending the Bush tax cuts, instead of getting distracted.

And liberals are ALWAYS TALKING LIKE we are all going to die if the lastest "treaty" with the Soviets/Russians isn't signed.

Well we have signed more of those stupid things than I can count on one hand, AND THE RUSSIANS ALWAYS VIOLATE THEM.

We are the only ones that obey the stupid things and they always weaken US.

It's always Democrats and "moderate Republicans" (aka Rinos) like Ford that were all hot to sign treaties with Russia.

Reagan knew they were a joke and would walk away from the table.

And THE LIBERALS WOULD WHINE AND WRING THEIR HANDS. Oh!!!!! Reagan is going to get us into a war. Oh nuclear war is just a count down a way.

The liberal media had movie after movie about what this country would look like after a nuclear war. We had "Threads." And we had "The Day After." (I think that was it's name).

DIDN'T HAPPEN. Instead, Reagan stayed firm and the Soviet Union fell.

Now, HERE WE GO AGAIN. Another liberal president wants to sign a treaty with Russia, WHICH THEY WILL NEVER OBEY, but it's PEACE IN OUR TIME if it's signed.

But if it isn't, we are all heading for war. Boooooooooooo! :eek:

Never changes. You libs always think the answer is the next stupid treaty.

Did Neville Chamberlain never teach you liberals anything?????


You are talking like the congressional fools who thought saving Americans from 911 wasn't important enough to prevent. Everyday without a treaty is a day the Russiians can avoid inspections of the nuclear arms programs, a real Christmas treat for them and a death bed for you. Like 911, you can perish knowing it was your retards who sent you to an early grave. I wonder if there will be video tapes of people raining down from the sky after the explosion, like 911.

Okay, you are a total dumbass.



And HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, bringing up 9/11 is a bad way to back up your treaty argument since the situation involved , VIOLATING WEAPONS TREATIES IN AFGHANISTAN!!!!!!!!!!

There were all kinds of weapons used in the Soviet war on Afghanistan that violated treaties. The whole damn thing violated treaties.

How STUPID do you have to be to equate 9/11 with another dumbass Russian TREATY???????????

We have had inspectors before. Just like Saddam, the Russians know how to get around them.

But another paper tiger treaty is going to prevent another 9/11.

YOU are just using this treaty as a distraction against Republicans because they ARE putting domestic business first.

That's obvious, because you OBVIOUSLY DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT when you try to use 9/11 as a evidence for your argument.

You lost that one.

Still doesn't make this Treaty a "Crisis." I think most people are sick of this President and Democrats calling everything a "Crisis." There is no need to ram this thing through. The World will not suddenly explode if it's not rammed through. It can wait till January when the real Congress takes over. This Lame Duck Congress is done. No one cares what they think anymore. No Rubber Stamping. You Democrats of all people should support the Republicans on that.

This is how the Statists operate. Create crisis, create unrest and you help create need for central, authoritarian figures. Read Chomsky, read Allinsky. They have told us how they plan on doing this.

Stopping terrorists was just another phony crisis for the right. You see, it isn't a crisis until after 3,000 human beings fry in jet fuel. Then it is a crisis.
You are talking like the congressional fools who thought saving Americans from 911 wasn't important enough to prevent. Everyday without a treaty is a day the Russiians can avoid inspections of the nuclear arms programs, a real Christmas treat for them and a death bed for you. Like 911, you can perish knowing it was your retards who sent you to an early grave. I wonder if there will be video tapes of people raining down from the sky after the explosion, like 911.

Arms treaties like this are nothing but feel good symbolism that do nothing to reduce the threat from the true parties we should be worried about. The Russians have no reason to nuke us. Neither do the Chinese, British, French, Indians, Pakistanis and Israelis. The real threat is from either a group that gets thier grubby little hands on a small demo nuke, or the NoRKs or Iranians deciding to go all in. Even in those two cases it would be our allies getting nuked, not us.

Nuclear weapons create a strange situation where too few is actually worse than too many. under MAD the assurance that any first strike would be met with a crippling counterstrike prevents any sane leadership from intitiating a nuclear war. Once a side thinks it can hit first and survive any counterstoke THATS when you run the greatest risk of nuclear war.

Peaceniks just cant seem to grasp this.
You know you don't fool anyone.

What you are saying, is you are angry Republicans ARE focused on cutting spending extending the Bush tax cuts, instead of getting distracted.

And liberals are ALWAYS TALKING LIKE we are all going to die if the lastest "treaty" with the Soviets/Russians isn't signed.

Well we have signed more of those stupid things than I can count on one hand, AND THE RUSSIANS ALWAYS VIOLATE THEM.

We are the only ones that obey the stupid things and they always weaken US.

It's always Democrats and "moderate Republicans" (aka Rinos) like Ford that were all hot to sign treaties with Russia.

Reagan knew they were a joke and would walk away from the table.

And THE LIBERALS WOULD WHINE AND WRING THEIR HANDS. Oh!!!!! Reagan is going to get us into a war. Oh nuclear war is just a count down a way.

The liberal media had movie after movie about what this country would look like after a nuclear war. We had "Threads." And we had "The Day After." (I think that was it's name).

DIDN'T HAPPEN. Instead, Reagan stayed firm and the Soviet Union fell.

Now, HERE WE GO AGAIN. Another liberal president wants to sign a treaty with Russia, WHICH THEY WILL NEVER OBEY, but it's PEACE IN OUR TIME if it's signed.

But if it isn't, we are all heading for war. Boooooooooooo! :eek:

Never changes. You libs always think the answer is the next stupid treaty.

Did Neville Chamberlain never teach you liberals anything?????

You are talking like the congressional fools who thought saving Americans from 911 wasn't important enough to prevent. Everyday without a treaty is a day the Russiians can avoid inspections of the nuclear arms programs, a real Christmas treat for them and a death bed for you. Like 911, you can perish knowing it was your retards who sent you to an early grave. I wonder if there will be video tapes of people raining down from the sky after the explosion, like 911.

Okay, you are a total dumbass.



And HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, bringing up 9/11 is a bad way to back up your treaty argument since the situation involved , VIOLATING WEAPONS TREATIES IN AFGHANISTAN!!!!!!!!!!

There were all kinds of weapons used in the Soviet war on Afghanistan that violated treaties. The whole damn thing violated treaties.

How STUPID do you have to be to equate 9/11 with another dumbass Russian TREATY???????????

We have had inspectors before. Just like Saddam, the Russians know how to get around them.

But another paper tiger treaty is going to prevent another 9/11.

YOU are just using this treaty as a distraction against Republicans because they ARE putting domestic business first.

That's obvious, because you OBVIOUSLY DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT when you try to use 9/11 as a evidence for your argument.

You lost that one.

You are an imbecile talking out your ass. Just opening your ass made you Lose this one, Loser!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::
Arms treaties like this are nothing but feel good symbolism that do nothing to reduce the threat from the true parties we should be worried about. The Russians have no reason to nuke us. Neither do the Chinese, British, French, Indians, Pakistanis and Israelis. The real threat is from either a group that gets thier grubby little hands on a small demo nuke, or the NoRKs or Iranians deciding to go all in. Even in those two cases it would be our allies getting nuked, not us.

Nuclear weapons create a strange situation where too few is actually worse than too many. under MAD the assurance that any first strike would be met with a crippling counterstrike prevents any sane leadership from intitiating a nuclear war. Once a side thinks it can hit first and survive any counterstoke THATS when you run the greatest risk of nuclear war.

Peaceniks just cant seem to grasp this.

Hmm, not that I am a peace nik, because a nuke would have been my answer to afghanistan after 911, and now in the afghan mountains and radiate borders, ~ but when you add the two nukes used in Japan, your argument falls apart. Apparently there are reasons, even for those who are sane.
The bottom line is that the American People have spoken. This Dem-led Worst Congress in History has to go. Democrats are crazy if they think this thing should be Rubber Stamped. The fact is no one is interested in what they think anymore. The fact they're trying to ram this though should alarm all members of Congress. Whenever the Democrats start claiming it's a "Crisis",you know it's not good for the Nation. They've done this stuff before. The World will still keep spinning if this Treaty isn't rammed through. It can wait till January when the real Congress takes over. End of story.
Hmm, not that I am a peace nik, because a nuke would have been my answer to afghanistan after 911, and now in the afghan mountains and radiate borders, ~ but when you add the two nukes used in Japan, your argument falls apart. Apparently there are reasons, even for those who are sane.

The Bombing of Japan actually validates my arguement. As Japan had no way to retailiate we had no reason not to use them, according to MAD theory. Also, there are other reasons not to use them, morality, etc. The concern comes when a side thinks they can win using nukes, and thinks they can survive any retaliation from another nuclear state.

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