Republicans have already lost this election


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
There is one thing about the right wing of the Republican party aka (Tea Party member) that they never think about. How do we win the White House. This is usually the last consideration, (if at all that they think about.) Most of them live in conservative states--where most of the candidates they select can win a district, or house seat, or even possibly a U.S. Senate seat--but if an election goes past the state line--they're blind.

A Tea Party member does not know that the Republican Party is the minority party at 41 million, Democrats are stronger at 46 million, and Independents make up for largest voting block in this country, representing 40% of the entire electorate.

For quite some time, a Tea Party member's only news sources comes from 3 or more daily hours of right wing talk radio, and political entertainment programs on FOX news. They typically know nothing else, other than what they have been told by these right wing talk show hosts. If they read anything it will come out of a right wing news site, which of course is written by the right wing. Any other news source is not believed.

They've been repeatedly told that Mitt Romney lost the 2012 election because he was not conservative enough. Why shouldn't they believe it, it came out of Rush Limbaugh's mouth on many occasions and probably several other right wing shows. But the truth is Romney's fate was sealed long before he even became the nominee. Accomplished by the Evangelical wing of the party dragging abortion, who's not going to pay for birth control pills, and what is "legal Legitimate rape" questions, which OFFENDED women into Obama's column. Republicans lost women by double digits, younger women by 36 points. This is what secured a 2nd term for Barack Obama.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
How women ruled the 2012 election and where the GOP went wrong -

Regardless though, they didn't know they had a woman problem, they were never told that. They have believed for 4 years that they needed a more conservative candidate. So they found one. His name is Ted Cruz. They have followed him around cheered him on, donated a lot of money to him. Why? Because right wing talk show hosts supported him. "He's conservative enough to win the White House, they think." Ted Cruz would never win Independents or women. He has a far right stance on abortion. This country is center, it always has been, it always will be. Ted Cruz also has another huge problem. He was born in Canada. Now certainly the Tea Party knows that for 4 long years they, along with right wing talk show hosts, and Donald Trump hounded Obama for a birth certificate. He finally produced one showing himself born on U.S. soil, to shut them up. What does the Tea Party do next? They put up a candidate to run for POTUS that was born in Canada. This has to come from a group that is so politically inept--to actually believe that there would be no blow back by supporting a candidate that was actually born in Canada.

So enter Donald Trump. He and his supporters have already managed to chase off another 17% of the population, when Republicans needed at least 46% of this block to win the White House. They are now solidly in the Democrat column. Trump is polling at a negative 75% with Hispanics.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

So you have the largest voting block (women) that were chased off in 2012, which secured a 2nd term for Barack Obama. Now in 2016 another large voting block (Hispanics) are now in the Democrat column.

It doesn't matter who the GOP nominee is now--the Tea Party has already rino'd itself right into a Hillary Clinton Presidency before the first primary ballot was even cast. And frankly with these numbers it would not surprise me to see Republicans lose the Senate and a ton of seats in the house. What the Trump supporter failed to realize is that Republicans across the entire southwest of this country depend on Hispanics to win elections. Without them, they lose.


I can't see Trump winning Florida, Co or even Virgina with a bunch of pissed off minorities saying fuck you. This gets even worse with the loserterianism of the party that may work in the red neck midwest but won't do well anywhere else.

No way can trump or cruz win.

But I can recognize your seasonal brand of sour grapes pretty've got a bad case of the redass because your candidate isn't going to win, place or show.

But the good news is, as you've conceded defeat, no need for you to continue posting.

See you in 2019. Buh-bye.
Trump will win. The silent White majority will come out and vote for him. It's time to return a White true natural born Citizen back to the oval office.

I can't see Trump winning Florida, Co or even Virgina with a bunch of pissed off minorities saying fuck you. This gets even worse with the loserterianism of the party that may work in the red neck midwest but won't do well anywhere else.

No way can trump or cruz win.

You can win without Florida and Virginia.

I can't see Trump winning Florida, Co or even Virgina with a bunch of pissed off minorities saying fuck you. This gets even worse with the loserterianism of the party that may work in the red neck midwest but won't do well anywhere else.

No way can trump or cruz win.

Trump/Clinton Florida

trump clinton florida.png
Trump will win. The silent White majority will come out and vote for him. It's time to return a White true natural born Citizen back to the oval office.
You just embarrass yourself with comments like that. Best to leave the grown up talk to the grown ups... Why don't you go shoot things in your back yard while we take care of business.
Trump will win. The silent White majority will come out and vote for him. It's time to return a White true natural born Citizen back to the oval office.
You just embarrass yourself with comments like that. Best to leave the grown up talk to the grown ups... Why don't you go shoot things in your back yard while we take care of business.
My comments are the truth.
I know. Let's just not vote! There ya go..
Here's some possibilities.

1- Hillary screws up. One of her many pieces of Samsonite blows up in her face, or she sinks under the accumulated weight of her baggage. After eight years of the Big "O", there's bound to be some fatigue factor, too. Plus, is she "likable enough"? I wouldn't vote for a Republican if they put a gun to my head, but I don't like Hillary. How do the independent/undecideds feel?

2- Bernie wins the nomination. A self-professed socialist. I love me some Bernie, but then I'm a Brooklyn boy myself. Can Bernie get to 270?

3- Bloomberg gets into the race. If it's Bernie/Trump and Bloomers steps in, what will happen?

Bottom line: 2016 is like nothing we've ever seen before. No one has a clue what will happen.
Isnt anyone else excited like me.? Maybe its a canuck thing in January...............yeah yeah thats the ticket.

I can't see Trump winning Florida, Co or even Virgina with a bunch of pissed off minorities saying fuck you. This gets even worse with the loserterianism of the party that may work in the red neck midwest but won't do well anywhere else.

No way can trump or cruz win.
Weren't you praising Trump in another thread earlier?

I can't see Trump winning Florida, Co or even Virgina with a bunch of pissed off minorities saying fuck you. This gets even worse with the loserterianism of the party that may work in the red neck midwest but won't do well anywhere else.

No way can trump or cruz win.
Weren't you praising Trump in another thread earlier?

I've given up on Matthew.
So Hillary's numbers are dwindling while a septagenerian socialist gathers momentum against her. Bloomberg is thinking of a third party run, that will decimate Hillary's numbers even more.
And somehow the GOP is in trouble? Nope, don't think so.

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