Republicans fire firm accused of voter registration fraud


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Republicans fire firm accused of voter registration fraud

By Franco Ordonez - McClatchy Newspapers

WASHINGTON -- The Republican National Committee on Thursday fired a firm it had hired to register voters in several battleground states after allegations of voter registration fraud.

Strategic Allied Consulting was first fired in Florida after the Palm Beach County election supervisor flagged more than 100 applications turned in by the company that staff noticed had similar looking signatures and wrong birth dates.

The national committee followed suit and instructed remaining state parties with contracts to also fire the company.

Read more here: Republicans fire firm accused of voter registration fraud - National -

Republicans trying to steal the election again.
Can't really accuse them of trying to steal the election with this. They fired the firm when the info was discovered, so I think all this shows is honest intentions and sound judgement.
Fox News' ACORN Fanatics Still Won't Address GOP's Widening "Voter Fraud" Scandal

A YouTube clip began to go viral last week, showing a young woman in Colorado out registering voters, but "only Romney" voters. Asked who she worked for, she said worked for the county clerk's office. In fact, she worked for Sproul's firm.

Can you imagine how many times that clip would've aired on Fox News this election cycle if the young woman had been working for a progressive organization, lied about her employment, and was caught admitting she was only interested in registering Obama supporters to vote?

Fox News made its bogus "voter fraud" bed back in 2008 with its ACORN crusade. Now, with the spotlight on allegations of Republican fraud, Fox talkers won't condemn, or even discuss, possible GOP attempts to taint the election process.
Eric Boehlert: Fox News' ACORN Fanatics Still Won't Address GOP's Widening "Voter Fraud" Scandal
Republicans fire firm accused of voter registration fraud

By Franco Ordonez - McClatchy Newspapers

WASHINGTON -- The Republican National Committee on Thursday fired a firm it had hired to register voters in several battleground states after allegations of voter registration fraud.

Strategic Allied Consulting was first fired in Florida after the Palm Beach County election supervisor flagged more than 100 applications turned in by the company that staff noticed had similar looking signatures and wrong birth dates.

The national committee followed suit and instructed remaining state parties with contracts to also fire the company.

Read more here: Republicans fire firm accused of voter registration fraud - National -

Republicans trying to steal the election again.

They should have awarded them a federal contract like the Democrats did.
Republicans fire firm accused of voter registration fraud

By Franco Ordonez - McClatchy Newspapers

WASHINGTON -- The Republican National Committee on Thursday fired a firm it had hired to register voters in several battleground states after allegations of voter registration fraud.

Strategic Allied Consulting was first fired in Florida after the Palm Beach County election supervisor flagged more than 100 applications turned in by the company that staff noticed had similar looking signatures and wrong birth dates.

The national committee followed suit and instructed remaining state parties with contracts to also fire the company.

Read more here: Republicans fire firm accused of voter registration fraud - National -

Republicans trying to steal the election again.

This isn't good, they are always trying to fuck with voting. They just can't win without cheating. They should look at Boehnor and Cantor's registrations, I always wondered how those two psychopaths got into office.

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