Republicans Expected to Lose 25-30 Seats in the House

No, I'd say the best freaking economy ever would have to be the late 90s boom.

The numbers do not back you up

Pres Bush's numbers are equal to or better then Clinton.

And Clinton did have 9-11, high oil prices, and the cooked books of corporations (that happened under Clinton)
If the Dems try to please the MoveOn.Org kooks, Republicans will regain power in 08

I am waiting to see Pelosi and Reid's version of working with Pres Bush

me too-----after years of accusing him of everything in the book, calling him stupid and negatively spinning his efforts all that I hear this morning is how much they want to work with him in a a "bi-partisan" fashion. Where was all this bi-partisonship the last 6 years ?
I Seriously fail to see why this is a big deal to conservatives, you will probably still have one house of congress, you have a majority in the Supreme court, you have the executive branch.

So all that this means is that any new legislature that bush desires will have to make some consessions to the Dems. Personally I think the system works better when the two parties are forced to comprimise.
I Seriously fail to see why this is a big deal to conservatives, you will probably still have one house of congress, you have a majority in the Supreme court, you have the executive branch.

So all that this means is that any new legislature that bush desires will have to make some consessions to the Dems. Personally I think the system works better when the two parties are forced to comprimise.

A majority in the Supreme Court? Your joking right? Why the heck should we have to compromise with people who have positions that will clearly make this nation worse?
A majority in the Supreme Court? Your joking right? Why the heck should we have to compromise with people who have positions that will clearly make this nation worse?
I love this. Half the time people bitch about dems refusing to compromise, the other half people bitch about having to compromise with dems.
And exactly how did Republics screw up anything? We had the freakin best economy ever, we are winning the war on terror. what exactly was so bad? Do you really think impeachment is going to make things better?
There will be no impeachment. The best economy ever? You cannot be serious! When Bush took office the national debt was $5.6 trillion. Six years later it stands at $8.6 trillion. That's $3 trillion (with a T) dollars worth of overspending! What an insult to conservatives. The fiscal irresponsibility and contempt for future generations displayed by Bush and the Republican Congress have been staggering. If you do not understand that, then you do not know the meaning of the word conservative. Whatever Bush and this Congress are, it is not conservative. If you had blown $3 trillion in unearned money, probably even you could have come up with more economic growth than Bush. Best economy ever? On the contrary it is perhaps the worst performance in US economic history. Couple that fiscal performance to high quality job flight overseas, zero energy independence policy, complete failure to stem the tide of illegal immigrants, and almost anyone can see why the Republicans were blasted at the polls. They more than earned what happened yesterday at the polls.
There will be no impeachment. The best economy ever? You cannot be serious! When Bush took office the national debt was $5.6 trillion. Six years later it stands at $8.6 trillion. That's $3 trillion (with a T) dollars worth of overspending! What an insult to conservatives. The fiscal irresponsibility and contempt for future generations displayed by Bush and the Republican Congress has been staggering. If you do not understand that, then you do not know the meaning of the word conservative. Whatever Bush and this Congress are, it is not conservative. If you had blown $3 trillion in unearned money, probably even you could have come up with more economic growth than Bush. Best economy ever? On the contrary it is perhaps the worst performance in US economic history. Couple that fiscal performance to high quality job flight overseas, zero energy independence policy, complete failure to stem the tide of illegal immigrants, and almost anyone can see why the Republicans were blasted at the polls last night. They more than earned what happened yesterday at the polls.

I agree with everything but the bolded statements. Government spending and the national debt have no appreciable affect on the economy. Unemployment is down. Home ownership is up. Average household income is up.

Everything else, though, I'd say dead on. The Republicans threw the election out the window. They could easily have won if they had just stuck to the plan set forth my Newt Gingrich in 1994, but no, they turned their backs on conservatism. They fought the American people tooth and nail to try to give illegal invaders more rights than U.S. citizens. They spent money they didn't have. About the only conservative ideal they stuck to was low taxes. They need a time out. I still voted in favor of the ones here, as they have been doing their jobs (Nathan Deal's a great guy), but I think this was necessary. In fact, if it wasn't for the war on Islamic Fascism, I might even be happy that the Democrats in power, except for the fact that I can't stand hearing Pelosi talk.
Why the heck should we have to compromise with people who have positions that will clearly make this nation worse?

Oh yes, so all of the people who voted for democrats clearly want to make this nation worse. :rolleyes:
HHAHAHA..Shows how much you know..Care to take that back Avatar ? You are now the Democrats little bitch !!! HEHEHEHE :teeth:

Quite frankly. yes. There is only one poll that matters. The actual poll one tuesday. And Republicans will win easily.
HHAHAHA..Shows how much you know..Care to take that back Avatar ? You are now the Democrats little bitch !!! HEHEHEHE :teeth:
It is one thing to point out that someone was wrong, another thing to show zero class like you.
I second that. Most Republicans displayed a far greater level of courtesy after the 04 and 02 elections then you are right now. Show some manners; you're embarassing yourself and the Democratic Party.
Well now. This should be interesting for a couple of years.

Let's assume the worst and the dems win the entire congress.

They won't be able to get anything done assuming the republicans decide to ape the obstructionist tactics used by the dems.

Anything they ram thru can be vetoed, and they don't have the votes to overcome that. They are now under the gun to produce substantial results before 08. Bet that is going to be vexing...

It's easy to sit back and sling mud, it takes a lot more to turn the mud into pottery, even more to become art. Be interesting to see if any of the dems are artists.
And if they try and do stuff that gets vetoed, hardly their problem...

Ya know... for six years the right has whined and complained that the dems are "obstructionist" and angry.

Good to know that they were really looking at their own reflections. Nice that they're so punitive and care so much about their country. :tank:
Ya know... for six years the right has whined and complained that the dems are "obstructionist" and angry.

Good to know that they were really looking at their own reflections. Nice that they're so punitive and care so much about their country. :tank:

Ah Miss J. While I would never call you dull, you still are not getting the point.

If Lawyers are sharks, Pols are the Megaladon.

All politicians are criminals, it's only a matter of degree, intelligence, and the ability to work as a team. Our system is not condusive to teamwork or getting results. The point is that the Dems will now be the sickness and will get some of thier own medicine. They have two years to make a genuine difference that they can sell in the 08 elections. I don't think they will. Do you?
Ah Miss J. While I would never call you dull, you still are not getting the point.

If Lawyers are sharks, Pols are the Megaladon.

All politicians are criminals, it's only a matter of degree, intelligence, and the ability to work as a team. Our system is not condusive to teamwork or getting results. The point is that the Dems will now be the sickness and will get some of thier own medicine. They have two years to make a genuine difference that they can sell in the 08 elections. I don't think they will. Do you?

lol... I appreciate the compliment, certainly. Dull would be the pits. ;)

I don't think all lawyers are sharks... pit bulls, maybe, if they're good at what they do... sharks, sometimes. But I do like the Megaladon analogy.

I think power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. That's been proven over and over again. And the repubs got a little full of themselves and their unchecked power. They bought Karl Rove's "permanent republican majority" stuff.

Do I think they can make a difference? I hope so. Do I think they can do some good... I truly hope so. Do I think they can't do worse than the past six years... yup.

So why plan to be obstructionist. There may actually be things you agree with. There are lots of moderate and conservative dems now... surely some would advance causes that you might find worthwhile.

BTW, They just announced that we got the Senate, too. George Allen is out in VA.

A Democratic senator from Virginia?!?!?!?! Dayum!
Gracious in victory, too...

Ya know... for six years the right has whined and complained that the dems are "obstructionist" and angry.

Ya know...for six years the left has whined and complained and could be fairly characterized as "obstructionist" and angry.

They told me over and over again that this was a fascist regime, that the entire government was a "dictatorship".

The "dictatorship" elected them to power last night. Doesn't matter whether the GOP lost or the Democrats won, end result's the same, comrade.

Good to know that they were really looking at their own reflections. Nice that they're so punitive and care so much about their country. :tank:

Punitive, oh? Rumsfeld resigned, there's no guarantee the new Congress will approve of this Graves person, the Democrats rejected the same guy for another post years ago.

Also, you saved Michael J. Faux's life.

BTW, They just announced that we got the Senate, too. George Allen is out in VA.

A Democratic senator from Virginia?!?!?!?! Dayum!

???????? Ever heard the name "Robb", ya know LBJ's kinfolk?

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