Republicans' Disappearing Trick!!!

Mr. Shaman

Senior Member
May 4, 2010
December 27, 2012

"GOP Is Shrinking, Daily"

"Increasingly, it is becoming clear that the party is against everything and for nothing.

Nothing on taxes. Nothing on gun control. Nothing on climate change. Nothing on gay marriage. Nothing on immigration reform (or an incremental, piece-by-piece approach, which will result in nothing). It's a very odd situation when the losing party is the party refusing to negotiate. It may be how you disrupt, but it is not how you govern, or how you ever hope to regain a majority.

And so, we have a Republican Party today willing to eliminate any prospect for a decent future for anyone, including itself, if it cannot be a future that is 100 percent in accordance with its core beliefs and principles. That's not governing. That's just lobbing hand grenades. If you're only standing on principle to appear taller, then you appear smaller. And the GOP is shrinking daily before our eyes." - Mark McKinnon

Nothing to smile about imho.
The idea of Democrats in the majority in the House and the Senate AND holding the White House makes me uneasy.
What I find odd is that the GOP is supposed to have something on the Global Warming, I mean Climate Change hoax in the first place.
What I find odd is that the GOP is supposed to have something on the Global Warming, I mean Climate Change hoax in the first place.

I think the GOP is a hoax. Certainly those jokers can't possibly believe half the shit they say. I mean, how are you supposed to take people seriously when they say things like MO Senate candidate Todd Akin did? We're being punked, right?
What I find odd is that the GOP is supposed to have something on the Global Warming, I mean Climate Change hoax in the first place.

I think the GOP is a hoax. Certainly those jokers can't possibly believe half the shit they say. I mean, how are you supposed to take people seriously when they say things like MO Senate candidate Todd Akin did? We're being punked, right?

I stopped reading after nonsensical highlight above ^.
I started a thread on this subject a few days ago. I’m not a Republican nor do I like or support the Republican party, however, the Democrat party is in fact the fastest shrinking party by leaps and bounds.

Republicans grew about 900,000 votes this election, for President. Democrats lost about 3,800,000 million votes this election. With projected growth (people turning 18 and all that) De3ms should have grown about 7-9 million votes in this election, but instead shrunk.

I know this will not be accepted by the Progressives, but Republicans actually closed the % gap from 2008 to 2012… Meaning, if the Republican party is shrinking then the Democrat party is shrinking faster, based on actual votes, not polling or registered voters, more or less where it counts Dems are loosing big.
Here is the Thread:

Here is the content:Democrats seem to be the faster shrinking party.


I wanted to make this a thread because it seems like either I'm missing something or when I bring it up it's glossed over.

Here are the numbers from 2008:

Barrack Obama/Joseph Biden (Democrat) 69,456,897 votes (52.9%)
John McCain/Sarah Palin (Republican) 59,934,814 votes (45.7%)

Now, let’s look at 2012 numbers:

Obama/Biden Popular vote (Democrat) 65,621,369 (51.0%)
Mitt/Ryan Popular vote (Republican) 60,875,399 (47.3%)

Now, Republicans made up around 2% from 2008 in the total vote, meaning they did better in 2012 than 2008. In all about 3-4 million less votes were cast, all were lost by Democrats… Meaning currently Democrats are the fastest shrinking party by votes in America. This is a big deal because with population growth both parties should be growing by million, not stagnating or losing voters by the millions.

For context:

1996 total vote = about 95 million United States presidential election, 1996 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2000 total vote = about 102 million United States presidential election, 2000 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2004 total vote = about 121 million United States presidential election, 2004 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2008 total vote = about 129 million United States presidential election, 2008 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2012 total vote = about 126 million United States presidential election, 2012 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Again, 2012 is the first time in this table that the vote count shrunk, and it was all Democrats loss, 100%.

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