Republican’s destination based cash flow tax?


Gold Member
Jul 26, 2009
Republican’s destination based cash flow tax, (DBCFT):

This explanation published by the Christian Science Monitor, (a reputable newspaper), is inadequate. Can any of the forum’s members provide a link to a superior explanation of DBCFT?

Excerpted from
Here is the scoop on corporate tax reform proposals from House Republicans -

“(2) The DBCFT is essentially a value-added tax (VAT), but with a deduction for wages. Every advanced country except the U.S. has a VAT alongside a corporate income tax. The U.S. would in effect be replacing the corporate income tax with a modified VAT. A VAT taxes consumption, not income – it has the same effects as a national retail sales tax, but works better administratively”.

Double dipping? Enterprises operating within the USA deduct their normal domestic expenditures for labor costs (from what if corporate income taxes are repealed)?

How would the USA enforce a tax upon money paid to recipients beyond our borders? Isn’t that particularly difficult when the money is passed among globally operating single enterprises, or enterprises associated with each other such as subsidiary enterprises or otherwise independent enterprises that are associated by innumerable manners of other agreements?

What I’ve read thus far implies a proposal that’s only applicable to USA’s international transactions; I consider that to be less rather than more feasible than USA adopting a general value added tax, (i.e. VAT).

Respectfully, Supposn
What I’ve read thus far implies a proposal that’s only applicable to USA’s international transactions; I consider that to be less rather than more feasible than USA adopting a general value added tax, (i.e. VAT).

Respectfully, Supposn

1) Most importantly the idea is to stimulate exports or give some leverage to improving our export ability
2) general VAT is very very bad idea as we already have 123 kinds of taxes. Best to cut it down to 1-2 paid 1 time a year so Americans feel exactly what big govt does their standard of living.
2) supposin is apparently a communist who favors VAT, tariffs, MW, and 10009 other liberal ways to interfere with freedom and capitalism.
What I’ve read thus far implies a proposal that’s only applicable to USA’s international transactions; I consider that to be less rather than more feasible than USA adopting a general value added tax, (i.e. VAT).
Respectfully, Supposn

1) Most importantly the idea is to stimulate exports or give some leverage to improving our export ability
2) general VAT is very very bad idea as we already have 123 kinds of taxes. Best to cut it down to 1-2 paid 1 time a year so Americans feel exactly what big govt does their standard of living.
2) supposin is apparently a communist who favors VAT, tariffs, MW, and 10009 other liberal ways to interfere with freedom and capitalism.

Often with regarding what is or is not pornographic, people repeat, ‘I do not know what it is, but I know it when I see it”.

Edward Baiamonte‘s reaction to whatever he doesn’t understand and/or particularly appreciate, (which I suppose are a great many things, persons or concepts), is similarly to chant the mantra, “communism, socialism, left wing, liberal, unamerican”.

Regarding the reported Republican proposed DBCFT concept, it’s not my practice to advocate or oppose what I’m ignorant of. I’m inquiring among this forum’s posters in the hopes of learning more.

Edward seldom contributes anything pertinent and correct to any thread. I doubt he'll contribute anything helpful to this thread.
VAT is a superior method of administering a general sales tax.

Respectfully, Supposn
What I’ve read thus far implies a proposal that’s only applicable to USA’s international transactions; I consider that to be less rather than more feasible than USA adopting a general value added tax, (i.e. VAT).
Respectfully, Supposn

1) Most importantly the idea is to stimulate exports or give some leverage to improving our export ability
2) general VAT is very very bad idea as we already have 123 kinds of taxes. Best to cut it down to 1-2 paid 1 time a year so Americans feel exactly what big govt does their standard of living.
2) supposin is apparently a communist who favors VAT, tariffs, MW, and 10009 other liberal ways to interfere with freedom and capitalism.

Often with regarding what is or is not pornographic, people repeat, ‘I do not know what it is, but I know it when I see it”.

Edward Baiamonte‘s reaction to whatever he doesn’t understand and/or particularly appreciate, (which I suppose are a great many things, persons or concepts), is similarly to chant the mantra, “communism, socialism, left wing, liberal, unamerican”.

Regarding the reported Republican proposed DBCFT concept, it’s not my practice to advocate or oppose what I’m ignorant of. I’m inquiring among this forum’s posters in the hopes of learning more.

Edward seldom contributes anything pertinent and correct to any thread. I doubt he'll contribute anything helpful to this thread.
VAT is a superior method of administering a general sales tax.

Respectfully, Supposn

as an apparent communist can you list all the libcommie interventions in the free market you suppport?? So far VAT, tariff,MW. 1006 to go!!

Norman Thomas ( socialist presidential candidate)
The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened
... Norman Thomas ( socialist presidential candidate)
The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened

Edward Baiamonte, I question what you contend was the socialist presidential candidate’s ’s statement because such a statement would not have served any purpose for Thomas.

(I have no reason to doubt Thomas’s advocacy of socialism was no less sincere than your political views).
There is no reason to believe your quote is valid but there’s good reason to believe that Noman Thomas had never made the statement you attribute to him.
Refer to

If you have creditable evidence or reason to believe otherwise, please post it so we can all judge its validity.

Lies are often due to their creator’s perception of what would be to their immediate advantage, (often to an argumentative advantage), or due to unintentional errors. Lies are spread by those that are too lazy, and/or unable to question the statement’s validity and/or are indifferent to truth or falseness of what they say or write.

Respectfully, Supposn
I’m among the advocates of the policy described by the Wikipedia “Import Certificates” article. It’s not a tariff policy but I doubt if Edward B understands or desires to understand the differences between the two policies. I do understand the differences the two and I’m confident that the Import Certificate policy, (which is significantly more market rather than government driven), is the superior of the two policies.

U.S. congressional representatives Paul Ryan and Kevin Brady are leading Republicans advocating a “destination based cash flow tax”, (DBCFT) that’s described as being government driven by something similar to a value-added tax, (VAT), which is entirely government driven.

[VAT’s the superior method of administrating a general sales tax. I’m unaware of any general sales tax that’s not driven entirely by the government that levies the tax].

Advocates of both the Import Certificate policy and the Republican’s DBCFT proponents describe their proposals as to favor domestic producers and reducing the advantages of foreign lower wage nation’s products.

I understand Import Certificate policy’s method and I’m fully confident it would fully accomplish its purpose and be of significantly net economic benefit to our nation and it's superior to tariffs and to “pure” free trade.
But because I do not understand the method by which the Republican proposed DBCFT is to accomplish its purpose, I’m unable to judge that proposal’s comparative attributes.

I posted this thread inquiring and requesting any of the forum’s members, (if they’re able), to provide a more explicit explanation of how the Republican’s proposed DBCFT would accomplish its purpose.

Respectfully, Supposn
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I’m among the advocates of the policy described by the Wikipedia “Import Certificates” article.

you are apparently a communist advocating 10001 policies that interfere with the free market. Why not ask us about how the free market works far better than communism??

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