Republicans caused the economic crisis


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Republican who allowed business to move overseas in search of cheap labor are the cause of the economic crisis. When they move they took jobs and put Americans out or work. Those who lost their jobs earned no money to buy food, clothing, shelter and services from business that did not move over seas and they were not making a profit and they had to lay off workers and some when bankrupt because of business moving overseas. Business that went overseas affected every aspect of the economy. Banks, constructions, wall street, etc. No matter how much taxes breaks you give business, if no one is earning money no one is buying to support those business that did not go overseas. Banks giving them loan will not cause people to buy who are not earning money. They only thing that will fix our economy is taxing those businesses so heavily that it is no longer profitable for them to conduct overseas and they will bring those jobs back here putting American back to work earning money and spending and paying taxes. And supporting other businesses. Only then will our economy recover. We cannot create jobs with business are not here.
We bailed out the auto industry and then they took their businesses to Mexico. The stimulus did not work as well as it should have because business had moved . We will not have an economy recovery until those jobs return.
Whom ever is responsible for allowing those businesses to leave the county need their butts kick in November and in 2012

Shipping Jobs Overseas: How Real Is the Problem?
How Many Jobs Will Be Lost? Forrester Research Inc. predicts U.S. employers will move 3.4 million white-collar jobs and $136 billion in wages overseas by ...
Shipping Jobs Overseas: How Real Is the Problem? - Cached

Republican who allowed business to move overseas in search of cheap labor are the cause of the economic crisis. When they move they took jobs and put Americans out or work. Those who lost their jobs earned no money to buy food, clothing, shelter and services from business that did not move over seas and they were not making a profit and they had to lay off workers and some when bankrupt because of business moving overseas. Business that went overseas affected every aspect of the economy. Banks, constructions, wall street, etc. No matter how much taxes breaks you give business, if no one is earning money no one is buying to support those business that did not go overseas. Banks giving them loan will not cause people to buy who are not earning money. They only thing that will fix our economy is taxing those businesses so heavily that it is no longer profitable for them to conduct overseas and they will bring those jobs back here putting American back to work earning money and spending and paying taxes. And supporting other businesses. Only then will our economy recover. We cannot create jobs with business are not here.
We bailed out the auto industry and then they took their businesses to Mexico. The stimulus did not work as well as it should have because business had moved . We will not have an economy recovery until those jobs return.
Whom ever is responsible for allowing those businesses to leave the county need their butts kick in November and in 2012

Shipping Jobs Overseas: How Real Is the Problem?
How Many Jobs Will Be Lost? Forrester Research Inc. predicts U.S. employers will move 3.4 million white-collar jobs and $136 billion in wages overseas by ...
Shipping Jobs Overseas: How Real Is the Problem? - Cached

If you would have said Politicians Caused the Economic Crisis, you would have been spot on. Instead, you needed to bring in the blame one party routine when both of them had their hands dirty in the mess. Try and show some honesty with your thread.

Republican who allowed business to move overseas in search of cheap labor are the cause of the economic crisis. When they move they took jobs and put Americans out or work. Those who lost their jobs earned no money to buy food, clothing, shelter and services from business that did not move over seas and they were not making a profit and they had to lay off workers and some when bankrupt because of business moving overseas. Business that went overseas affected every aspect of the economy. Banks, constructions, wall street, etc. No matter how much taxes breaks you give business, if no one is earning money no one is buying to support those business that did not go overseas. Banks giving them loan will not cause people to buy who are not earning money. They only thing that will fix our economy is taxing those businesses so heavily that it is no longer profitable for them to conduct overseas and they will bring those jobs back here putting American back to work earning money and spending and paying taxes. And supporting other businesses. Only then will our economy recover. We cannot create jobs with business are not here.
We bailed out the auto industry and then they took their businesses to Mexico. The stimulus did not work as well as it should have because business had moved . We will not have an economy recovery until those jobs return.
Whom ever is responsible for allowing those businesses to leave the county need their butts kick in November and in 2012

Shipping Jobs Overseas: How Real Is the Problem?
How Many Jobs Will Be Lost? Forrester Research Inc. predicts U.S. employers will move 3.4 million white-collar jobs and $136 billion in wages overseas by ...
Shipping Jobs Overseas: How Real Is the Problem? - Cached

So jobs went overseas to get a more affordable work force did they. I would not blame that on the republicans, I would blame that on the UNIONS!
.....and with much consideration and emotional discussion the House of Representatives approved NAFTA on November 17, 1993, by a vote of 234 to 200. The agreement's supporters included 132 Republicans and 102 Democrats. NAFTA passed the Senate 61-38. Clinton signed it into law on December 8, 1993; it went into effect on January 1, 1994.
North American Free Trade Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There was no super majority
But the Democrats have cleaned everything up so no need to worry! :D

They've been trying to. But Republicans want to stop them from cleaning up Republican fuck-ups. So far, they've been doing a pretty good job.

Republicans have their plans and policies already in place. After November, they want to:

1. Screw the Middle Class

2. Cut all taxes for corporations

3. Privatize Social Security

4. Cut all unemployment

5. De-fund public schools

6. Remove all safety regulations for clean air and clean water

7. Subsidize oil companies

8. Stop feeding the poor

9. Criminalize abortion

10. Invade Iraq

Yes, they have plans. BIG plans.

Oh, and bring down the uppity black man in the "WHITE" House.
But the Democrats have cleaned everything up so no need to worry! :D

They've been trying to. But Republicans want to stop them from cleaning up Republican fuck-ups. So far, they've been doing a pretty good job.

Republicans have their plans and policies already in place. After November, they want to:

1. Screw the Middle Class

2. Cut all taxes for corporations

3. Privatize Social Security

4. Cut all unemployment

5. De-fund public schools

6. Remove all safety regulations for clean air and clean water

7. Subsidize oil companies

8. Stop feeding the poor

9. Criminalize abortion

10. Invade Iraq

Yes, they have plans. BIG plans.

Oh, and bring down the uppity black man in the "WHITE" House.

How about some links, you lying sack of shit?

Republican who allowed business to move overseas in search of cheap labor are the cause of the economic crisis.
How did labor become UN(ion)-affordable?
Who raised corporate taxes?
Who elevated union pay rates?
How dare companies try to save money
But the Democrats have cleaned everything up so no need to worry! :D
They've been trying to. But Republicans want to stop them from cleaning up Republican fuck-ups. So far, they've been doing a pretty good job.
Republicans have their plans and policies already in place. After November, they want to:

1. Screw the Middle Class (That's what ObamaCare does)

2. Cut all taxes for corporations (Instead of taxing them to death eh?)

3. Privatize Social Security (Govt' has been doing a great job on that wouldn't you agree? Hint: It's bankrupt.)

4. Cut all unemployment (No, just stop it from continuing forever)

5. De-fund public schools (No, allow competition and end union monopoly on education)

6. Remove all safety regulations for clean air and clean water (The air water was fine millions of years before the EPA showed up)

7. Subsidize oil companies (As opposed to ban all drilling)

8. Stop feeding the poor (It's not the gubamints job to feed the poor)

9. Criminalize abortion (Abortion should stay legal just so you Liberals will continue killing your kids)

10. Invade Iraq (Invade Afhganistan instead right?)

Yes, they have plans. BIG plans. (Yes, you have deficits, BIG DEFICITS!)

Oh, and bring down the uppity black man in the "WHITE" House. (YOU voted for his skin color, we reject him for his POLICIES. The racist is YOU.)
Fixored? :lol:
.....and with much consideration and emotional discussion the House of Representatives approved NAFTA on November 17, 1993, by a vote of 234 to 200. The agreement's supporters included 132 Republicans and 102 Democrats. NAFTA passed the Senate 61-38. Clinton signed it into law on December 8, 1993; it went into effect on January 1, 1994.
North American Free Trade Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There was no super majority

But meister, that was with north america, (canada/mexico etc)....not the Chinese....which is where our biggest trade deficit is with and i would venture to say, where the most jobs have gone, (though several have gone to mexico)

do you have how it broke down in the senate. r's vs d's?

And yes Clinton campaigned, saying he would sign George H W Bush's NAFTA treaty, if he were elected he agreed to sign president bush's NAFTA treaty agreement, before he was president...even though the majority of democrats were against yeah,even though this was a treaty created by president bush 1 and some key republicans, it was a bipartisan effort that got that treaty took repubs and democrats!

China's treaty was something else.

Who Shipped Jobs Out of The USA?

To this end, we are working to ratify a free trade agreement with South Korea, we’re pursuing a regional agreement with the nations of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and we know that that will help create new jobs and opportunities here at home.

We’ve also decided to engage with the East Asia Summit, encouraging its development into a foundational security and political institution. I will be representing the United States at this year’s East Asia Summit in Hanoi, leading up to presidential participation in 2011.

And in Southeast Asia, ASEAN actually encompasses more than 600 million people in its member nations. There is more U.S. business investment in the ASEAN nations than in China. So we have bolstered our relationship by signing the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation, announcing our intention to open a mission and name an ambassador to ASEAN in Jakarta, and a commitment to holding annual U.S.-ASEAN summits.

[ame=""]Ross Perot and Al Gore Debate 1993, Part 1 of 8[/ame]
[ame=""]Ross Perot and Al Gore Debate 1993, Part 2 of 8[/ame]
[ame=""]Ross Perot and Al Gore Debate 1993, Part 3 of 8[/ame]
[ame=""]Ross Perot and Al Gore Debate 1993, Part 4 of 8[/ame]
[ame=""]Ross Perot and Al Gore Debate 1993, Part 5 of 8[/ame]
[ame=""]Ross Perot and Al Gore Debate 1993, Part 6 of 8[/ame]
[ame=""]Ross Perot and Al Gore Debate 1993, Part 7 of 8[/ame]
[ame=""]Ross Perot and Al Gore Debate 1993, Part 8 of 8[/ame]

Republican who allowed business to move overseas in search of cheap labor are the cause of the economic crisis. When they move they took jobs and put Americans out or work. Those who lost their jobs earned no money to buy food, clothing, shelter and services from business that did not move over seas and they were not making a profit and they had to lay off workers and some when bankrupt because of business moving overseas. Business that went overseas affected every aspect of the economy. Banks, constructions, wall street, etc. No matter how much taxes breaks you give business, if no one is earning money no one is buying to support those business that did not go overseas. Banks giving them loan will not cause people to buy who are not earning money. They only thing that will fix our economy is taxing those businesses so heavily that it is no longer profitable for them to conduct overseas and they will bring those jobs back here putting American back to work earning money and spending and paying taxes. And supporting other businesses. Only then will our economy recover. We cannot create jobs with business are not here.
We bailed out the auto industry and then they took their businesses to Mexico. The stimulus did not work as well as it should have because business had moved . We will not have an economy recovery until those jobs return.
Whom ever is responsible for allowing those businesses to leave the county need their butts kick in November and in 2012

Shipping Jobs Overseas: How Real Is the Problem?
How Many Jobs Will Be Lost? Forrester Research Inc. predicts U.S. employers will move 3.4 million white-collar jobs and $136 billion in wages overseas by ...
Shipping Jobs Overseas: How Real Is the Problem? - Cached

If you would have said Politicians Caused the Economic Crisis, you would have been spot on. Instead, you needed to bring in the blame one party routine when both of them had their hands dirty in the mess. Try and show some honesty with your thread.

One part of one party is the truth. The neo-conservative fringe which supported the invasion and occupation of Iraq over four years before 9/11.

See who signed the principles and what they stood for:

Statement of Principles

Republican who allowed business to move overseas in search of cheap labor are the cause of the economic crisis.

How very Ignorant. One of the Worst culprits in causing our Jobs to flee was NAFTA.


Another Big Cause. UNION CONTRACTS. Hmm another Democrat baby.



You people sound so foolish repeating this crap over and over and over.

This crisis was Decades in the making Both Parties share blame.

4 Years of Democrat Rule in Congress and 2 years of A democrat in the WH has given us a small bit of growth which is dying out, and a HUGE additions to the DEBT, Another Cause of this problem to begin with.

So clueless.
It is not the Republicans or Democrats that causes the economic collapse, it is central banking used to fund imperial wars that caused ecomonic collapse. Multi-trillion dollar wars can not be fought without unlimiited money creation. That newly created money when to the military/industrial complex through military Keynesianism and then had to fo somewhere.

It is the creation of unlimited money supply that created false prosperty and the economic collapse. The mountians of excess money made housing seem like a good bet. This was a distortion in the market caused by Federal Reserve monetary policy needed to feed the war machine.

You really didn't think imerial policy comes with out consequence, did you?

It has nothing to do with "imperialism."

The Fed did not fund any wars.

Republican who allowed business to move overseas in search of cheap labor are the cause of the economic crisis.

How very Ignorant. One of the Worst culprits in causing our Jobs to flee was NAFTA.


Stupid ass, Bill Clinton signed on to it, but it was Bush Sr.'s baby.

Another Big Cause. UNION CONTRACTS. Hmm another Democrat baby.

Ah yes, let us blame the working stiff because he wants a fair wage. Not only that, but blame him also for not spending money he does not have on consumer goods, thus further depressing the market.

Real nice blame game you neo-cons have going there. And in the meantime, the European worker continues to pull ahead of the American worker with a better standard of living.


Really? You expect anybody to swallow that old lie? Our corperations do not pay near the tax rate that is on the books because of all the deductions. In fact, some of them paid no taxes and actually had money returned to them in spite of a multi-billion dollar profit. Talk about welfare queens.


Really getting stupid here, now aren't we. Bush Jr. bragged about the home loans his admin were creating that required no down payments.

You people sound so foolish repeating this crap over and over and over.

This crisis was Decades in the making Both Parties share blame.

4 Years of Democrat Rule in Congress and 2 years of A democrat in the WH has given us a small bit of growth which is dying out, and a HUGE additions to the DEBT, Another Cause of this problem to begin with.

So clueless.

It was and still is the Repukes driving the deregulation game in finances. In spite of the fact that the regulations were placed there because of a previous Great Republican Depression. Phil Gramm was one of the key players, even as his wife sat on the Board of Directors of Enron. Typical Republican morality.
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