Republicans and Poverty

Hey, I'm new. One of the things that confuses me the most about the Republican Party is its stance on poverty. I want to start out by saying that I am an Indiana Republican and I grew up middle class. We lived by two common rules. Work Hard, Believe in God. These two things were not a bad thing to grow up on. I had early success in school, and I got a college degree, but my OCD became increasingly worse. I am now disabled and I am well versed in poverty.

I admit that I like watching Fox News, but people like O'Reily and Hannity seem completely clueless when discussing the poor. They think that if you have two parents and a good attitude that everyone can be successful. This is both naive and quite untrue. I think the biggest misconception is that minimum wage jobs are just for teenagers. The idea of working yourself up some kind of ladder is nice, but it is not reality for millions of people. I know many adults who would be grateful for any kind of work, not just some dream job. I want to focus on the mentally ill and those who have various forms of low IQ. If you have never been before a judge for a disability hearing, then you don't know that getting help for a mental disability is nearly impossible. For every person who cheats, there is at least another person who can't get help.

I'm going to tie everything up by going to the wage debate. I firmly believe that if you work hard for 40 hours a week, then you deserve a living wage. I'm not talking raising a family on one income, I'm talking food, gas, and health care for one person. I don't believe in "bad jobs" or meaningless jobs. I think the first step is to get everyone back to 40 hours a week. It is ridiculous that people have to work three part time jobs. I also think that wages can go up without the world coming to an end. I'm sick of hearing about the 100$ cheeseburger and half of all jobs as we know it will disappear. Instead of clinging so tightly to current wages, I do not think it is too difficult for fellow Republicans to treat minimum wage earners with respect. Bye the way, It is not just Fox, I have yet to see any Republican candidate or political expert view minimum wage jobs as anything other than high school kids who don't really matter.

Without a doubt, if a person works 40 hours per week, they should be able to afford a roof over their head, food on the table, and have an assurance that they will receive proper healthcare should they become sick. I don't care if their job is shoveling shit or shoveling burgers; if they do it full-time, they should be able to afford the simple basics. Republicans seem to have a real big problem with this concept and believe if you cannot better yourself through education, then you have no value to society.
But here's the funny thing about that, Republicans don't have respect for education and views it a "librul bastion".

Funny that.

No....we respect education...what you have now in too many public schools are democrat controlled teachers unions using the education of children to push their political agenda and filter tax money to politicians who pay teachers salaries....

and then they don't educate children and protect bad teachers simply because they are sources of money through their dues....

Schools are supposed to teach children...that is their is not to support the salaries of union leadership and to give money to democrat politicians.....

We want children who can survive when they grow up...democrats want adults who vote democrat because they can't provide for themselves, and have to bow their heads to democrat politicians in order to survive...

For the most part, I think that's all a crock. While we do seem to see a much more liberal agenda in our universities, at the K through 12 level, the vast majority of teachers are interested in teaching kids, not in setting some political agenda. While they may well be unionized, that doesn't mean they have an agenda to create stupid kids that "will vote Democrat" in the future.

It isn't something they have to actively promote.....go by a school during an election season...see how the two parties are covered in class, how they are described by the teachers.....or how any issue is covered, the 2nd amendment....the Presidents......a natural bias will come out....

And then you have teacher union dues going directly to democrat politicians and political groups.......

And then you have unions protecting teachers at failing public schools who only graduate 50% of the students, and the ones coming out can't read, write or do math....and they go right to the democrat controlled welfare office for a lifetime of government dependence.......

And that is how they do it....
Hey, I'm new. One of the things that confuses me the most about the Republican Party is its stance on poverty. I want to start out by saying that I am an Indiana Republican and I grew up middle class. We lived by two common rules. Work Hard, Believe in God. These two things were not a bad thing to grow up on. I had early success in school, and I got a college degree, but my OCD became increasingly worse. I am now disabled and I am well versed in poverty.

I admit that I like watching Fox News, but people like O'Reily and Hannity seem completely clueless when discussing the poor. They think that if you have two parents and a good attitude that everyone can be successful. This is both naive and quite untrue. I think the biggest misconception is that minimum wage jobs are just for teenagers. The idea of working yourself up some kind of ladder is nice, but it is not reality for millions of people. I know many adults who would be grateful for any kind of work, not just some dream job. I want to focus on the mentally ill and those who have various forms of low IQ. If you have never been before a judge for a disability hearing, then you don't know that getting help for a mental disability is nearly impossible. For every person who cheats, there is at least another person who can't get help.

I'm going to tie everything up by going to the wage debate. I firmly believe that if you work hard for 40 hours a week, then you deserve a living wage. I'm not talking raising a family on one income, I'm talking food, gas, and health care for one person. I don't believe in "bad jobs" or meaningless jobs. I think the first step is to get everyone back to 40 hours a week. It is ridiculous that people have to work three part time jobs. I also think that wages can go up without the world coming to an end. I'm sick of hearing about the 100$ cheeseburger and half of all jobs as we know it will disappear. Instead of clinging so tightly to current wages, I do not think it is too difficult for fellow Republicans to treat minimum wage earners with respect. Bye the way, It is not just Fox, I have yet to see any Republican candidate or political expert view minimum wage jobs as anything other than high school kids who don't really matter.
Republicans and poverty are very strange companions.

n August 2009, when opponents of Obamacare were disrupting town hall meetings with claims of death panels, Kenneth Gladney and other members of St Louis tea party got into a fight with Democrats at a public meeting. He had to go to the emergency room with injuries to his knee, back, elbow, shoulder and face and ended up in a wheelchair. It turned out Gladney, who had recently been laid off, had no health insurance. He appealed for donations.

The question of why poor people vote Republican is not simply an issue of income but primarily race and partly region and gender. Poor people may be more likely to vote Democrat; poor white people are not.

"Many people say they are angry because the government is wasting money and giving money to people who do not deserve it," it concluded. "But more than that, they say they want to reduce the role of government in their own lives. They are frustrated that they need help, feel guilty for taking it and resent the government for providing it. They say they want less help for themselves; less help in caring for relatives; less assistance when they reach old age."

Working class voters why America s poor are willing to vote Republican US news The Guardian

Conservative Republicans are also far more likely than more moderate Republicans to say the government would do more to reduce poverty by lowering taxes on the wealthy and corporations to encourage investment and economic growth (70% vs. 42%);

Inequality poverty divide Republicans more than Democrats Pew Research Center

See? The best way to narrow income inequality is the increase it? Really?

Kenneth Gladney and other members of St Louis tea party got into a fight with Democrats at a public meeting.

Funny way of putting are lying....Gladney was peacefully sitting at a table selling buttons and bumper stickers when the "Purple People Eaters" the democrat union minions came out and started calling him the N word....then they attacked the video.....
I did not intend to hit such a nerve. I never once advocated welfare. I'm talking about people who are working. I honestly did not expect people to be bashing people that are indeed working. It is kind of low to bash people that have jobs. This is kind of the point I was trying to make. I'm not saying everyone should make 100$ an hour. I do not think people are being honest when they say all businesses will fail if they actually paid their employees. I'm not trying to paint republicans with a wide brush of they don't care about the poor, but in this one instance I really don't think they get it.
The goal of raising the minimum wage has nothing to do with the poor because raising the minimum wage will not help the poor.

The businesses will compromise in two ways; thinning their workers
And/ or just shutting down their business.

The later is the real goal. No more fast food more welfare recipients and unemployed. That's the goal.
Hey, I'm new. One of the things that confuses me the most about the Republican Party is its stance on poverty. I want to start out by saying that I am an Indiana Republican and I grew up middle class. We lived by two common rules. Work Hard, Believe in God. These two things were not a bad thing to grow up on. I had early success in school, and I got a college degree, but my OCD became increasingly worse. I am now disabled and I am well versed in poverty.

I admit that I like watching Fox News, but people like O'Reily and Hannity seem completely clueless when discussing the poor. They think that if you have two parents and a good attitude that everyone can be successful. This is both naive and quite untrue. I think the biggest misconception is that minimum wage jobs are just for teenagers. The idea of working yourself up some kind of ladder is nice, but it is not reality for millions of people. I know many adults who would be grateful for any kind of work, not just some dream job. I want to focus on the mentally ill and those who have various forms of low IQ. If you have never been before a judge for a disability hearing, then you don't know that getting help for a mental disability is nearly impossible. For every person who cheats, there is at least another person who can't get help.

I'm going to tie everything up by going to the wage debate. I firmly believe that if you work hard for 40 hours a week, then you deserve a living wage. I'm not talking raising a family on one income, I'm talking food, gas, and health care for one person. I don't believe in "bad jobs" or meaningless jobs. I think the first step is to get everyone back to 40 hours a week. It is ridiculous that people have to work three part time jobs. I also think that wages can go up without the world coming to an end. I'm sick of hearing about the 100$ cheeseburger and half of all jobs as we know it will disappear. Instead of clinging so tightly to current wages, I do not think it is too difficult for fellow Republicans to treat minimum wage earners with respect. Bye the way, It is not just Fox, I have yet to see any Republican candidate or political expert view minimum wage jobs as anything other than high school kids who don't really matter.

Without a doubt, if a person works 40 hours per week, they should be able to afford a roof over their head, food on the table, and have an assurance that they will receive proper healthcare should they become sick. I don't care if their job is shoveling shit or shoveling burgers; if they do it full-time, they should be able to afford the simple basics. Republicans seem to have a real big problem with this concept and believe if you cannot better yourself through education, then you have no value to society.
But here's the funny thing about that, Republicans don't have respect for education and views it a "librul bastion".

Funny that.

No....we respect education...what you have now in too many public schools are democrat controlled teachers unions using the education of children to push their political agenda and filter tax money to politicians who pay teachers salaries....

and then they don't educate children and protect bad teachers simply because they are sources of money through their dues....

Schools are supposed to teach children...that is their is not to support the salaries of union leadership and to give money to democrat politicians.....

We want children who can survive when they grow up...democrats want adults who vote democrat because they can't provide for themselves, and have to bow their heads to democrat politicians in order to survive...

For the most part, I think that's all a crock. While we do seem to see a much more liberal agenda in our universities, at the K through 12 level, the vast majority of teachers are interested in teaching kids, not in setting some political agenda. While they may well be unionized, that doesn't mean they have an agenda to create stupid kids that "will vote Democrat" in the future.

It isn't something they have to actively promote.....go by a school during an election season...see how the two parties are covered in class, how they are described by the teachers.....or how any issue is covered, the 2nd amendment....the Presidents......a natural bias will come out....

And then you have teacher union dues going directly to democrat politicians and political groups.......

And then you have unions protecting teachers at failing public schools who only graduate 50% of the students, and the ones coming out can't read, write or do math....and they go right to the democrat controlled welfare office for a lifetime of government dependence.......

And that is how they do it....

Students who fail in inner city schools are failing because their parents are failing to be parents. Teachers teach but can't force kids to go to school nor to do their homework. Obviously you don't know any teachers who have spent their lives trying to work with these kids.
Hey, I'm new. One of the things that confuses me the most about the Republican Party is its stance on poverty. I want to start out by saying that I am an Indiana Republican and I grew up middle class. We lived by two common rules. Work Hard, Believe in God. These two things were not a bad thing to grow up on. I had early success in school, and I got a college degree, but my OCD became increasingly worse. I am now disabled and I am well versed in poverty.

I admit that I like watching Fox News, but people like O'Reily and Hannity seem completely clueless when discussing the poor. They think that if you have two parents and a good attitude that everyone can be successful. This is both naive and quite untrue. I think the biggest misconception is that minimum wage jobs are just for teenagers. The idea of working yourself up some kind of ladder is nice, but it is not reality for millions of people. I know many adults who would be grateful for any kind of work, not just some dream job. I want to focus on the mentally ill and those who have various forms of low IQ. If you have never been before a judge for a disability hearing, then you don't know that getting help for a mental disability is nearly impossible. For every person who cheats, there is at least another person who can't get help.

I'm going to tie everything up by going to the wage debate. I firmly believe that if you work hard for 40 hours a week, then you deserve a living wage. I'm not talking raising a family on one income, I'm talking food, gas, and health care for one person. I don't believe in "bad jobs" or meaningless jobs. I think the first step is to get everyone back to 40 hours a week. It is ridiculous that people have to work three part time jobs. I also think that wages can go up without the world coming to an end. I'm sick of hearing about the 100$ cheeseburger and half of all jobs as we know it will disappear. Instead of clinging so tightly to current wages, I do not think it is too difficult for fellow Republicans to treat minimum wage earners with respect. Bye the way, It is not just Fox, I have yet to see any Republican candidate or political expert view minimum wage jobs as anything other than high school kids who don't really matter.

I'm going to tie everything up by going to the wage debate. I firmly believe that if you work hard for 40 hours a week, then you deserve a living wage.

Lots of young people believe a lot of silly things.
Hopefully, you'll mature, learn and join us who live in reality.

I do not think it is too difficult for fellow Republicans to treat minimum wage earners with respect.

Obama treats them with respect. So much respect he wants to give amnesty to millions of illegal aliens who compete with them to hold down their wages.

quiet, his base think he's doing them a favor by allowing 10 Million illegal immigrants to come in over them and take a job they could have had.... lol

Very few illegal immigrants are earning a living wage, so why you thought they were stealing a job he might want or even be able to perform, considering his medical condition, is a mystery.
Hey, I'm new. One of the things that confuses me the most about the Republican Party is its stance on poverty. I want to start out by saying that I am an Indiana Republican and I grew up middle class. We lived by two common rules. Work Hard, Believe in God. These two things were not a bad thing to grow up on. I had early success in school, and I got a college degree, but my OCD became increasingly worse. I am now disabled and I am well versed in poverty.

I admit that I like watching Fox News, but people like O'Reily and Hannity seem completely clueless when discussing the poor. They think that if you have two parents and a good attitude that everyone can be successful. This is both naive and quite untrue. I think the biggest misconception is that minimum wage jobs are just for teenagers. The idea of working yourself up some kind of ladder is nice, but it is not reality for millions of people. I know many adults who would be grateful for any kind of work, not just some dream job. I want to focus on the mentally ill and those who have various forms of low IQ. If you have never been before a judge for a disability hearing, then you don't know that getting help for a mental disability is nearly impossible. For every person who cheats, there is at least another person who can't get help.

I'm going to tie everything up by going to the wage debate. I firmly believe that if you work hard for 40 hours a week, then you deserve a living wage. I'm not talking raising a family on one income, I'm talking food, gas, and health care for one person. I don't believe in "bad jobs" or meaningless jobs. I think the first step is to get everyone back to 40 hours a week. It is ridiculous that people have to work three part time jobs. I also think that wages can go up without the world coming to an end. I'm sick of hearing about the 100$ cheeseburger and half of all jobs as we know it will disappear. Instead of clinging so tightly to current wages, I do not think it is too difficult for fellow Republicans to treat minimum wage earners with respect. Bye the way, It is not just Fox, I have yet to see any Republican candidate or political expert view minimum wage jobs as anything other than high school kids who don't really matter.

Speaker Paul D. Ryan on Tuesday unveiled a proposal for fighting poverty that identifies a long list of policy ills but stops short of prescribing specific legislative fixes. The anti-poverty plan includes a list of problems with the current social welfare system and recommendations for how to fix them. Largely by shifting money and programs from federal control to private companies and not for profits. Bad idea if you ask me.

The policy principles laid out in the anti-poverty plan are plenty familiar to denizens of conservative think tanks. Broadly speaking, the proposals seek to expand work requirements for those receiving federal benefits, to give states and local jurisdictions a greater role in administering those benefits, to better measure the results of federal programs for the poor, and to crack down on waste, fraud and abuse.

So it's not really a plan to help the poor. It's to crack down on abuse. I'm not against cracking down on abuse but lets not pretend Paul Ryan wants to solve poverty. He doesn't.

Ryan unveils anti-poverty proposal as part of election-year policy agenda

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