Republican White House, assassination fantasies are fun again


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Assassination, that would be the worst thing the left could do, it would be their demise/end, so sad - NOT...

June 6, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

When a rodeo clown wore an Obama mask, Democrats and the NAACP wouldn't stop until he was fired. The DOJ's community organizers were sent in over an Obama outhouse float. But now that a Republican is in the White House, assassination fantasies are fun again.

And once you're butchering the Bard, why not also butcher the President. Combining Julius Caesar with a Trump critique is perfect. Lefties get the moral superiority of pretending that their Trump hatred is a deep critique of authoritarianism and populism followed by the frisson of a stand in for the man they hate being stabbed to death.


Wink, wink. The left is unambiguously meant to see itself in the material.


“To be honest I thought it was shocking and distasteful,” Sheaffer continued. “If this had happened to any other president — even as recently as Barack Obama or George W. Bush — it would not have flown. People would have been horrified.”

“I mean it was the on-stage murder of the president of the United States,” she said.

I'm sure they'll be packing lefties in on the leaves.

Central Park Staging of Julius Caesar Incites Murder of Trump
So many people want this lunatic dead.
Some in strange places too.
He's one of the most unbalanced and evil sub human's to ever blot the American landscape.
Similar disgusting damaged people follow and defend this scoundrel.
The dregs of the earth.
We know who you are..
Lemmings going off the cliff with the mentally unstable one.Thats you..
June 13, 2017
The Trump-hating left's descent into pornoviolence
By Monica Showalter

Fareed Zakaria, for better or worse, is generally considered a man on the housebroken side of the left. He's the establishment, the kind of leftist who goes to conferences and opines deep thoughts. He's not the street thug, cyber-goon, or rabid foul-mouthed late-night comedy mess-on-the-carpet side of the left.

But even Zakaria has now fallen to the bloodlust against President Trump prevalent on the left, tweeting:

If you're in NYC, go see Julius Caesar, free in Central Park, brilliantly interpreted for Trump era. A masterpiece: Julius Caesar

— Fareed Zakaria (@FareedZakaria) May 31, 2017

Having failed to prevent the election of Donald Trump, having failed to prove Russia collusion allegations against him, having failed to impeach him – the left is now turning to assassination fantasies, some say in the hope of getting one deranged lunatic to act on them. It started early, grew prominent with late-night comedian Kathy Griffin's beheading stunt, and has since moved on to the highbrow theatre crowd, the same people who had a cow when Vice President Pence went to see a production of Hamilton. The highbrows have opted to stage Shakespeare's Julius Caesar in Central Park with a Trump-like figure playing the role of the assassinated Roman consul who made himself dictator.


Read more: Blog: The Trump-hating left's descent into pornoviolence
June 15, 2017
At least there's no doubt about the assassin's motivation
By Michael Thau


So where did he get these crazy ideas? Well, let's see. Here's a March 7 Newsweek headline from a piece by President Clinton's secretary of labor, Robert Reich: "Is Trump a Traitor or a Paranoid?" Former MSNBC commentator Keith Olbermann, Democratic propagandist Michael Moore, and venerable Democratic wise man Bill Moyers have all explicitly called the president a traitor. Of course, the list of Democrat celebrities and politicians who have accused the president of serving Russian interests without necessarily using the word "traitor" would be very long, indeed. To take one instance, Rachel Maddow has been beating the Russian conspiracy drum incessantly on her MSNBC show for a while now.

With regard to Hodgkinson's second premise, Bill Moyers also ran a piece on his website headlined "Farewell America," in which the president is accused of destroying our democracy. The venerable Atlantic Monthly and Democrat Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland have both made the same accusation. And, once again, the list of Democrat celebrities and politicians who have in one way or another explicitly accused the president of destroying American democracy would be long, indeed.

We even know that the assassin held such people in high esteem and paid great attention to their pronouncements. In a series of letters to the editor of the Belleville News-Democrat, he said, "The best book I've read in a while is 'Aftershock' by Robert B. Reich." In another letter, he said, "One of my favorite TV shows is 'The Rachel Maddow Show.'"


Read more: Blog: At least there's no doubt about the assassin's motivation
I think that people need to start getting prosecuted again for Sedition & Treason, and it should be a ZERO Tolerance Policy.
Had THE LAW taken that approach with The Obama Regime, half of his staff would be in jail today.
Democrat State Rep Threatens President Trump on Facebook
The love language of the Left.


Trey Sanchez

Here’s a story that will surprise exactly no one. Another Democrat has threatened violence against President Trump, and with a big helping of profanity for good measure. After all, it is a day that ends in “y.”

On Tuesday, Maine State Rep. Scott Hamann (D) launched an obscene rant on Facebook against Trump and “you ignorant people” that he “can’t deal with… anymore.”

“Trump is a joke, and anyone who doesnt [sic] have their [sic] head up their [sic] ass understands that,” Hamann wrote after claiming the Russians put Trump in the White House. “He’s an admitted rapist. He inserts his fingers into women against their consent. Would you be okay with leaving him alone in a room with your wife?”

But Hamann was just getting warmed up. He also called Trump “anti-American,” an “out of the closet racist [sic],” a “liar,” and called the Trumps a “crime family.”

Guess who Hamann thought made a better president? The Hopey One, of course:


Here's his entire post, screencapped for eternity:


Democrat State Rep Threatens President Trump on Facebook
Assassination Fantasies
At a Times Square rally, an open call for Trump’s murder is ignored by elected officials.
July 31, 2017
Seth Barron


Most of the crowd held small printed signs reading, “Resist”; others waved the familiar “NO!” signs from the Revolutionary Communist Party-backed Refuse Fascism movement. A few handmade signs stood out in the relatively compact crowd, in particular one that read, in black against a red background,


The first four names on this list, of course, are the presidents murdered in office, in chronological order; the last embodies the seeming wish of many on the American Left that someone put him on it for real. As seen in the picture accompanying this article, Trump’s name is embellished with horns and a tail, and flames indicate that the president is roasting in hell: the protester left little room for interpretation.


When asked about the hateful message of the protester’s poster, Williams responded, “I don’t approve of that sign.” Corey Johnson also expressed concern when asked about it, saying, “I do not support any political violence, against anyone.” Such disavowals are welcome, of course, despite their perfunctory, after-the-fact nature. But the question remains why hundreds of protesters, and at least a few dozen politicians, political aides, and advocates, did not take a moment to disavow it to the person in Times Square openly calling for President Trump’s violent death.

Assassination Fantasies

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