Republican response to Obama 1st Amendment violation (Net Neutering)


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
How did Republican politicians respond to Obama 1st Amendment violation (Net Neutering)


What was the response from our "Republican Leadership"

Raised eyebrows? Angry words? Pistols at sunrise?

from what I've been reading this already heading to the courts

Just like Obama. Keep us in CHOAS. and hope one of them stick to bring up to our knees

OScamCare wasn't enough for them
from what I've been reading this already heading to the courts

Just like Obama. Keep us in CHOAS. and hope one of them stick to bring up to our knees

OScamCare wasn't enough for them
Your response shows why the OP is wondering where the GOP leadership is. GOP Congress has become ineffectual...they will have to leave all their Obama opposition to the courts for adjudication.
from what I've been reading this already heading to the courts

Just like Obama. Keep us in CHOAS. and hope one of them stick to bring up to our knees

OScamCare wasn't enough for them
Your response shows why the OP is wondering where the GOP leadership is. GOP Congress has become ineffectual...they will have to leave all their Obama opposition to the courts for adjudication.

Oh I know what he was saying. and I agree. I am so ticked off over all it
from what I've been reading this already heading to the courts

Just like Obama. Keep us in CHOAS. and hope one of them stick to bring up to our knees

OScamCare wasn't enough for them
Your response shows why the OP is wondering where the GOP leadership is. GOP Congress has become ineffectual...they will have to leave all their Obama opposition to the courts for adjudication.

Yeah, I haven't heard Congress throwing down the gauntlet over this. It's as if the RINO Leadership is working with Obama and has been all along
from what I've been reading this already heading to the courts

Just like Obama. Keep us in CHOAS. and hope one of them stick to bring up to our knees

OScamCare wasn't enough for them
Your response shows why the OP is wondering where the GOP leadership is. GOP Congress has become ineffectual...they will have to leave all their Obama opposition to the courts for adjudication.

Yeah, I haven't heard Congress throwing down the gauntlet over this. It's as if the RINO Leadership is working with Obama and has been all along

I know it.
just to cheer you up. was just reading this crap. Wtf Do we have a Congress for? How are they getting AWAY with this shit.

Lawless: Treasury throws unauthorized $3 billion to insurers under Obamacare, won’t say why
posted at 8:01 pm on February 26, 2015 by Noah Rothman
It’s right there in the Constitution: “No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.”

Which is why this latest episode of lawlessness from the administration is so particularly galling. “The U.S. Treasury Department has rebuffed a request by House Ways and Means Chairman Rep. Paul Ryan, R- Wis., to explain $3 billion in payments that were made to health insurers even though Congress never authorized the spending through annual appropriations,” The Washington Examiner’s Philp Klein reported on Thursday.

That’s right. The payments insurers receive, dubbed “cost –sharing subsidies,” are designed to offset the costs incurred when they pick up the out-of-pocket expenses for low-income individuals covered by Affordable Care Act plans. If insurers had to cover these costs themselves, Obamacare would be infeasible. So, the federal government picks up the tab for the newly insured as they go about receiving “free” health care.

There’s just one tiny, unconstitutional problem: Congress never authorized the distribution of those funds. “ut the Department of Health and Human Services, with the cooperation of the U.S. Treasury, made them anyway,” Klein reported.

In a Feb. 3 letter to Treasury Secretary Jack Lew, Ryan, along with House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Rep. Fred Upton, R-Mich., asked for “a full explanation for, and all documents relating to” the administration’s decision to make the cost-sharing payments without congressional authorization.

In response, on Wednesday, the Treasury Department sent a letter to Ryan largely describing the program, without offering a detailed explanation of the decision to make the payments. The letter revealed that $2.997 billion in such payments had been made in 2014, but didn’t elaborate on where the money came from. Over the next decade, cost-sharing payments to insurers are projected by the Congressional Budget Office to cost taxpayers nearly $150 billion.

Click through to Klein’s report and read the whole thing. This pattern of behavior from administration officials is staggering in its lawlessness and sets a dangerous precedent.

all of it here:
Lawless Treasury throws unauthorized 3 billion to insurers under Obamacare won t say why Hot Air
The republican leadership has realized that they cannot justify their position on this matter and have backed off to a surprising degree. They were taking sides with an industry (cable) that has an even lower approval rating than the IRS and pushing baseless scare tactics at a public that is far more web savvy than they gave them credit for. Too bad that the conservatives here didn't get the memo that siding with Comcast against the rest of the world was a stupid move that smarter Republicans are running away from.
The republican leadership has realized that they cannot justify their position on this matter and have backed off to a surprising degree. They were taking sides with an industry (cable) that has an even lower approval rating than the IRS and pushing baseless scare tactics at a public that is far more web savvy than they gave them credit for. Too bad that the conservatives here didn't get the memo that siding with Comcast against the rest of the world was a stupid move that smarter Republicans are running away from.
Looks like a win for the American people.
The republican leadership has realized that they cannot justify their position on this matter and have backed off to a surprising degree. They were taking sides with an industry (cable) that has an even lower approval rating than the IRS and pushing baseless scare tactics at a public that is far more web savvy than they gave them credit for. Too bad that the conservatives here didn't get the memo that siding with Comcast against the rest of the world was a stupid move that smarter Republicans are running away from.
Looks like a win for the American people.
Damned right it is. It's probably not an awesome thing that the government had to move to declare the internet a public utility but it was the only defense against the legal battle the cable companies waged to turn the information super-highway into a narrow toll road.
So, all the conservatives are still raging because their corporate masters won't be allowed to censor the internet.

Freedom won. Conservatives lost, badly. They can accept the loss like adults, and then move on to attacking free speech on another front, or they can keep crying and humiliating themselves further.

However, before conservatives choose to cry more, I suggest they look at the polls and understand just how much the USA despises the corporate censorship that conservatives tried so hard to implement.

And yes, lawsuits will be filed. And everyone agrees they'll fail, as they have no legal basis to stand on.

Meanwhile, on Wall Street, the telecomm stocks ... pretty much stayed the same. Yeah, they're really worried.
What "Corporate censorship" exists on the Internet and how fucking stupid do you have to be to post that?
Nice how liberals have decided to buy net neutrality (a good thing) by expending vast amounts in soon-to-come taxes and fees. I don't believe the courts will sustain the attempt at censorship that will be coming. Attempts, dummies. But I am certain those attempts will come and the current regime will simply ignore any court decisions against them and maybe try to remove or otherwise eliminate any judge who rules against them.
What "Corporate censorship" exists on the Internet and how fucking stupid do you have to be to post that?
None now thanks to neutrality, but you guys mounted a fight for the right of Comcast, Verizon and other ISPs to arbitrarily decide what you can access on the internet. Betcha didn't even know what you were fighting for.
What "Corporate censorship" exists on the Internet and how fucking stupid do you have to be to post that?
None now thanks to neutrality, but you guys mounted a fight for the right of Comcast, Verizon and other ISPs to arbitrarily decide what you can access on the internet. Betcha didn't even know what you were fighting for.

The ISP never prevented you from accessing anything
"Republican response to Obama 1st Amendment violation"

This serves to illustrate republican ignorance and stupidity, as the Commission's decision has nothing to do with the president and in no way 'violates' the First Amendment.
LOl, ^^^^

would we all faint if Clay EVER put down a Democrat as doing something wrong?

sheep will follow their leader off a cliff if someone is chasing them

baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaombs away over the cliff we go
It is nothing less than the first steps of government control over speech on the internet.

This faux net neutrality bullshit has nothing at all to do with its alleged purpose.

The Obumbler Administration "identified" a "problem" that doesn't exist in order to impose a "solution" that is not required as a cover for its true agenda.
The republican leadership has realized that they cannot justify their position on this matter and have backed off to a surprising degree. They were taking sides with an industry (cable) that has an even lower approval rating than the IRS and pushing baseless scare tactics at a public that is far more web savvy than they gave them credit for. Too bad that the conservatives here didn't get the memo that siding with Comcast against the rest of the world was a stupid move that smarter Republicans are running away from.

And, of course, opposition to the Obumbler net neutrality bullshit has not a blessed thing to do with "siding" with Comcast, either.

skullnotouccupied is simply a willing tool.

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