Republican Presidential Primary Shouldn't Be a Three person race!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The powers-that-be seem to be characterizing the Republican Presidential Primary as down to a three person race between Cruz, Trump and Rubio and that is a terrible outcome for the Republican Party and America because that means come November the American people are only going to have a choice between a far left candidate and a far right candidate or a guy that regularly loses his head whose head keeps falling off his shoulders the latter not being any real choice because the American people are not going to play Russian roulette with the welfare of the nation which what electing him would mean. This is terrible because the clearly right thing for the American people to do if faced with this choice is to choose the far left candidate because at least that means our fellow citizens won't be thrown out of the boat even though this means the country will stay in the swamp that it has been in through the last eight years. No one has a crystal ball to know what the American electorate will do faced with such an option come November but I come down on the side that the American people will act optimumally virtuous and go with the far-left candidate!

The current state of things call for the following assessments. Jeb Bush needs to come to the realization that this is not his time. I personally think if Jeb Bush was elected President he would at minimum do a very good job because he is really committed to getting stuff done for the country and he has a good sense of right and wrong but the job opening of President at the current time is looking for qualities Jeb doesn't possess. An abundance of analysts have described what is going on this election cycle which is the American electorate is fed-up and letting it be known they are fed-up with a system that doesn't work for them that doesn't give them their fair share of America's prosperity that doesn't give them a good standard of living and is looking for a Strong Champion that will upset the existing order and give them these things. Jeb you are not such a candidate. In politics everything is about image and Jeb Bush does not have an image as a strong and inspirational leader. There is nothing Jeb can do about this some people have a really strong persona and others don't, Gerald Ford was probably one of the strongest leaders ever to hold the office of the Presidency but he projected the image of a flat and uninspiring leader and that is in part why he lost the 1976 Presidential race to Jimmy Carter. Secondly, as Jeb Bush has stated he is not running from his family name and the Bush Brand is not a good sell in the current times. The Bush Brand represents a political philosophy that brings Wall Street excesses that hurt the economy, big business excesses that takes advantage and is unfair to ordinary people. Running with the Bush Brand is a campaign killer in these times. Jeb Bush is running as a center right candidate just like his brother George W. ran as a center right candidate and George W. brought to America things like Enron severe price gouging on electricity prices by not stopping it, George W. brought to America the price of oil pushing $140 plus dollars a barrel and wouldn't lift a finger to stop the greedy speculators culprits responsible and George W. brought a war in Iraq based on a falsehood of WMDs a war which has been super costly to America. Jeb Bush needs to look at this Presidential primary race not as a character test of whether or not he is a quitter but rather as a test of whether or not he has the character to put the country's best interest above his own and see that it is in the country's best interest that he step aside and make room for other good candidates to garnish the spotlight and demonstrate to the American people how they can do this job that America needs done!

The Marco Rubio campaign really deserves a big round of applause because they have run the most shrewdest campaign imaginable. But the American people are smart they can see through all the smart packaging of Marco. The Republican powers-that-be are only fooling themselves if they think they are going to dupe the American people to believe Marco will deliver for them. Marco Rubio is a far-right candidate if one gathers up all the interviews and speeches he has given through the years this conclusion should not be in question. American people have no doubt about if the Paul Ryan/Mitch McConnell Congressional leadership team send the following bills to a President Marco Rubio Whitehouse they will be signed: a bill that completely privatizes Medicare where the government portion of the premium doesn't rise year in and year out equally with medical inflation that is not to say the Republicans won't put some provisions in it where struggling seniors can afford some insurance plan offered by the industry of course such a plan won't be one the enrollees will be very happy with; a bill that block grants to the states Federal Medicaid funding and does not possess iron clad restrictions that the states cannot throw their citizens off the insurance rolls; a bill that significantly cuts the federal food stamps and federal TANF welfare programs ( a good Republican holds the values that the way to reduce this government expense is through job creation and higher wages for these recipients) and a bill that repeals Obamacare that doesn't offer tax credits and refundable ones to enable American individuals and families to afford to buy health insurance and doesn't have a medical loss ratio of at least eigthty-five percent on health insurance so health insurance companies are spending the premiums mostly on medical services for enrollees not big salaries and bonuses for insurance company executives or big dividends or inflated stock prices for insurance company stockholders.
The last Republican debate in Iowa is an example of where Marco demonstrated his slick politician skills. He really went overboard on him selling himself to evangelical christians. When the moderator asked him about his Time cover page where he was depicted as a Republican savior and he responds something like Jesus Christ is the only savior he cares about and later on when he injected in one of his responses something like it's his top priority to live with his creator for all eternity and in his closing remarks when he cites the Bible as his inspiration specifically the provisions that call for Christians to let their light shine in the world. Marco laid it on so thick in the debate that I almost expected while he was taliking in the debate for someone in the audience to fall on the ground and yell "I am healed"! Marco is a "slick politician" one can see this in his heavy focus on the claim that he holds the unique capacity to bring people together that he will bring bring Democrats and Republicans together to get things done for the country it really appears that he is taking a page right out of the playbook of Barack Obama in 2008. The truth of the matter is Marco will be a complete failure in this regard just like Barack Obama has been because neither of them has significant Washington experience prior to them being given the job of President so they are dependent on the old Congressional leaders to get things and they cannot buck these leaders of their party and one cannot be a bi-partisan leader without many times bucking a large segment of one's party congressional rank-and-file and party leadership. Marco Rubio also has a weak work ethic he allows himself to be influenced by boredom this has been shown in his record as Senator. If a President wants to be a bipartisan president he has to know what he is doing and he has to work his butt off because the congressiioanl leaders and their lobbyist allies have a great vested interest in seeing such a President fail. Marco is talking a much bigger game than he will be able to bring to the job of President and the American people are not going to be fooled by Marco's slick talk here!
For some unknown reason the media characterized Rubio's 3rd place finish in Iowa as some sort of out of nowhere miracle on ice, if you will. He got a tremendous boost from the media.

Truth is, that was pure horseshit. Rubio came in 3rd after having been 3rd in the polls for almost 2 months. He finished exactly where the polls had him.
The powers-that-be seem to be characterizing the Republican Presidential Primary as down to a three person race between Cruz, Trump and Rubio and that is a terrible outcome for the Republican Party and America because that means come November the American people are only going to have a choice between a far left candidate and a far right candidate or a guy that regularly loses his head whose head keeps falling off his shoulders the latter not being any real choice because the American people are not going to play Russian roulette with the welfare of the nation which what electing him would mean. This is terrible because the clearly right thing for the American people to do if faced with this choice is to choose the far left candidate because at least that means our fellow citizens won't be thrown out of the boat even though this means the country will stay in the swamp that it has been in through the last eight years. No one has a crystal ball to know what the American electorate will do faced with such an option come November but I come down on the side that the American people will act optimumally virtuous and go with the far-left candidate!

The current state of things call for the following assessments. Jeb Bush needs to come to the realization that this is not his time. I personally think if Jeb Bush was elected President he would at minimum do a very good job because he is really committed to getting stuff done for the country and he has a good sense of right and wrong but the job opening of President at the current time is looking for qualities Jeb doesn't possess. An abundance of analysts have described what is going on this election cycle which is the American electorate is fed-up and letting it be known they are fed-up with a system that doesn't work for them that doesn't give them their fair share of America's prosperity that doesn't give them a good standard of living and is looking for a Strong Champion that will upset the existing order and give them these things. Jeb you are not such a candidate. In politics everything is about image and Jeb Bush does not have an image as a strong and inspirational leader. There is nothing Jeb can do about this some people have a really strong persona and others don't, Gerald Ford was probably one of the strongest leaders ever to hold the office of the Presidency but he projected the image of a flat and uninspiring leader and that is in part why he lost the 1976 Presidential race to Jimmy Carter. Secondly, as Jeb Bush has stated he is not running from his family name and the Bush Brand is not a good sell in the current times. The Bush Brand represents a political philosophy that brings Wall Street excesses that hurt the economy, big business excesses that takes advantage and is unfair to ordinary people. Running with the Bush Brand is a campaign killer in these times. Jeb Bush is running as a center right candidate just like his brother George W. ran as a center right candidate and George W. brought to America things like Enron severe price gouging on electricity prices by not stopping it, George W. brought to America the price of oil pushing $140 plus dollars a barrel and wouldn't lift a finger to stop the greedy speculators culprits responsible and George W. brought a war in Iraq based on a falsehood of WMDs a war which has been super costly to America. Jeb Bush needs to look at this Presidential primary race not as a character test of whether or not he is a quitter but rather as a test of whether or not he has the character to put the country's best interest above his own and see that it is in the country's best interest that he step aside and make room for other good candidates to garnish the spotlight and demonstrate to the American people how they can do this job that America needs done!

The Marco Rubio campaign really deserves a big round of applause because they have run the most shrewdest campaign imaginable. But the American people are smart they can see through all the smart packaging of Marco. The Republican powers-that-be are only fooling themselves if they think they are going to dupe the American people to believe Marco will deliver for them. Marco Rubio is a far-right candidate if one gathers up all the interviews and speeches he has given through the years this conclusion should not be in question. American people have no doubt about if the Paul Ryan/Mitch McConnell Congressional leadership team send the following bills to a President Marco Rubio Whitehouse they will be signed: a bill that completely privatizes Medicare where the government portion of the premium doesn't rise year in and year out equally with medical inflation that is not to say the Republicans won't put some provisions in it where struggling seniors can afford some insurance plan offered by the industry of course such a plan won't be one the enrollees will be very happy with; a bill that block grants to the states Federal Medicaid funding and does not possess iron clad restrictions that the states cannot throw their citizens off the insurance rolls; a bill that significantly cuts the federal food stamps and federal TANF welfare programs ( a good Republican holds the values that the way to reduce this government expense is through job creation and higher wages for these recipients) and a bill that repeals Obamacare that doesn't offer tax credits and refundable ones to enable American individuals and families to afford to buy health insurance and doesn't have a medical loss ratio of at least eigthty-five percent on health insurance so health insurance companies are spending the premiums mostly on medical services for enrollees not big salaries and bonuses for insurance company executives or big dividends or inflated stock prices for insurance company stockholders.
The last Republican debate in Iowa is an example of where Marco demonstrated his slick politician skills. He really went overboard on him selling himself to evangelical christians. When the moderator asked him about his Time cover page where he was depicted as a Republican savior and he responds something like Jesus Christ is the only savior he cares about and later on when he injected in one of his responses something like it's his top priority to live with his creator for all eternity and in his closing remarks when he cites the Bible as his inspiration specifically the provisions that call for Christians to let their light shine in the world. Marco laid it on so thick in the debate that I almost expected while he was taliking in the debate for someone in the audience to fall on the ground and yell "I am healed"! Marco is a "slick politician" one can see this in his heavy focus on the claim that he holds the unique capacity to bring people together that he will bring bring Democrats and Republicans together to get things done for the country it really appears that he is taking a page right out of the playbook of Barack Obama in 2008. The truth of the matter is Marco will be a complete failure in this regard just like Barack Obama has been because neither of them has significant Washington experience prior to them being given the job of President so they are dependent on the old Congressional leaders to get things and they cannot buck these leaders of their party and one cannot be a bi-partisan leader without many times bucking a large segment of one's party congressional rank-and-file and party leadership. Marco Rubio also has a weak work ethic he allows himself to be influenced by boredom this has been shown in his record as Senator. If a President wants to be a bipartisan president he has to know what he is doing and he has to work his butt off because the congressiioanl leaders and their lobbyist allies have a great vested interest in seeing such a President fail. Marco is talking a much bigger game than he will be able to bring to the job of President and the American people are not going to be fooled by Marco's slick talk here!

Too long.
With all due respect, your analysis sounds like a left wing ideologue trying to convince moderates and undecideds to just go with the left wing radical ideologue because that would be better than voting for a "far right" candidate. First of all, there is no "far right" in American politics today. A "far right" candidate would be a fascist neo-Nazi. We don't have any of those seeking political office in this country and never have. This is a characterization falsely constructed by the radical liberal left to purposely denigrate conservatives. What you mean by "far right" is "conservative" and the true conservatives, when they can manage to win the nomination of their party, are wildly successful in winning the election... and that goes for both Republican AND Democrat Conservatives.

(Clinton, Carter and Kennedy all ran as popular Democrat Conservatives.)

The problem is, the party establishment on both sides is not Conservative... they believe in ever-expanding government, increasing the size and scope of government, more government solutions, more legislation and mandates, more regulation and taxes, more favors to cronies and donors. That's their bread and butter... that's how they continue to win reelection year after year... going back home and bragging to their constituents about how they brought home the bacon. Conservatives are an anathema to what the Establishment want, so there is considerable resistance to any Conservative seeking political office. Many conservatives, like Marco Rubio, once they manage to win a Senate or House seat, quickly become "incorporated" into the Establishment system and are no longer true principled Conservatives... while those who stay true to their principles, like Ted Cruz, are vilified and excoriated.

George W. Bush and his father were not true principled Conservatives. Dubya was a social conservative ideologue who believed in big government and spent us into oblivion trying to be "compassionate" and appeal to liberals. H.W. was a typical northeastern liberal republican who believes in big business and corporate welfare... a "fat cat" republican. These establishment GOP ideologies have been morphed into the Frankenstein ideology known today as the "far right" and they do not represent the values of candidates like Ted Cruz.

While Cruz does embrace the religious social conservative views, he does so like Ronald Reagan did, respectful of the values because they are core American values, but they have little to do with his actual policies and agenda. He is not out there preaching about repealing Gay Marriage or overturning Roe v. Wade. He makes it clear that he is pro-life and would appoint pro-life justices, but that's about as far as he goes in carrying the water of the religious right. As for most social issues, he takes the more libertarian view that I have, which is that these things are best dealt with at the state level and shouldn't be part of federal public policy.

This election all boils down to one fundamental question... Are we going to be a Socialist nation or a Free Market Capitalist nation going forward. In a recent survey, 47% of the so-called "Millennials" favor Socialism! That is an alarming and disturbing statistic. Are we in the midst of a fundamental change where we become the United Socialist State of America, or are we going to return to the values and principles our nation was founded upon? We will know the answer come November.

Additionally, let me add... regarding the analysis of what the voters are going to do... I don't have a crystal ball either, so I can't say for sure which way we're heading... but I talk to a lot of people who are would-be democrat liberals who tell me they are not voting. There is just not the same "electricity" and energy that we saw with Obama. Whether that's because the candidates on the Democrat side are someone who needs to be in prison and someone who needs to be in a mental institution, I don't know? For whatever reason, there is just not the same excitement this time around and that may spell disaster for the Democrats.
The reason the media made a big deal out of Rubios third place finish was not because he jumped from tenth place to third but because of the rise in the percent of the vote he got. He had been sitting at around 12 to 13 percent about a week before the vote he had moved up to 16 percent and after the votes were counted he got 23 percent that ten to eleven percent rise is what got the medias attention not the fact he finished third. If Rubio had finished third with that 12 to 13 percent the medias focus would have been on Trump and Cruz.
For some unknown reason the media characterized Rubio's 3rd place finish in Iowa as some sort of out of nowhere miracle on ice, if you will. He got a tremendous boost from the media.

Truth is, that was pure horseshit. Rubio came in 3rd after having been 3rd in the polls for almost 2 months. He finished exactly where the polls had him.

:desk: I can tell you why! It's because Marco Rubio has now become the darling of the Establishment GOP. The media is in the tank for the Establishment of both parties. They don't want the "outsiders" messing up their sandbox. Cruz won an unprecedented caucus in Iowa... the first Latino to ever win a primary race for president in our nation's history. He had more votes than any republican in an Iowa caucus in history. But you didn't hear any of this.... he was immediately called out for "dirty tricks" and his monumental victory (which defied all the odds and pundits) was downplayed and has continued to be downplayed by the media.
The powers-that-be seem to be characterizing the Republican Presidential Primary as down to a three person race between Cruz, Trump and Rubio and that is a terrible outcome for the Republican Party and America because that means come November the American people are only going to have a choice between a far left candidate and a far right candidate or a guy that regularly loses his head whose head keeps falling off his shoulders the latter not being any real choice because the American people are not going to play Russian roulette with the welfare of the nation which what electing him would mean. This is terrible because the clearly right thing for the American people to do if faced with this choice is to choose the far left candidate because at least that means our fellow citizens won't be thrown out of the boat even though this means the country will stay in the swamp that it has been in through the last eight years. No one has a crystal ball to know what the American electorate will do faced with such an option come November but I come down on the side that the American people will act optimumally virtuous and go with the far-left candidate!

The current state of things call for the following assessments. Jeb Bush needs to come to the realization that this is not his time. I personally think if Jeb Bush was elected President he would at minimum do a very good job because he is really committed to getting stuff done for the country and he has a good sense of right and wrong but the job opening of President at the current time is looking for qualities Jeb doesn't possess. An abundance of analysts have described what is going on this election cycle which is the American electorate is fed-up and letting it be known they are fed-up with a system that doesn't work for them that doesn't give them their fair share of America's prosperity that doesn't give them a good standard of living and is looking for a Strong Champion that will upset the existing order and give them these things. Jeb you are not such a candidate. In politics everything is about image and Jeb Bush does not have an image as a strong and inspirational leader. There is nothing Jeb can do about this some people have a really strong persona and others don't, Gerald Ford was probably one of the strongest leaders ever to hold the office of the Presidency but he projected the image of a flat and uninspiring leader and that is in part why he lost the 1976 Presidential race to Jimmy Carter. Secondly, as Jeb Bush has stated he is not running from his family name and the Bush Brand is not a good sell in the current times. The Bush Brand represents a political philosophy that brings Wall Street excesses that hurt the economy, big business excesses that takes advantage and is unfair to ordinary people. Running with the Bush Brand is a campaign killer in these times. Jeb Bush is running as a center right candidate just like his brother George W. ran as a center right candidate and George W. brought to America things like Enron severe price gouging on electricity prices by not stopping it, George W. brought to America the price of oil pushing $140 plus dollars a barrel and wouldn't lift a finger to stop the greedy speculators culprits responsible and George W. brought a war in Iraq based on a falsehood of WMDs a war which has been super costly to America. Jeb Bush needs to look at this Presidential primary race not as a character test of whether or not he is a quitter but rather as a test of whether or not he has the character to put the country's best interest above his own and see that it is in the country's best interest that he step aside and make room for other good candidates to garnish the spotlight and demonstrate to the American people how they can do this job that America needs done!

The Marco Rubio campaign really deserves a big round of applause because they have run the most shrewdest campaign imaginable. But the American people are smart they can see through all the smart packaging of Marco. The Republican powers-that-be are only fooling themselves if they think they are going to dupe the American people to believe Marco will deliver for them. Marco Rubio is a far-right candidate if one gathers up all the interviews and speeches he has given through the years this conclusion should not be in question. American people have no doubt about if the Paul Ryan/Mitch McConnell Congressional leadership team send the following bills to a President Marco Rubio Whitehouse they will be signed: a bill that completely privatizes Medicare where the government portion of the premium doesn't rise year in and year out equally with medical inflation that is not to say the Republicans won't put some provisions in it where struggling seniors can afford some insurance plan offered by the industry of course such a plan won't be one the enrollees will be very happy with; a bill that block grants to the states Federal Medicaid funding and does not possess iron clad restrictions that the states cannot throw their citizens off the insurance rolls; a bill that significantly cuts the federal food stamps and federal TANF welfare programs ( a good Republican holds the values that the way to reduce this government expense is through job creation and higher wages for these recipients) and a bill that repeals Obamacare that doesn't offer tax credits and refundable ones to enable American individuals and families to afford to buy health insurance and doesn't have a medical loss ratio of at least eigthty-five percent on health insurance so health insurance companies are spending the premiums mostly on medical services for enrollees not big salaries and bonuses for insurance company executives or big dividends or inflated stock prices for insurance company stockholders.
The last Republican debate in Iowa is an example of where Marco demonstrated his slick politician skills. He really went overboard on him selling himself to evangelical christians. When the moderator asked him about his Time cover page where he was depicted as a Republican savior and he responds something like Jesus Christ is the only savior he cares about and later on when he injected in one of his responses something like it's his top priority to live with his creator for all eternity and in his closing remarks when he cites the Bible as his inspiration specifically the provisions that call for Christians to let their light shine in the world. Marco laid it on so thick in the debate that I almost expected while he was taliking in the debate for someone in the audience to fall on the ground and yell "I am healed"! Marco is a "slick politician" one can see this in his heavy focus on the claim that he holds the unique capacity to bring people together that he will bring bring Democrats and Republicans together to get things done for the country it really appears that he is taking a page right out of the playbook of Barack Obama in 2008. The truth of the matter is Marco will be a complete failure in this regard just like Barack Obama has been because neither of them has significant Washington experience prior to them being given the job of President so they are dependent on the old Congressional leaders to get things and they cannot buck these leaders of their party and one cannot be a bi-partisan leader without many times bucking a large segment of one's party congressional rank-and-file and party leadership. Marco Rubio also has a weak work ethic he allows himself to be influenced by boredom this has been shown in his record as Senator. If a President wants to be a bipartisan president he has to know what he is doing and he has to work his butt off because the congressiioanl leaders and their lobbyist allies have a great vested interest in seeing such a President fail. Marco is talking a much bigger game than he will be able to bring to the job of President and the American people are not going to be fooled by Marco's slick talk here!
Pensylvannia sure grows some assholes. Starting a thread with a 100 word sentence tends not to attract readers. I didn't read further.
"This election all boils down to one fundamental question... Are we going to be a Socialist nation or a Free Market Capitalist nation going forward. In a recent survey, 47% of the so-called "Millennials" favor Socialism! That is an alarming and disturbing statistic."

Absent any documented 'evidence' in support.

Also ridiculous is the notion that the election comes down to whether the United States is a 'socialist' Nation or a free market capitalist Nation, when in fact the election will determine nothing of the sort.

The United States is now a free market capitalist Nation, it will always be a free market capitalist Nation, and both democrats and republicans are equal advocates of capitalism and free markets.

This is the sort of idiotic demagoguery and false dilemma fallacy common to most on the right.
"This election all boils down to one fundamental question... Are we going to be a Socialist nation or a Free Market Capitalist nation going forward. In a recent survey, 47% of the so-called "Millennials" favor Socialism! That is an alarming and disturbing statistic."

Absent any documented 'evidence' in support.

Also ridiculous is the notion that the election comes down to whether the United States is a 'socialist' Nation or a free market capitalist Nation, when in fact the election will determine nothing of the sort.

The United States is now a free market capitalist Nation, it will always be a free market capitalist Nation, and both democrats and republicans are equal advocates of capitalism and free markets.

This is the sort of idiotic demagoguery and false dilemma fallacy common to most on the right.

You're a fucking JOKE. The stated objectives and goals of Bernie Sanders (and now, Hillary Clinton) are straight out of Karl Marx... and you have the nerve to deny that with a straight face. Un-fucking-believable!
"This election all boils down to one fundamental question... Are we going to be a Socialist nation or a Free Market Capitalist nation going forward. In a recent survey, 47% of the so-called "Millennials" favor Socialism! That is an alarming and disturbing statistic."

Absent any documented 'evidence' in support.

Also ridiculous is the notion that the election comes down to whether the United States is a 'socialist' Nation or a free market capitalist Nation, when in fact the election will determine nothing of the sort.

The United States is now a free market capitalist Nation, it will always be a free market capitalist Nation, and both democrats and republicans are equal advocates of capitalism and free markets.

This is the sort of idiotic demagoguery and false dilemma fallacy common to most on the right.

I've found when someone tells you they want very badly to do something. You should probably believe they want to.

By the time the Democrats figure out they've done too good of a job creating a dependent underclass, it'll be too late.

Hint: Too late was about 10 years ago.
The powers-that-be seem to be characterizing the Republican Presidential Primary as down to a three person race between Cruz, Trump and Rubio and that is a terrible outcome for the Republican Party and America because that means come November the American people are only going to have a choice between a far left candidate and a far right candidate or a guy that regularly loses his head whose head keeps falling off his shoulders the latter not being any real choice because the American people are not going to play Russian roulette with the welfare of the nation which what electing him would mean. This is terrible because the clearly right thing for the American people to do if faced with this choice is to choose the far left candidate because at least that means our fellow citizens won't be thrown out of the boat even though this means the country will stay in the swamp that it has been in through the last eight years. No one has a crystal ball to know what the American electorate will do faced with such an option come November but I come down on the side that the American people will act optimumally virtuous and go with the far-left candidate!

The current state of things call for the following assessments. Jeb Bush needs to come to the realization that this is not his time. I personally think if Jeb Bush was elected President he would at minimum do a very good job because he is really committed to getting stuff done for the country and he has a good sense of right and wrong but the job opening of President at the current time is looking for qualities Jeb doesn't possess. An abundance of analysts have described what is going on this election cycle which is the American electorate is fed-up and letting it be known they are fed-up with a system that doesn't work for them that doesn't give them their fair share of America's prosperity that doesn't give them a good standard of living and is looking for a Strong Champion that will upset the existing order and give them these things. Jeb you are not such a candidate. In politics everything is about image and Jeb Bush does not have an image as a strong and inspirational leader. There is nothing Jeb can do about this some people have a really strong persona and others don't, Gerald Ford was probably one of the strongest leaders ever to hold the office of the Presidency but he projected the image of a flat and uninspiring leader and that is in part why he lost the 1976 Presidential race to Jimmy Carter. Secondly, as Jeb Bush has stated he is not running from his family name and the Bush Brand is not a good sell in the current times. The Bush Brand represents a political philosophy that brings Wall Street excesses that hurt the economy, big business excesses that takes advantage and is unfair to ordinary people. Running with the Bush Brand is a campaign killer in these times. Jeb Bush is running as a center right candidate just like his brother George W. ran as a center right candidate and George W. brought to America things like Enron severe price gouging on electricity prices by not stopping it, George W. brought to America the price of oil pushing $140 plus dollars a barrel and wouldn't lift a finger to stop the greedy speculators culprits responsible and George W. brought a war in Iraq based on a falsehood of WMDs a war which has been super costly to America. Jeb Bush needs to look at this Presidential primary race not as a character test of whether or not he is a quitter but rather as a test of whether or not he has the character to put the country's best interest above his own and see that it is in the country's best interest that he step aside and make room for other good candidates to garnish the spotlight and demonstrate to the American people how they can do this job that America needs done!

The Marco Rubio campaign really deserves a big round of applause because they have run the most shrewdest campaign imaginable. But the American people are smart they can see through all the smart packaging of Marco. The Republican powers-that-be are only fooling themselves if they think they are going to dupe the American people to believe Marco will deliver for them. Marco Rubio is a far-right candidate if one gathers up all the interviews and speeches he has given through the years this conclusion should not be in question. American people have no doubt about if the Paul Ryan/Mitch McConnell Congressional leadership team send the following bills to a President Marco Rubio Whitehouse they will be signed: a bill that completely privatizes Medicare where the government portion of the premium doesn't rise year in and year out equally with medical inflation that is not to say the Republicans won't put some provisions in it where struggling seniors can afford some insurance plan offered by the industry of course such a plan won't be one the enrollees will be very happy with; a bill that block grants to the states Federal Medicaid funding and does not possess iron clad restrictions that the states cannot throw their citizens off the insurance rolls; a bill that significantly cuts the federal food stamps and federal TANF welfare programs ( a good Republican holds the values that the way to reduce this government expense is through job creation and higher wages for these recipients) and a bill that repeals Obamacare that doesn't offer tax credits and refundable ones to enable American individuals and families to afford to buy health insurance and doesn't have a medical loss ratio of at least eigthty-five percent on health insurance so health insurance companies are spending the premiums mostly on medical services for enrollees not big salaries and bonuses for insurance company executives or big dividends or inflated stock prices for insurance company stockholders.
The last Republican debate in Iowa is an example of where Marco demonstrated his slick politician skills. He really went overboard on him selling himself to evangelical christians. When the moderator asked him about his Time cover page where he was depicted as a Republican savior and he responds something like Jesus Christ is the only savior he cares about and later on when he injected in one of his responses something like it's his top priority to live with his creator for all eternity and in his closing remarks when he cites the Bible as his inspiration specifically the provisions that call for Christians to let their light shine in the world. Marco laid it on so thick in the debate that I almost expected while he was taliking in the debate for someone in the audience to fall on the ground and yell "I am healed"! Marco is a "slick politician" one can see this in his heavy focus on the claim that he holds the unique capacity to bring people together that he will bring bring Democrats and Republicans together to get things done for the country it really appears that he is taking a page right out of the playbook of Barack Obama in 2008. The truth of the matter is Marco will be a complete failure in this regard just like Barack Obama has been because neither of them has significant Washington experience prior to them being given the job of President so they are dependent on the old Congressional leaders to get things and they cannot buck these leaders of their party and one cannot be a bi-partisan leader without many times bucking a large segment of one's party congressional rank-and-file and party leadership. Marco Rubio also has a weak work ethic he allows himself to be influenced by boredom this has been shown in his record as Senator. If a President wants to be a bipartisan president he has to know what he is doing and he has to work his butt off because the congressiioanl leaders and their lobbyist allies have a great vested interest in seeing such a President fail. Marco is talking a much bigger game than he will be able to bring to the job of President and the American people are not going to be fooled by Marco's slick talk here!
If the vote in NH follows the polls within 3%, it will be curtains for a number of candidates. If a candidate looses both Iowa and NH badly then expectations and campaign contributions will fall off at the time when both will be- needed for a comeback. I think Kasich, Bush, and Christie are likely to hang on for a while, particular if their numbers in NH are better than expected. Fiorina and probably Carson will be gone after the NH.
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