Republican or Not, That is the Question

Titties McGee

May 18, 2011
I am registered Republican. I have been registered Republican for much of my life, although I started out as a Democrat, and the first person I cast a vote for in a Presidential election was Franklin D. Roosevelt. What a mistake.

I registered Democrat because my dad was a Republican. And we argued all the time about politics. I thought to myself, if he's a Republican, I don't want to be. Later, I learned the difference, and came to realize that my dad was right. So I switched and registered Republican.

I am pro-life. Only two parties have a pro-life platform. Republican and Constitution parties. I believe in small and limited government, and low taxes. On that I would be in agreement with three parties. Republican, Constitution and Libertarian.

Yet, since joining here yesterday I have found resistance to many of my views. That is probably because I have the audacity to question my own party. I will not blindly follow anyone, no matter what party they are in. I don't support a Republican because he/she is a Republican.

In the last Republican Presidential nomination process, I supported Ron Paul. I whole heartedly agree with his foreign policy. We need to stop meddling in the affairs of other countries, creating mistrust everywhere we go in the world. That doesn't seem to be the foreign policies of most I have encountered here. A lot of the problems we are having today is because we have kicked sand in other people's sandbox. And we have been doing that for a long time. This does not appear to be the majority Republican view here.

We have been warned about foreign entanglements. And we can see what foreign entanglements has done to our country.

So, am I, or am I not a Republican?
I am registered Republican. I have been registered Republican for much of my life, although I started out as a Democrat, and the first person I cast a vote for in a Presidential election was Franklin D. Roosevelt. What a mistake.

I registered Democrat because my dad was a Republican. And we argued all the time about politics. I thought to myself, if he's a Republican, I don't want to be. Later, I learned the difference, and came to realize that my dad was right. So I switched and registered Republican.

I am pro-life. Only two parties have a pro-life platform. Republican and Constitution parties. I believe in small and limited government, and low taxes. On that I would be in agreement with three parties. Republican, Constitution and Libertarian.

Yet, since joining here yesterday I have found resistance to many of my views. That is probably because I have the audacity to question my own party. I will not blindly follow anyone, no matter what party they are in. I don't support a Republican because he/she is a Republican.

In the last Republican Presidential nomination process, I supported Ron Paul. I whole heartedly agree with his foreign policy. We need to stop meddling in the affairs of other countries, creating mistrust everywhere we go in the world. That doesn't seem to be the foreign policies of most I have encountered here. A lot of the problems we are having today is because we have kicked sand in other people's sandbox. And we have been doing that for a long time. This does not appear to be the majority Republican view here.

We have been warned about foreign entanglements. And we can see what foreign entanglements has done to our country.

So, am I, or am I not a Republican?

dont limit yourself with the label "republican"

You sound like many of your values are conservative, however the republican party over the last few decades truly hasn't been very conservative so by calling yourself a republican your actually doing your own personal values a disservice.

Me personally, Im closest to a libertarian but I label myself an American. This leaves me free to fall wherever my opinion is on any given subject without having to contradict the values/positions of "my party".

Just a different take on how to view oneself for you.
I am registered Republican. I have been registered Republican for much of my life, although I started out as a Democrat, and the first person I cast a vote for in a Presidential election was Franklin D. Roosevelt. What a mistake.

I registered Democrat because my dad was a Republican. And we argued all the time about politics. I thought to myself, if he's a Republican, I don't want to be. Later, I learned the difference, and came to realize that my dad was right. So I switched and registered Republican.

I am pro-life. Only two parties have a pro-life platform. Republican and Constitution parties. I believe in small and limited government, and low taxes. On that I would be in agreement with three parties. Republican, Constitution and Libertarian.

Yet, since joining here yesterday I have found resistance to many of my views. That is probably because I have the audacity to question my own party. I will not blindly follow anyone, no matter what party they are in. I don't support a Republican because he/she is a Republican.

In the last Republican Presidential nomination process, I supported Ron Paul. I whole heartedly agree with his foreign policy. We need to stop meddling in the affairs of other countries, creating mistrust everywhere we go in the world. That doesn't seem to be the foreign policies of most I have encountered here. A lot of the problems we are having today is because we have kicked sand in other people's sandbox. And we have been doing that for a long time. This does not appear to be the majority Republican view here.

We have been warned about foreign entanglements. And we can see what foreign entanglements has done to our country.

So, am I, or am I not a Republican?

I used to be a Republican. I am now a Libertarian. I still register with the Republican party and support Ron Paul. I am critical of the centralization of power in the United States. I think our federal government is acting like a bully, to foreign countries and the several states.
I think you are a Libertarian, who registers as a Republican. I will bet that we will agree on most issues.
I am registered Republican. I have been registered Republican for much of my life, although I started out as a Democrat, and the first person I cast a vote for in a Presidential election was Franklin D. Roosevelt. What a mistake.

I registered Democrat because my dad was a Republican. And we argued all the time about politics. I thought to myself, if he's a Republican, I don't want to be. Later, I learned the difference, and came to realize that my dad was right. So I switched and registered Republican.

I am pro-life. Only two parties have a pro-life platform. Republican and Constitution parties. I believe in small and limited government, and low taxes. On that I would be in agreement with three parties. Republican, Constitution and Libertarian.

Yet, since joining here yesterday I have found resistance to many of my views. That is probably because I have the audacity to question my own party. I will not blindly follow anyone, no matter what party they are in. I don't support a Republican because he/she is a Republican.

In the last Republican Presidential nomination process, I supported Ron Paul. I whole heartedly agree with his foreign policy. We need to stop meddling in the affairs of other countries, creating mistrust everywhere we go in the world. That doesn't seem to be the foreign policies of most I have encountered here. A lot of the problems we are having today is because we have kicked sand in other people's sandbox. And we have been doing that for a long time. This does not appear to be the majority Republican view here.

We have been warned about foreign entanglements. And we can see what foreign entanglements has done to our country.

So, am I, or am I not a Republican?

I used to be a Republican. I am now a Libertarian. I still register with the Republican party and support Ron Paul. I am critical of the centralization of power in the United States. I think our federal government is acting like a bully, to foreign countries and the several states.
I think you are a Libertarian, who registers as a Republican. I will bet that we will agree on most issues.

im registered as undecided in my state, they only give you 3 options here "Dem, Rep, Undecided"

If you look at the roster when you sign in to vote you will see that about 25/30 people are a U in my voting area, I like that :).
I am registered Republican. I have been registered Republican for much of my life, although I started out as a Democrat, and the first person I cast a vote for in a Presidential election was Franklin D. Roosevelt. What a mistake.

I registered Democrat because my dad was a Republican. And we argued all the time about politics. I thought to myself, if he's a Republican, I don't want to be. Later, I learned the difference, and came to realize that my dad was right. So I switched and registered Republican.

I am pro-life. Only two parties have a pro-life platform. Republican and Constitution parties. I believe in small and limited government, and low taxes. On that I would be in agreement with three parties. Republican, Constitution and Libertarian.

Yet, since joining here yesterday I have found resistance to many of my views. That is probably because I have the audacity to question my own party. I will not blindly follow anyone, no matter what party they are in. I don't support a Republican because he/she is a Republican.

In the last Republican Presidential nomination process, I supported Ron Paul. I whole heartedly agree with his foreign policy. We need to stop meddling in the affairs of other countries, creating mistrust everywhere we go in the world. That doesn't seem to be the foreign policies of most I have encountered here. A lot of the problems we are having today is because we have kicked sand in other people's sandbox. And we have been doing that for a long time. This does not appear to be the majority Republican view here.

We have been warned about foreign entanglements. And we can see what foreign entanglements has done to our country.

So, am I, or am I not a Republican?

No one demands you walk lockstep unlike others.

Independent thought is cherished not scorned. We all have beliefs and we all will speak passionately in those beliefs never let others tell you that you must speak with one voice or defend one line of reasoning.

Ever wonder why its so damn hard to organize conservatives they don't speak with one voice nor do they have one belief its a bit like herding cat's on occasion you can get them to work together otherwise good lck.

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