Republican indicted in vote supression case

PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — A former Republican official accused of taking part in a plot to jam Democratic phone lines in New Hampshire on Election Day 2002 is facing new charges.

James Tobin was indicted by a federal grand jury in Portland on two counts of making false statements about the incident to an FBI agent. His earlier conviction on telephone harassment charges was overturned, but prosecutors are appealing.

Tobin, 48, of Bangor, was accused of helping to arrange more than 800 hang-up calls that jammed get-out-the-vote phone lines set up by the New Hampshire Democratic Party and a local firefighters' union on Election Day six years ago.

Republican Rep. John Sununu defeated then-Gov. Jeanne Shaheen, a Democrat, in a close Senate race that day. He is now running for re-election with Shaheen as his challenger, and the race is again close.

The new indictment, dated Oct. 9, alleges that Tobin lied to FBI investigators during an interview in Maine. Tobin told them another GOP official, Charles McGee, had the idea to contact an aggressive telemarketer, Allen Raymond, for help in the 2002 election. The indictment said using Raymond was really Tobin's idea.

The Associated Press: 2002 GOP phone jamming in NH leads to new charges
Like the story's headline says: Ex-GOP Operative in New Hampshire Indicted
I don't care which team these people are working for, if they're truly guilty of these political tricks STRING 'EM UP.
I don't care which team these people are working for, if they're truly guilty of these political tricks STRING 'EM UP.

he was convicted for the phone jamming in Maine and then the verdict was overturned on appeal, but the judge called for a retrial not acquittal. i assume this new indictment is related.

he sounds like a real piece of shit and not real bright; in short, he's from NH.
Yeah he wasnt EX when he was Lying to the FBI and working hard to keep Americans from casting a vote.

Republican National Committee (RNC) Chair Ken Mehlman repeatedly had said the GOP has zero tolerance for such voter-suppression schemes, the Associated Press reported that the RNC paid $722,000 worth of Tobin's legal bills in 2005. Tobin heads a Maine-based political consulting firm and works for the Washington lobby firm DCI Group (see Charles Francis). Tobin reported that two lobby clients, Peoplewise and US Bancorp, paid him $160,000 in 2004.
in the western hemisphere. didn't even need wiki for that.

you want to go again or are you going to try to tell me that most people consider the northeast to consist only of the six new england states?

Oh for god's sake, quibble over trifles much, do we?

The guy wrote the Northeast he meant New England.

If you're not of the East coast, its an easy enough mistake to make.

More to the point, whether it was New England or the Northeast he was a paid Republican operative with great responsibility.

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