Republican Implosion: Really? This is serious?


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
Been watching the Republican meltdown of late and gosh, it's becoming more and more of a joke lately. After the disaster of the Bush administration, the Republicans doubled down on the nuttiness and let the patients take over the asylum instead of admitting fault. Well it cost them big. The Tea Party types no longer took marching orders from the establishment types and were completely unwilling to compromise on anything. This lead to such happy moments as the S&P downgrade, the near shutdown of the government and a plethora of ridiculous new bills trying to get rid of abortion and put up a Constitutional amendment to cap spending. Then came the candidates. It seemed that everyone with a screw loose was allowed in. From "civil rights are wrong" Ron Paul, to "the founding fathers worked tirelessly to stop slavery" Ms. Death Panels herself, Michelle Bachmann. The more "reasonable" candidates like Pawlenty and Huntsman were knocked off early. So what it seems now is we have a fight between sleazy businessman the very Gordon Gekko, say anything for a laugh, Willard Mitt Romney against disgraced sleaze bag bigotted racist, Newton Leroy Gingrich.

Recently on a Radio show, Romney admitted the economy was getting better.

Romney affirms Obama's economic record. Oops. - Video on
Political Animal - Romney: U.S. economy ‘getting better’ under Obama
INGRAHAM: You’ve also noted that there are signs of improvement on the horizon in the economy. How do you answer the president’s argument that the economy is getting better in a general election campaign if you yourself are saying it’s getting better?

ROMNEY: Well, of course it’s getting better. The economy always gets better after a recession, there is always a recovery. […]

INGRAHAM: Isn’t it a hard argument to make if you’re saying, like, OK, he inherited this recession, he took a bunch of steps to try to turn the economy around, and now, we’re seeing more jobs, but vote against him anyway? Isn’t that a hard argument to make? Is that a stark enough contrast?

ROMNEY: Have you got a better one, Laura? It just happens to be the truth.

And this from a guy with a secret Swiss bank account and Cayman Island investments.

Are you guys serious or what?

This has to be a joke. :lol:
With little effort one could just change some names move a D and a R around and say the say thing.

The Democrats are just as screwed up as the Republicans,there isn't any good choices from ether party.
So now the left criticize Romney for being honest.

This is serious.... seriously funny.

Depends..on which day you are talking to him.

"The recession is deeper because of our president," said Romney on Monday, the Los Angeles Times reports. "It's seen an anemic recovery because of our president. The people who want the status quo can vote for him, but people who want real change and jobs for Americans are going to vote for us."
Mitt Romney Reverses Course Again, Says Obama Made Recession Worse
With little effort one could just change some names move a D and a R around and say the say thing.

The Democrats are just as screwed up as the Republicans,there isn't any good choices from ether party.

President Obama is a fine choice. For the most part..he's done what he said he was going to do.
So now the left criticize Romney for being honest.

This is serious.... seriously funny.

Depends..on which day you are talking to him.

"The recession is deeper because of our president," said Romney on Monday, the Los Angeles Times reports. "It's seen an anemic recovery because of our president. The people who want the status quo can vote for him, but people who want real change and jobs for Americans are going to vote for us."
Mitt Romney Reverses Course Again, Says Obama Made Recession Worse

And he's right. The recession is deeper because of Obama... and it is an anemic recovery.

I guess you have to have an intellectual level over that of a houseplant to get it.
So now the left criticize Romney for being honest.

This is serious.... seriously funny.

Depends..on which day you are talking to him.

"The recession is deeper because of our president," said Romney on Monday, the Los Angeles Times reports. "It's seen an anemic recovery because of our president. The people who want the status quo can vote for him, but people who want real change and jobs for Americans are going to vote for us."
Mitt Romney Reverses Course Again, Says Obama Made Recession Worse

And he's right. The recession is deeper because of Obama... and it is an anemic recovery.

I guess you have to have an intellectual level over that of a houseplant to get it.

As expected.

The personal insult.

In any case..he's talking out of both sides of his mouth over nearly every issue.

Kerry got in trouble over for the war on Iraq.

Depends..on which day you are talking to him.

And he's right. The recession is deeper because of Obama... and it is an anemic recovery.

I guess you have to have an intellectual level over that of a houseplant to get it.

As expected.

The personal insult.

In any case..he's talking out of both sides of his mouth over nearly every issue.

Kerry got in trouble over for the war on Iraq.


The personal insult was earned. It's not that hard to understand what he's saying. Seriously... make an effort and engage your brain while you consider what he said. He's right.
With little effort one could just change some names move a D and a R around and say the say thing.

The Democrats are just as screwed up as the Republicans,there isn't any good choices from ether party.

President Obama is a fine choice. For the most part..he's done what he said he was going to do.

When the Moon Colony happens I nominate you as or Mascot Sallow. You can howl at it and party 24/7 then. :)
And he's right. The recession is deeper because of Obama... and it is an anemic recovery.

I guess you have to have an intellectual level over that of a houseplant to get it.

As expected.

The personal insult.

In any case..he's talking out of both sides of his mouth over nearly every issue.

Kerry got in trouble over for the war on Iraq.


The personal insult was earned. It's not that hard to understand what he's saying. Seriously... make an effort and engage your brain while you consider what he said. He's right.

Personal insults aren't earned. They are generally used by people who are intellectually incapable of making pertinent points or rebuttals.

And as to Romney, right about what?

His plan was to let GM go belly up..and to force foreclosures to happen at a faster rate. Both ideas would have really caused a big meltdown.

And it demonstrates what a patently bad idea it is to elect a corporate raider..President of the United States.
With little effort one could just change some names move a D and a R around and say the say thing.

The Democrats are just as screwed up as the Republicans,there isn't any good choices from ether party.

President Obama is a fine choice. For the most part..he's done what he said he was going to do.

When the Moon Colony happens I nominate you as or Mascot Sallow. You can howl at it and party 24/7 then. :)

I take it you are in the Gingrich column. But they won't be speaking Spanish on the moon, you's a ghetto language..

[ame=]Newt Gingrich Racist Comments: "Spanish is a language of the ghetto" - YouTube[/ame]
As expected.

The personal insult.

In any case..he's talking out of both sides of his mouth over nearly every issue.

Kerry got in trouble over for the war on Iraq.


The personal insult was earned. It's not that hard to understand what he's saying. Seriously... make an effort and engage your brain while you consider what he said. He's right.

Personal insults aren't earned. They are generally used by people who are intellectually incapable of making pertinent points or rebuttals.

And as to Romney, right about what?

His plan was to let GM go belly up..and to force foreclosures to happen at a faster rate. Both ideas would have really caused a big meltdown.

And it demonstrates what a patently bad idea it is to elect a corporate raider..President of the United States.

Neither would have caused even a little meltdown - other than in the minds of fools.
With little effort one could just change some names move a D and a R around and say the say thing.

The Democrats are just as screwed up as the Republicans,there isn't any good choices from ether party.

President Obama is a fine choice. For the most part..he's done what he said he was going to do.

When the Moon Colony happens I nominate you as or Mascot Sallow. You can howl at it and party 24/7 then. :)

LOL. Bet Newtie promised each of his wives the moon, also:razz:
President Obama is a fine choice. For the most part..he's done what he said he was going to do.

When the Moon Colony happens I nominate you as or Mascot Sallow. You can howl at it and party 24/7 then. :)

I take it you are in the Gingrich column. But they won't be speaking Spanish on the moon, you's a ghetto language..

[ame=]Newt Gingrich Racist Comments: "Spanish is a language of the ghetto" - YouTube[/ame]

Good try, but wrong. Integrity matters. So how's your Chinese? Mandarin? :lol: Hey, that Tape was a riot. :lmao:. That should play well on Roosevelt Avenue. ;)
Last edited:
The personal insult was earned. It's not that hard to understand what he's saying. Seriously... make an effort and engage your brain while you consider what he said. He's right.

Personal insults aren't earned. They are generally used by people who are intellectually incapable of making pertinent points or rebuttals.

And as to Romney, right about what?

His plan was to let GM go belly up..and to force foreclosures to happen at a faster rate. Both ideas would have really caused a big meltdown.

And it demonstrates what a patently bad idea it is to elect a corporate raider..President of the United States.

Neither would have caused even a little meltdown - other than in the minds of fools.

LOL. Well, I am glad that we elected someone that was not of the mind to test your economic theories. Guess you can try again in 2016 for someone that favors going back to the 1890's.
President Obama is a fine choice. For the most part..he's done what he said he was going to do.

When the Moon Colony happens I nominate you as or Mascot Sallow. You can howl at it and party 24/7 then. :)

I take it you are in the Gingrich column. But they won't be speaking Spanish on the moon, you's a ghetto language..

[ame=]Newt Gingrich Racist Comments: "Spanish is a language of the ghetto" - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Obama Says--White Folk's Greed Runs a World In Need - YouTube[/ame]
Been watching the Republican meltdown of late and gosh, it's becoming more and more of a joke lately. After the disaster of the Bush administration, the Republicans doubled down on the nuttiness and let the patients take over the asylum instead of admitting fault. Well it cost them big. The Tea Party types no longer took marching orders from the establishment types and were completely unwilling to compromise on anything. This lead to such happy moments as the S&P downgrade, the near shutdown of the government and a plethora of ridiculous new bills trying to get rid of abortion and put up a Constitutional amendment to cap spending. Then came the candidates. It seemed that everyone with a screw loose was allowed in. From "civil rights are wrong" Ron Paul, to "the founding fathers worked tirelessly to stop slavery" Ms. Death Panels herself, Michelle Bachmann. The more "reasonable" candidates like Pawlenty and Huntsman were knocked off early. So what it seems now is we have a fight between sleazy businessman the very Gordon Gekko, say anything for a laugh, Willard Mitt Romney against disgraced sleaze bag bigotted racist, Newton Leroy Gingrich.

Recently on a Radio show, Romney admitted the economy was getting better.

Romney affirms Obama's economic record. Oops. - Video on
Political Animal - Romney: U.S. economy ‘getting better’ under Obama
INGRAHAM: You’ve also noted that there are signs of improvement on the horizon in the economy. How do you answer the president’s argument that the economy is getting better in a general election campaign if you yourself are saying it’s getting better?

ROMNEY: Well, of course it’s getting better. The economy always gets better after a recession, there is always a recovery. […]

INGRAHAM: Isn’t it a hard argument to make if you’re saying, like, OK, he inherited this recession, he took a bunch of steps to try to turn the economy around, and now, we’re seeing more jobs, but vote against him anyway? Isn’t that a hard argument to make? Is that a stark enough contrast?

ROMNEY: Have you got a better one, Laura? It just happens to be the truth.

And this from a guy with a secret Swiss bank account and Cayman Island investments.

Are you guys serious or what?

This has to be a joke. :lol:

I think that's his way of saying that if Newt gets the nomination Mitten will vote for Obama.
The personal insult was earned. It's not that hard to understand what he's saying. Seriously... make an effort and engage your brain while you consider what he said. He's right.

Personal insults aren't earned. They are generally used by people who are intellectually incapable of making pertinent points or rebuttals.

And as to Romney, right about what?

His plan was to let GM go belly up..and to force foreclosures to happen at a faster rate. Both ideas would have really caused a big meltdown.

And it demonstrates what a patently bad idea it is to elect a corporate raider..President of the United States.

Neither would have caused even a little meltdown - other than in the minds of fools.

The loss of the American Auto Industry wouldn't have caused an economic meltdown? Seriously? That's your stance?

:lol: Simply amazing.
Been watching the Republican meltdown of late and gosh, it's becoming more and more of a joke lately. After the disaster of the Bush administration, the Republicans doubled down on the nuttiness and let the patients take over the asylum instead of admitting fault. Well it cost them big. The Tea Party types no longer took marching orders from the establishment types and were completely unwilling to compromise on anything. This lead to such happy moments as the S&P downgrade, the near shutdown of the government and a plethora of ridiculous new bills trying to get rid of abortion and put up a Constitutional amendment to cap spending. Then came the candidates. It seemed that everyone with a screw loose was allowed in. From "civil rights are wrong" Ron Paul, to "the founding fathers worked tirelessly to stop slavery" Ms. Death Panels herself, Michelle Bachmann. The more "reasonable" candidates like Pawlenty and Huntsman were knocked off early. So what it seems now is we have a fight between sleazy businessman the very Gordon Gekko, say anything for a laugh, Willard Mitt Romney against disgraced sleaze bag bigotted racist, Newton Leroy Gingrich.

Recently on a Radio show, Romney admitted the economy was getting better.

Romney affirms Obama's economic record. Oops. - Video on
Political Animal - Romney: U.S. economy ‘getting better’ under Obama
INGRAHAM: You’ve also noted that there are signs of improvement on the horizon in the economy. How do you answer the president’s argument that the economy is getting better in a general election campaign if you yourself are saying it’s getting better?

ROMNEY: Well, of course it’s getting better. The economy always gets better after a recession, there is always a recovery. […]

INGRAHAM: Isn’t it a hard argument to make if you’re saying, like, OK, he inherited this recession, he took a bunch of steps to try to turn the economy around, and now, we’re seeing more jobs, but vote against him anyway? Isn’t that a hard argument to make? Is that a stark enough contrast?

ROMNEY: Have you got a better one, Laura? It just happens to be the truth.

And this from a guy with a secret Swiss bank account and Cayman Island investments.

Are you guys serious or what?

This has to be a joke. :lol:

I think that's his way of saying that if Newt gets the nomination Mitten will vote for Obama.

Is it?

He gave up?


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