Republican Governors Accept Federal Dollars While Attacking Federal Spending

Feb 2, 2011
nothing new here. Just more hypocrisy from the GOP.

Republican Governors Quietly Accept Federal Dollars -- While Attacking Federal Spending | TPMDC

Republican governors stormed into state houses this January after campaigning against federal spending, and various so-called state bailouts. They won in part by painting a slanted picture of fiscal mismanagement by their Democratic predecessors.

That rhetoric -- and the rhetoric of their more senior Republican peers -- continues to this day, and occasionally translates into genuinely puzzling acts of malgovernance. Florida Governor Rick Scott, for example, turned down $2.4 billion in federal funds to build a high-speed rail line from Orlando to Tampa
Read more at link.
nothing new here. Just more hypocrisy from the GOP.

Republican Governors Quietly Accept Federal Dollars -- While Attacking Federal Spending | TPMDC

Republican governors stormed into state houses this January after campaigning against federal spending, and various so-called state bailouts. They won in part by painting a slanted picture of fiscal mismanagement by their Democratic predecessors.

That rhetoric -- and the rhetoric of their more senior Republican peers -- continues to this day, and occasionally translates into genuinely puzzling acts of malgovernance. Florida Governor Rick Scott, for example, turned down $2.4 billion in federal funds to build a high-speed rail line from Orlando to Tampa
Read more at link.

they usually do .
Strange thing is that the tampa orlando HS rail system passed by democratic ballot measure 10 years or so ago.
The people spoke and Jeb Bush did not listen.
nothing new here. Just more hypocrisy from the GOP.

Republican Governors Quietly Accept Federal Dollars -- While Attacking Federal Spending | TPMDC

Republican governors stormed into state houses this January after campaigning against federal spending, and various so-called state bailouts. They won in part by painting a slanted picture of fiscal mismanagement by their Democratic predecessors.

That rhetoric -- and the rhetoric of their more senior Republican peers -- continues to this day, and occasionally translates into genuinely puzzling acts of malgovernance. Florida Governor Rick Scott, for example, turned down $2.4 billion in federal funds to build a high-speed rail line from Orlando to Tampa
Read more at link.

1. Why would you feel that this is a worthy post?

Because you see it as some sort of hypocrisy?

On the contrary, the elected official has an obligation to benefit his/her state, and realized that the money is not to be viewed as a bribe, i.e., to curb one's criticism.

Nor is the money used as personal aggrandizement, so, it seems, you misunderstand the situation.

But, [B]a corrupt Chicago thug[/B] might view it as you do....and the following might be illustrative:

2. “Look, all governors like ‘free money’ coming to the state,” said Republican Senator Jon Kyl of Arizona. “My governor is no different. But the reality is that is it has added to our deficit. We’re now going to have a $1.8 trillion deficit this year.” Transcript: Sens. Durbin and Kyl - ABC News

a. "It [the stimulus bill] promised to create 4 -- or save 4 million jobs. We've now lost another 2 million jobs. Unemployment is 2 points higher than it was when the president took office. And even with the stimulus, it's higher than they said that it would be without the stimulus.

The reality is it hasn't helped yet. Only about 6.8 percent of the money has actually been spent. What I proposed is, after you complete the contracts that are already committed, the things that are in the pipeline, stop it.”

3. “No sooner had Kyl uttered his criticism than the wheels of gangster government were set in motion. The following day, Arizona’s Republican governor, Jan Brewer, received letters from four of President Obama’s cabinet secretaries- Agriculture, Transportation., Interior, and Housing and Urban Development. Each letter asked whether she would like the $521 million in Arizona stimulus projects to be withdrawn from the state.” Freddoso, “Gangster Government,” p. 82. Tacky? Thuggish?

a. Of course, the threat to any legislators who might criticize the stimulus bill, or any other aspect of the administration’s policies, but consistent with President Obama’s answer to Republicans when they had criticized in January 2009: “I won.” Obama to GOP: ‘I Won’ - Washington Wire - WSJ
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Strange thing is that the tampa orlando HS rail system passed by democratic ballot measure 10 years or so ago.
The people spoke and Jeb Bush did not listen.

Then the same voters repealed that ballot measure and voted for the guy who promised to kill it.

The Orlando-Tampa line would be nothing but an expensive boondoggle, an inroad to force the equally non-viable regional rail projects.
Well, stop the Federal government from giving the states unfunded mandates, and they won't have to.
Republican Governors Accept Federal Dollars While Attacking Federal Spending

Right on cure, the Obama belches the same thing out in a interview the other day. and the good little Progressive sheep reguritate it..

how funny
nothing new here. Just more hypocrisy from the GOP.

Republican Governors Quietly Accept Federal Dollars -- While Attacking Federal Spending | TPMDC

Republican governors stormed into state houses this January after campaigning against federal spending, and various so-called state bailouts. They won in part by painting a slanted picture of fiscal mismanagement by their Democratic predecessors.

That rhetoric -- and the rhetoric of their more senior Republican peers -- continues to this day, and occasionally translates into genuinely puzzling acts of malgovernance. Florida Governor Rick Scott, for example, turned down $2.4 billion in federal funds to build a high-speed rail line from Orlando to Tampa
Read more at link.

Why not? Democratic Governors do.
Why not? Democratic Governors do.

Apparently, he thinks that it's hypocritical for the GOP to want to cut Federal spending and take Federal money to pay for the unfunded liabilities the Federal Government places on the states.

If the Federal government butts out to begin with, then no one would need to take money.

Apparently, this is his great justification to spend without restraints. Apparently if he thinks people are hypocrites, they are clearly wrong about needing to cut spending. We can stick our head back in the sand and pretend as though our way of life isnt in danger. That way his special interests will continue to get unwarranted money.

When problems are ignored, those who aren't prepared are generally in a whole lot of crap.
Strange thing is that the tampa orlando HS rail system passed by democratic ballot measure 10 years or so ago.
The people spoke and Jeb Bush did not listen.

Maybe you should consider the following, and then you and Marc would praise the Republican governors:

1. High-speed rail makes no economic sense. The package saddles states with billions in short term cost-overruns and pretty much guaranteed long-term operating loses that will require hundreds of millions in annual subsidies that the states will have to account for in their budgets. Freddoso, "Gangster Government," p. 106

a. “Our highways are clogged with traffic, costing us $80 billion a year in lost productivity and wasted fuel. Our airports are choked with increased loads. …What we need, then, is a smart transportation system equal to the needs of the 21st century, a system that reduces travel times and increases mobility, a system that reduces congestion and boosts productivity, a system that reduces destructive emissions and creates jobs.” Transcript: Obama, Biden, LaHood Deliver Remarks on High-Speed Rail | In Obama's Words | The Washington Post

b. This $13 billion rail proposal is one huge boondoggle. And once Republican governors took over in Florida, Ohio and Wisconsin, they cancelled the rail projects in their states, and happily forfeited the federal funds. The rail lines would have duplicated existing highways, while doing little or nothing to reduce road traffic.

c. High-speed rail road are always predicated on unwarranted optimism as to ridership, construction costs, and future ticket prices. These facts occur with metronomic regularity, so often that it is difficult not to call them lies.

d. The system in California that is now receiving $2.4 billion in stimulus funding was originally sold to voters in 2008 with a price tag of $33.6 billion. Almost immediately the cost estimate jumped to $43 billion. “Estimates of ticket prices between Los Angeles and San Francisco have nearly doubled in the project's latest business plan, pushing ridership projections down sharply and prompting new skepticism about data underpinning the entire project.” California High Speed Rail - Some fear California's high-speed rail won't deliver on early promises - Los Angeles Times Round trip is now far more expensive than flights.

e. “Construction cost escalation recently led New Jersey Governor Chris Christie to cancel a federally funded tunnel to avoid up to $4 billion in projected cost overruns that been the responsibility of the state's taxpayers” It s Official: ARC Tunnel Is Dead - The Bond Buyer Article.

f. In Florida, Obama committed $1.25 billion for high-speed rail that would include Tampa, Orlando and Miami. But a recent study warned that the 84-mile $2.7 billion Tampa-Orlando section alone was looking at overruns of $1 to $3 billion.

g. It is more than interesting that Europeans have been moving away from high-speed rail, and toward car and plane transportation, for decades. “…high-speed rail lines in Japan and Europe. Since Japan introduced high-speed bullet trains, passenger rail has lost more than half its market share to the automobile.” High-Speed Rail: The Wrong Road for America | Randal O'Toole | Cato Institute: Policy Analysis

Well, speak up, Citi.
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nothing new here. Just more hypocrisy from the GOP.

Republican Governors Quietly Accept Federal Dollars -- While Attacking Federal Spending | TPMDC

Republican governors stormed into state houses this January after campaigning against federal spending, and various so-called state bailouts. They won in part by painting a slanted picture of fiscal mismanagement by their Democratic predecessors.

That rhetoric -- and the rhetoric of their more senior Republican peers -- continues to this day, and occasionally translates into genuinely puzzling acts of malgovernance. Florida Governor Rick Scott, for example, turned down $2.4 billion in federal funds to build a high-speed rail line from Orlando to Tampa
Read more at link.

1. Why would you feel that this is a worthy post?

Because you see it as some sort of hypocrisy?

On the contrary, the elected official has an obligation to benefit his/her state, and realized that the money is not to be viewed as a bribe, i.e., to curb one's criticism.

Nor is the money used as personal aggrandizement, so, it seems, you misunderstand the situation.

But, [B]a corrupt Chicago thug[/B] might view it as you do....and the following might be illustrative:

2. “Look, all governors like ‘free money’ coming to the state,” said Republican Senator Jon Kyl of Arizona. “My governor is no different. But the reality is that is it has added to our deficit. We’re now going to have a $1.8 trillion deficit this year.” Transcript: Sens. Durbin and Kyl - ABC News

a. "It [the stimulus bill] promised to create 4 -- or save 4 million jobs. We've now lost another 2 million jobs. Unemployment is 2 points higher than it was when the president took office. And even with the stimulus, it's higher than they said that it would be without the stimulus.

The reality is it hasn't helped yet. Only about 6.8 percent of the money has actually been spent. What I proposed is, after you complete the contracts that are already committed, the things that are in the pipeline, stop it.”

3. “No sooner had Kyl uttered his criticism than the wheels of gangster government were set in motion. The following day, Arizona’s Republican governor, Jan Brewer, received letters from four of President Obama’s cabinet secretaries- Agriculture, Transportation., Interior, and Housing and Urban Development. Each letter asked whether she would like the $521 million in Arizona stimulus projects to be withdrawn from the state.” Freddoso, “Gangster Government,” p. 82. Tacky? Thuggish?

a. Of course, the threat to any legislators who might criticize the stimulus bill, or any other aspect of the administration’s policies, but consistent with President Obama’s answer to Republicans when they had criticized in January 2009: “I won.” Obama to GOP: ‘I Won’ - Washington Wire - WSJ

Not some form IS hypocrisy.
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nothing new here. Just more hypocrisy from the GOP.

Republican Governors Quietly Accept Federal Dollars -- While Attacking Federal Spending | TPMDC

Republican governors stormed into state houses this January after campaigning against federal spending, and various so-called state bailouts. They won in part by painting a slanted picture of fiscal mismanagement by their Democratic predecessors.

That rhetoric -- and the rhetoric of their more senior Republican peers -- continues to this day, and occasionally translates into genuinely puzzling acts of malgovernance. Florida Governor Rick Scott, for example, turned down $2.4 billion in federal funds to build a high-speed rail line from Orlando to Tampa
Read more at link.

Why not? Democratic Governors do.

Please name the last Democratic Governor who ran on "spending cuts"?
Where the hell does that "Federal" money come from in the first place? I bet there are some people in those states who, ya know, pay the Federal Taxes. This whole "hypocrisy" argument is based on the moronic idea that the money is the Federal government's to begin with. Wrong. Geeze the states should be so thankful that the merciful Federal Goverment is so generous to give states some money that the Federal Government works so hard to earn. Ha!
Hey moronstein.. one question. Did the Gop Govenor's states pay money into the federal government? If the answer is yes you and obie wan need to sd and stfu..
The proper thread title is "GOP Governors take back some of the money that shouldn't have been taken from their states in the first place".
nothing new here. Just more hypocrisy from the GOP.

Read more at link.

1. Why would you feel that this is a worthy post?

Because you see it as some sort of hypocrisy?

On the contrary, the elected official has an obligation to benefit his/her state, and realized that the money is not to be viewed as a bribe, i.e., to curb one's criticism.

Nor is the money used as personal aggrandizement, so, it seems, you misunderstand the situation.

But, [B]a corrupt Chicago thug[/B] might view it as you do....and the following might be illustrative:

2. “Look, all governors like ‘free money’ coming to the state,” said Republican Senator Jon Kyl of Arizona. “My governor is no different. But the reality is that is it has added to our deficit. We’re now going to have a $1.8 trillion deficit this year.” Transcript: Sens. Durbin and Kyl - ABC News

a. "It [the stimulus bill] promised to create 4 -- or save 4 million jobs. We've now lost another 2 million jobs. Unemployment is 2 points higher than it was when the president took office. And even with the stimulus, it's higher than they said that it would be without the stimulus.

The reality is it hasn't helped yet. Only about 6.8 percent of the money has actually been spent. What I proposed is, after you complete the contracts that are already committed, the things that are in the pipeline, stop it.”

3. “No sooner had Kyl uttered his criticism than the wheels of gangster government were set in motion. The following day, Arizona’s Republican governor, Jan Brewer, received letters from four of President Obama’s cabinet secretaries- Agriculture, Transportation., Interior, and Housing and Urban Development. Each letter asked whether she would like the $521 million in Arizona stimulus projects to be withdrawn from the state.” Freddoso, “Gangster Government,” p. 82. Tacky? Thuggish?

a. Of course, the threat to any legislators who might criticize the stimulus bill, or any other aspect of the administration’s policies, but consistent with President Obama’s answer to Republicans when they had criticized in January 2009: “I won.” Obama to GOP: ‘I Won’ - Washington Wire - WSJ

Not some form IS hypocrisy.

How so?
Not just governors. I posted a link listing the over 110 Republican senators and congressmen who received tens of millions of dollars from the stimulus package they voted against. The fuckers took credit for the jobs that money created. Jobs like upgrading railroads (Mitch McConnell) that connects entire communities and installs high speed Internet (Scott Brown) for smaller companies who were able to expand and build bridges that connected communities to increase commerce.

Republicans think building up America's infrastructure is a "waste of money". They say, "Once you finish the bridge, the job is over". They have no meaning of the word "investment" or the phrase, "It takes money to make money". Instead, they think "rich people, out of the goodness of their great hearts, make jobs". It would be hilarious if it weren't so pathetic.

Republicans think that money is gone forever. They can't fathom that "creating jobs creates revenue". They just don't get it.
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