Republican Economist John Taylor Wants to Relive Reagan's Glory Days


Jul 19, 2011
I would love to live in the alternate universe that Stanford Professor John Taylor lives in.

According to his editorial/column/wishful-thinking-exercise in the Wall Street Journal, the American economy would be gangbusters if the political class would cut taxes and regulations and let the free market work its magic...just like the magic period of the 1980s and 1990s. Taylor's thesis is simple: the political class was non-interventionist during the 80s and 90s, and that non-interventionism is what drove the economy to good things.
He's correct of course and we will return to full employment 18 months after the Marxist is booted from the WH and takes half of the remaining Progressives in Congress with him.

1920, 1980 and again in 2012; it works every time.

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