Republican Blurts Out That Sick People Don’t Deserve Affordable Care

rightwinger said:
Defending sick people against greedy capitalists is a Progs stock in trade
Defending greedy capitalists and helping them make more is a conservatives stock in trade

Fake Outrage.jpg
Direct government funding, as opposed to government granted monopolies, is the solution, my friends.

For example, the government spends more than $30 billion a year on biomedical research through the National Institutes of Health — money that all parties agree is very well spent

The CEOs who are paid tens of millions a year would like the public to think that the market is simply compensating them for their extraordinary skills. A more realistic story is that a broken corporate governance process gives corporate boards of directors — the people who largely determine CEO pay — little incentive to hold down pay.
Republican Blurts Out That Sick People Don’t Deserve Affordable Care

Rather than increase government spending and control, we need to address the root causes of poor health. This begins with the realization that every American adult is responsible for his or her own health.

Republican health care plan: stay healthy or die.

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There will always be some callous individuals around, no matter what political party they belong to.
What I believe is that the federal government should ONLY step in, in the case of a "Catastrophic Health Care" situation, that needed to save a life.
What I believe is that if you go to a hospital emergency room for nonsense such as, a cold, a headache, seasonal allergies, a tummy ache, et cetera, YOU and only you, should burden the entire cost for taking up time from a setting where it is set up strictly for "Emergencies," which or death. If you go to your local "doc-in-a-box" for anything that also isn't very serious, YOU and only you should burden the entire cost.
This nonsense whereby someone thinks that just because some woman spread her legs, got pregnant and then spit you out, that you suddenly become the government's responsibility, is BS. From the time you are born until you are of age to be on your own, your parent(s) are responsible for you. If they can't afford you, they shouldn't be having kids. If the kid has health issues, they pay for it. If it's a catastrophic issue, then and only then, should the government step in, temporarily. There will always be exceptions, mental health issues, handicapped people, but for most of it, YOU and only you should be a grown up and take care of your own issues.

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