Repub canvasser slips-up/tells truth

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
:eusa_shhh: :lol: malkin fan girl?

[ame=]Safeway voter registration 1 - YouTube[/ame]
I've had Democrats do the same to me in Maryland. "Oh you're voting for Bush? I'm not gonna' take your registration form. Good bye!".
I've had Democrats do the same to me in Maryland. "Oh you're voting for Bush? I'm not gonna' take your registration form. Good bye!".

prove it liar
Sorry idiot, I don't carry a video camera with me at all times, you'll have to take me at my word.

Ms. BrainDead here thinks merely calling some one a lair makes it so.

You want me to follow you around these boards and call you a "lair" every time you post something? Actually I don't need to do that, everyone assumes that about you and your posts already.
I registered voters in Indiana in 2008 through the Obama campaign and returned every single registration, regardless of who they may be voting for. That is what we were instructed to do by the campaign office.
I've had Democrats do the same to me in Maryland. "Oh you're voting for Bush? I'm not gonna' take your registration form. Good bye!".

I know a guy whose cousin's former employer's daughter told him that her boyfriend tried to register as a Democrat in Deadbrain, East Dakota; he was told he needed three government picture ID's and a notarized note from his mother stating under oath or affirmation that he was her legitimate child and that she had given her permission for him to register as a Democrat.

Too bad I don't have any evidence to support this incident.
if you watch it on youtube it has this written underneath:

El Paso County, Colorado employee Voter Registration

Thanks. I didn't see that. That's Colorado Springs. I'll do some research and get back with the results.
the results are that this young impressionable rw'er spilled-the-beans on illegal voter registration.
Just as I suspected....there's more to the story.

The video was filmed by a long-time El Paso County Democratic Party activist, who then sat on it for 37 days before posting it on YouTube. During all that time, she apparently never tried to verify that the young lady did, indeed, work for the county.

She did not. Even though neither the woman who filmed this, or the young lady, have been found, the county clerks office denies that they've hired anyone to register voters at supermarkets. However, both parties have their own teams out registering voters who express an interest in supporting their candidates, which is perfectly legal.

The young lady in the video is obviously very young and very rattled by the activist's ambush and probably did not know who she was actually representing, given that she was filling out official state voter registration forms.

YouTube video spurs voter registration flap | voter, youtube, registration - Colorado Springs Gazette, CO

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