REPOST: Republicans; why should I vote republican?

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Gold Member
Dec 12, 2009
Washington State
Recently, I started a thread in the politics section asking an honest question of the posters here. Within 12 hours the post went completely vitriolic and off topic to the point that the mods felt it necessary to close the topic. Terrible as I didn’t even get a chance to read anything before it was cleaned and then closed. I am reposting it here in effort to actually have a clean discussion. If you cannot keep it civil and on topic please do not post here. I do not want another thread closed because of a few posters inability to be civil.


The original post as follows:
So, recently I seen a post put up by vox claiming, yet again, that Obama won term 2 based on the fact that the ‘purists’ stayed home. This really needs a thread all its own because I am tired of hearing this monumental mischaracterization of those that no longer accept the corruption of the republicans. For some reason, these people think that we should vote for a politician that does not represent us or really stand for anything that we stand for. For this, they refer to us as ‘purist.’ I find that term funny as it does not fit me in the slightest. I am not looking for the perfect candidate – he does not exist – but I AM looking for someone that at least represents a sliver of what I stand for and the republicans are not placing people in power that fit that description.

This all leads me to one simple question: why should I vote for you?

Republicans, tell me, why should I vote republican? What stances does the party actually represent (in actions mind you, not just useless rhetoric) that you think I should cast a vote for your candidate? Here is your chance to show how we are ‘purists’ by showing us what stances your party has that represent the values I hold. Good luck.
Republican establishment is the local train to one world government and end of the USA, Dems are the Express
Republican establishment is the local train to one world government and end of the USA, Dems are the Express

If the destinations are the same then I have no reason to vote for the opposition. This is the same argument that the other thread tried to get into before it was smashed by flaming. I fail to see how claiming that you are going to destroy the nation at a slower rate is a good position to win voters with. How about I vote for the person that is NOT going to destroy the nation.
Recently, I started a thread in the politics section asking an honest question of the posters here. Within 12 hours the post went completely vitriolic and off topic to the point that the mods felt it necessary to close the topic. Terrible as I didn’t even get a chance to read anything before it was cleaned and then closed. I am reposting it here in effort to actually have a clean discussion. If you cannot keep it civil and on topic please do not post here. I do not want another thread closed because of a few posters inability to be civil.


The original post as follows:
So, recently I seen a post put up by vox claiming, yet again, that Obama won term 2 based on the fact that the ‘purists’ stayed home. This really needs a thread all its own because I am tired of hearing this monumental mischaracterization of those that no longer accept the corruption of the republicans. For some reason, these people think that we should vote for a politician that does not represent us or really stand for anything that we stand for.

Just what is it YOU stand for? This sounds like a lowering-the-bar argument for excusing the current administration...:confused:
Recently, I started a thread in the politics section asking an honest question of the posters here. Within 12 hours the post went completely vitriolic and off topic to the point that the mods felt it necessary to close the topic. Terrible as I didn’t even get a chance to read anything before it was cleaned and then closed. I am reposting it here in effort to actually have a clean discussion. If you cannot keep it civil and on topic please do not post here. I do not want another thread closed because of a few posters inability to be civil.


The original post as follows:
So, recently I seen a post put up by vox claiming, yet again, that Obama won term 2 based on the fact that the ‘purists’ stayed home. This really needs a thread all its own because I am tired of hearing this monumental mischaracterization of those that no longer accept the corruption of the republicans. For some reason, these people think that we should vote for a politician that does not represent us or really stand for anything that we stand for.

Just what is it YOU stand for? This sounds like a lowering-the-bar argument for excusing the current administration...:confused:

I stand for smaller government. I stand for removing the military from the convoluted positions that it holds across the world. I stand for a fair tax (true fair tax, NOT rising taxes on those that are not me) removing the government from meddling in the economy, rolling back regulations that do not protect the customer or American people, against corporate cronyism and bail outs, and for increased liberty and freedom. I could extrapolate on anything here but I think you get the idea. It seems you are getting the wrong impression form the OP as though I was a progressive asking why a democrat would vote for a republican. I am far from that. I loathe almost all the initiatives that the democrats stand for (there are a few that we agree on but it is just a few) and it is HIGHLY unlikely that I would vote for a democrat. I am the perfect target for the GOP considering that I *should* be far close aligned with their political positions. I, however, find that does not seem to be true. Here I am asking for some of them to prove me wrong.

I tire of getting accused of being the reason that the republicans cannot win an election. Quite frankly, someone is going to have to show me WHY I should vote republican rather than assuming that they are entitled to my vote.

Again, why should I vote republican?
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Republican establishment is the local train to one world government and end of the USA, Dems are the Express

If the destinations are the same then I have no reason to vote for the opposition. This is the same argument that the other thread tried to get into before it was smashed by flaming. I fail to see how claiming that you are going to destroy the nation at a slower rate is a good position to win voters with. How about I vote for the person that is NOT going to destroy the nation.
It's NOT a good position, but the average voter doesn't understand that. That's the beauty of the system; False choice.

When my kids were young my wife and I would take them clothes shopping and they'd never decide what they like or want. We learned that the way to do it is to pick out any two shirts, pants or shoes and let them choose.

We chose what they were gonna' get while they're happy thinking they actually made their own choice. See how that works?

It's the same in Politics, candidates from both sides a pre-chosen. You don't think Trillions of Dollars of Government money and Contracts are gonna' be controlled by the average, dumbed down American do you?
Republican establishment is the local train to one world government and end of the USA, Dems are the Express

If the destinations are the same then I have no reason to vote for the opposition. This is the same argument that the other thread tried to get into before it was smashed by flaming. I fail to see how claiming that you are going to destroy the nation at a slower rate is a good position to win voters with. How about I vote for the person that is NOT going to destroy the nation.
It's NOT a good position, but the average voter doesn't understand that. That's the beauty of the system; False choice.

When my kids were young my wife and I would take them clothes shopping and they'd never decide what they like or want. We learned that the way to do it is to pick out any two shirts, pants or shoes and let them choose.

We chose what they were gonna' get while they're happy thinking they actually made their own choice. See how that works?

It's the same in Politics, candidates from both sides a pre-chosen. You don't think Trillions of Dollars of Government money and Contracts are gonna' be controlled by the average, dumbed down American do you?

It worked for Obama.
Recently, I started a thread in the politics section asking an honest question of the posters here. Within 12 hours the post went completely vitriolic and off topic to the point that the mods felt it necessary to close the topic. Terrible as I didn’t even get a chance to read anything before it was cleaned and then closed. I am reposting it here in effort to actually have a clean discussion. If you cannot keep it civil and on topic please do not post here. I do not want another thread closed because of a few posters inability to be civil.


The original post as follows:
So, recently I seen a post put up by vox claiming, yet again, that Obama won term 2 based on the fact that the ‘purists’ stayed home. This really needs a thread all its own because I am tired of hearing this monumental mischaracterization of those that no longer accept the corruption of the republicans. For some reason, these people think that we should vote for a politician that does not represent us or really stand for anything that we stand for. For this, they refer to us as ‘purist.’ I find that term funny as it does not fit me in the slightest. I am not looking for the perfect candidate – he does not exist – but I AM looking for someone that at least represents a sliver of what I stand for and the republicans are not placing people in power that fit that description.

This all leads me to one simple question: why should I vote for you?

Republicans, tell me, why should I vote republican? What stances does the party actually represent (in actions mind you, not just useless rhetoric) that you think I should cast a vote for your candidate? Here is your chance to show how we are ‘purists’ by showing us what stances your party has that represent the values I hold. Good luck.

The option in 2012 was Obama or Romney. Neither a good choice, but anyone that chose not to vote for Romney cause they did not like him actually supported the 2nd term for Obama. And can you Honestly tell me THAT was a better choice?
Recently, I started a thread in the politics section asking an honest question of the posters here. Within 12 hours the post went completely vitriolic and off topic to the point that the mods felt it necessary to close the topic. Terrible as I didn’t even get a chance to read anything before it was cleaned and then closed. I am reposting it here in effort to actually have a clean discussion. If you cannot keep it civil and on topic please do not post here. I do not want another thread closed because of a few posters inability to be civil.


The original post as follows:
So, recently I seen a post put up by vox claiming, yet again, that Obama won term 2 based on the fact that the ‘purists’ stayed home. This really needs a thread all its own because I am tired of hearing this monumental mischaracterization of those that no longer accept the corruption of the republicans. For some reason, these people think that we should vote for a politician that does not represent us or really stand for anything that we stand for. For this, they refer to us as ‘purist.’ I find that term funny as it does not fit me in the slightest. I am not looking for the perfect candidate – he does not exist – but I AM looking for someone that at least represents a sliver of what I stand for and the republicans are not placing people in power that fit that description.

This all leads me to one simple question: why should I vote for you?

Republicans, tell me, why should I vote republican? What stances does the party actually represent (in actions mind you, not just useless rhetoric) that you think I should cast a vote for your candidate? Here is your chance to show how we are ‘purists’ by showing us what stances your party has that represent the values I hold. Good luck.

The option in 2012 was Obama or Romney. Neither a good choice, but anyone that chose not to vote for Romney cause they did not like him actually supported the 2nd term for Obama. And can you Honestly tell me THAT was a better choice?

Because you STILL seem to think that there are 2 choices and only 2. That is completely false and you know it. Again, all I am getting here is that Obama was so terrible that I HAD to vote for another that did not represent anything I stand for (as no one has bothered to actually point out all the wonderful things the republicans are standing for). What has the party been reduced to when the best they can do is say ‘well I know that I don’t stand for anything you do or have any arguments for my positions BUT you don’t want THAT guy to be president, do you?’

Really, if that is the best that you can do then the situation is FAR worse than I thought and Obama just might be better. I men, WOW, not a single point as to why the republicans are a good vote just vitriol against the other guy.

If you think that voting for another is like voting for Obama, you are the problem with the entire system. I am not going to vote for a politician because I hate. Not going to happen. Won’t vote for him out of fear either. If you want my vote – try earning it.

NOW; why should I vote for republicans?
Recently, I started a thread in the politics section asking an honest question of the posters here. Within 12 hours the post went completely vitriolic and off topic to the point that the mods felt it necessary to close the topic. Terrible as I didn’t even get a chance to read anything before it was cleaned and then closed. I am reposting it here in effort to actually have a clean discussion. If you cannot keep it civil and on topic please do not post here. I do not want another thread closed because of a few posters inability to be civil.


The original post as follows:
So, recently I seen a post put up by vox claiming, yet again, that Obama won term 2 based on the fact that the ‘purists’ stayed home. This really needs a thread all its own because I am tired of hearing this monumental mischaracterization of those that no longer accept the corruption of the republicans. For some reason, these people think that we should vote for a politician that does not represent us or really stand for anything that we stand for. For this, they refer to us as ‘purist.’ I find that term funny as it does not fit me in the slightest. I am not looking for the perfect candidate – he does not exist – but I AM looking for someone that at least represents a sliver of what I stand for and the republicans are not placing people in power that fit that description.

This all leads me to one simple question: why should I vote for you?

Republicans, tell me, why should I vote republican? What stances does the party actually represent (in actions mind you, not just useless rhetoric) that you think I should cast a vote for your candidate? Here is your chance to show how we are ‘purists’ by showing us what stances your party has that represent the values I hold. Good luck.
My simple question is, "What have republican's done to earn votes?"

What have they done "for" this country in the last 8 years?
You "should" vote for whoever you want to vote for. Just be prepared to live with the results. If you think the country will survive longer enough for a third party to gain control of the government, so be it. Hasn't happened in the last 150 years. Instead, we elected Woodrow Wilson and Bill Clinton with barely 40% of the vote. Great idea.
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You have 4 choices in voting.
1) Democrat. The Democrats represent all that is wrong with this country. They consistently vote higher taxes, more regulations, more bureaucracy. The Democrats have not passed a budget in Congress in 5 years. They represent corruption, using Federal power to undermine political opposition. No one in good conscience can vote for Democrats.

2) Third Party. I dont care if it's the Greens, the Communists, The Libertarians or whatever. Third parties don't win in national elections. Anyone voting 3rd party is irrelevant to the conversation.

3) Don't vote. See under Third Party.

4) GOP. Many in the GOP are nearly indistinguishable from the Democrats. The party as a whole has flubbed many issues. When they had power in Congress they went on a spending spree that made Dems envious. Some members are rank hypocrites. Others are crooks. Many are really clueless morons.
But not all of them. And there are many in the GOP who understand what small gov't and economic freedom mean. Many of them are very decent men with integrity. They are the only party with a chance of beating the Democrats. Not voting for them is letting the perfect be the enemy of the good.
Recently, I started a thread in the politics section asking an honest question of the posters here. Within 12 hours the post went completely vitriolic and off topic to the point that the mods felt it necessary to close the topic. Terrible as I didn’t even get a chance to read anything before it was cleaned and then closed. I am reposting it here in effort to actually have a clean discussion. If you cannot keep it civil and on topic please do not post here. I do not want another thread closed because of a few posters inability to be civil.


The original post as follows:
So, recently I seen a post put up by vox claiming, yet again, that Obama won term 2 based on the fact that the ‘purists’ stayed home. This really needs a thread all its own because I am tired of hearing this monumental mischaracterization of those that no longer accept the corruption of the republicans. For some reason, these people think that we should vote for a politician that does not represent us or really stand for anything that we stand for. For this, they refer to us as ‘purist.’ I find that term funny as it does not fit me in the slightest. I am not looking for the perfect candidate – he does not exist – but I AM looking for someone that at least represents a sliver of what I stand for and the republicans are not placing people in power that fit that description.

This all leads me to one simple question: why should I vote for you?

Republicans, tell me, why should I vote republican? What stances does the party actually represent (in actions mind you, not just useless rhetoric) that you think I should cast a vote for your candidate? Here is your chance to show how we are ‘purists’ by showing us what stances your party has that represent the values I hold. Good luck.

There are of course many of us who have never voted for anyone since we began voting, we only vote against a given candidate.

Consequently we’re unable to answer your question.

But in our perception of modern American politics, one has only two choices: vote against someone he doesn’t wish to see in office, or don’t vote at all.

Given that the latter is inappropriate, particularly if one wishes to participate in political discourse, we’re compelled to select the former.
Republican establishment is the local train to one world government and end of the USA, Dems are the Express

If the destinations are the same then I have no reason to vote for the opposition. This is the same argument that the other thread tried to get into before it was smashed by flaming. I fail to see how claiming that you are going to destroy the nation at a slower rate is a good position to win voters with. How about I vote for the person that is NOT going to destroy the nation.
It's NOT a good position, but the average voter doesn't understand that. That's the beauty of the system; False choice.

When my kids were young my wife and I would take them clothes shopping and they'd never decide what they like or want. We learned that the way to do it is to pick out any two shirts, pants or shoes and let them choose.

We chose what they were gonna' get while they're happy thinking they actually made their own choice. See how that works?

It's the same in Politics, candidates from both sides a pre-chosen. You don't think Trillions of Dollars of Government money and Contracts are gonna' be controlled by the average, dumbed down American do you?

Been in that scenario.

Very succinct analogy.
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Recently, I started a thread in the politics section asking an honest question of the posters here. Within 12 hours the post went completely vitriolic and off topic to the point that the mods felt it necessary to close the topic. Terrible as I didn’t even get a chance to read anything before it was cleaned and then closed. I am reposting it here in effort to actually have a clean discussion. If you cannot keep it civil and on topic please do not post here. I do not want another thread closed because of a few posters inability to be civil.


The original post as follows:
So, recently I seen a post put up by vox claiming, yet again, that Obama won term 2 based on the fact that the ‘purists’ stayed home. This really needs a thread all its own because I am tired of hearing this monumental mischaracterization of those that no longer accept the corruption of the republicans. For some reason, these people think that we should vote for a politician that does not represent us or really stand for anything that we stand for. For this, they refer to us as ‘purist.’ I find that term funny as it does not fit me in the slightest. I am not looking for the perfect candidate – he does not exist – but I AM looking for someone that at least represents a sliver of what I stand for and the republicans are not placing people in power that fit that description.

This all leads me to one simple question: why should I vote for you?

Republicans, tell me, why should I vote republican? What stances does the party actually represent (in actions mind you, not just useless rhetoric) that you think I should cast a vote for your candidate? Here is your chance to show how we are ‘purists’ by showing us what stances your party has that represent the values I hold. Good luck.

There are of course many of us who have never voted for anyone since we began voting, we only vote against a given candidate.

Consequently we’re unable to answer your question.

But in our perception of modern American politics, one has only two choices: vote against someone he doesn’t wish to see in office, or don’t vote at all.

Given that the latter is inappropriate, particularly if one wishes to participate in political discourse, we’re compelled to select the former.

Some do, yes and that is particularly sad as it is one of the root causes in the breakdown of the system.

If that is the only reason that you can give for voting for a candidate though, it means that your position is extremely lacking.

By the way, the latter is actually MORE inappropriate than the former. When you vote you are expressing your direct support of the positions that the chosen politician holds no matter what your reasons are. As pointed out earlier, if you vote for a candidate that supports rape because the other one supports eating babies then you have essentially supported rape all the while ignoring the candidate to the side that does not support either. The one you voted for will also hold the same views next year as well because you have already supported his position, why change.
You have 4 choices in voting.
1) Democrat. The Democrats represent all that is wrong with this country. They consistently vote higher taxes, more regulations, more bureaucracy. The Democrats have not passed a budget in Congress in 5 years. They represent corruption, using Federal power to undermine political opposition. No one in good conscience can vote for Democrats.

2) Third Party. I dont care if it's the Greens, the Communists, The Libertarians or whatever. Third parties don't win in national elections. Anyone voting 3rd party is irrelevant to the conversation.

3) Don't vote. See under Third Party.

4) GOP. Many in the GOP are nearly indistinguishable from the Democrats. The party as a whole has flubbed many issues. When they had power in Congress they went on a spending spree that made Dems envious. Some members are rank hypocrites. Others are crooks. Many are really clueless morons.
But not all of them. And there are many in the GOP who understand what small gov't and economic freedom mean. Many of them are very decent men with integrity. They are the only party with a chance of beating the Democrats. Not voting for them is letting the perfect be the enemy of the good.

2 and 4 are contradictory. Either 3rd parties are irrelevant or they influence elections, you can’t have it both ways.

Again, we have the same excuse over and over. The idea that I MUST vote for the republican because the democrats are worse. That means that all you really have is hate for the other side. That is not a reason to vote republican, it is a reason to not vote democrat.

As for ‘perfect,’ no one is asking for perfect. I have not asked for perfect in any way. All I asked for were simple reasons to vote republican and so far I have not received one single reason. I don’t want perfect but I do want SOMETHING to vote for.
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2) Third Party. I dont care if it's the Greens, the Communists, The Libertarians or whatever. Third parties don't win in national elections. Anyone voting 3rd party is irrelevant to the conversation.

They're irrelevant to your conversation. But if the conversation concerns the outcome of the election, they're quite relevant. As the two party supporters are there to remind us, if everyone opposed to Obama had voted for Romney, Romney would have won. But they didn't, and Romney lost.
In 2008 I voted for the Constitutional Party candidate rather than McCain. However, I am in a dark red state, and there was little doubt that McCain would take the all the electoral votes.

In 2012 I voted for Romney, although I could have justified voting 3rd party the way I did in 2008.

Why vote for Romney (republican)

1. Possible repeal of Obama Care.
2. More friendly to fossil fuels.
3. Romney would be less likely to regulate us to death resulting in better job growth.

There's three reasons. However, we never know what someone will actually do if voted into office.
2) Third Party. I dont care if it's the Greens, the Communists, The Libertarians or whatever. Third parties don't win in national elections. Anyone voting 3rd party is irrelevant to the conversation.

They're irrelevant to your conversation. But if the conversation concerns the outcome of the election, they're quite relevant. As the two party supporters are there to remind us, if everyone opposed to Obama had voted for Romney, Romney would have won. But they didn't, and Romney lost.

And that got them, what?
2) Third Party. I dont care if it's the Greens, the Communists, The Libertarians or whatever. Third parties don't win in national elections. Anyone voting 3rd party is irrelevant to the conversation.

They're irrelevant to your conversation. But if the conversation concerns the outcome of the election, they're quite relevant. As the two party supporters are there to remind us, if everyone opposed to Obama had voted for Romney, Romney would have won. But they didn't, and Romney lost.

And that got them, what?

More political support for the issues we're concerned about.
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