Report: Security Clearances Revoked, Criminal Charges Pending For ATF Fast and Furiou


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
Report: Security Clearances Revoked, Criminal Charges Pending For ATF Fast and Furious Officials​

By: Katie Pavlich

Report: Security Clearances Revoked, Criminal Charges Pending For ATF Fast and Furious Officials

Washington D.C. - According to credible ATF sources, officials heavily involved in Operation Fast and Furious and named as partially responsible for the program's failure by Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz and the House Oversight Committee have been stripped of their government security clearances while some have been fired, demoted, and transferred. Criminal charges are also reportedly pending.

Former ATF Special Agent in Charge of the Phoenix Field Division Bill Newell, former ATF Special Agent in Charge of Operations in the West Bill McMahon and former Assistant Special Agent in Charge of the Phoenix Field Division George Gillett have been fired while former Assistant Special Agent in Charge Jim Needles and Field Supervisor David Voth have been demoted. Hope McAllister, the lead case agent for Fast and Furious, has been put on leave and transferred out of Phoenix according to reports. McMahon and ATF came under heavy fire just a few months ago after it was revealed McMahon had been receiving ATF paid leave while pulling a six figure salary from J.P. Morgan, the same bank that owns the bureau's credit cards.

In addition to involvement in Operation Fast and Furious, the consequences for these officials come as a result of their handling of the Jay Dobyns' arson case. All are expected to receive full retirement benefits.

The ATF Public Affairs Division did not return calls for comment. The Department of Justice Inspector General's Office said they would get back to Townhall with a comment "sometime next week."


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Report: Security Clearances Revoked, Criminal Charges Pending For ATF Fast and Furious Officials - Katie Pavlich
amazing what happens when they do an investigation. i sure dont see anyone from the WH, DOJ, or Joint Chiefs on that list of people.

the wingnuts heads must be spinning.
Nope, we just know that once again someone is the fall guy for the idiots in charge;aka obamaturd and holder.
and the wingnut logic continues....
At least us conservatives have logic, unlike the idiots on the left.
Nope, we just know that once again someone is the fall guy for the idiots in charge;aka obamaturd and holder.
and the wingnut logic continues....
At least us conservatives have logic, unlike the idiots on the left.
logic? when we actually see some from you we'll let you know.

if there was a republican you wouldnt even care about this situation.

where are the WMD from the war the GOP started in Iraq? are you upset over that? that cost over 4800 US lives.

Fast and Furious cost 2.

wheres your wingnut logic in that?
and the wingnut logic continues....
At least us conservatives have logic, unlike the idiots on the left.
logic? when we actually see some from you we'll let you know.

if there was a republican you wouldnt even care about this situation.

where are the WMD from the war the GOP started in Iraq? are you upset over that? that cost over 4800 US lives.

Fast and Furious cost 2.

wheres your wingnut logic in that?
I guess the time and evidence of Hussein moving his weapons out of country just completely fooled you libtards. Hussein delayed long enough to move them. I remember a report about a boat in the Mediterranean sea with iraqi weapons on it.
At least us conservatives have logic, unlike the idiots on the left.
logic? when we actually see some from you we'll let you know.

if there was a republican you wouldnt even care about this situation.

where are the WMD from the war the GOP started in Iraq? are you upset over that? that cost over 4800 US lives.

Fast and Furious cost 2.

wheres your wingnut logic in that?
I guess the time and evidence of Hussein moving his weapons out of country just completely fooled you libtards. Hussein delayed long enough to move them. I remember a report about a boat in the Mediterranean sea with iraqi weapons on it.
what evidence? link? post? photos? video? anything? any proof at all?
Well for what we were told was nothing something sure seems as if it is happening. I guess the new phrase will be, "the buck stops with some unknown underling."
McMahon and ATF came under heavy fire just a few months ago after it was revealed McMahon had been receiving ATF paid leave while pulling a six figure salary from J.P. Morgan, the same bank that owns the bureau's credit cards.
They OWN the bureau's credit cards AND they OWN this country.
In addition to involvement in Operation Fast and Furious, the consequences for these officials come as a result of their handling of the Jay Dobyns' arson case. All are expected to receive full retirement benefits.
So, where's the "Justice"?
and the wingnut logic continues....
At least us conservatives have logic, unlike the idiots on the left.
logic? when we actually see some from you we'll let you know.

if there was a republican you wouldnt even care about this situation.

where are the WMD from the war the GOP started in Iraq? are you upset over that? that cost over 4800 US lives.

Fast and Furious cost 2.

wheres your wingnut logic in that?

We have under the Oblamer regime finally decided that the WMD NOT found in Iraq in 2003 were shipped to Syria by Saddam Hussein. That is why Oblamer has been so concerned about all the Syrian WMD of Sarin, mustard and other dangerous gases.
As to the number of KIA in Iraq from 2003 to 2011. It appears that Obama has managed to accumulate over 2,000 KIA in Afghanistan in less than 4 years. hmm..? Have you compalined about that yet?
Hmmmm, the little guys are taking the punishment while Holder and Obamination play stupid back in DC.

I bet removing their security clearances is an attempt to prevent them from bringing up emails they got from DC telling them what to do in F&F.

I expect some of these guys will ask for Obamination and Holder to take the their charges will quickly be dropped.

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