Report: Median Income Worse Now Than It Was During Great Recession


Conservative Babe
Feb 6, 2011
Report: Median Income Worse Now Than It Was During Great Recession « CBS DC

This Appeasement President has totally screwed up the economy with his RABID spending and liberals sit on this forum foaming at the mouth over Romney's tax returns. Bunch of damn idiots.

An excerpt:

A new report put out by the Pew Research Center finds that the median income is worse now than it was during the Great Recession.

According to Pew, the Census Bureau showed that the median income for American households in 2009 – the official end of the Great Recession – was $52,195 (in 2011 dollars), while the median income dipped to $50,054 last year, falling 4.1 percent over two years.

“The decrease in household income from 2009 to 2011 almost exactly equaled the decrease in income in the two years of the recession,” the Pew report stated. “During the Great Recession, the median U.S. household income (in 2011 dollars) dropped from $54,489 in 2007 to $52,195 in 2009, a loss of 4.2 percent. By this yardstick, the recovery from the Great Recession is bypassing the nation’s households.”

Bush fucked us really long time.
You cann't sink lower than "WORSE THAN THE GREAT DEPRESSION." Obama has spent us in to bankruptcy and yet the Fed is pumping out 40 BILLION dollars a month.. INSANE, CRAZY.. Ron Paul is holding hearings and DEMANDING the Fed account.. ENOUGH is enough.. It's time to get rid of the CORRUPT FED RESERVE and sweep the nation this November for fiscal discipline.
Don't look now but here comes MASSIVE inflation.. thanks to the Obama Administration and the Fed..


Who will this hurt??? LOWER INCOME FAMILIES and people.. What kind of IDIOT policy prints WORTHLESS fiat at the tune of 40 BILLION a month with 16 trillion dollars of debt????????????? This Administration, that's who.. Most believe now it's purposeful, to speed up the collapse.. Make no mistake about it, Obama would loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee to declare Martial Law if there were a crash and a run on banks.. it's right up his Dictator's alley.. What American family has a printing machine that when they are hundreds of millions in debt, they can just print up some money?? WHO THE FUCK EVEN THINKS THIS WAY??? L I B E R A L S----Hellbent on destroying capitalism and our country as we know it.
What has Bernanke's and Obama's wreckless money printing machine gotten us??? Buying 40 billion of mortgate securities A MONTH??????????????????

Mortgage Lending Slid to 16-Year Low in 2011 -

Mortgage Loans Hit 16-Year Low as Standards Tighten

OMG, reallly???????????? WHO COULD HAVE SEEN THAT???!!!!!!! LIBERALISM destroys, inhabits and drains the blood from a free society. Socialism and Liberty CANNOT coexist.

It's time to dump the Communists from our leadership.. These same moronic socialist policies have failed all over Europe and the world.. and created chaos, a world in recession.. Now we have these ASSCLOWNS lying their asses off and running for cover blaming everything and everyone and anything.. They will do anything for power.

Romney/Ryan 2012.. With SCOTUS appointments up for nomination, the failing economy on the cliff, and absolute chaos on foreign policy we cannot allow this Admin to remain or there won't be a free US left in 4 years.
Report: Median Income Worse Now Than It Was During Great Recession « CBS DC

This Appeasement President has totally screwed up the economy with his RABID spending and liberals sit on this forum foaming at the mouth over Romney's tax returns. Bunch of damn idiots.

An excerpt:

A new report put out by the Pew Research Center finds that the median income is worse now than it was during the Great Recession.

According to Pew, the Census Bureau showed that the median income for American households in 2009 – the official end of the Great Recession – was $52,195 (in 2011 dollars), while the median income dipped to $50,054 last year, falling 4.1 percent over two years.

“The decrease in household income from 2009 to 2011 almost exactly equaled the decrease in income in the two years of the recession,” the Pew report stated. “During the Great Recession, the median U.S. household income (in 2011 dollars) dropped from $54,489 in 2007 to $52,195 in 2009, a loss of 4.2 percent. By this yardstick, the recovery from the Great Recession is bypassing the nation’s households.”


In terms of puchasing power, the middle class and lower has been losing purchaing power for nearly 40 YEARS.

Now, thanks to both party's rather idiotic policies the working classes aren't just losing purchaing power, their incomes are actually declining.

And NOTHING either candidate is proposing is really going to do a damned think to solve the FUNDAMENTAL ECONOMIC problems these stupid stupid policies have caused, either.

READ THAT AGAIN, citizens...

And NOTHING either candidate is proposing is really going to do a damned think to solve the FUNDAMENTAL ECONOMIC problems these stupid stupid policies have caused.
Report: Median Income Worse Now Than It Was During Great Recession « CBS DC

This Appeasement President has totally screwed up the economy with his RABID spending and liberals sit on this forum foaming at the mouth over Romney's tax returns. Bunch of damn idiots.

An excerpt:

A new report put out by the Pew Research Center finds that the median income is worse now than it was during the Great Recession.

According to Pew, the Census Bureau showed that the median income for American households in 2009 – the official end of the Great Recession – was $52,195 (in 2011 dollars), while the median income dipped to $50,054 last year, falling 4.1 percent over two years.

“The decrease in household income from 2009 to 2011 almost exactly equaled the decrease in income in the two years of the recession,” the Pew report stated. “During the Great Recession, the median U.S. household income (in 2011 dollars) dropped from $54,489 in 2007 to $52,195 in 2009, a loss of 4.2 percent. By this yardstick, the recovery from the Great Recession is bypassing the nation’s households.”


In terms of puchasing power, the middle class and lower has been losing purchaing power for nearly 40 YEARS.

Now, thanks to both party's rather idiotic policies the working classes aren't just losing purchaing power, their incomes are actually declining.

And NOTHING either candidate is proposing is really going to do a damned think to solve the FUNDAMENTAL ECONOMIC problems these stupid stupid policies have caused, either.

READ THAT AGAIN, citizens...

And NOTHING either candidate is proposing is really going to do a damned think to solve the FUNDAMENTAL ECONOMIC problems these stupid stupid policies have caused.


'"The Material Well-Being of the Poor and the Middle Class Since 1980" (10/25/2011) is a research paper by professor Bruce D. Meyer of the University of Chicago and The National Bureau of Economic Research and professor James X. Sullivan of the University of Notre Dame. In it they report: "Our results show evidence of considerable improvement in material well-being for both the middle class and the poor over the past three decades. Median income and consumption both rose by more than 50 percent in real terms between 1980 and 2009. In addition, the middle 20 percent of the income distribution experienced noticeable improvements in housing characteristics: living units became bigger and much more likely to have air conditioning and other features. The quality of the cars these families own also improved considerably. Similarly, we find strong evidence of improvement in the material well-being of poor families."

Poverty in America? - Walter E. Williams - [page]

Report: Median Income Worse Now Than It Was During Great Recession « CBS DC

This Appeasement President has totally screwed up the economy with his RABID spending and liberals sit on this forum foaming at the mouth over Romney's tax returns. Bunch of damn idiots.

An excerpt:

A new report put out by the Pew Research Center finds that the median income is worse now than it was during the Great Recession.

According to Pew, the Census Bureau showed that the median income for American households in 2009 – the official end of the Great Recession – was $52,195 (in 2011 dollars), while the median income dipped to $50,054 last year, falling 4.1 percent over two years.

“The decrease in household income from 2009 to 2011 almost exactly equaled the decrease in income in the two years of the recession,” the Pew report stated. “During the Great Recession, the median U.S. household income (in 2011 dollars) dropped from $54,489 in 2007 to $52,195 in 2009, a loss of 4.2 percent. By this yardstick, the recovery from the Great Recession is bypassing the nation’s households.”


In terms of puchasing power, the middle class and lower has been losing purchaing power for nearly 40 YEARS.

Now, thanks to both party's rather idiotic policies the working classes aren't just losing purchaing power, their incomes are actually declining.

And NOTHING either candidate is proposing is really going to do a damned think to solve the FUNDAMENTAL ECONOMIC problems these stupid stupid policies have caused, either.

READ THAT AGAIN, citizens...

And NOTHING either candidate is proposing is really going to do a damned think to solve the FUNDAMENTAL ECONOMIC problems these stupid stupid policies have caused.

As with everything about the economy, it all goes back 80 years and for eighty years politicians have put into place policies that led to 2008 and the policies of the current front running candidates show no signs of turning us around.

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