Report: Insurers profit from climate alarmism


Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2010
On the way to the Dark Tower.
Report: Insurers profit from climate alarmism
Does this explain why MIT meteorologist and alarmist Kerry Emanuel is a board member of at least two insurers?

The Consumer Federation of America says in a new report:

There are many conclusions to be drawn from the reduced losses that insurers have experienced in recent years.

The prime conclusion is that the insurance industry has moved from its historic role as a calculated risk-taker to one of a risk-avoider, exposing consumers and taxpayers to much higher costs. Not only have insurers insulated themselves from their historic share of hurricane risk, they have made no serious effort to write flood risk and terrorism risk, which are entirely backed by federal taxpayers.

Although insurers have become adept at shifting the cost of catastrophe losses to others, they still use catastrophic weather events to advocate for measures that would shift risk even more, such as higher rates, or putting more policyholders in pools or created taxpayer-supported entities. Thus, many consumers exposed to catastrophe weather risk are also vulnerable to insurer attempts to unjustifiably increase rates or hollow out coverage…​

We reported earlier this year that Emanuel worked for two insurance companies — an affiliation that he failed to disclose on at least one published study in Nature.

And we still await the results of the Nature investigation.

Click for the CFA report.​
Report: Insurers profit from climate alarmism
Does this explain why MIT meteorologist and alarmist Kerry Emanuel is a board member of at least two insurers?

The Consumer Federation of America says in a new report:

There are many conclusions to be drawn from the reduced losses that insurers have experienced in recent years.

The prime conclusion is that the insurance industry has moved from its historic role as a calculated risk-taker to one of a risk-avoider, exposing consumers and taxpayers to much higher costs. Not only have insurers insulated themselves from their historic share of hurricane risk, they have made no serious effort to write flood risk and terrorism risk, which are entirely backed by federal taxpayers.

Although insurers have become adept at shifting the cost of catastrophe losses to others, they still use catastrophic weather events to advocate for measures that would shift risk even more, such as higher rates, or putting more policyholders in pools or created taxpayer-supported entities. Thus, many consumers exposed to catastrophe weather risk are also vulnerable to insurer attempts to unjustifiably increase rates or hollow out coverage…​

We reported earlier this year that Emanuel worked for two insurance companies — an affiliation that he failed to disclose on at least one published study in Nature.

And we still await the results of the Nature investigation.

Click for the CFA report.​

oh no their is no agenda behind global warming. They care for us.:eusa_whistle:
Report: Insurers profit from climate alarmism
Does this explain why MIT meteorologist and alarmist Kerry Emanuel is a board member of at least two insurers?

The Consumer Federation of America says in a new report:

There are many conclusions to be drawn from the reduced losses that insurers have experienced in recent years.

The prime conclusion is that the insurance industry has moved from its historic role as a calculated risk-taker to one of a risk-avoider, exposing consumers and taxpayers to much higher costs. Not only have insurers insulated themselves from their historic share of hurricane risk, they have made no serious effort to write flood risk and terrorism risk, which are entirely backed by federal taxpayers.

Although insurers have become adept at shifting the cost of catastrophe losses to others, they still use catastrophic weather events to advocate for measures that would shift risk even more, such as higher rates, or putting more policyholders in pools or created taxpayer-supported entities. Thus, many consumers exposed to catastrophe weather risk are also vulnerable to insurer attempts to unjustifiably increase rates or hollow out coverage…​

We reported earlier this year that Emanuel worked for two insurance companies — an affiliation that he failed to disclose on at least one published study in Nature.

And we still await the results of the Nature investigation.

Click for the CFA report.​

oh no their is no agenda behind global warming. They care for us.:eusa_whistle:
World socialism is the only thing that can save us!
Report: Insurers profit from climate alarmism
Does this explain why MIT meteorologist and alarmist Kerry Emanuel is a board member of at least two insurers?

The Consumer Federation of America says in a new report:

There are many conclusions to be drawn from the reduced losses that insurers have experienced in recent years.

The prime conclusion is that the insurance industry has moved from its historic role as a calculated risk-taker to one of a risk-avoider, exposing consumers and taxpayers to much higher costs. Not only have insurers insulated themselves from their historic share of hurricane risk, they have made no serious effort to write flood risk and terrorism risk, which are entirely backed by federal taxpayers.

Although insurers have become adept at shifting the cost of catastrophe losses to others, they still use catastrophic weather events to advocate for measures that would shift risk even more, such as higher rates, or putting more policyholders in pools or created taxpayer-supported entities. Thus, many consumers exposed to catastrophe weather risk are also vulnerable to insurer attempts to unjustifiably increase rates or hollow out coverage…​

We reported earlier this year that Emanuel worked for two insurance companies — an affiliation that he failed to disclose on at least one published study in Nature.

And we still await the results of the Nature investigation.

Click for the CFA report.​

oh no their is no agenda behind global warming. They care for us.:eusa_whistle:
World socialism is the only thing that can save us!

Yeah they going to save us all

Just in the US.

NOAA: Extreme Weather 2011

From extreme drought, heat waves and floods to unprecedented tornado outbreaks, hurricanes, wildfires and winter storms, a record 14 weather and climate disasters in 2011 each caused $1 billion or more in damages — and most regrettably, loss of human lives and property. NOAA's National Weather Service has redoubled its efforts to create a "Weather-Ready Nation", where vulnerable communities are better prepared for extreme weather and other natural disasters.

NOAA forecasts, advisories, watches, warnings and community-based preparedness programs have been and will continue play an even greater role in enhancing the economy and saving lives. A Weather-Ready Nation is one in which businesses, governments and the public are armed with accurate forecasts and other critical information on which to make smart decisions to protect life and property when severe weather threatens.
Top 10 Global Weather Events of 2011 | ThinkProgress

A remarkable blitz of extreme weather events during 2011 caused a total of 32 weather disasters costing at least $1 billion worldwide. Five nations experienced their most expensive weather-related natural disasters on record during 2011 — Thailand, Australia, Colombia, Sri Lanka, and Cambodia.

According to insurance broker AON Benfield’s November Catastrophe Report, the U.S. was hit by no less than seventeen punishing multi-billion dollar extreme weather disasters in 2011; NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center official total is lower–twelve–but is likely to grow in number as additional damage statistics are tallied. Brazil experienced its deadliest weather-related natural disaster — a flash flood that killed 902 people in January, and the Philippines had its second deadliest flood ever, when Tropical Storm Washi killed over 1200 people in December
Top 10 Global Weather Events of 2011 | ThinkProgress

A remarkable blitz of extreme weather events during 2011 caused a total of 32 weather disasters costing at least $1 billion worldwide. Five nations experienced their most expensive weather-related natural disasters on record during 2011 — Thailand, Australia, Colombia, Sri Lanka, and Cambodia.

According to insurance broker AON Benfield’s November Catastrophe Report, the U.S. was hit by no less than seventeen punishing multi-billion dollar extreme weather disasters in 2011; NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center official total is lower–twelve–but is likely to grow in number as additional damage statistics are tallied. Brazil experienced its deadliest weather-related natural disaster — a flash flood that killed 902 people in January, and the Philippines had its second deadliest flood ever, when Tropical Storm Washi killed over 1200 people in December

think progress? :lol:
Think Progress is a far left organization that supports wealth redistribution efforts big time.......a spin off organization of The Center for American Progress!!! The people who run it are communists!! Its #1 donor is George Soros so thats all you have to know. The man hates his own country. His number one priority in life is destroying the American capitalistic system. The hordes of people who support AGW alarmism share the same priorities as Soros!!! Scaremongering using weather events helps facilitate that destruction.

To them, every single weather event is a catastrophy that has never been seen before.

But as I have astutely pointed out many times in recent weeks with volumes of links, epic flooding and other weather anomolies have been happening forever and many many of the worst happened pre-1975 and date back hundreds of years. The links are plentiful.:2up: Here is one..........

The globalist wealth redistribution utopians like those at Think Progress want people to think every weather event that happens in 2012 has never been seen before and proves global warming is fucking things up.:gay:
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Check out the fucked up weather events of the 20th century.................

Top U.S. Weather/Water/Climate Events (no particular order):

Click here for background on the climate/weather events listed below.

– Galveston Hurricane, 1900
historic photos: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

– Dust Bowl, 1930s
historic photos: 1, 2, 3

– Super Tornado Outbreak, 1974
All About Tornadoes

– Hurricane Camille, 1969
historic photos: 1, 2, 3, 4
Hurricane Camille photo page

– The Great Midwest Flood, 1993

– El Niño Episodes, 1982-83 & 1997-98

– Hurricane Andrew, 1992
Hurricane Andrew Photos: 1
Hurricane Andrew Report

– New England Hurricane, 1938
Historic photos: 1, 2

– Superstorm, 1993

– Tri-state Tornado, 1925

– Okla./Kan. Tornado Outbreak, 1999

– The Great Okeechobee Hurricane & Flood, 1928

– The Storm of the Century, 1950

– Florida Keys Hurricane, 1935

– New England Blizzard, 1978

Top Global Weather/Water/Climate Events (no particular order):

Click here for background on the climate/weather events listed below.

– Yangtze River Flood, China, 1931
– North Vietnam Flood, 1971
– Great Iran Flood, 1954
– Bangladesh Cyclone, 1970
– Bangladesh Cyclone, 1991
– China Typhoons, 1912, 1922
– Hurricane Mitch, Honduras & Nicaragua, 1998
– Typhoon Vera, Japan, 1958
– Typhoon Thelma, Philippines, 1991
– Asian Droughts (India 1900,1907,1965-67; China 1907,1928-30,1936,1941-42; and Soviet Union 1921-22)
– Sahel Drought, Africa, 1910-1914, 1940-44, 1970-85
– Iran Blizzard ,1972
– Europe Storm Surge, 1953
– Great Smog of London, 1952
– El Niño, 1982-83

NOAA News Online (Story 334)

The irony is, the AGW alarmist nutters could basically go back to most any year in the 20th century and cherry pick fucked up weather events and use them too predict gloom and doom for all. Imagine the hysteria they'd have concocted if it was 1914 after 4 years of African drought??:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::wink_2:
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Let's see, the "scientists" get grants from the left wing administration to come up with fake theories about global warming and they sit on corporate boards that tend to make a profit from the hysteria that they are paid to promote. Conflict of interest? Naaa.
Why does Daveman hate capitalism?

Report: Insurers profit from climate alarmism
Does this explain why MIT meteorologist and alarmist Kerry Emanuel is a board member of at least two insurers?

The Consumer Federation of America says in a new report:

There are many conclusions to be drawn from the reduced losses that insurers have experienced in recent years.

The prime conclusion is that the insurance industry has moved from its historic role as a calculated risk-taker to one of a risk-avoider, exposing consumers and taxpayers to much higher costs. Not only have insurers insulated themselves from their historic share of hurricane risk, they have made no serious effort to write flood risk and terrorism risk, which are entirely backed by federal taxpayers.

Although insurers have become adept at shifting the cost of catastrophe losses to others, they still use catastrophic weather events to advocate for measures that would shift risk even more, such as higher rates, or putting more policyholders in pools or created taxpayer-supported entities. Thus, many consumers exposed to catastrophe weather risk are also vulnerable to insurer attempts to unjustifiably increase rates or hollow out coverage…​

We reported earlier this year that Emanuel worked for two insurance companies — an affiliation that he failed to disclose on at least one published study in Nature.

And we still await the results of the Nature investigation.

Click for the CFA report.​
Why does Daveman hate capitalism?

Report: Insurers profit from climate alarmism
Does this explain why MIT meteorologist and alarmist Kerry Emanuel is a board member of at least two insurers?

The Consumer Federation of America says in a new report:

There are many conclusions to be drawn from the reduced losses that insurers have experienced in recent years.

The prime conclusion is that the insurance industry has moved from its historic role as a calculated risk-taker to one of a risk-avoider, exposing consumers and taxpayers to much higher costs. Not only have insurers insulated themselves from their historic share of hurricane risk, they have made no serious effort to write flood risk and terrorism risk, which are entirely backed by federal taxpayers.

Although insurers have become adept at shifting the cost of catastrophe losses to others, they still use catastrophic weather events to advocate for measures that would shift risk even more, such as higher rates, or putting more policyholders in pools or created taxpayer-supported entities. Thus, many consumers exposed to catastrophe weather risk are also vulnerable to insurer attempts to unjustifiably increase rates or hollow out coverage…​

We reported earlier this year that Emanuel worked for two insurance companies — an affiliation that he failed to disclose on at least one published study in Nature.

And we still await the results of the Nature investigation.

Click for the CFA report.​

Daveman doesn't hate capitalism. However, company puts politician under it's control into position of power to enact laws that benefit the company. What is that called again?

Oh yeah...FASCISM!
Why does Daveman hate capitalism?

Report: Insurers profit from climate alarmism
Does this explain why MIT meteorologist and alarmist Kerry Emanuel is a board member of at least two insurers?

The Consumer Federation of America says in a new report:

There are many conclusions to be drawn from the reduced losses that insurers have experienced in recent years.

The prime conclusion is that the insurance industry has moved from its historic role as a calculated risk-taker to one of a risk-avoider, exposing consumers and taxpayers to much higher costs. Not only have insurers insulated themselves from their historic share of hurricane risk, they have made no serious effort to write flood risk and terrorism risk, which are entirely backed by federal taxpayers.

Although insurers have become adept at shifting the cost of catastrophe losses to others, they still use catastrophic weather events to advocate for measures that would shift risk even more, such as higher rates, or putting more policyholders in pools or created taxpayer-supported entities. Thus, many consumers exposed to catastrophe weather risk are also vulnerable to insurer attempts to unjustifiably increase rates or hollow out coverage…​

We reported earlier this year that Emanuel worked for two insurance companies — an affiliation that he failed to disclose on at least one published study in Nature.

And we still await the results of the Nature investigation.

Click for the CFA report.​

Daveman doesn't hate capitalism. However, company puts politician under it's control into position of power to enact laws that benefit the company. What is that called again?

Oh yeah...FASCISM!

Free Market Capitalism.
Why does Daveman hate capitalism?

Daveman doesn't hate capitalism. However, company puts politician under it's control into position of power to enact laws that benefit the company. What is that called again?

Oh yeah...FASCISM!

Free Market Capitalism.

Ummmm, you're on the wrong planet with that assertion. On your planet what you say may be true. But here, on our world you are wrong.
Granny says the air's so smoggy ya can't see the forest fer the trees...
California’s smog threatens giant Sequoia redwoods
Wed, May 30, 2012 - The California forest that is home to the biggest and oldest living things on Earth, the giant Sequoia redwoods, also suffers a dubious distinction. It has the worst air pollution of any national park in the US.
“Ozone levels here are comparable to urban settings such as [Los Angeles],” said Emily Schrepf of the non-profit advocacy group the National Park Conservation Association. “It’s just not right.” Signs in visitor centers warn guests when it is not safe to hike. The government employment Web site warns job applicants that the workplace is unhealthy. Park workers are briefed every year on the lung and heart damage the pollution can cause. Although weakened trees are more susceptible to drought and pests, the long-term impact on the pines and on the giant redwoods that have been around for 3,000 years and more is unclear. “If this is happening in a national park that isn’t even close to an urban area, what do you think is happening in your backyard?” said Annie Esperanza, a park scientist who has studied air quality there for 30 years.

It is a problem in a handful of the nation’s 52 parks that are monitored constantly for ozone, including Joshua Tree National Park in California’s Mojave Desert and North Carolina’s Great Smoky Mountains National Park. However, none is as severe as Sequoia and its neighbor, Kings Canyon. While forest fires create some pollution, most comes from the San Joaquin Valley, the expanse of farmland that is home to California’s two busiest north-south trucking highways, diesel freight train corridors, food processing plants and tens of thousands of diesel tractors.

Smog is created when the sun’s rays hit pollutants such as oxides of nitrogen and volatile organic compounds that are in motor vehicle exhaust, solvents, pesticides, gasoline vapors and decaying dairy manure. “There is no simple answer to ozone pollution,” said Thomas Cahill, a researcher at the University of California, Davis, who studies air problem in Sequoia and across California. Breathing ozone at high levels for even a short time can blister the lungs like UV rays blister skin, scientists agree.

The only way to improve air in the park is to improve the San Joaquin air basin, something that so far has proved elusive given the myriad sources of pollution. Even with hundreds of millions of US dollars spent to retrofit diesel engines and replace gasoline lawnmowers with electric ones, residents pay a federal fine for the region’s failure to meet even minimal EPA ozone limits. “We don’t create a disproportionate amount of pollution; it’s just that we have these natural challenges, so that the pollution we do create can take literally weeks or months to clean out. It just builds up over time,” said Jaime Holt, spokeswoman for the valley air district. Already this year, the level of ozone in Sequoia park has exceeded federal health standards, even though it is early in the summer ozone season. During the June-to-September summer season last year, the park violated the National Ambient Air Quality standard at least 87 times, compared with 56 times at Joshua Tree and 12 times at Great Smoky Mountains.

California?s smog threatens giant Sequoia redwoods - Taipei Times
Why does Daveman hate capitalism?

Report: Insurers profit from climate alarmism
Does this explain why MIT meteorologist and alarmist Kerry Emanuel is a board member of at least two insurers?

The Consumer Federation of America says in a new report:

There are many conclusions to be drawn from the reduced losses that insurers have experienced in recent years.

The prime conclusion is that the insurance industry has moved from its historic role as a calculated risk-taker to one of a risk-avoider, exposing consumers and taxpayers to much higher costs. Not only have insurers insulated themselves from their historic share of hurricane risk, they have made no serious effort to write flood risk and terrorism risk, which are entirely backed by federal taxpayers.

Although insurers have become adept at shifting the cost of catastrophe losses to others, they still use catastrophic weather events to advocate for measures that would shift risk even more, such as higher rates, or putting more policyholders in pools or created taxpayer-supported entities. Thus, many consumers exposed to catastrophe weather risk are also vulnerable to insurer attempts to unjustifiably increase rates or hollow out coverage…​

We reported earlier this year that Emanuel worked for two insurance companies — an affiliation that he failed to disclose on at least one published study in Nature.

And we still await the results of the Nature investigation.

Click for the CFA report.​
I don't. I have no problem at all with companies profiting from stupid people.

Got your global warming coverage yet?
Why does Daveman hate capitalism?

Report: Insurers profit from climate alarmism
Does this explain why MIT meteorologist and alarmist Kerry Emanuel is a board member of at least two insurers?

The Consumer Federation of America says in a new report:

There are many conclusions to be drawn from the reduced losses that insurers have experienced in recent years.

The prime conclusion is that the insurance industry has moved from its historic role as a calculated risk-taker to one of a risk-avoider, exposing consumers and taxpayers to much higher costs. Not only have insurers insulated themselves from their historic share of hurricane risk, they have made no serious effort to write flood risk and terrorism risk, which are entirely backed by federal taxpayers.

Although insurers have become adept at shifting the cost of catastrophe losses to others, they still use catastrophic weather events to advocate for measures that would shift risk even more, such as higher rates, or putting more policyholders in pools or created taxpayer-supported entities. Thus, many consumers exposed to catastrophe weather risk are also vulnerable to insurer attempts to unjustifiably increase rates or hollow out coverage…​

We reported earlier this year that Emanuel worked for two insurance companies — an affiliation that he failed to disclose on at least one published study in Nature.

And we still await the results of the Nature investigation.

Click for the CFA report.​

Daveman doesn't hate capitalism. However, company puts politician under it's control into position of power to enact laws that benefit the company. What is that called again?

Oh yeah...FASCISM!
But it's For Our Own Good, so the left has no problem with it.
The far left nutters on this board simply ignore ANYTHING contrary to their ideology. You can see it clearly in any thread on this forum. If it doesnt conform, almost invariably, there is no retort.........just a repost of these science links that have been being posted up for years by these people. The psychological dynamic is actually a baseball player who goes up to bat and gets blown away with three straight fastballs and goes back to the dugout pumping his fist in celebration.

Like this link I posted up the other day on another thread....................

Apocalypse Fatigue: Losing the Public on Climate Change by Ted Nordhaus and Michael Shellenberger: Yale Environment 360

Completely ignored by any and all of the environmental radicals. Fascinating..........this utter rejection of information. Too........they cant seem to fathom that the methodology for trying to raise consciousness on this.........the bomb working in reverse ( as the Yale study clearly illustrates). Yet the bomb throwing gets even more absurd with each passing year.


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