Report: Illegal Immigration Declines as Economy Falls


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
WASHINGTON — Illegal immigration, which has sparked political and social turmoil in communities across the nation, is on the wane, according to an independent report released Thursday.

The number of illegal immigrants entering the United States has slowed significantly the past few years, falling below the number of those entering the country legally, according to the report by the Pew Hispanic Center, a Washington think tank.

The report estimates there were 11.9 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. as of March. That would be a decline of 500,000 from the center's estimate a year ago. However, the change was not statistically significant because of the large margins of error. - Report: Illegal Immigration Declines as Economy Falls - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum

well there's the upside, The rats always abandon a sinking ship.. :clap2:
Well if Mac wins then the pubs can drive the rest of the 20 million out of town by completely crippling the economy with trickledown voodoo..
Illegal Immigration and our economys' collapse were bed buddies before now. Rather a significant part of the problem, dontchyou think??
Illegal Immigration and our economys' collapse were bed buddies before now. Rather a significant part of the problem, dontchyou think??
yeah, didnt some dems claim that if we booted out the illegals that our economy would colapse?
Now all the unemployed Wall Street people can get jobs picking vegetables.
well, there isnt much of it growing in MI
you'd meed to move first ;)

But you bet in the states where it's prevalent, there'r some folks in disagreement who, by now, would be up to the task. And when they reach the record low MI has seen no bottom to as yet, just you wait. You think everybody's whining now?
yeah, didnt some dems claim that if we booted out the illegals that our economy would colapse?
It would. Though as we can see, it isn't the only thing that can make our economy collapse.

I dunno about the rest of you, but I'd rather have a good economy with illegals than a bad one without.
Well if Mac wins then the pubs can drive the rest of the 20 million out of town by completely crippling the economy with trickledown voodoo..

Hope you didn't stay up all night thinking up THIS little gem.

If they are illegally in this country, then they are criminals. They need to be removed from this country and kept out of this country. That's what the law states. It is not caveated with " ... unless bleeding hearts object."
It would. Though as we can see, it isn't the only thing that can make our economy collapse.

I dunno about the rest of you, but I'd rather have a good economy with illegals than a bad one without.

The economy would not collapse without illegals. I would imagine some of those menial tasks they allegedly have a lock on are looking pretty good to some legal US citizens right now.

Not the ones waiting for Big Brother to come bail them out though. At least they're calling the bailout what it is for once.

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