Report: Big Yellow Thing in the Sky to Blame For Global Warming! Warmers skeptical


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Skookerasbill needs to add art work to cap this off but according to scientists who have been monitoring the Sun, it appears that whatever recent "Warming" there is on Earth and other planets is likely due to the Sun, that Big Yellow Thing in the Sky, that either never gets included, or gets kicked to the curb in any manmade global warming models.

Solar surprises raise questions for climate models

"Insisting on caution, Haigh said that if the Sun turned out to have a warming effect during the "waning" part of the cycle, it might also turn out to have a cooling effect during the "waxing" part of the cycle.

In that case, greenhouse gases would be more to blame than thought for the perceptible rise in global temperatures over the past century.

"We cannot jump to any conclusions based on what we have found during this comparatively short period," Haigh said. "We need to carry out further studies to explore the Sun's activity, and the patterns that we have uncovered, on longer timescales."


The Sun affects Earth's climate

Who else is totally fucking shocked by this breaking "news"?
Wait a mean that resplendent orb in the sky is a source of heat?? No fucking way. It's that SUV you're driving!

Global Warming Alarmists all know that pesky humans are the problem. We need less of them. Here's an idea who's time has come. Everyone who seriously believes that mankind is causing the earth to warm - go and kill yourself!! It is simple and elegant. You will not have to worry about it anymore!!

Too extreme for you? Ok. We have a less extreme option : have yourself sterilized. Why bring more filthy, carbon based children into this dying world? Since you already know that new and existing humans are the cause of global warming - make a choice to NOT HAVE THEM!! Another simple and elegant solution for Global Warming Alarmists!!


Option 1 - Kill thyself
Option 2 - Sterilize thyself

The Sun is a digit heat source, right? It works like a thermometer
Skookerasbill needs to add art work to cap this off but according to scientists who have been monitoring the Sun, it appears that whatever recent "Warming" there is on Earth and other planets is likely due to the Sun, that Big Yellow Thing in the Sky, that either never gets included, or gets kicked to the curb in any manmade global warming models.

Solar surprises raise questions for climate models

"Insisting on caution, Haigh said that if the Sun turned out to have a warming effect during the "waning" part of the cycle, it might also turn out to have a cooling effect during the "waxing" part of the cycle.

In that case, greenhouse gases would be more to blame than thought for the perceptible rise in global temperatures over the past century.

"We cannot jump to any conclusions based on what we have found during this comparatively short period," Haigh said. "We need to carry out further studies to explore the Sun's activity, and the patterns that we have uncovered, on longer timescales."


The Sun affects Earth's climate

Who else is totally fucking shocked by this breaking "news"?
The real story before the hacking is in National Geographic and Nature magazine . The point is that climate scientists may have been overestimating the contributions of the sun on climate change and underestimating the effect of human activity, according to Michael Lockwood, a climate scientist at the U.K.'s University of Reading. Try actually reading your links. The point is not that the sun effects the earth.

Sun's Impact on Climate Change Overestimated?
Skookerasbill needs to add art work to cap this off but according to scientists who have been monitoring the Sun, it appears that whatever recent "Warming" there is on Earth and other planets is likely due to the Sun, that Big Yellow Thing in the Sky, that either never gets included, or gets kicked to the curb in any manmade global warming models.

Solar surprises raise questions for climate models

"Insisting on caution, Haigh said that if the Sun turned out to have a warming effect during the "waning" part of the cycle, it might also turn out to have a cooling effect during the "waxing" part of the cycle.

In that case, greenhouse gases would be more to blame than thought for the perceptible rise in global temperatures over the past century.

"We cannot jump to any conclusions based on what we have found during this comparatively short period," Haigh said. "We need to carry out further studies to explore the Sun's activity, and the patterns that we have uncovered, on longer timescales."


The Sun affects Earth's climate

Who else is totally fucking shocked by this breaking "news"?
The real story before the hacking is in National Geographic and Nature magazine . The point is that climate scientists may have been overestimating the contributions of the sun on climate change and underestimating the effect of human activity, according to Michael Lockwood, a climate scientist at the U.K.'s University of Reading. Try actually reading your links. The point is not that the sun effects the earth.

Sun's Impact on Climate Change Overestimated?

Right they're overstating, of course.

That's why doubling CO2 has lead to a doubling of temperatures here on Earth.
"But, contrary to expectation, radiation in the visible part of the energy spectrum increased, rather than declined, which caused a warming effect."

Um, because of CO2, right? The Sun caused more CO2 which caused the warming, HAS TO BE!
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Skookerasbill needs to add art work to cap this off but according to scientists who have been monitoring the Sun, it appears that whatever recent "Warming" there is on Earth and other planets is likely due to the Sun, that Big Yellow Thing in the Sky, that either never gets included, or gets kicked to the curb in any manmade global warming models.

Solar surprises raise questions for climate models

"Insisting on caution, Haigh said that if the Sun turned out to have a warming effect during the "waning" part of the cycle, it might also turn out to have a cooling effect during the "waxing" part of the cycle.

In that case, greenhouse gases would be more to blame than thought for the perceptible rise in global temperatures over the past century.

"We cannot jump to any conclusions based on what we have found during this comparatively short period," Haigh said. "We need to carry out further studies to explore the Sun's activity, and the patterns that we have uncovered, on longer timescales."


The Sun affects Earth's climate

Who else is totally fucking shocked by this breaking "news"?

No real climatologist leaves out the sun in their calculations. That's just part of the "Climategate" hoax. You know, when they stole emails then misrepresented what they meant. The sun IS factored in. That's why they have to use "tricks" of the statistical trade to "hide the decline" due to other sources such as, so Frank will understand what we're talking about, "the big yellow thing in the sky" and winnow out the contribution of man. You can tell the hoax is on its last legs, because the deniers don't even care about discussing the science anymore. They'd rather crack jokes in hopes that they're failed plans get a few more minutes of traction.
Then tell me WHY THE FUCK did the roman, Med evil warm period and todays warm periods have a huge increase in solar output and little ice age formed around a decrease in such. The solar and temperatures between 50 years ago and 2,000 years ago follows each other very closely with the solar output going up then the temperatures. YEAH that is the sun having little effect on the climate. Give me a break!

In fact the fact that temperatures and solar has moved away from each other in the last 50 years does more to show global warming as true as it points out another factor taking over our climate other then natural forcing from our sun. Believe me what your doing taking the sun out of the 2,000 year equation hurts your case very badly and does not strengthen it. Makes your case look weak to the scepics.

Also we should be cooling right now based on historic solar output and how they effect the temperature. There is research that shows this clearly.
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If would be refreshing to hear someone from the opposition state their real reasons for opposing initiatives to deal with the problem instead mindlessly pursing a course of denial. Tops on the list would have to be, I don't give a damn what happens to the planet in 50 or 100 years because I 'm not going to be around then. This is a logical statement; much better than the pseudo-scientific crap bloggers keep dragging up.

An increasing body of observations gives a collective picture of a warming world and other changes in the climate system... There is new and stronger evidence that most of the warming observed over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities.
No scientific body of national or international standing has maintained a dissenting opinion;

Scientific opinion on climate change - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For some, I guess it's like the man with cancer that finds it easier to deny his cancer than to seek treatment.
Then tell me WHY THE FUCK did the roman, Med evil warm period and todays warm periods have a huge increase in solar output and little ice age formed around a decrease in such. The solar and temperatures between 50 years ago and 2,000 years ago follows each other very closely with the solar output going up then the temperatures. YEAH that is the sun having little effect on the climate. Give me a break!

In fact the fact that temperatures and solar has moved away from each other in the last 50 years does more to show global warming as true as it points out another factor taking over our climate other then natural forcing from our sun. Believe me what your doing taking the sun out of the 2,000 year equation hurts your case very badly and does not strengthen it. Makes your case look weak to the scepics.

Also we should be cooling right now based on historic solar output and how they effect the temperature. There is research that shows this clearly.

Obviously, Romans invented the SUV.

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There is only two ways to explain the last 50 years
1# Global warming
2# Most massive power grab in history and fudging the temperature data to brainwash people into a global governments.

Thoses are the twos options....Both aren't good.:(
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There is only two ways to explain the last 50 years
1# Global warming
2# Most massive power grab in history and fudging the temperature data to brainwash people into a global warming.

Thoses are the twos options....Both aren't good.:(

I'll take Door #2
If would be refreshing to hear someone from the opposition state their real reasons for opposing initiatives to deal with the problem instead mindlessly pursing a course of denial. Tops on the list would have to be, I don't give a damn what happens to the planet in 50 or 100 years because I 'm not going to be around then. This is a logical statement; much better than the pseudo-scientific crap bloggers keep dragging up.

An increasing body of observations gives a collective picture of a warming world and other changes in the climate system... There is new and stronger evidence that most of the warming observed over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities.
No scientific body of national or international standing has maintained a dissenting opinion;

Scientific opinion on climate change - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For some, I guess it's like the man with cancer that finds it easier to deny his cancer than to seek treatment.

It would be refreshing for someone from the pro-AGW camp state their real reasons for the hysteria: That AGW is a means of forcing government control over individual lives and of massive wealth redistribution.
If would be refreshing to hear someone from the opposition state their real reasons for opposing initiatives to deal with the problem instead mindlessly pursing a course of denial. Tops on the list would have to be, I don't give a damn what happens to the planet in 50 or 100 years because I 'm not going to be around then. This is a logical statement; much better than the pseudo-scientific crap bloggers keep dragging up.

An increasing body of observations gives a collective picture of a warming world and other changes in the climate system... There is new and stronger evidence that most of the warming observed over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities.
No scientific body of national or international standing has maintained a dissenting opinion;

Scientific opinion on climate change - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For some, I guess it's like the man with cancer that finds it easier to deny his cancer than to seek treatment.

It would be refreshing for someone from the pro-AGW camp state their real reasons for the hysteria: That AGW is a means of forcing government control over individual lives and of massive wealth redistribution.

Sorry, dave, lying is the deniers' modus operandi.
If would be refreshing to hear someone from the opposition state their real reasons for opposing initiatives to deal with the problem instead mindlessly pursing a course of denial. Tops on the list would have to be, I don't give a damn what happens to the planet in 50 or 100 years because I 'm not going to be around then. This is a logical statement; much better than the pseudo-scientific crap bloggers keep dragging up.

An increasing body of observations gives a collective picture of a warming world and other changes in the climate system... There is new and stronger evidence that most of the warming observed over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities.
No scientific body of national or international standing has maintained a dissenting opinion;

Scientific opinion on climate change - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For some, I guess it's like the man with cancer that finds it easier to deny his cancer than to seek treatment.

It would be refreshing for someone from the pro-AGW camp state their real reasons for the hysteria: That AGW is a means of forcing government control over individual lives and of massive wealth redistribution.

Sorry, dave, lying is the deniers' modus operandi.


What are the deniers denying?
If would be refreshing to hear someone from the opposition state their real reasons for opposing initiatives to deal with the problem instead mindlessly pursing a course of denial. Tops on the list would have to be, I don't give a damn what happens to the planet in 50 or 100 years because I 'm not going to be around then. This is a logical statement; much better than the pseudo-scientific crap bloggers keep dragging up.

An increasing body of observations gives a collective picture of a warming world and other changes in the climate system... There is new and stronger evidence that most of the warming observed over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities.
No scientific body of national or international standing has maintained a dissenting opinion;

Scientific opinion on climate change - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For some, I guess it's like the man with cancer that finds it easier to deny his cancer than to seek treatment.

It would be refreshing for someone from the pro-AGW camp state their real reasons for the hysteria: That AGW is a means of forcing government control over individual lives and of massive wealth redistribution.

Sorry, dave, lying is the deniers' modus operandi.
Of course. How much support would they get if they came right out and said they want the government to run their lives for them and send all their money to poor nations?
Even if all major scientific societies in the world were wrong about global climate change, America would reap tremendous benefits from going green. Consider the following:

· Our dependence on foreign oil has been a thorn in our side for many decades. We have had to support dictators, fight wars, and expend untold billions of dollars and thousands of lives just to keep that oil flowing. As long as we depend on Arab oils, our position in the Middle East will be compromised. If America were energy independent, we would remove one of the major reasons for our presence in the Middle East, which has made us a terrorist target. Some argue that we can drill enough wells in the US to achieve that independence. The problem with this approach is that it is not sustainable. The great north slope of Alaska, which was touted as having almost inexhaustible reserves, is showing decreases in production each year at ever increasing cost. Shale from oil is being toted but this requires even larger costs. Since the production of petroleum is in the hands of private industry, they will only develop reserves if the cost per barrel is less than foreign oil. And there lies one of the major problems in trying develop high cost reserves when there will always be cheaper foreign oil.

· China sees the market for green technology exceeding a trillion dollars in just a few years. The ultimate size of the market is huge. The attitude in US of wait see has already cost us the leadership in most green technologies. Germany has become the world leader in producing solar technologies. Although the United States is world leader in consuming wind energy generation equipment, it is the Europeans that are building and selling us the equipment. With the huge investments in solar cell manufacture, China is set to become the world leader in the manufacture of solar cells. The US is left in a position of being just a consumer.

· Lastly, the development of clean energy means cleaner air and water for all Americans. These benefits alone are worth the investment in alternative energy sources.
Teh sunz kawses warmf? ohnoes!

I tawt it was cao farts an' bad breff.

If would be refreshing to hear someone from the opposition state their real reasons for opposing initiatives to deal with the problem instead mindlessly pursing a course of denial. Tops on the list would have to be, I don't give a damn what happens to the planet in 50 or 100 years because I 'm not going to be around then. This is a logical statement; much better than the pseudo-scientific crap bloggers keep dragging up.

An increasing body of observations gives a collective picture of a warming world and other changes in the climate system... There is new and stronger evidence that most of the warming observed over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities.
No scientific body of national or international standing has maintained a dissenting opinion;

Scientific opinion on climate change - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For some, I guess it's like the man with cancer that finds it easier to deny his cancer than to seek treatment.

Because the "solutions" address a "problem" that doesn't exist, your debatable opinion --along with attendant laughable Wiki link-- that man is the cause of climate change notwithstanding.

Moreover, they aren't any more efficient, clean and/or "carbon neutral" --dare I mention economically viable-- than the current forms of energy production.

It'd be refreshing to hear the globalclimatecoolerwarmering wackaloons face up to and admit these things, if only but for once.

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