Report: 59 GW of Coal-Fired Generation Capacity Should Retire; Could Open Door for Re


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Report: 59 GW of Coal-Fired Generation Capacity Should Retire; Could Open Door for Renewable Energy

By Renewable Energy World Editors
November 13, 2012 | 7 Comments
Report: 59 GW of Coal-Fired Generation Capacity Should Retire; Could Open Door for Renewable Energy | Renewable Energy News Article

A new report released by the Union of Concerned Scientists offers economic analysis showing that hundreds of old U.S. coal generators are candidates for closure.

Nashua, NH -- Today, the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) released the findings of an economic analysis indicating as much as 18 percent of the country's coal-fired energy generating capacity should be considered for closure. The study found as many as 353 generators in 31 states, totaling 59 gigawatts (GW) of electricity generation capacity, likely will be more expensive to operate after installing modern pollution control equipment than switching to cleaner energy alternatives such as natural gas, renewable energy, or using greater energy efficiency measures. These potential closures are in addition to 41 GW of already announced coal retirements.
The source: UCSUSA was established as a left wing anti-war anarchist club back in 1969. It doesn't limit it's membership to "scientists" or bogus scientists or even wannabe scientists. It's open to any anti-American who wants to make sure that the US becomes a 3rd world country.
Report: 59 GW of Coal-Fired Generation Capacity Should Retire; Could Open Door for Renewable Energy

Or tons and tons and tons of natural gas! Drill drill drill frack frack frack!!!

Or, as Billy Joel would say.... FRACK ACK ACK ACK ACK ACK ACK ACK!

You oughta know by now. :cool:

The source: UCSUSA was established as a left wing anti-war anarchist club back in 1969. It doesn't limit it's membership to "scientists" or bogus scientists or even wannabe scientists. It's open to any anti-American who wants to make sure that the US becomes a 3rd world country.
Don't worry. Obama already said that the "Green Economy" would only slow down an already fragile US Economic Recovery.
The source: UCSUSA was established as a left wing anti-war anarchist club back in 1969. It doesn't limit it's membership to "scientists" or bogus scientists or even wannabe scientists. It's open to any anti-American who wants to make sure that the US becomes a 3rd world country.
Don't worry. Obama already said that the "Green Economy" would only slow down an already fragile US Economic Recovery.

He also said that he intends to fund his "green economy" by taxing hydrocarbon-based fuels.

Ironic, seeing how hydraulic fracturing has ushered in a new era of economic recovery.
Report: 59 GW of Coal-Fired Generation Capacity Should Retire; Could Open Door for Renewable Energy

By Renewable Energy World Editors
November 13, 2012 | 7 Comments
Report: 59 GW of Coal-Fired Generation Capacity Should Retire; Could Open Door for Renewable Energy | Renewable Energy News Article

A new report released by the Union of Concerned Scientists offers economic analysis showing that hundreds of old U.S. coal generators are candidates for closure.

Nashua, NH -- Today, the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) released the findings of an economic analysis indicating as much as 18 percent of the country's coal-fired energy generating capacity should be considered for closure. The study found as many as 353 generators in 31 states, totaling 59 gigawatts (GW) of electricity generation capacity, likely will be more expensive to operate after installing modern pollution control equipment than switching to cleaner energy alternatives such as natural gas, renewable energy, or using greater energy efficiency measures. These potential closures are in addition to 41 GW of already announced coal retirements.

I think the best way to go is develop Thorium MSR technology. I'd like to see the nations of the world cooperate and give this gift to humanity.

Coal just has too much pollution. If I wanted to absorb pollution in a lab, the first thing that I'd consider would be carbon. Carbon sitting in the Earth for millions of years can't be pure.

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