Repblicns and Media Allies Won Election America Certainly Didn’t Though!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Yesterday’s election resulting in the Republican’s taking control of the House of Representatives means America’s history has taken a dramatic turn for the worse for lower and middle income Americans for at least the next two years until another election takes place. One major lesson the American people should take from this election cycle is that the media acted disgracefully they in all likelihood changed the outcome of the election in terms of facilitating the Republican takeover of the House and this over stepping their bounds needs to be stopped. The media instead of reporting on events, and being a conduit for the American people to exercise their rights on free speech and having a voice in their government was driving events; the media is responsible for a lot of extraordinary good American leaders like Blanche Lincoln, Joe Sestak and Dan Onorato not being elected into office this year. It was very provocative and titillating the media story this election cycle of how the Democrats were going to get a drumming (Her Royal Highness Nancy Pelosi and America’s savior Barack Obama are going to get a butt woopin at the polls) and the media kept putting forth this proposition and fanning the flames on this story big-time. What the Republicans are offering to America is “trickle down economics” which is a lousy deal for the vast majority of the American people and a good media would have allowed the American people to recognize this and as a nation to stick with the Democrats albeit with less of a majority. The American media hurt the American people badly this election cycle.

What is emblematic of this development in America of the media driving election results could be seen by looking at the “front page headlines” on some of America’s major newspapers on November 2, election day. The Washington Post had a headline “Democrats bracing for losses”, the USA Today had a headline “As the GOP aims for big victory, here are the races to watch from coast to coast” the New York Times had a headline ”Charging In on Wave of Anger, Newcomers Hope Tide Turns” and the Wall Street Journal had the head lines “Rebel Movement Takes Center Stage”. Even if one conducts a broader analysis one would see that the print and TV media for weeks now was selling this message that the Democrats were going to lose big. They would be emphasizing Republicans and Republican candidates’ positives and glossing over or ignoring their negatives and dwelling on the Democrats negatives. It was actually rather unbelievable MSNBC which is like an arm of the Democrat Party in the same was Fox News is an arm of the Republican Party they were continually reporting the Democrats were going to get a drumming this election, heart and soul liberal hosts on MSNBC were totally agreeing with the political pundits predicting the Democrats massive defeat, good American journalists should assume American citizens have common sense and good judgment and can see the Republicans aren’t offering a good future for most of them and their neighbors and wouldn’t vote Republican. Where the hell was the integrity of the American media this election cycle! To ordinary Americans when they hear and see all this pro-Republican, anti-Democrat media it made it seem like if you were going to vote Democrat your in the minority your missing something what is the point, why bother, it won’t matter things like that! The media here manipulated the election!

To good Americans some of the lessons that come from this election with respect to media issues is that the American people through their elected officials have to have laws and regulations put in place banning large media conglomerates because these conglomerates have policies at least unwritten ones that mandate media staff doesn’t alienate large advertisement revenue clients which results in media staff in these conglomerates being biased to parties and candidates that hold policies friendly to these clients. This election cycle provides compelling evidence the Federal government should mandate News Corporation the owner of Fox News sell the Wall Street Journal the highest daily circulation paper in America. Further, the Federal government should mandate Comcast must sell off the NBC news channels: CNBC, MSNBC and NBC News if it allows the Comcast merger to go through. It has nothing to do with the personalities of Mr. Murdoch or Mr. Roberts whether their good or bad people, it has to do with money, advertisement money and these news outlets if they do the right thing and do their duty for the American people they put huge amounts of advertisement revenue for their organization at risk and the Federal Government has to stop that pressure being put upon these media outlets. Also, the journalist profession has to do some soul searching they have to identify journalist managers that sell out to special interests and betray the integrity of the profession and call for their ouster and demand all major media outlets have rules protecting media staff integrity!
To be fair, the media will hype unicorns and rainbows if that's what people tune in for.

The real problem the media has is that they will let Republicans come on air and say "We want to create jobs and cut funding for government agencies!" And they just nod and say "alright, sounds good."

Then they let democrats come on and say "We and the American people are tired of the same old Bush policies and we are going to keep gitmo open, stay in Afghanistan, and extend the PATRIOT Act!"

The media is supposed to be everybody's harshest critic, so it really gets me riled when they won't even politely disagree with a guest that is bullcrapping major ideological inconsistencies on air.
WOW, so now the majorly left leaning media machine is in conspiracy for the right!! All bullshit by the way. They reported the likelihood of major loses because there was going to be MAJOR losses. The people were not happy and no matter how much you would like the media to ignore the truth to push your partisan view they simply COULD NOT ignore the people that make their existence possible. Do you wonder why Fox has moved from a obscure, never watched network to center stage? It is a direct result of the major outlets failing to connect with the needs and wishes of the people. The election was not a move to a worse result for any Americans. If the last two administrations proved anything at all, they proved one party rule is TERRIBLE AND DESTRUCTIVE to the very fabric of this nation. PERIOD. If you ever manage to see over that partisan mountain of bullshit you built you may just see why there needs to be some semblance of balance within our government.
Yesterday’s election resulting in the Republican’s taking control of the House of Representatives means America’s history has taken a dramatic turn for the worse for lower and middle income Americans for at least the next two years until another election takes place. One major lesson the American people should take from this election cycle is that the media acted disgracefully they in all likelihood changed the outcome of the election in terms of facilitating the Republican takeover of the House and this over stepping their bounds needs to be stopped. The media instead of reporting on events, and being a conduit for the American people to exercise their rights on free speech and having a voice in their government was driving events; the media is responsible for a lot of extraordinary good American leaders like Blanche Lincoln, Joe Sestak and Dan Onorato not being elected into office this year. It was very provocative and titillating the media story this election cycle of how the Democrats were going to get a drumming (Her Royal Highness Nancy Pelosi and America’s savior Barack Obama are going to get a butt woopin at the polls) and the media kept putting forth this proposition and fanning the flames on this story big-time. What the Republicans are offering to America is “trickle down economics” which is a lousy deal for the vast majority of the American people and a good media would have allowed the American people to recognize this and as a nation to stick with the Democrats albeit with less of a majority. The American media hurt the American people badly this election cycle.

What is emblematic of this development in America of the media driving election results could be seen by looking at the “front page headlines” on some of America’s major newspapers on November 2, election day. The Washington Post had a headline “Democrats bracing for losses”, the USA Today had a headline “As the GOP aims for big victory, here are the races to watch from coast to coast” the New York Times had a headline ”Charging In on Wave of Anger, Newcomers Hope Tide Turns” and the Wall Street Journal had the head lines “Rebel Movement Takes Center Stage”. Even if one conducts a broader analysis one would see that the print and TV media for weeks now was selling this message that the Democrats were going to lose big. They would be emphasizing Republicans and Republican candidates’ positives and glossing over or ignoring their negatives and dwelling on the Democrats negatives. It was actually rather unbelievable MSNBC which is like an arm of the Democrat Party in the same was Fox News is an arm of the Republican Party they were continually reporting the Democrats were going to get a drumming this election, heart and soul liberal hosts on MSNBC were totally agreeing with the political pundits predicting the Democrats massive defeat, good American journalists should assume American citizens have common sense and good judgment and can see the Republicans aren’t offering a good future for most of them and their neighbors and wouldn’t vote Republican. Where the hell was the integrity of the American media this election cycle! To ordinary Americans when they hear and see all this pro-Republican, anti-Democrat media it made it seem like if you were going to vote Democrat your in the minority your missing something what is the point, why bother, it won’t matter things like that! The media here manipulated the election!

To good Americans some of the lessons that come from this election with respect to media issues is that the American people through their elected officials have to have laws and regulations put in place banning large media conglomerates because these conglomerates have policies at least unwritten ones that mandate media staff doesn’t alienate large advertisement revenue clients which results in media staff in these conglomerates being biased to parties and candidates that hold policies friendly to these clients. This election cycle provides compelling evidence the Federal government should mandate News Corporation the owner of Fox News sell the Wall Street Journal the highest daily circulation paper in America. Further, the Federal government should mandate Comcast must sell off the NBC news channels: CNBC, MSNBC and NBC News if it allows the Comcast merger to go through. It has nothing to do with the personalities of Mr. Murdoch or Mr. Roberts whether their good or bad people, it has to do with money, advertisement money and these news outlets if they do the right thing and do their duty for the American people they put huge amounts of advertisement revenue for their organization at risk and the Federal Government has to stop that pressure being put upon these media outlets. Also, the journalist profession has to do some soul searching they have to identify journalist managers that sell out to special interests and betray the integrity of the profession and call for their ouster and demand all major media outlets have rules protecting media staff integrity!

Fiscal Responsibility won, and that my friend is a win for us all.
The OP confuses gifts and opportunities.

He wants to blame FOX news and Talk Radio for the biggest sweep, in 80 years. Not only in the US congress, but Governors, and state houses as well. A massive repudiation of Big Spending, Big Government polices, What ever name you want to call it. Socialism, Keynesian, Democratic Socialism, Statism, what ever. The country soundly rejected it last night, and called for Fiscal Responsibility and Limited Government.

The liberals will spin and spin and spin, but that is what happened, and they better wise up.

in 2 years the Democrats have 21 Seats in the Senate up for election, to the Republicans 10. If the Republicans try and pass measures to Deal with our Debt, and cut spending, and the Dems block them. They will ensure a crushing defeat in 2 years. Again.

Like wise if the Republicans fail to demonstrate what they want to do, by passing the right kind of Bills in the House(regardless if they can pass the Senate or Not) then they might see all these gains swept away in 2 years.
why do demonRats whine so freaking much. You lost, we won. Deal with it.
Ever hear of the 'enter' key? Try using it...this is a forum, not a library archive.
Liberals can't admit to themselves that their policies have failed and the American people know it and acted accordingly. Why is that? Because they are dumber than a mule fuckin' a goat.
The Media would be ZERO without the support of the people. And many media outlets are disappearing or downsizing as a direct result while others
continue to prosper.

(I don't need to embellish which media flourishes with the support of the people).

Strange that Government fails to heed the message and follow suit.
The fact of the matter is, this is nothing new. There is no, and never has been a liberal media. It is a pseudo-conservative myth. They are a for profit industry that thrives on controversy.
The fact of the matter is, this is nothing new. There is no, and never has been a liberal media. It is a pseudo-conservative myth. They are a for profit industry that thrives on controversy.

Yes, the "liberal media" is such a myth that the Newsweek Washington bureau chief used to send articles to JFK for approval before printing them, as mentioned in the Columbia Journalism Review. Journalists from the era openly admit to covering up Kennedy's affair with Marilyn Monroe, his drug habit, his disastrous meetings with Krushchev, etc. After all, no controversy THERE for them to thrive on, right?

On the other hand, the wonderfully unbiased media gave us the huge scandal of Watergate, which wasn't really a scandal at that time at all. Roosevelt, Kennedy, and Johnson all used the FBI to harass enemies and tap their phones. Johnson bugged Goldwater's office, and we know now that he bugged MLK Jr. but for some reason, it was suddenly an outrageous, unheard-of offense with Nixon, and that couldn't possibly have had anything to do with the fact that he was a Republican, could it? Naaahhh.

And while we're on the subject, if Nixon aide Chuck Colson deserved prison time for seeing one FBI file, why was it such a non-event when the Clinton White House had hundreds of them?

Why did the media suppress the Monica Lewinsky story and the John Edwards-Rielle Hunter story, but insist that it had to see the sealed custody battle records of Jack Ryan when he was running against Obama and resurrect a long-disproven rumor of George HW Bush having an affair? Why did they spend months combing through George W. Bush's paystubs, trying to prove that he had been AWOL, but refuse to as thoroughly investigate charges that John Kerry fraudulently acquired his medals?

I can go on and on, but hey, what are facts when you can just airily assert that the liberal media is a "myth" and assume anyone who isn't a blind, DNC-ass-kissing partisan hack is doing anything but laughing derisively at you? :tinfoil:

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