Rep. Trott (R) and FOX News lie together


Proud Liberal
Mar 5, 2012
Illinois, USA
It funny how when Tea Partiers protest, it's a grass-roots patriotic movement. But when liberals do it, it's a manufactured, pay-for-protest scam to be ignored.

Case in point: Rep. Trott of Michigan recently had a town hall meeting where he got roasted by the people there. After it was over, somebody forgot to turn Trott's mic off. Listen around the 6:00 mark in this video. You'll hear Trott saying "We’re going to take that part where they’re booing funding the military and I’m gonna get somebody to write a story and we’re going to promote the shit out of that." He's also caught admitting his aid controlled what questions where asked.

Guess what? Rep. Trott is on the "fair and balanced" FOX news, who frames him as a noble servant of the people being attacked by liberals. FOX literally did what Trott wanted. They even show a clip from that townhall out of context:

Rep. David Trott faces angry crowd at town hall event

Why is this out of context? Because as the video below shows, the crowd were booing because Trott just talked about how our debt is out of control (true) and that required cuts to healthcare (debatable), but then said we needed even more money for our military. *That's* what the crowd is booing — saying we need to cut federal spending then saying we need to increase federal spending. The crowd isn't anti-military; they're anti-Trott.

Here's the thing, though. FOX calls the people in the crowd "liberals". What, are Trott's people only letting in lefties? Or maybe, just maybe, not everyone upset with Republicans these days are liberals. Crazy thought, I know.

And now, I present the tired but inevitable responses from far-right nutjobs> To save you time and energy, please select the number below and type it in your response.
  1. FOX isn't biased! Besides, all the other media do the same for Democrats!
  2. You liberals are dumb and you hate America and you lost and you're communists and socialists and nazis.
  3. I don't have any evidence whatsoever that these people were paid protesters, but I'm going to say that anyway so I can dismiss them.
  4. The military is the only role for our federal government; taking care of its citizens is welfare which is socialism and communism and nazism.
  5. Barak Hussein Obummer and Killary are the real problems here!
Yeah, all those folks just happened to stop by their local dollar store and bought the same red cards on the way to the meeting. LMAO Run along hack, you've exposed yourself.
That's some bullshit! But hardly surprising
Say, do you get equally upset when people on the other side of your fence do it?

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