Rep. Peter King Doubles Down: Obama Administration’s Benghazi Cover-Up Was For Electo

What's the scandal, again?

I ask because it's SOP for law enforcement to withhold official judgment on a suspicious death even as they investigate it as a possible homicide right from the beginning.

So too with the attack on our consulate. What possible good could it do to come out publicly and declare it a terrorist attack (and possibly attribute it to whom, exactly?) without the evidence to support that contention? The US Gov't would have egg on it's face, internationally, if it made that claim and it later turned out to not be true.

And if you don't believe that, recall all the fall out from our declaration prior to the Iraq War that Saddam actually had WMDs and we knew exactly where they were, thereby justifying our 'preemptive war.' In the war against Islamic extremism, the US is not served well by throwing around unsubstantiated accusations that we may later have to retract. Let al Qaeda make those kinds of mistakes. That hurts THEIR credibility in the Muslim world. We don't need our credibility any more tarnished than it has been by a series of screw ups from the Iraq War intelligence fiasco to Abu Ghraib.

Not when you hold to the story 2 weeks later. That's all that needs to be said.

I don't see that 2 weeks represents some kind of number that passed the point of credibility in some way. If the administration was trying to conceal something, why not continue saying that it wasn't a terrorist attack? Certainly they must understand that reversing course on the determination that it was terrorism (as opposed to a spontaneous attack) was going to be exploited by the Republicans, especially in the final stage of the election. So, what did the administration have to gain by doing so other than to set the record straight after more facts came to light? Keep in mind that the investigation is taking place overseas in a place where English is not the first language. And my guess is that the US is likely very dependent on Libyan personnel and expertise. It's not as if we can crack the whip with them. We needed/need their help, and we're playing on their turf.

Many people have no clue what is invovlved in intelligence gathering! I suppose they think Obama picks up the phone and calls the Libyan president and the leader of some terrorist group (there are so many he'd be on the phone for weeks) and asks them what happened and who did this? Laughable!

Intelligence takes time and as much verification as possible and when disinformation is added to the mix of only snippets of intercepted calls and reports, it makes it extremely difficult. But many republicans seem to be one track thinkers like Romney so I guess that explains their devotion to him. They and he have this very simplified idea of things and it is only that way and can't be at variance.
This whole thing stunk from the get go....
Why is it the media isn't holding this administrations feet to the fire on this?
Back when we had real journalists they would be all over a story like this.

Like you said, back when we had real journalists, it would have been different. Now, most of them just take dictation and pass it off as news. They don't report anything without approval from their "boss." When some reporters still take their jobs seriously and do report it, they are belittled. I've already seen that done in this thread. That is what happens when someone doesn't like hearing anything negative about their idol.

The country is split and there is no chance of seeing eye to eye.

We need people like our forefathers who wrote the constitution they way they did for a reason. They sought to prevent all the destruction to this country that is happening now. It's because politicians didn't believe in America and wanted to change it. Socialist politicians have been chipping away at our country for years.

I don't know that there is a chance to save us now. We'd have to get rid of the power hungry politicians and find people who truly want to serve their country. We'd have to get millions of people off welfare and paying taxes, but because we'd have to raise taxes to bring down the debt, there won't be enough jobs created to get everyone back to work. Not to mention, there are millions unwilling to work even if jobs were plentiful.

When the Great Society began, the country started downhill. Now we're near the bottom and picking up speed. There are too many people who don't care. There are people who want to tear the country down and rebuild it into something it was never meant to be and many won't stop it as long as there's something in it for them. For politicians, it's power and money. For their dumbed down supporters, it's a free ride on the tax payers. They can't see where this is going because they don't know history. They may think they'll have it good with all the promises, but when the day comes that we're all equally miserable and overrun with radicals who will make even more oppressive laws, it will be too late.

Anyone who believes in Obama and his promises of moving forward are even more stupid that the sheeple in the past who helped in the destruction of their country. We had a chance to learn from history and we blew it. Politicians knew informed people would have concerns over their policies, so they began dumbing down our schools. Only an ignorant population would allow them to run roughshod over our rights and freedom.

If Obama wins, we will know that the ignorant dependents have finally outnumbered the producers. That was the plan all along.

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