Rep Paul Ryan Allows Only Doctors & Individuals In HealthCare: Not Any Money!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The Romney Brand, adored by National Federation of Independent Businesses, was officially embraced by Rep Paul Ryan's "Repeal and Replace" announcement, at his website, following the ObamaCare Ruling. Any organizations with any of the health care money should not be allowed in that marketplace(?)!

Down in the statement, only doctors and individuals should be allowed in health care decisions. Specifically stated, health insurance companies, and government agencies--which have the money--should not be allowed in the market place decisions! They are labeled Executives and Bureaucrats!

Ryan: The Case for Repeal and Replace Grows Stronger | U.S. Congressman Paul Ryan

The market unfriendly, National Federaltion of Independent Businesses helped to kill Hillary ClintonCare, only support of the bankrupt allowed in any market place. GOP Senate leader McConnell has long opposed all public agency spending. Only the bankrupt should be allowed in the marketplace! The Romney Brand of circulating investment money, and federal deficits, only among the already prosperous: Is already famous in the current presidential campaign. The Reagan Trajectory has failed again and again!

The flawed and failed policies of the stupid, "RNC and Right, (Maybe, Ya' know(?))," are exposed right there at the Paul Ryan Website. Money in the marketplace is clearly opposed!

In low income neighborhoods, Construction and Spending just got a big boost, From Chief Justice Roberts, the liberals, and Obama-Biden-Reid-Pelosi. It now makes sense to do medical public works spending, in previously under-served barrios and 'hoods!

The Romney-Ryan-RNC-Right Brand, (Maybe, Ya' Know(?)): Is clearly on permanent record as opposed to that! That would be the Socialist Market intervening, to bring about paying customers in stores!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Liberals now send medical services: Into previously undisclosed, and mainly unknown about, locations!)
Paul "Ayn Rand" Ryan is a disgusting piece of retarded shit. He went from driving a Wienermobile to driving a GOP clown car.


Apparently Paul Ryan went from driving the Wienermobile to driving the Clown Car of Republican economic and social policy. We are so screwed.

Letters from a Farmer in Ohio: Paul Ryan Drove the Oscar Mayer Wienermoblie
The large Watts Riots of 1965 led to various commissions and reports. The report of then California Governor, Edmund "Pat" Brown included lack of health care as one of the source causes.

Modern, Socialist California was largely an outcome of Catholic Liberals, Progressive Chief Justice Earl Warren Republicans, and Senator Alan Cranston whites of the founding of the California Democratic Councils, foot cadres. Freeways happened, and the State Public University system was mainly created.

Low income blacks were largely untouched, in a kind of "pre-Reagan Trajectory." The one-eyed Jewish entertainer did become a part of Sinatra's, Hollywood Rat Pack. Integration was born, away from a manger in Nazareth. General "Systems Theory," of David Eastman's nowwhere famous, "need for a zero," was at that time in-play. Sicilian Family values were more widely known, even then.

Hoarding among the upper echelons was even under way in the Soviet Eastern Bloc. East and West had long been set to "Mutually Assured Destruction."

The RNC Wrong Right all want that back! Hoarding in the name of "Austerity" tends to burn things down! That is even known in France.

Redistributive economics is market friendly, so the Republicans took the "Make Work Pay," refundable income tax credit away. No market friendly money: Was even in 2010 to be allowed in the marketplace. And so there is a Rep. Ryan website, and Issa-like chairmanship in the House. (Issa is mainly San Diego, and a security-freak!)

Taking away spending in the stores remains their Agenda Number One!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Republican Vice President Cheney probably not sent to an undisclosed location anywhere near South Los Angeles, even then--sensible as that may have been(?)!)

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