Renewable Energy provided 50% of Scotland's Electricity in 2015


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Renewable Energy provided 50% of Scotland's Electricity in 2015
The Scottish government target of achieving 50 per cent of gross consumption of electricity from renewables by 2015 has come to reality. According to a new data published last week, renewable provided 49.7 percent of Scotland's electricity demand in 2014 which means that the 50 percent target was achieved almost a year earlier.

Renewable energy have gone past both nuclear (33 per cent) and fossil fuels (28 per cent) in generating electricity for Scotland.

Proving that it can supply a high percentage of a nations energy needs.
As the price of grid scale storage plummets, the amount of power that wind and solar provide will rapidly increase in all nations that do not pass laws against the storage.

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