Renacci issues statement from lawyer alleging Sherrod Brown made advances against woman

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Wait, the media is doubting these women? But, but but those are the exact circumstances around Ford/Kavanaugh so according to the media and the entire dem world she MUST be believed. Brown wasn’t even a teenager!!

Rep. Jim Renacci's Senate campaign issued a news release late Thursday that he said depicted an unnamed woman's story of an "unwanted and sudden advance" from Sen. Sherrod Brown in the late 1980s.

The release includes a lengthy statement from Laura Mills, a Canton attorney and former Renacci business partner and political donor. In the statement, Mills says the woman told her friend about the encounter as the MeToo movement unfolded. It occurred while the woman was alone with Brown, who was divorced at the time, through her work, Mills said. The friend then contacted the Renacci campaign, which referred the woman to Mills, the statement says.

The statement does not provide a date, a location, supporting evidence or identify the woman, but describes her as "a very credible source and a professional woman." It comes a day after Renacci told reporters and editors with the Cincinnati Enquirer that he'd heard from "multiple women" with abuse allegations against Brown, while providing no additional details or supporting evidence.

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Brown has had his trouble with women in the past--particularly his wife. She even filed a restraining order against him.

The problem with this race is Renacci took over when Josh Mandel jumped out of the race for family reasons. That put Renacci on third base with nowhere to go and not enough time to raise enough money to come close to the swamp funds that Brown accumulated.

Brown is left of Obama and given we are a swing state, I hope money doesn't buy this election. Go Jim.

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