Remove ’Everybody Draw Muhammad Day’ from Facebook


Notice how most of these cowards are hiding their faces?
The Forum ’Everybody Draw Muhammad Day’ on facebook is against moral values and mutual respect for all cultures. This forum contains graffiti including sexual images, defamatory slogans and images containing extreme gore depicting the Prophet of Islam. Despite over 20000 reports against this group as hate speech/racism, facebook has not removed this group during the past month.

Link to group:

it is also a breach of 3 different laws within the United States that restrict freedom of Speech w.r.t. rights of individuals regarding ethnicity, race and religion. Facebook qualifies for a lawsuit if it does not remove this group before the 20th of may 2010, by US law.

Details of the legal practicalities can be seen here:

People from all religions and races should refrain from exercising free speech in defamatory hate statements, hate crimes and incitement to violence. Mutual respect for each others beliefs and sanctity of all religions should be kept intact on all social forums to ensure we bridge gaps between all men, instead of aggravating relations more. Genuine efforts towards removing such communities, be they against any religion, is our duty as responsible individuals. Ideas for better, responsible regulation of content over facebook and other social networks would be greatly appreciated.

You live by the rules you chose. I do not have to live by the rules you choose.

I dont believe in ANY God and do not require you to live by my rules do I?

I will not stifle my freedom for YOUR religion.

I also will not ask YOU to stifle your freedoms for my beliefs.

You can not control the world with your religion.

Forum List
