*Remember The Twin Towers*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Yes lets do, think back and remember on Sept 10th, 2001, when our people were hustling along the floors of *The Twin Towers*.
2. Working hard to get the job done.
3. Thousands of people all doing thier jobs, making calls, answering the calls, moving information here some there.
4. Never forget that these were Americans, working the 9-5 thing, for that paycheck to bring home.
5. Never forget, never forget, never forget.
6. And while you are never forgetting, remember muslims the next day flew large American air planes into the middle of *The Twin Towers*; killing everyone on those floors instantly.
7. Never forget it, that is what muslims do and will do again, given a chance.
8. Americans did not deserve being attacked in this manner.
9. And like I have been saying, we must rid our Nation of muslims, one at a time if need be.
10. To honor those who were killed unjustly, if nothing else.

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Sorry bout that,

1. Yes lets do, think back and remember on Sept 10th, 2001, when our people were hustling along the floors of *The Twin Towers*.
2. Working hard to get the job done.
3. Thousands of people all doing thier jobs, making calls, answering the calls, moving information here some there.
4. Never forget that these were Americans, working the 9-5 thing, for that paycheck to bring home.
5. Never forget, never forget, never forget.
6. And while you are never forgetting, remember muslims the next day flew large American air planes into the middle of *The Twin Towers*; killing everyone on those floors instantly.
7. Never forget it, that is what muslims do and will do again, given a chance.
8. Americans did not deserve being attacked in this manner.
9. And like I have been saying, we must rid our Nation of muslims, one at a time if need be.
10. To honor those who were killed unjustly, if nothing else.


Gee ... we're only a week late.:cuckoo:
Sorry bout that,

1. Yes lets do, think back and remember on Sept 10th, 2001, when our people were hustling along the floors of *The Twin Towers*.
2. Working hard to get the job done.
3. Thousands of people all doing thier jobs, making calls, answering the calls, moving information here some there.
4. Never forget that these were Americans, working the 9-5 thing, for that paycheck to bring home.
5. Never forget, never forget, never forget.
6. And while you are never forgetting, remember muslims the next day flew large American air planes into the middle of *The Twin Towers*; killing everyone on those floors instantly.
7. Never forget it, that is what muslims do and will do again, given a chance.
8. Americans did not deserve being attacked in this manner.
9. And like I have been saying, we must rid our Nation of muslims, one at a time if need be.
10. To honor those who were killed unjustly, if nothing else.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WA_xXWSXyFI]YouTube - Immortal Technique- Bin Laden[/ame]
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Instead of remembering some towers perhaps it would be more useful to examine the events that led them to come down. No, I'm not talking about a conspiracy.
Sorry bout that,

1. Yes lets do, think back and remember on Sept 10th, 2001, when our people were hustling along the floors of *The Twin Towers*.
2. Working hard to get the job done.
3. Thousands of people all doing thier jobs, making calls, answering the calls, moving information here some there.
4. Never forget that these were Americans, working the 9-5 thing, for that paycheck to bring home.
5. Never forget, never forget, never forget.
6. And while you are never forgetting, remember muslims the next day flew large American air planes into the middle of *The Twin Towers*; killing everyone on those floors instantly.
7. Never forget it, that is what muslims do and will do again, given a chance.
8. Americans did not deserve being attacked in this manner.
9. And like I have been saying, we must rid our Nation of muslims, one at a time if need be.
10. To honor those who were killed unjustly, if nothing else.


That type of stupid crap makes me glad you won't amount to anything more in politics than a USMB troll with "issues".
Sorry bout that,

1. Yes lets do, think back and remember on Sept 10th, 2001, when our people were hustling along the floors of *The Twin Towers*.
2. Working hard to get the job done.
3. Thousands of people all doing thier jobs, making calls, answering the calls, moving information here some there.
4. Never forget that these were Americans, working the 9-5 thing, for that paycheck to bring home.
5. Never forget, never forget, never forget.
6. And while you are never forgetting, remember muslims the next day flew large American air planes into the middle of *The Twin Towers*; killing everyone on those floors instantly.
7. Never forget it, that is what muslims do and will do again, given a chance.
8. Americans did not deserve being attacked in this manner.
9. And like I have been saying, we must rid our Nation of muslims, one at a time if need be.10. To honor those who were killed unjustly, if nothing else.


You look at muslims and think of the 19 who flew planes into the WTC and Pentagon. I look at muslims and think about the muslims I work with and who live near me. Americans, born here just like you and I. People who work hard, raise their families, pay their taxes, obey the law. These are the people who are harmed by opinions like yours

Is there an extreme branch of Islam that engages in terrorism? Yes there is. These are the people we need to go after. To get these people we need to rely on peaceful, hard working muslims to report those who may be a threat. By treating all muslims as terrorists you are encouraging them to not stick their heads out and report suspicious activities

If all muslims are terrorists as you seem to suspect...they are not very good at it. There are 1.5 Billion muslims in the world. If they are all intent on destroying our society, they are not doing much damage
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7. Never forget it, that is what muslims do and will do again, given a chance.
8. Americans did not deserve being attacked in this manner.
9. And like I have been saying, we must rid our Nation of muslims, one at a time if need be.

So if Iraqi citizens make the same observation about life in baghdad in 2003, and note that then came american planes to blow up their entire city... killing 10 of thousands of iraqis, should they hate all americans?
Sorry bout that,

1. Islam in its fundamental make up, is political, and cultic, which means why should the hell I look the other way?
2. Its fundamentally ruiniing any Nation it gets a carpet hold on.
3. The problem with most humans is they can't see the big picture.
4. Thats why I'm here,.....:clap2:
5. If you love your *Country* you would understand me.
6. I love my *Country*, and I want it to go back to what it was, not what its becoming.
7. Most people in America do not see any changes taking place, I do.:eek:
8. Muslims beat down an area with thier bullshit, throw down some carpets, and then start making demands.
9. Most of you dumb bastards are just to fucking stupid to see this.
10. Again,...thats why I'm here,....:lol: to point these truths out,....:clap2:
11. The building of the desecration in NYC is a prime example, dumb ass!

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Sorry bout that,

1. Islam in its fundamental make up, is political, and cultic, which means why should the hell I look the other way?
2. Its fundamentally ruiniing any Nation it gets a carpet hold on.
3. The problem with most humans is they can't see the big picture.
4. Thats why I'm here,.....:clap2:
5. If you love your *Country* you would understand me.

6. I love my *Country*, and I want it to go back to what it was, not what its becoming.
7. Most people in America do not see any changes taking place, I do.:eek:
8. Muslims beat down an area with thier bullshit, throw down some carpets, and then start making demands.
9. Most of you dumb bastards are just to fucking stupid to see this.
10. Again,...thats why I'm here,....:lol: to point these truths out,....:clap2:
11. The building of the desecration in NYC is a prime example, dumb ass!


Oh, we understand you all right. We understand you're full of crazy. :cuckoo:
Sorry bout that,

1. Islam in its fundamental make up, is political, and cultic, which means why should the hell I look the other way?
2. Its fundamentally ruiniing any Nation it gets a carpet hold on.
3. The problem with most humans is they can't see the big picture.
4. Thats why I'm here,.....:clap2:
5. If you love your *Country* you would understand me.
6. I love my *Country*, and I want it to go back to what it was, not what its becoming.
7. Most people in America do not see any changes taking place, I do.:eek:
8. Muslims beat down an area with thier bullshit, throw down some carpets, and then start making demands.
9. Most of you dumb bastards are just to fucking stupid to see this.
10. Again,...thats why I'm here,....:lol: to point these truths out,....:clap2:
11. The building of the desecration in NYC is a prime example, dumb ass!


OK, now I understand the meaning of your posts

You are just being a troll. I apologize for taking you seriously before
Sorry bout that,

1. Islam in its fundamental make up, is political, and cultic, which means why should the hell I look the other way?
2. Its fundamentally ruiniing any Nation it gets a carpet hold on.
3. The problem with most humans is they can't see the big picture.
4. Thats why I'm here,.....:clap2:
5. If you love your *Country* you would understand me.
6. I love my *Country*, and I want it to go back to what it was, not what its becoming.
7. Most people in America do not see any changes taking place, I do.:eek:
8. Muslims beat down an area with thier bullshit, throw down some carpets, and then start making demands.
9. Most of you dumb bastards are just to fucking stupid to see this.
10. Again,...thats why I'm here,....:lol: to point these truths out,....:clap2:
11. The building of the desecration in NYC is a prime example, dumb ass!


OK, now I understand the meaning of your posts

You are just being a troll. I apologize for taking you seriously before

Takes one to know one, huh troll? You've trolled this board with nothing but mindless rhetoric for quite awhile. CWN only does cameos.
Sorry bout that,

1. Yes lets do, think back and remember on Sept 10th, 2001, when our people were hustling along the floors of *The Twin Towers*.
2. Working hard to get the job done.
3. Thousands of people all doing thier jobs, making calls, answering the calls, moving information here some there.
4. Never forget that these were Americans, working the 9-5 thing, for that paycheck to bring home.
5. Never forget, never forget, never forget.
6. And while you are never forgetting, remember muslims the next day flew large American air planes into the middle of *The Twin Towers*; killing everyone on those floors instantly.
7. Never forget it, that is what muslims do and will do again, given a chance.
8. Americans did not deserve being attacked in this manner.
9. And like I have been saying, we must rid our Nation of muslims, one at a time if need be.10. To honor those who were killed unjustly, if nothing else.


You look at muslims and think of the 19 who flew planes into the WTC and Pentagon. I look at muslims and think about the muslims I work with and who live near me. Americans, born here just like you and I. People who work hard, raise their families, pay their taxes, obey the law. These are the people who are harmed by opinions like yours

Is there an extreme branch of Islam that engages in terrorism? Yes there is. These are the people we need to go after. To get these people we need to rely on peaceful, hard working muslims to report those who may be a threat. By treating all muslims as terrorists you are encouraging them to not stick their heads out and report suspicious activities

If all muslims are terrorists as you seem to suspect...they are not very good at it. There are 1.5 Billion muslims in the world. If they are all intent on destroying our society, they are not doing much damage

When these so-called peaceful muslims start turning in their extremist counterparts, then they may be considered genuine peacful muslims, but until then, they are to be treated as hostiles. IMO

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