Religion to have little impact on the race

Pseudo-Christian vs. pseudo-Christian. The only redeeming thing about the Christianity of these two people is that neither of them fantasize about sex with God Damned Jews, unlike people like GWB.
Avatar is not big on polls.....and has denied the importance and accuracy of them over and over.....BUT......THIS interesting.

Religion has little impact in U.S. race: poll - Yahoo! News

I don't know how accurate the poll is. I am not a big man on polls, but i thought this one is interesting if true.

If it is true, Im sorry Joe.


again, another poll shows that 18% of voters, including 10% of Republicans won't vote for a member of your whacky cult.

And that's before the media starts exposing how whack you guys all are..

Right again, ErroneousJoe.....

...remember when one of those Mormon Elders engaged in this rant:

" "It is incontestable and deplorable that [African Americans] have committed crimes; but they are derivative crimes. They are born of the greater crimes of the white society.

...and this...
“The government lied about inventing the HIV virus as a means of genocide against people of color. The government lied.”


“The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes three-strike laws and wants them to sing God Bless America. No! No No! God damn America … for killing innocent people. God damn America for threatening citizens as less than humans. God damn America as long as she tries to act like she is God and supreme.”

"...whacky cult."

Man...have you got 'em pegged, Erroneous!
No, you see, I remember this part of Mormonism on blacks.

The part where they didn't let blacks become full members until 1978.

The part where they called Dark Skin the Curse of Cain.

The part where Slavery was allowed in Utah until the end of the Civil War.

"Hey, the Democrats have nominated and elected a black guy, let's do a first of our own. I know, let's nominate a member of the whacky cult that was started by a polygamist con man and didn't let black folks in until 1978! Brilliant!"
No, you see, I remember this part of Mormonism on blacks.

The part where they didn't let blacks become full members until 1978.

The part where they called Dark Skin the Curse of Cain.

The part where Slavery was allowed in Utah until the end of the Civil War.

"Hey, the Democrats have nominated and elected a black guy, let's do a first of our own. I know, let's nominate a member of the whacky cult that was started by a polygamist con man and didn't let black folks in until 1978! Brilliant!"

Does your memory go this far back, Erroneous?

"The States' Rights Democratic Party (usually called the Dixiecrats) was a short-lived segregationist political party in the United States in 1948. It originated as a breakaway faction of the Democratic Party in 1948, determined to protect what they portrayed as the southern way of life beset by an oppressive federal government,[1] and supporters assumed control of the state Democratic parties in part or in full in several Southern states."
Dixiecrat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia know, to those dirty, racist Democrats?

Or this far?

"The answer is FDR snubbed Jesse Owens, and not Hitler.

Owens said, "Hitler didn't snub me – it was FDR who snubbed me. The president didn't even send me a telegram."[13] On the other hand, Hitler sent Owens a commemorative inscribed cabinet photograph of himself.[14] Jesse Owens was never invited to the White House nor were honors bestowed upon him by president Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) or his successor Harry S. Truman during their terms. In 1955, President Dwight D. Eisenhower honored Owens by naming him an "Ambassador of Sports."

Wiki link strange how that's the other way around in school
So, my extremely nervy friends as you’re picking my heroes do be sure to include Dwight David Eisenhower, who was actually the first President to include a Black person in his executive cabinet.
Daily Kos: Who Snubbed Jesse Owens, Franklin Delano Roosevelt or Adolf Hitler?

Always glad to see that consistency, Erroneous.
Yawn... more irrelvency by Bizarro Girl.

By 1978, even Strom Thrumond had black people on his staff.

The Mormons had to be dragged along kicking and screaming.'s the timeline, the date that has you railing against, Mormons...?

So, had the Mormons reversed course in 1955, and the Democrats waited until 1978, you would be railing against the that right, Pinocchio?

For you:
There will be time, there will be time
To prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet;
There will be time to murder and create,
And time for all the works and days of hands
That lift and drop a question on your plate;
Time for you and time for me,
And time yet for a hundred indecisions,
And for a hundred visions and revisions,
Before the taking of a toast and tea.

T.S. Eliot
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
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Well, no, actually, it does go a lot deeper than that.

Mormonism has racism at the core of their creed. Dark skin is a curse from God. Blacks are cursed because Ham saw Noah naked, and Hispanics/native Americans are cursed because the Lamanites killed the Nephites. Oh, they downplay it now, to be sure, but it's still there in their "holy" books.

For the "Dixiecrats", (keeping in mind the Democrats were fighting for civil rights long before 1955. What do you think Strom Thrumond's independent run against Truman was about?) when they did finally expunge the racists and Klansmen from their party, where did these folks find a home?

In the GOP, of course. Who were happy to have them.

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